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REG - Energean PLC - Energean Israel Half-Year 2024 Accounts

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RNS Number : 6629D  Energean PLC  11 September 2024











30 JUNE 2024



















AS OF 30 JUNE 2024








 Interim Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income      3
 Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position        4
 Interim Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity         5
 Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                6
 Notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements      7-20



- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






                                                     30 June (Unaudited)
                                          Notes      2024                2023

                                                     $'000               $'000

 Revenue                                  3          602,178             347,743
 Cost of sales                            4          (278,978)           (178,077)
 Gross profit                                        323,200             169,666

 Administrative expenses                  4          (9,046)             (9,048)
 Exploration and evaluation expenses      4          -                   (50)
 Other expenses                           4          (448)               -
 Other income                             4          444                 -
 Operating profit                                    314,150             160,568

 Finance income                           5          4,485               1,044
 Finance costs                            5          (93,854)            (67,569)
 Net foreign exchange losses              5          (291)               (5,578)
 Profit for the period before tax                    224,490             88,465

 Taxation expense                         6          (51,093)            (20,215)
 Net profit for the period                           173,397             68,250


 Other comprehensive loss:
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
 Loss on cash flow hedge for the period                                         (406)        -
 Income taxes on items that may be reclassified to profit and loss      9       93           -
 Other comprehensive loss for the period                                        (313)        -
 Total comprehensive income for the period                                      173,084      68,250














The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim consolidated
financial statements.


AS OF 30 JUNE 2024

                                                  30 June 2024      31 December

                                                  (Unaudited)       2022

                                                  $'000             $'000

                                       Notes      (Unaudited)       2023

                                                  $'000             $'000

                                                  $'000             $'000

 Property, plant and equipment         7          2,734,037         2,797,831
 Intangible assets                     8          298,607           168,165
 Other receivables                     10         4,548             5,365
                                                  3,037,192         2,971,361
 Trade and other receivables           10         136,025           130,135
 Inventories                           11         10,536            7,141
 Restricted cash                       12(A)      82,538            22,482
 Cash and cash equivalents                        210,666           286,625
                                                  439,765           446,383
 TOTAL ASSETS                                     3,476,957         3,417,744

 Share capital                                    1,708             1,708
 Share Premium                                    212,539           212,539
 Hedges Reserve                                   (313)             -
 Retained earnings                                97,678            74,781
 TOTAL EQUITY                                     311,612           289,028
      Senior secured notes             12(A)      2,591,098         2,588,492
 Decommissioning provisions                       91,237            92,613
 Deferred tax liabilities              9          68,060            46,985
 Trade and other payables              13         100,411           127,044
                                                  2,850,806         2,855,134
 Trade and other payables              13         314,133           273,582
 Derivative financial instruments      15         406               -
                                                  314,539           273,582
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                3,165,345         3,128,716
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                     3,476,957         3,417,744



 10 September 2024
 Date of approval of the consolidated financial statements      Panagiotis Benos      Matthaios Rigas

                                                                Director              Director


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim consolidated
financial statements.




                                             Share capital      Share Premium      Hedges        Accumulated losses      Total equity

                                             $'000              $'000              Reserve       $'000                   $'000

 Balance as of 1 January 2024 (Audited)      1,708              212,539            -             74,781                  289,028
 Transactions with shareholders:
 Dividend, see note 14                       -                  -                  -             (150,500)               (150,500)
 Comprehensive Income:
 Profit for the period                       -                  -                  -             173,397                 173,397
 Other comprehensive loss, net of tax                                              (313)         -                       (313)
 Total comprehensive income                  -                  -                  (313)         173,397                 173,084
 Balance as of 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)      1,708              212,539            (313)         97,678                  311,612

 Balance as of 1 January 2023 (Audited)      1,708              212,539            -             (70,528)                143,719
 Comprehensive Income:
 Profit for the period                       -                  -                  -             68,250                  68,250
 Total comprehensive income                  -                  -                  -             68,250                  68,250
 Balance as of 30 June 2023 (Unaudited)      1,708              212,539            -             (2,278)                 211,969


















The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim consolidated
financial statements.



