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REG - Colefax Group PLC - Preliminary Results

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RNS Number : 4734Y  Colefax Group PLC  31 July 2024



("Colefax" or the "Group")


Preliminary Results for the year ended 30 April 2024


Colefax is an international designer and distributor of furnishing fabrics
& wallpapers and owns a leading interior decorating business. The Group
trades under five brand names, serving different segments of the soft
furnishings marketplace; these are Colefax and Fowler, Cowtan & Tout, Jane
Churchill, Manuel Canovas and Larsen.


Key Points


·      Sales increased by 2% to £107.16m (2023 - £104.82m) and by 4.8%
on a constant currency basis


·      Pre-tax profit decreased by 10% to £7.73m (2023 - £8.54m) -
mainly due to higher Fabric Division operating costs and a weaker US Dollar
exchange rate


·      Earnings per share decreased by 1.6% to 88.3p (2023 - 89.7p)


·      Share buyback returned £7.2m of surplus capital to shareholders
in September 2023


·      Cash at 30 April 2024 of £17.8m (2023 - £19.8m)


·      Fabric Division sales decreased by 2.1% to £90.54m (2023 -
£92.51m) but increased by 0.6% on a constant currency basis

-     US sales down by 3%, UK sales up by 3% and Europe sales up by 8% (on
a constant currency basis)


·      Decorating Division delivered a strong performance with sales up
by 42% to £13.51m (2023 - £9.52m) and pre-tax profit of £847,000 (2023 -
£96,000 loss)


·      Board is proposing a final dividend of 2.9p (2023 2.8p) making a
total for the year of 5.6p (2023 - 5.4p)


David Green, Chief Executive of Colefax Group plc, said:


"The Group has delivered a good performance in relatively challenging market
conditions and with a weaker US Dollar exchange rate. Over the last year
higher interest rates have reduced housing market activity and we are
expecting difficult market conditions in the year ahead and this is reflected
in our existing market forecast. The Group is well placed to benefit from
falling interest rates as this should boost housing market activity but it
will take time for this benefit to feed through to home spending."





 Colefax Group plc                David Green, Chief Executive     Tel: 020 7318 6021
                                  Rob Barker, Finance Director

 KTZ Communications               Katie Tzouliadis, Robert Morton  Tel: 020 3178 6378

 Peel Hunt LLP                    Dan Webster, Andrew Clark        Tel: 020 7418 8900

 (Nominated Advisor and Broker)







Financial Results


Group sales increased by 2% to £107.16 million (2023 - £104.82 million) and
by 4.8% on a constant currency basis. Pre-tax profits decreased by 10% to
£7.73 million (2023 - £8.54 million). Earnings per share decreased by 1.6%
to 88.3p (2023 - 89.7p) reflecting the benefit of share buybacks during the
year. The Group ended the year with net cash of £17.8 million (2023 - £19.8


Sales in the Group's core Fabric Division increased by 0.6% on a constant
currency basis reflecting relatively challenging trading conditions in the
Group's major markets. The sales increase was not sufficient to offset the
impact of higher operating costs during the year and as a result Fabric
Division profit declined by 23% to £6.47 million (2023 - £8.40 million).
This decline was partly offset by a strong performance by the Decorating
Division which made a profit of £848,000 compared to a loss of £96,000 last


In September 2023 the Group returned £7.2 million of surplus cash to
shareholders by way of a share buyback in the form of a tender offer. The
Group purchased and cancelled 1,013,254 shares representing 14.0% of the
issued ordinary share capital at a price of £7.00 per share.


The Board is proposing to pay a final dividend of 2.9p (2023 - 2.8p) making a
total for the year of 5.6p (2023 - 5.4p). This will be paid on 11 October 2024
to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 13 September 2024.


Product Division

•                          Fabric Division -
Portfolio of Five Brands: "Colefax and Fowler", "Cowtan and Tout", "Jane
Churchill", "Manuel Canovas" and "Larsen"


Sales in the Fabric Division, which represent 84% of Group turnover, decreased
by 2.1% to £90.54 million (2023 - £92.51 million) but increased by 0.6% on a
constant currency basis. Pre-tax profit decreased by 23% to £6.47 million
(2023 - £8.40 million) due to higher operating costs and a weaker US Dollar
which averaged $1.26 compared to $1.20 for the prior year. The US Dollar
exchange rate has a significant impact on profitability.


