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CREI Custodian Property Income Reit News Story

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REG-Custodian Property Income REIT plc Custodian Property Income REIT plc: Continued strong leasing supporting a c. 8% dividend yield


   Custodian Property Income REIT plc (CREI)
   Custodian Property Income REIT plc: Continued strong leasing supporting a c.
   8% dividend yield

   08-Aug-2024 / 07:00 GMT/BST





                                                                   8 August 2024


                        Custodian Property Income REIT plc


                (“Custodian Property Income REIT” or “the Company”)


            Continued strong leasing supporting a c. 8% dividend yield


   Custodian Property  Income  REIT  (LSE:  CREI), which  seeks  to  deliver  an
   enhanced income return by  investing in a  diversified portfolio of  smaller,
   regional properties with strong income  characteristics across the UK,  today
   provides a trading update  for the quarter  ended 30 June  2024 (“Q1” or  the


   Strong leasing  activity continues  to support  rental growth  and  underpins
   fully covered dividend

     • 1.5p dividend  per  share approved  for  the Quarter,  fully  covered  by
       unaudited European Public Real  Estate Association (“EPRA”) earnings  per
       share 1  1 , in line with target of at least 6.0p for the year ending  31
       March 2025 (FY24: 5.8p).   This target dividend  represents a 7.7%  yield
       based on the prevailing 78p share price 2  2 
     • EPRA earnings per share of 1.5p for the Quarter (FY24 Q4: 1.5p)
     • During the Quarter, 1.2% increase in like-for-like 3  3  passing rent and
       1.0% increase in like-for-like estimated rental value (“ERV”), driven  by
       rental growth in the  industrial sector, with  all other sectors  showing
       stable ERVs
     • Portfolio ERV (£49.4m) exceeds passing rent (£43.6m) by 13% (31 Mar 2024:
       15%) reflecting the  reversion captured and  sales undertaken during  the
       Quarter.  There remains  significant potential to  grow rental income  by
       capturing  reversion  typically  at   five-yearly  rent  reviews  or   on
       re-letting, in  addition to  continuing to  drive rental  growth  through
       asset management
     • Leasing activity  during the  Quarter  added £0.7m  of new  annual  rent,

          ◦ Three rent reviews on industrial assets at an aggregate 11% ahead of
            ERV and 41% above previous passing rent;
          ◦ Two renewals agreed in aggregate in line with previous passing rent
            and at a 6% premium to ERV; and
          ◦ Seven new leases across various sectors adding £0.3m of new rent, in
            line with ERV.

     • EPRA occupancy 4  4  has remained stable at 92% (31 Mar 2024: 92%) and is
       expected to rise towards 95%  when vacant property currently under  offer
       to let or sell is excluded.  A further 1% of ERV is vacant but subject to
     • Asset management  initiatives  completed  during  the  Quarter  increased
       property capital values by £0.8m


   Valuations now stabilised across the Company’s c.£580m portfolio


     • The valuation  of  the  Company’s  portfolio of  153  assets  of  £579.6m
       remained flat on a like-for-like basis during the Quarter, net of a £0.8m
       valuation increase from active asset management activity (FY24 Q4:  £2.0m
       increase from asset management) and £1.9m of capital expenditure
     • Q1 net asset value (“NAV”) total return per share 5  5  of 1.6%
     • NAV per share of 93.1p (31 Mar 2024: 93.4p) with a NAV of £410.3m (31 Mar
       2024: £411.8m)


   Asset recycling continues to generate aggregate proceeds in excess of


     • During the Quarter  a former car  showroom in Redhill  and an  industrial
       property in Warrington were  sold for £11.3m, an  aggregate 49% ahead  of
       their 31 December 2023 valuations
     • Proceeds from disposals have been used to reduce variable rate borrowings


   Redevelopment and refurbishment  activity continues to  be accretive with  an
   expected yield on cost of c.7%


     • £1.9m of  capital expenditure  undertaken during  the Quarter,  primarily
       relating to office  refurbishments in Leeds  and Manchester, expected  to
       enhance the assets’  valuations and environmental  credentials and,  once
       let, increase rents to give a yield on cost of at least 7%, ahead of  the
       Company’s marginal cost of borrowing
     • During the Quarter the Company generated £0.1m of revenue from its  owned
       solar panel arrays,  selling the clean  electricity generated to  tenants
       and exporting  any  surplus.  During  the  Quarter new  solar  arrays  in
       Swansea and Warrington were brought  into use with further  installations
       planned during the remainder of the financial year
     • Weighted average energy  performance certificate rating  has remained  at
       C(53) with  re-ratings being  carried out  across six  assets during  the