                                                                                          30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                               Notes      2024                2023

                                                                                          $'000               $'000
 Operating activities
 Profit for the period before tax                                                         224,490             88,465
 Adjustments to reconcile loss before taxation to net cash provided by:
 operating activities:
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                                ( )   4          115,305             74,375
 Loss from sale on property, plant and equipment                         ( )   4          448                 -
 Compensation to gas buyers, payment made in advance                     ( )   3          -                   4,928
 Finance Income                                                          ( )   5          (4,485)             (1,044)
 Finance expenses                                                        ( )   5          93,854              67,569
 Net foreign exchange loss                                               ( )   5          291                 5,578
 Cash flow from operations before working capital                                         429,903             239,871
 Increase in trade and other receivables                                                  (7,882)             (36,564)
 Increase in inventories                                                                  (3,395)             (5,014)
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables                                          13,971              (25,707)
 Cash from operations                                                                     432,597             172,586
 Income taxes paid                                                                        (1,946)             (368)
 Net cash inflows from operating activities                                               430,651             172,218

 Investing activities
 Payment for purchase of property, plant and equipment                         7(C)       (132,585)           (115,511)
 Payment for exploration and evaluation, and other intangible assets           8(B)       (67,481)            (69,227)
 Amounts received from INGL related to transfer of property, plant and         7(C)       1,801               56,906
 Movement in restricted cash, net                                              12(A)      (60,056)            63,297
 Interest received                                                                        5,012               1,841
 Net cash outflow used in investing activities                                            (253,309)           (62,694)
 Financing activities
 Transaction costs in relation to senior secured notes issuance                           -                   (1,214)
 Senior secured notes - interest paid                                          12(A)      (96,326)            (64,453)
 Dividends paid                                                                14         (150,500)           -
 Other finance cost paid                                                                  (714)               (91)
 Finance costs paid for deferred license payments                              13(2)      (4,000)             (2,496)
 Repayment of obligations under leases                                         13         (2,786)             (570)
 Net cash outflow used in financing activities                                            (254,326)           (68,824)

 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                     (76,984)            40,700
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period                                     286,625             24,825
 Effect of exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents                              1,025               (837)
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                               210,666             64,688


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim consolidated
financial statements.


a.     Energean Israel Limited (the "Company") was incorporated in Cyprus
on 22 July 2014 as a private company with limited liability under the
Companies Law, Cap. 113. As of 1 January 2024, the Company is tax resident in
the UK  by virtue of having transferred its management and control from
Cyprus to the UK, with its registered address being at Accurist House, 44
Baker Street, London, Q1U 7AL.

b.   The Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") has been established
with the objective of exploration, production and commercialisation of natural
gas and hydrocarbon liquids. The Group's main activities are performed in
Israel by its Israeli Branch.

c.   As of 30 June 2024, the Company had investments in the following

 Name of subsidiary                Country of incorporation / registered office  Principal activities               Shareholding  Shareholding

At 30 June
At 31 December 2023


 Energean Israel Transmission LTD  121, Menachem Begin St.                       Gas transportation license holder  100           100

Azrieli Sarona Tower, POB 24,

Tel Aviv 67012039 Israel
 Energean Israel Finance LTD       121, Menachem Begin St.                       Financing activities               100           100

Azrieli Sarona Tower, POB 24,

Tel Aviv 67012039 Israel

d.   The Group's core assets as of 30 June 2024 included the following:


 Country  Asset              Field                               Working interest  Field phase
 Israel   Karish (*)         Karish Main including Karish North  100%              Production
 Israel   Tanin (*)          Tanin                               100%              Development
 Israel   Block 12 (**)      Katlan                              100%              Appraisal
 Israel   Blocks 21, 23, 31  Hercules and Hermes                 100%              Exploration


(*) The concession agreement expires in 2044.

(**) Katlan Final Investment Decision was taken in July 2024, and the
concession agreement received the same month expires in 2054. Refer to note 17
for further details.


NOTE 2: -     Accounting policies and basis of preparation

The interim financial information included in this report has been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting". The results for the
interim period are unaudited and, in the opinion of management, include all
adjustments necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the period
ended 30 June 2024. All such adjustments are of a normal recurring nature. The
unaudited interim consolidated financial statements do not include all the
information and disclosures that are required for the annual financial
statements and must be read in conjunction with the Group's annual
consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.