The Fabric Division's performance has been impacted by high interest rates and
a slowdown in high end housing transactions. The fact that constant currency
sales increased by 0.6% in these market conditions is considered a good


Sales in the US, which represent 60% of the Fabric Division's turnover,
decreased by 7% and by 3% on a constant currency basis. US sales have held up
well and are only 3.8% below the record sales achieved at the height of the
Covid related boom in 2021-22. During the year we continued to expand our
showroom network in North America by opening new showrooms in Dallas and
Toronto. Both showrooms opened in November 2023 and we believe there are good
growth opportunities in these territories.


Sales in the UK, which represent 17% of the Fabric Division's turnover,
increased by 3% against a record prior year comparative. This performance was
above expectations at the start of the year and we believe it partly reflects
a backlog of work arising from the high level of housing transactions during
the Covid pandemic. Sales held up well throughout the year although first half
sales were up by 4% and second half sales up by 2% pointing to a slowdown in


Sales in Continental Europe, which represent 20% of the Fabric Division's
turnover, increased by 7% and by 8% on a constant currency basis making Europe
our best performing market during the year. The increase in sales was mainly
due to an above average level of contract sales to luxury hotels which have
experienced strong demand since the end of the pandemic. Our largest market in
Europe is France followed by Germany and Italy and together these three
countries account for just over 50% of European sales. Whilst the sales growth
in Europe is encouraging, profitability continued to be adversely affected by
the high level of import duty payable post Brexit. This amounted to £1.07
million during the year.


Sales in the Rest of the World, which represent just 3% of the Fabric
Division's turnover, increased by 25% during the year. The increase was mainly
due to a strong performance by the Middle East which is the largest region
followed by Australia, China and Japan. For cost and efficiency reasons we
mainly sell via distributors in the Rest of the World and as a result we
expect the Rest of the World to remain a small proportion of overall Fabric
Division sales.


•                          Furniture - Kingcome


Sales of Kingcome furniture, which represent 3% of Product Division sales,
increased by 12% to £3.11 million (2023 - £2.78 million). Pre-tax profit
increased by 75% to a record £419,000 (2023 - £240,000) demonstrating the
high level of operational gearing in the business. Factory labour costs are
relatively fixed meaning that even small fluctuations in sales can have a
major impact on profitability. The performance during the year was exceptional
and primarily due to a significant reduction in the outstanding order book
between the start and end of the year. The actual order intake during the year
was down by 14% reflecting challenging market conditions for furniture.


Interior Decorating Division


Decorating sales, which represent 13% of Group turnover, increased by 42% to
£13.51 million (2023 - £9.52 million) resulting in a pre-tax profit of
£847,000 (2023 - £96,000 loss). This was a strong performance boosted by an
increase in overseas projects which reduced to almost zero during the Covid
pandemic. Decorating Division profitability partly reflects the timing of
project completions because profit on individual projects is recognised on
invoicing and this can sometimes cause material fluctuations in Group profits.
The Decorating Division has started the new financial year with a healthy
level of deposits although they are down by 18% compared to a strong prior
year comparative.




The Group has delivered a good performance in relatively challenging market
conditions and with a weaker US Dollar exchange rate. Over the last year
higher interest rates have reduced housing market activity and we are
expecting difficult market conditions in the year ahead and this is reflected
in our existing market forecast. The Group is well placed to benefit from
falling interest rates as this should boost housing market activity but it
will take time for this benefit to feed through to home spending. The Group
has a strong balance sheet with cash of £17.8 million and we will continue to
invest with confidence in our brand portfolio and distribution network.


The Group's performance over the last year is due to the loyalty, talent and
commitment of all our staff and I would like to thank them for their hard work
and support.