   Prudent debt levels


     • Net gearing 6  6  was 28.8% loan-to-value as of 30 June 2024 (31 Mar  24:
       29.2%) with property disposals during the Quarter drawing the LTV  closer
       to the Company’s 25% medium-term target
     • £168.0m of drawn debt comprising £140m (83%) of fixed rate debt and  £28m
       (17%) drawn  under  the  Company’s available  revolving  credit  facility
     • Weighted average cost of aggregate  borrowings has decreased to 3.9%  (31
       Mar 24: 4.1%) due to proceeds from the disposal of properties being  used
       to repay the RCF
     • Fixed rate debt facilities have a weighted average term of 5.8 years  and
       a weighted average cost of 3.4% offering significant medium-term interest
       rate risk mitigation



   The Company  paid  total  dividends per  share  of  1.675p on  31  May  2024,
   comprising the  FY24  Q4  target  dividend of  1.375p  and  a  fifth  interim
   (special) dividend of 0.3p, resulting in aggregate dividends relating to  the
   year ended 31 March 2024 of 5.8p, fully covered by EPRA earnings.


   The Board has approved a fully covered interim dividend per share of 1.5p for
   the Quarter payable on Friday 30 August 2024 to shareholders on the  register
   on 12 July 2024, which will  be designated as a property income  distribution


   Net asset value


   The Company’s unaudited  NAV at 30  June 2024 was  £410.3m, or  approximately
   93.1p per share:


                                                           Pence per share    £m
   NAV at 31 March 2024                                               93.4 411.8
   Valuation decrease and profit on disposal                         (0.1) (0.8)
   EPRA earnings for the Quarter                                       1.5   6.7
   Interim quarterly dividend, paid during the Quarter,              (1.4) (6.1)
   relating to FY24 Q4
                                                                       0.1   0.6
   Special dividend, paid during the Quarter, relating to            (0.3) (1.3)
   NAV at 30 June 2024                                                93.1 410.3


   The unaudited  NAV attributable  to the  ordinary shares  of the  Company  is
   calculated under International Financial Reporting Standards and incorporates
   the independent portfolio valuation  at 30 June 2024  and net income for  the
   Quarter.  The  movement in  unaudited  NAV reflects  the payment  of  interim
   dividends per share of 1.375p and 0.3p during the Quarter, but as usual  this
   does not include any  provision for the approved  dividend of 1.5p per  share
   for the Quarter to be paid on Friday 30 August 2024.

   Investment Manager’s commentary


   Market update


   In the six  months to 30  June 2024 Custodian  Property Income REIT  recorded
   near flat valuations, with headline valuations  for the Quarter up 0.3% on  a
   like-for-like basis,  but down  0.1%  net of  capital expenditure.   After  a
   period of stabilisation, the trajectory  of valuations appears to be  turning
   positive and the  Company, together  with its  peers, has  a more  optimistic


   Investors in listed  real estate have  reason to be  optimistic with  falling
   vacancy rates, rental  growth and discounted  share prices creating  generous
   dividend yields and room for share price recovery.  Along with the recent cut
   in interest rates which we expect  to support valuations further, we  believe
   this could be  a very  opportune time for  investors to  re-engage with  real


   LSH’s recent UK Investment Transactions report recorded a 12% increase in  UK
   transaction volumes for the six months to 30 June 2024, albeit this is  still
   below the  five-year average.   CBRE’s UK  Mid-Year Market  Outlook  reported
   stronger signs of  a turning  point for real  estate noting  inflation is  on
   target and  cost  of living  pressures  have moderated,  creating  space  for
   consumer demand to rebound.  Overall, according to this report, the  economic
   backdrop is positive for both occupiers and investors.


   This positive outlook has flowed  through into the Custodian Property  Income
   REIT portfolio  which  has recorded  a  1.2% like-for-like  increase  in  the
   passing rent over the Quarter to £43.6m and a 1.0% increase in the  estimated
   rental  value  of  the  portfolio.  The  portfolio  now  offers  reversionary
   potential of  13%, reflecting  the reversion  captured and  sales  undertaken
   during the Quarter.   This has supported  earnings per share  of 1.5p,  fully
   covering the target dividend.


   An example of  the dynamic  nature of rental  growth being  delivered is  the
   settlement of a  rent review  during the Quarter  at the  Company’s 55k  sqft
   warehouse in Tamworth where the annual rent,  set in 2018, was £359k and  our
   independent estimated  rental value,  based on  evidence in  the market,  was
   £400k.  Such  is the  shortage of  supply and  the rapid  pace of  change  in
   letting markets we recently agreed the rent review at £508k, crystallising  a
   42% increase in rent.