The financial statements are presented in U.S. Dollars and all values are
rounded to the nearest thousand dollars except where otherwise indicated.

The financial information presented herein has been prepared in accordance
with the accounting policies expected to be used in preparing the Group's
annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2024
which are the same as those used in preparing the annual consolidated
financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023.

The directors consider it appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of
accounting in preparing these interim financial statements. The Going Concern
assessment covers the period up to 31 December 2025 'the forecast period'.

Israel geopolitical environment - Looking to the second half of 2024, Energean
highlights the following developments as important in relation to its
principal risks. Since October 7, 2023, and the ongoing conflict in Israel,
the magnitude of regional geopolitical risk remains elevated. Growing
concerns of escalations in the Middle East have intensified the security risk
in the region, as essential infrastructure systems (such as the Energean
Power FPSO offshore Israel) may be targets for missile fire and sabotage
operations. While the Karish field has continued to produce in line with
guidance and with no disruption to its production since the start of the
conflict, any event that impacts production from this field could have a
material adverse impact on the business, results of operations, cash flows,
financial condition and prospects of the Group. In the first half of 2024,
Energean has ensured that all measures are in place to continue business
operations, maintain the mobility of our people and make certain that the
security of information is unaffected.

New and amended accounting standards and interpretations:

The following amendments became effective as at 1 January 2024:

1.     Amendments to IAS 1 - Classification of Liabilities as Current or
Non-current and Non-current Liabilities with Covenants;

The adoption of the above amendments to EU-adopted IAS did not result in any
material changes to the Group's accounting policies and did not have any
material impact on the financial position or performance of the Group.


NOTE 3: -     Revenues
                                                   30 June (Unaudited)
                                                   2024              2023

                                                   $'000             $'000
 Revenue from gas sales ((1))                      388,459           271,399
 Revenue from hydrocarbon liquids sales ((2))      213,719           81,272
 Compensation to customers ((3))                   -                 (4,928)
 Total revenue                                     602,178           347,743

((1)) Sales gas for six months ended 30 June 2024 totaled approximately 2.7
bcm and for six months ended 30 June 2023 totaled approximately 1.8 bcm.

((2)) Sales from hydrocarbon liquids for six months ended 30 June 2024 totaled
approximately 2.67 mmbbl and for six months ended 30 June 2023 totaled
approximately 1.16 mmbbl.

((3)) During 2021 and in accordance with the GSPAs signed with a group of gas
buyers, the Company paid compensation to these counterparties following delays
to the supply of gas from the Karish project. The compensation is deducted
from revenue in 2023, as variable consideration, as the gas is delivered to
the gas buyers, in accordance with IFRS 15 Revenue Recognition.

NOTE 4: -     Operating profit before taxation
                                                                 30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                 2024              2023

                                                                 $'000             $'000
 (a)   Cost of sales
 Staff costs                                                     6,702             4,071
 Energy cost                                                     1,228             2,285
 Royalty payable                                                 106,560           63,474
 Depreciation (Note 7)                                           114,356           73,397
 Other operating costs ((1))                                     49,650            38,203
 Oil stock movement                                              482               (3,353)
 Total cost of sales                                             278,978           178,077
 (b)   Administrative expenses
 Staff costs                                                     2,507             1,715
 Share-based payment charge                                      518               312
 Depreciation and amortisation  (Note  7, 8)                     949               978
 Auditor fees                                                    139               106
 Other general & administration expenses ((2))                   4,933             5,937
 Total administrative expenses                                   9,046             9,048
 (c)    Exploration and evaluation expenses
 Other exploration and evaluation expenses                       -                 50
 Total exploration and evaluation expenses                       -                 50
 (d)   Other expenses
 Loss from disposal of property, plant and equipment             448               -
 Total other expenses                                            448               -
 (e)   Other income                                   (c)                 (d)
 Other income                                                    (444)             -
 Total other income                                              (444)             -

((1)) Other operating costs mainly consist of insurance and planned
maintenance costs.

((2)) Other general & administration expenses primarily consist of legal
expenses, management service fees and fees for external advisors.