David Green


30 July 2024





 For the year ended 30 April 2024

                                                                   2024                              2023
                                                                   £'000                             £'000

 Revenue                                                           107,162                           104,818
 Cost of sales                                                     (47,134)                          (45,085)

 Gross profit                                                      60,028                            59,733
 Operating expenses                                                (51,552)                          (50,214)

 Profit from operations                                                        8,476                             9,519

 Finance income                                                    173                               26
 Finance expense                                                   (917)                             (1,001)

 Profit before taxation                                                        7,732                             8,544

 Tax expense                                                       (1,938)                           (1,857)

 Profit for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent              5,794                             6,687

 Basic and diluted earnings per share                               88.3p                             89.7p





 For the year ended 30 April 2024

                                                             2024                              2023
                                                             £'000                             £'000

 Profit for the year                                                     5,794                             6,687

 Other comprehensive (expense):

 Items that will or may be reclassified to profit and loss:

 Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations   (429)                             (93)

 Total other comprehensive (expense)                         (429)                             (93)

 Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to                 5,365                             6,594
 equity holders of the parent




 At 30 April 2024
                                                             Notes                            2024                                                                      2023
                                                                                              £'000                                                                     £'000

 Non-current assets:
 Property, plant and equipment                                                                           8,557                                                                     8,231
 Right of use asset                                                                                  20,612                                                                     23,464
 Deferred tax asset                                                                                           24                                                                        23
                                                                                                        29,193                                                                    31,718
 Current assets:
 Inventories and work in progress                            2                                          18,241                                                                    19,487
 Trade and other receivables                                 3                                8,774                                                                     9,153
 Cash and cash equivalents                                   4                                          17,763                                                                  19,746
 Current corporation tax                                                                                    -                                                                         144
                                                                                                        44,778                                                                    48,530

 Current liabilities:
 Trade and other payables                                                                               18,623                                                                    20,003

 Lease liabilities                                                                                       4,038                                                                     3,085
 Current corporation tax                                                                      31                                                                        -
                                                                                                   22,692                                                                        23,088
 Net current assets                                                                                     22,086                                                                    25,442

 Total assets less current liabilities                                                                  51,279                                                                    57,160

 Non-current liabilities:
 Lease liabilities                                                                                      19,380                                                                    22,977
 Deferred tax liability                                                                                     154                                                                       223

 Net assets                                                                                             31,745                                                                    33,960

 Capital and reserves attributable to equity holders of the
 Called up share capital                                                                                    623                                                                       724
 Share premium account                                                                               11,148                                                                     11,148
 Capital redemption reserve                                                                              2,251                                                                     2,150
 ESOP share reserve                                                                           (113)                                                                     (113)
 Foreign exchange reserve                                                                                1,190                                                                     1,619
 Retained earnings                                                                                      16,646                                                                   18,432
 Total equity                                                                                           31,745                                                                    33,960

 For the year ended 30 April 2024
                                                                                              2024                                            2023
                                                                                              £'000                                           £'000

 Operating activities
 Profit before taxation                                                                                    7,732                                           8,544
 Finance income                                                                               (173)                                           (26)
 Finance expense                                                                                           917                                             1,001
 Loss/(Profit) on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                   38                                              47
 Depreciation on right of use assets                                                                       4,350                                           4,952
 Depreciation                                                                                              2,625                                           2,748
 Cash flows from operations before changes in working capital                                            15,489                                          17,266

 Decrease / (Increase) in inventories and work in progress                                    1,244                                           (2,462)
 Decrease / (Increase) in trade and other receivables                                         322                                             (2,099)
 (Decrease)/ Increase in trade and other payables                                             (1,837)                                         2,239
 Cash generated from operations                                                                          15,218                                          14,944

 Taxation paid
 UK corporation tax paid                                                                      (1,021)                                         (699)
 Overseas tax paid                                                                            (730)                                           (1,103)
                                                                                              (1,751)                                         (1,802)

 Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                               13,467                                          13,142

 Investing activities
 Payments to acquire property, plant and equipment                                            (2,991)                                         (3,580)
 Interest received                                                                                            173                                               -
 Net cash outflow from investing                                                              (2,818)                                         (3,580)

 Financing activities
 Purchase of own shares                                                                                           (7,227)                                         (5,382)
 Principal paid on lease liabilities                                                          (4,151)                                         (4,846)
 Interest paid on lease liabilities                                                           (916)                                           (999)
 Interest paid                                                                                (1)                                             -
 Equity dividends paid                                                                         (353)                                           (399)
 Net cash outflow from financing                                                              (12,648)                                        (11,626)