   Asset management


   The Investment Manager has remained focused on active asset management during
   the Quarter, completing three  rent reviews at an  aggregate 41% increase  in
   annual rent from £0.9m to £1.3m, along with nine new lettings, lease renewals
   and lease regears, with rental levels remaining affordable to our occupiers. 
   In aggregate these initiatives increased property capital value by £0.8m  and
   had a positive impact  on weighted average unexpired  lease term, which  only
   decreased to 4.7 years during the Quarter. (31 Mar 24: 4.9 years)


   Details of these asset management initiatives are shown below:


   Rent reviews


   Three rent reviews undertaken  at an aggregate 11%  above ERV and  increasing
   the aggregate rent by 41% comprising new annual rent of:


     • £579k with Next at an industrial unit in Motherwell;
     • £173k with Arkote at an industrial unit in Sheffield; and
     • £508k with ICT Express at an industrial unit in Tamworth.




   Two lease renewals signed in line with previous passing rent and 6% ahead  of


     • For 10 years to Jangala Soft Play at a warehouse unit in Hilton, with  an
       annual rent of £48k, increasing the valuation by £0.1m; and
     • For five years to  Superdrug with a third-year  break option at a  retail
       unit in Southsea, at an annual rent of £46k, increasing the valuation  by


   New leases


   A further  £0.3m of  new rental  income was  added through  seven new  leases
   completed on vacant units, in line with ERV, during the Quarter:


     • A 10-year lease with a five-year tenant break option and open market rent
       review to Ark Housing Association on  an office unit in Edinburgh, at  an
       annual rent of £92k, increasing valuation by £0.3m
     • Two five-year leases  to Razor  Oil Tools  with third  year tenant  break
       options at industrial units  in Aberdeen, with  aggregate annual rent  of
       £64k, increasing valuation by £0.2m
     • A five-year  lease to  KWB  Property Management  at  an office  suite  in
       Birmingham, with an annual rent of £48k, increasing valuation by £0.1m
     • Two of four  newly refurbished  flats in  Shrewsbury, recently  converted
       from vacant retail  storage space, successfully  let on 12  month and  36
       month fixed terms respectively with aggregate income of £25k
     • A new 10-year  lease with fifth  year break option  and open market  rent
       review to McLaren Group,  on an office suite  in Glasgow, with an  annual
       rent of £29k


   Since the Quarter end the Company has completed two lease renewals and  three
   new leases at a combined average of 35% above the previous passing rent:


     • A five-year lease renewal to NatWest  at an office suite in Oxford,  with
       an annual rent of £128k;
     • A 10-year lease renewal to Barrhead  Travel Service, with a tenant  break
       option on the 5th and 7th anniversaries, at an annual rent of £65k; and
     • Three leases of industrial  units in Atherstone,  with a combined  annual
       rent of £29k.


   In addition,  two  12-month fixed  term  leases  of the  remaining  flats  in
   Shrewsbury have been agreed, delivering annual aggregate income of £23k.




   EPRA occupancy has remained at 92%, with  the impact of new lettings and  the
   sale of vacant assets offset by the exit of an industrial tenant in  Plymouth
   at lease expiry which was no longer in occupation.  We are progressing  plans
   for a  comprehensive  refurbishment  of the  property  whilst  interest  from
   owner-occupiers to purchase the property is assessed.




   The Company published its Asset Management and Sustainability report In  June
   2024             which              is             available              at:
    7 custodianreit.com/environmental-social-and-governance-esg/.   This  report
   contains details  of  the Company’s  asset  management initiatives  over  the
   previous 12 months including case studies  of recent positive steps taken  to
   improve the environmental performance of the portfolio.




   During the  Quarter a  vacant former  car showroom  in Redhill  and a  vacant
   industrial property in Warrington were  sold for £11.3m.  In aggregate  these
   disposals were  made 49%  ahead  of their  31  December 2023  valuations  and
   broadly in line with prevailing valuations.


   The Company  has three  smaller  units under  offer  to sell  with  aggregate
   expected proceeds of £4.0m.




   At 30  June 2024  the  Company had  £168.0m of  debt  drawn at  an  aggregate
   weighted average cost of 3.9% (31 Mar 24: 4.1%) with no expiries until August
   2025 and diversified across a range of lenders.  This debt comprised:


     • £28m (17%) at a variable prevailing interest rate of 6.9% and a  facility
       maturity of 2.4 years; and
     • £140m (83%) at  a weighted  average fixed rate  of 3.4%  with a  weighted
       average maturity of 5.8 years. 