NOTE 5: -     Net finance expenses /(income)
                                                                                   30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                             2024                    2023

                                                                             $'000                   $'000
 Interest on Senior Secured Notes (Note 12)                                  84,652                  68,333
 Interest expense on long terms payables (Note 13(2))                        1,248                   1,554
 Less amounts included in the cost of qualifying assets (Note 7(A))          (4,655)                 (7,592)
                                                                             81,245                  62,295
 Costs related to parent company guarantees                                  1,780                   1,302
 Other finance costs and bank charges                                        1,057                   234
 Unwinding of discount on trade payable (Note 13(3))                         7,804                   2,060
 Unwinding of discount on provision for decommissioning                      1,873                   1,668
 Unwinding of discount on right of use asset                                 433                     98

 Unrealised loss on derivatives                                              7                       -
 Less amounts included in the cost of qualifying assets (Note 7(A))          (345)                   (88)
                                                                             12,609                  5,274
 Total finance costs                                                         93,854                  67,569
 Interest income from time deposits                                          (4,485)                 (1,044)
 Total finance income                                                        (4,485)                 (1,044)
 Net foreign exchange losses                                                 291                     5,578
 Net finance costs                                                           89,660                  72,103

NOTE 6: -     Taxation

1.      Corporate Tax rates applicable to the Company:


The Israeli corporate tax rate is 23% in 2024 and 2023.


With effect from 1st January 2024, the Company has migrated its tax residency
from the Republic of Cyprus ("Cyprus") to the United Kingdom ("UK") through
the transfer of its management and control to the UK. As of the same date, the
Company came into the charge to UK corporation tax for the first time.

Under s.18A CTA 2009 the Company made an election for all current and future
overseas branches (including its Israeli branch) to be exempt from UK
corporation tax from its first accounting period commencing on 1 January 2024
and all subsequent accounting periods.

2.      The Income and Natural Resources Taxation Law, 5771-2011 -
Israel- the main provisions of the law are as follows:

In April 2011, the Knesset passed the Income and Natural Resources Tax Law,
5771-2011 ("the Law"), which imposed an oil and gas profits levy at a rate set
out below. The rate of the levy is calculated according to a proposed R factor
mechanism, according to the ratio between the net accrued revenues from the
project and the cumulative investments as defined in the Law. A minimum levy
of 20% is levied at the stage where the R factor ratio reaches 1.5, and when
the ratio increases, the levy will increase gradually until the maximum rate
of 50% until the ratio reaches 2.3. In addition, it was determined that the
rate of the levy as stated will be reduced starting in 2017 by multiplying
0.64 by the difference between the corporate tax rate prescribed in section
126 of the Income Tax Ordinance for each tax year and the tax rate of 18%. In
accordance with the corporate tax rate from 2018 onwards, the maximum rate
will be 46.8%.

In addition, additional provisions were prescribed regarding the levy, inter
alia, the levy is recognised as an expense for the purpose of calculating
income tax; the limits of the levy shall not include export facilities; the
levy will be calculated and imposed for each reservoir separately (Ring
Fencing); payment by the owner of an oil right calculated as a percentage

NOTE 6: -     Taxation (Cont.)

of the oil produced, the recipient of the payment will be liable to pay a levy
according to the amount of the payment

received, and this amount will be subtracted from the amount of the levy owed
by the holder of the oil right. The Law also sets rules for the unification or
separation or consolidation of oil projects for the purposes of the Law. In
accordance with the provisions of the Law, the Group is not yet required to
pay any payment in respect of the said levy, and therefore no liability has
been recognised in the financial statements in respect of this payment.

3.      Taxation charge:

                                                                                30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                                2024        2023

                                                                                $'000       $'000
 Current income tax charge                                                      (29,925)    (156)
 Deferred tax relating to origination and reversal of temporary differences     (21,168)    (20,059)
 (Note 9)
 Total taxation expense                                                         (51,093)    (20,215)

NOTE 7: -     Property, Plant and Equipment

a.          Composition:

                                             Oil and gas Assets      Leased assets      Furniture, fixtures and equipment       Total