 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                      (1,999)                                         (2,064)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                                          19,746                                          21,785
 Exchange gains/(losses) on cash and cash equivalents                                         16                                              25
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                                                17,763                                          19,746



 For the year ended 30 April 2024
                      Share capital                 Share premium account         Capital redemption reserve        ESOP share reserve            Foreign exchange reserve      Retained earnings             Total equity
                      £'000                         £'000                         £'000                             £'000                         £'000                         £'000                         £'000

 At 30 April 2023                          724                           11,148                        2,150                             (113)                         1,619                         18,432                        33,960
 Profit for the year                                     -                             -                               -                               -                             -                      5,794                  5,794
 Foreign exchange                                        -                             -                               -                               -               (429)                                       -               (429)

                                                         -                             -                               -                               -                          (429)              5,794                         5,365

 Total comprehensive income for the year

 Share buybacks                                        (101)                           -               101                                             -                             -               (7,227)                       (7,227)
 Dividends paid                                          -                             -                               -                               -                             -               (353)                         (353)

 At 30 April 2024                                    623                      11,148                   2,251                             (113)                         1,190                         16,646                        31,745

 At 30 April 2022                                    794                      11,148                            2,080                    (113)                                1,712                       17,526                        33,147
 Profit for the year                                     -                             -                               -                               -                             -                      6,687                         6,687
 Foreign exchange                                        -                             -                               -                               -               (93)                                        -               (93)
 Total comprehensive income for the year                 -                             -                               -                               -                          (93)                      6,687                         6,594
 Share buybacks                            (70)                          -                             70                                -                             -                             (5,382)                       (5,382)
 Dividends paid                            -                             -                             -                                 -                             -                             (399)                         (399)

 At 30 April 2023                          724                           11,148                        2,150                             (113)                         1,619                         18,432                        33,960









1.   Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share have been calculated on the basis of profit on
ordinary activities after tax of £5,794,000 (2023 - £6,687,000) and on
6,564,031 (2023 - 7,457,535) ordinary shares, being the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. Shares owned by the
Colefax Group Plc Employees' Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) Trust are excluded
from the basic earnings per share calculation.


Diluted earnings per share are the same as basic earnings per share as there
are no outstanding share options in force at 30 April 2024.


2.   Inventories and work in progress


                            2024     2023

                            £'000    £'000
 Finished goods for resale  15,487   16,508
 Work in progress           2,754    2,979
                            18,241   19,487



3.   Trade and other receivables


                                                      2024     2023

                                                      £'000    £'000
 Trade receivables                                    4,857    6.129
 Less: provision for impairment of trade receivables  (592)    (516)
 Other receivables                                    2,802    1,403
 Prepayments and accrued income                       1,707    2,137
                                                      8,774    9,153



4.   Cash and cash equivalents


                           2024     2023

                           £'000    £'000
 Cash at bank and in hand  17,763   19,746


            The fair value of cash and cash equivalents are
considered to be their book value.


5.   Trade and other payables


                                        2024     2023

                                        £'000    £'000
 Trade payables                         4,648    5,525
 Accruals                               8,146    7,167
 Payments received on account           4,031    5,272
 Other taxes and social security costs  643      609
 Other payables                         1,155    1,430
                                        18,623   20,003


6.   Financial Information


The above financial information, which has been prepared in accordance with
international accounting standards in conformity with the Companies Act 2006,
does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 435 of the
Companies Act 2006.


The financial information for the year ended 30 April 2024 has been extracted
from the statutory accounts which will be delivered to the Registrar of
Companies following the Company's annual general meeting. The comparative
financial information is based on the statutory accounts for the financial
year ended 30 April 2023 which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The Independent Auditors' Report on both of those financial
statements was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of
emphasis and did not contain a statement under Section 498(2) and Section
498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.


7.   Copies of the Annual Report and full Financial Statements will be
available from the Group's website on www.colefaxgroupplc.com.  Copies will
also be made available on request to members of the public at the Company's
registered office at 19-23 Grosvenor Hill, London W1K 3QD.

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