   At 30 June 2024 the Company’s borrowing facilities are:


   Variable rate borrowing


     • A £50m RCF with Lloyds Bank plc (“Lloyds”) with interest of between 1.62%
       and 1.92%  above SONIA,  determined by  reference to  the prevailing  LTV
       ratio of a discrete security pool of assets, and expiring on 10  November
       2026.   The  facility  limit  can  be  increased  to  £75m  with  Lloyds’


   Fixed rate borrowing


     • A  £20m  term  loan  with  Scottish  Widows plc  (“SWIP”)  repayable   on
       13 August 2025 with interest fixed at 3.935%;
     • A £45m term loan with SWIP repayable  on 5 June 2028 with interest  fixed
       at 2.987%; and

     • A £75m term loan with Aviva comprising:

          ▪ A £35m tranche repayable on 6 April 2032 with fixed annual interest
            of 3.02%;
          ▪ A £25m tranche repayable on 3 November 2032 with fixed annual
            interest of 4.10%; and
          ▪ A £15m tranche repayable on 3 November 2032 with fixed annual
            interest of 3.26%.


   Each facility has a discrete security pool, comprising a number of individual
   properties, over which the relevant lender has security and covenants:


     • The maximum LTV of the discrete security pools is either 45% or 50%, with
       an overarching covenant on the property portfolio of a maximum of 35%  or
       40% LTV; and
     • Historical  interest  cover,  requiring  net  rental  receipts  from  the
       discrete security  pools,  over the  preceding  three months,  to  exceed
       either 200%  or  250% of  the  associated facility’s  quarterly  interest


   Portfolio analysis


   At 30 June 2024 the portfolio  is split between the main commercial  property
   sectors, in line with the Company’s objective to maintain a suitably balanced
   investment portfolio.  Sector weightings are shown below:


                     30 June 2024                               31 March 2024
               Val’n                     valuation                              
                                          movement   Quarter
                  £m Weighting Weighting           valuation Weighting Weighting
                      by value by income        £m  movement  by value by income
   Industrial  284.5       49%       41%       1.7      0.6%       49%       40%
   Retail      122.8       21%       22%         -         -       21%       23%
   Other 8  7   76.9       13%       14%     (0.4)    (0.6%)       13%       13%
   Office       63.3       11%       16%     (2.0)    (3.2%)       11%       16%
   High street  32.1        6%        7%     (0.3)    (0.7%)        6%        8%
   Total       579.6      100%      100%     (1.0)    (0.2%)      100%      100%


   For   details   of   all   properties    in   the   portfolio   please    see
    9 custodianreit.com/property-portfolio.


                                     - Ends -


   Further information:


   Further information  regarding the  Company  can be  found at  the  Company's
   website  10 custodianreit.com or please contact:


   Custodian Capital Limited                                                    
   Richard Shepherd-Cross / Ed Moore / Ian              Tel: +44 (0)116 240 8740
   Mattioli MBE
                                                     11 www.custodiancapital.com


   Numis Securities Limited                             
   Hugh Jonathan / Nathan Brown Tel: +44 (0)20 7260 1000


   FTI Consulting                                                               
   Richard Sunderland / Ellie Sweeney /                 Tel: +44 (0)20 3727 1000
   Andrew Davis / Oliver Parsons
                                              12 custodianreit@fticonsulting.com


   Notes to Editors


   Custodian Property Income  REIT plc  is a  UK real  estate investment  trust,
   which listed on  the main market  of the  London Stock Exchange  on 26  March
   2014. Its portfolio comprises  properties predominantly let to  institutional
   grade tenants throughout the UK and is principally characterised by  smaller,
   regional, core/core-plus properties. 


   The  Company  offers  investors  the  opportunity  to  access  a  diversified
   portfolio of  UK commercial  real  estate through  a closed-ended  fund.   By
   principally  targeting  smaller,  regional,  core/core-plus  properties,  the
   Company seeks to provide  investors with an attractive  level of income  with
   the potential for capital growth.


   Custodian Capital  Limited is  the discretionary  investment manager  of  the


   For      more      information      visit       13 custodianreit.com      and
    14 custodiancapital.com.


    15  1  Profit after tax excluding net gains or losses on investment property
   divided by weighted average number of shares in issue.

    16  2  Price on 7 August 2024. Source: London Stock Exchange.

    17  3  Adjusting for property acquisitions, disposals and capital

    18  4  ERV of let property divided by total portfolio ERV.

    19  5  NAV per share movement including dividends paid during the Quarter.

    20  6  Gross borrowings less cash (excluding rent deposits) divided by
   portfolio valuation.

    21  7  Comprises drive-through restaurants,  car showrooms, trade  counters,
   gymnasiums, restaurants and leisure units.



   Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside information
   in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), transmitted by EQS
   The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


   ISIN:           GB00BJFLFT45
   Category Code:  MSCH
   TIDM:           CREI
   LEI Code:       2138001BOD1J5XK1CX76
   OAM Categories: 3.1. Additional regulated information required to be
                   disclosed under the laws of a Member State
   Sequence No.:   339222
   EQS News ID:    1963417

   End of Announcement EQS News Service


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