                                             $'000                   $'000              $'000                                   $'000
 At 1 January 2023                           2,932,789               4,740              1,994                                   2,939,523
 Additions                                   135,126                 12,246             396                                     147,768
 Handover to INGL((1))                       (111,448)               -                  -                                       (111,448)
 Capitalised borrowing cost                  17,658                  -                  -                                       17,658
 Change in decommissioning provision         4,913                   -                  -                                       4,913
 Total cost at 31 December 2023              2,979,038               16,986             2,390                                   2,998,414
 Additions                                   49,655                  245                100                                     50,000
 Disposals                                   (448)                   -                  -                                       (448)
 Capitalised borrowing cost                  5,000                   -                  -                                       5,000
 Change in decommissioning provision         (3,250)                 -                  -                                       (3,250)
 Total cost at 30 June 2024                  3,029,995               17,231             2,490                                   3,049,716

 At 1 January 2023                           11,226                  1,459              525                                     13,210
 Charge for the year                         183,898                 2,966              509                                     187,373
 Total Depreciation at 31 December 2023      195,124                 4,425              1,034                                   200,583
 Charge for the period                       112,484                 2,412              200                                     115,096
 Total Depreciation at 30 June 2024          307,608                 6,837              1,234                                   315,679

 At 31 December 2023                         2,783,914               12,561             1,356                                   2,797,831
 At 30 June 2024                             2,722,387               10,394             1,256                                   2,734,037

The additions to oil & gas assets in 2024 and 2023 are primarily due to
development costs for the FPSO, Karish North and 2(nd) Oil Train.

((1)) Handover to INGL took place on 22 March 2023, please refer to Note

NOTE 7: -     Property, Plant and Equipment  (Cont.)

b.         Depreciation expense for the year has been recognised as

                          30 June (Unaudited)
                          2024              2023

                          $'000             $'000
 Cost of sales            114,356           73,397
 Administration expenses  740               807
 Total                    115,096           74,204


c.          Cash flow statement reconciliations:

                                                                                          30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                                          2024              2023

                                                                                          $'000             $'000
 Additions and disposals to property, plant and equipment, net                     51,750          21,097

 Associated cash flows
 Payments and receipts for additions to property, plant and equipment, net         (130,784)       (58,605)
 Non-cash movements/presented in other cash flow lines
 Capitalised borrowing costs                                                       (5,000)         (7,680)
 Right-of-use asset additions                                                      (245)           (12,197)
 Handover to INGL                                                                  -               111,448
 Change in decommissioning provision                                               3,250           (1,433)
 Lease payments related to capital activities                                      2,786           -
 Movement in working capital                                                       78,243          (52,630)


d.         Details of the Group's rights in petroleum and gas assets
are presented in note 1.















NOTE 8: -     Intangible Assets

a.          Composition:

                                             Exploration and evaluation assets      Software licenses      Total

                                             $'000                                  $'000                  $'000
 At 1 January 2023                           141,869                                1,968                  143,837
 Additions                                   24,597                                 362                    24,959
 At 31 December 2023                         166,466                                2,330                  168,796
 Additions                                   130,651                                -                      130,651
 At 30 June 2024                             297,117                                2,330                  299,447
 At 1 January 2023                           -                                      283                    283
 Charge for the year                         -                                      348                    348
 Total Amortisation at 31 December 2023      -                                      631                    631
 Charge for the period                       -                                      209                    209
 Total Amortisation at 30 June 2024          -                                      840                    840
 At 31 December 2023                         166,466                                1,699                  168,165
 At 31 30 June                               297,117                                1,490                  298,607

The additions to exploration and evaluation assets in 2024 and 2023 are mainly
related to pre-FID cost for Block 12 "Katlan".

The Final Investment Decision for Katlan was made in July 2024, after the
financial statements date, and the concession agreement granted the same month
expires in 2054. Refer to note 17 for further details.

b.         Cash flow statement reconciliations:

                                                              30 June (Unaudited)
                                                                    2024            2023

                                                                    $'000           $'000
 Additions to intangible assets                                     130,651         13,306
 Associated cash flows
 Payment for additions to intangible assets                         (67,481)        (69,227)
 Non-cash movements/presented in other cash flow lines
 Movement in working capital                                        (63,170)        55,921


c.          Details on the Group's rights in the intangible assets:

 Right     Type of right        Valid date of the right  Group's interest as at

                                                         30 June 2024
 Block 12  Exploration license  13 January 2025*         100%
 Block 21  Exploration license  13 January 2025          100%
 Block 23  Exploration license  13 January 2025          100%
 Block 31  Exploration license  13 January 2025          100%

*In July 2024, after the financial statement date, following Final Investment
decision, a concession which is valid until 2054 received.

NOTE 8: -     Intangible Assets (Cont.)

d.         Additional information regarding the Exploration and
Evaluation assets:

As of 30 June 2024, the Group holds four licences to explore for gas and oil
in Block 12, Block 21, Block 23 and Block 31, which are located in the
economic waters of the State of Israel. In January 2024 the licences were
extended until 13 January 2025, and they may be extended for a further one


NOTE 9: -     Deferred taxes

The Group is subject to corporation tax on its taxable profits in Israel at
the rate of 23%. The Capital Gain Tax rates depends on the purchase date and
the nature of asset. The general capital tax rate for a corporation is the
standard corporate tax rate.

Tax losses can be utilised for an unlimited period, and tax losses may not be
carried back.

According to Income Tax (Deductions from Income of Oil Rights Holders)
Regulations, 5716-1956, the exploration and evaluation expenses of oil and gas
assets are deductible in the year in which they are incurred.

NOTE 9: -       Deferred taxes (Cont.)

Below are the items for which deferred taxes were recognised:

                                                                                           Property, plant and equipment & intangible assets          Right of use asset          Tax losses      Deferred expenses for tax      Staff leaving indemnities      Accrued expenses and other short‑term liabilities and other long‑term              Trade and other payables - Derivative liability      Total


                                                                                           $'000                                                      IFRS 16                     $'000           $'000                          $'000
                                                                                  $'000                                                $'000

 At 1 January 2024                                                                         (61,050)                                                   (2,888)                     8,983           4,082                          337                            3,551                                                                              -                                                    (46,985)
 Increase/(decrease) for the year through:

 Profit or loss                                                                            (12,305)                                                   531                         (8,983)         (129)                          (49)                           (233)                                                                              -                                                    (21,168)
 Other comprehensive income                                                                -                                                          -                           -               -                              -                              -                                                                                  93                                                   93
 At 30 June 2024                                                                           (73,355)                                                   (2,357)                     -               3,953                          288                            3,318                                                                              93                                                   (68,060)
 At 1 January 2023                                                                         (40,344)                                                   (754)                       56,415          6,209                          167                            1,193                                                                              -                                                    22,886
 Increase/(decrease) for the year through:
 Profit or loss                                                                            (20,706)                                                   (2,134)                     (47,432)        (2,127)                        170                            2,358                                                                              -                                                    (69,871)
 At 31 December 2023                                                                       (61,050)                                                   (2,888)                     8,983           4,082                          337                            3,551                                                                              -                                                    (46,985)


                             30 June 2024      31 December

                             (Unaudited)       2023

                             $'000             $'000
 Deferred tax liabilities    (75,712)          (63,938)
 Deferred tax assets         7,652             16,953
                             (68,060)          (46,985)


NOTE 10: -    Trade and other receivables

                                                  30 June 2024      31 December

                                                  (Unaudited)       2023

                                                  $'000             $'000
 Financial items

    Trade receivables
 Trade receivables                                127,051           114,139
 Receivables from related parties                 449               -
 Other receivables ((1))                          4,895             6,994
 Accrued interest income                          399               1,015
 Refundable VAT                                   -                 1,196
                                                  132,794           123,344
 Non-financial items
 Prepayments and prepaid expenses                 3,231             6,791
                                                  3,231             6,791
 Total current trade and other receivables        136,025           130,135
 Non-financial items
 Prepayments and prepaid expenses                 4,548             5,365
 Total non-current trade and other receivables    4,548             5,365

((1)    ) The balance relates to the agreement with Israel Natural Gas
Lines ("INGL") for the transfer of title (the "Hand Over") of the near shore
and onshore segments of the infrastructure that delivers gas from the Energean
Power FPSO into the Israeli national gas transmission grid. The Hand Over
became effective in March 2023 and the final amount of $5.0 million is
expected to be collected in Q4 2024.

NOTE 11: -   Inventories
                                 30 June 2024      31 December

                                 (Unaudited)       2023

                                 $'000             $'000
 Hydrocarbon liquids             1,201             1,685
 Natural gas                     542               553
 Raw materials and supplies      8,793             4,903
 Total                           10,536            7,141






NOTE 12: -   Senior secured notes

a.                Senior secured notes:

On 24 March 2021 (the "Issue Date"), Energean Israel Finance Ltd (a 100%
subsidiary of the Company) issued US$2,500,000,000 of senior secured notes.
The proceeds were primarily used to prepay in full the Project Finance

On 11 July 2023, Energean Israel Finance Ltd. completed the offering of US$750
million aggregate principal amount of senior secured notes with a fixed annual
interest rate of 8.500%. The funds were released from escrow in September 2023
and were used mainly to repay Energean Israel's US$625 million notes that were
due in March 2024.


The Notes were issued in four tranches as follows:

 Series            Maturity           Annual fixed Interest rate  30 June 2024               31 December 2023


                                                                  Carrying value $'000       Carrying value $'000
 US$ 625 million   30 March 2026      4.875%                      621,013                    619,932
 US$ 625 million   30 March 2028      5.375%                      618,863                    618,145
 US$ 625 million   30 March 2031      5.875%                      617,218                    616,762
 US$ 750 million   30 September 2033  8.500%                      734,004                    733,653
 US$2,625 million                                                 2,591,098                  2,588,492

The interest on each series of the Notes is paid semi-annually, on 30 March
and on 30 September of each year.

The Notes are listed on the TACT Institutional of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange
Ltd. (the "TASE").

With regards to the indenture document, signed on 24 March 2021 with HSBC BANK
USA, N.A (the "Trustee"), no indenture default or indenture event of default
has occurred and is continuing.


The Company has provided/undertakes to provide the following collateral in
favor of the Trustee:

a.       First rank fixed charges over the shares of Energean Israel
Limited, Energean Israel Finance Ltd and Energean Israel Transmission Ltd, the
Karish & Tanin Leases, the gas sales purchase agreements ("GSPAs"),
several bank accounts, operating permits, insurance policies, the Company's
exploration licenses and the INGL Agreement.

b.      Floating charge over all of the present and future assets of
Energean Israel Limited and Energean Israel Finance Ltd.

c.       The Energean Power FPSO.

Restricted cash:

As of 30 June 2024, the Company had short-term restricted cash of US$82.54
million (31 December 2023: US$22.48 million), which will be used for the
September 2024 interest payment.

Credit rating:

The senior secured notes have been assigned a Ba3 rating by Moody's and a BB-
rating by S&P Global.

NOTE 13: -   Trade and other payables
                                                          30 June 2024      31 December

                                                          (Unaudited)       2023

                                                          $'000             $'000
 Financial items
 Trade accounts payable ((1))                             170,263           97,350
 Payables to related parties                              12,584            19,023
 VAT payable                                              1,481             -
 Deferred licence payments due within one year ((2))      -                 46,154
 Other creditors ((4))                                    40,128            32,034
 Short term lease liabilities                             4,859             4,718
                                                          229,315           199,279
 Non-financial items
 Accrued expenses ((1))                                   13,450            16,765
 Other finance costs accrued                              41,133            55,411
 Income taxes (Note 6)                                    29,598            1,585
 Social insurance and other taxes                         637               542
                                                          84,818            74,303
  Total current trade and other payables                  314,133           273,582
 Financial items
 Trade and other payables ((3))                           93,187            117,796
 Long term lease liabilities                              6,629             8,880
                                                          99,816            126,676
 Non-financial items
 Accrued expenses to related parties                      595               368
                                                          595               368
 Total non-current trade and other payables               100,411           127,044

((1)    ) Trade payables and accrued expenses relate primarily to
operations, development expenditure on the Karish project, with the main
contributors being the FPSO, Karish North, the second oil train and Katlan
pre-FID works.

((2)    ) In December 2016, Energean Israel acquired the Karish and Tanin
offshore gas fields for $40.0 million at closing with an obligation to pay an
additional consideration of $108.5 million, plus interest inflated at an
annual rate of 4.6%, in ten equal annual payments. A settlement agreement was
signed in November 2023, whereby it was agreed that the final amount owed
would be paid in two instalments which took place in H1 2024. As of 30 June
2024, the full amount of the consideration has been paid.

((3)    ) The amount represents a long-term amount payable in terms of the
EPCIC contract. Following the amendment to the terms of the deferred payment
agreement with Technip signed in February 2024, the remaining amount payable
under the EPCIC contract has been reduced to $210 million. The amount is
payable in twelve equal quarterly deferred payments starting in March 2024 and
therefore has been discounted at 8.668% per annum (being the yield rate of the
senior secured loan notes, maturing in 2026, at the date of agreeing the
payment terms).  As of 30 June 2024, two installments have been paid.





NOTE 13: -   Trade and other payables (Cont.)

((4)    ) The amount mainly comprises of royalties payables to the Israel
government and third parties with regards to the Karish Lease, including $15.1
million (2023: $12.1 million) of royalties payable to third parties.
Contractual royalties are payable to NewMed (previously Delek Drilling) and
third-party holders at a total rate of 7.5%, increasing to 8.25% after the
date at which the lease in question starts to pay the oil and gas profits
levy. The royalty payable to NewMed under the SPA is calculated on the value
of the total amount of natural gas and condensate produced at the wellhead
without any deduction (except for natural gas and Petroleum (as defined under
the Petroleum Law) used in the production process). No contractual royalties
under the SPA will be payable on future discoveries that were not part of the
original acquisition of the Karish and Tanin leases.


NOTE 14: -   Equity

Interim dividend

An interim dividend of US$150.5 million was declared and paid during the 2024
reporting period.


NOTE 15: - Financial Instruments

Fair Values of other financial instruments

The following financial instruments are measured at amortised cost and are
considered to have fair values different to their book values.

                                 30 June 2024 (Unaudited)            31 December 2023
                                 Book Value $'000  Fair Value $'000  Book Value $'000  Fair value $'000
 Senior Secured Notes (Note 12)  2,591,098         2,385,250         2,588,492         2,371,125

The fair value of the Senior Secured Notes is within level 1 of the fair value
hierarchy and has been estimated by discounting future cash flows by the
relevant market yield curve at the balance sheet date. The fair values of
other financial instruments not measured at fair value including cash and
short-term deposits, trade receivables and trade and other payables equate
approximately to their carrying amounts.

Cash Flow Hedging

In February 2024, the Group entered into a forward transaction to hedge
against foreign currency volatility risk associated with its deferred payment
to Technip. The hedge relationship was deemed effective at inception, and in
accordance with the Group's accounting policy, the transaction was subject to
cash flow hedge accounting. Consequently, as of 30 June 2024, the Group
recorded a derivative liability of $0.4 million, an other comprehensive loss
of $0.3 million, and $0.07 million in finance income related to this
transaction during the reporting period.


NOTE 16: -   Significant events and transaction during the reporting period

a)    In February 2024, Karish North first gas was achieved and the second
gas export riser was completed.

b)    New Gas Sales Purchase Agreements ("GSPAs") in the period:

1)    In February 2024, the Company signed a new GSPA with Eshkol Energies
Generation LTD, majority owned Dalia Energy Companies Ltd, for the supply of
an initial quantity of 0.6 bcm/year starting June 2024, rising to 1 bcm/ year
from 2032 onwards. The GSPA is for a term of approximately 15 years, for a
total contract quantity of up to approximately 12 bcm. The contract contains
provisions regarding floor and ceiling pricing, take or pay and price
indexation (not Brent-price linked). The GSPA has been signed at levels that
are in line with the other large, long-term contracts within Energean's

2)    Energean has also signed two contracts with two peaker stations for
the supply of 0.1 bcm/yr each, commencing in October 2024 and May 2025
respectively, representing around $400 million in revenues over the life of
the contracts.

NOTE 17: -   Subsequent events

a)    An interim dividend of US$126 million was declared and paid in Q3


b)    Katlan Final Investment Decision

In July 2024, the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure granted the Company a
30-year concession for the Katlan area including a 20-year extension option.
Following this, Energean announced in July 2024 that it has taken Final
Investment Decision ("FID") for the Katlan development project in Israel. The
Katlan area will be developed in a phased approach through a subsea tieback to
the existing Energean Power FPSO. First gas is planned for H1 2027. The EPCI
(Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation) contract for the
subsea scope was awarded to TechnipFMC and includes four-well-slot tieback
capacity to a single large ~30 kilometer production line, which can be used by
future Katlan area phases.


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