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REG - Churchill China PLC - Interim Results

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RNS Number : 9601C  Churchill China PLC  05 September 2024

5 September 2024


("Churchill" or the "Company" or the "Group")



For the six months ended 30 June 2024


Underlying profitability in line with last year, factory performance continues
to improve.

Churchill China plc (AIM:CHH), the manufacturer of innovative performance
ceramic products serving hospitality markets worldwide, is pleased to announce
its Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June, 2024.



                                          Six months to 30 June 2024  Six months to 30 June 2023 (restated*)  Six months to 30 June 2023  % change (to restated numbers)
 Revenue                                  £40.6m                      £44.0m                                  £44.0m                      (7.8%)
 Operating profit                         £4.5m                       £4.5m                                   £4.9m                       0.2%
 Profit before tax and exceptional items  £4.8m                       £4.7m                                   £5.0m                       2.5%
 Profit after tax                         £3.6m                       £3.5m                                   £3.5m                       3.1%
 Adjusted(+) earnings per share           32.8p                       31.9p                                   34.3p                       2.8%
 Statutory earnings per share             32.8p                       31.9p                                   31.9p                       2.8%
 Interim dividend per share               11.5p                       11.0p                                   11.0p                       4.5%
 Net cash and deposits                    £7.8m                       £9.9m                                   £9.9m                       (21.3)%


·    Revenue in the period decreased by 7.8% to £40.6m (H1 2023: £44.0m,
FY2023: £82.3m)

·    Operating profit in line with restated prior year at £4.5m (2023 H1
(Restated): £4.5m, 2023 H1: £4.9m, FY2023: £10.3m) despite lower revenue.

·    Profit after tax for the period was £3.6m, an increase of 3.1% (2023
H1 (Restated): £3.5m, 2023 H1: £3.5m, FY2023: £7.7m).

·    Earnings per share were 32.8p (2023 H1 (Restated): 31.9p, 2023 H1:
31.9p, FY2023: 70.2p)

·    Interim dividend 4.5% higher at 11.5 pence per share (H1 2023: 11.0
pence per share, FY2023: 36.0 pence per share) demonstrating the Board's
continued confidence in the Company.

·    Net cash and deposits at 30 June 2024 of £7.8m (H1 2023: £9.9m,
FY2023: £13.9m) reflecting planned increases in finished goods stocks and
increased debtors driven by the seasonal working capital cycle.



·    Factory performance continues to improve due to improved staff
training and additional automation.

·    UK demand within Nationals sector strong.

·    Investment strategy continues to focus on innovation, automation, and
energy efficiency to drive long term, sustainable profit growth.

Robin Williams, Chairman of Churchill China, commented:

"Global hospitality markets continued their flat performance from the second
half of 2023 and remained subdued for early 2024, however Group revenues have
been broadly in line with expectations. A strong operational performance
helped maintain operating profit in line with prior year. We remain dependent
on the stronger demand normally experienced in the final four months to meet
our expectations for the year."

Analyst meeting

An in-person meeting for analysts will be held at 10.00am today, 5 September
2024, at Buchanan, 107 Cheapside, London EC2V 6DN, along with an online
facility. Please contact Buchanan at ChurchillChina@buchanan.uk.com for
further details.

*A net exceptional cost of £359,000 was recognised in the Interim Accounts
for the six months to 30 June 2023; a £393,000 cost in relation to employee
restructuring costs and £34,000 of income in relation to the voluntary wind
up of the British Pottery Manufacturers' Federation, of which the Company was
a 23.5% shareholder. These items were both treated as non-exceptional in the
Annual report 2023 and so the comparative results have been restated

+ Adjusted earnings per share is calculated after adjusting for the post tax
effect of exceptional items


For further information, please contact:


 Churchill China plc                                    Tel: 01782 577566
 David O'Connor / Michael Cunningham / James Roper

 Buchanan                                               Tel: 020 7466 5000
 Mark Court / Sophie Wills / Abigail Gilchrist

 Investec                                               Tel: 020 7597 5970

David Flin / Oliver Cardigan / Alice King


Chairman's Statement

Whilst 2024 has seen a reduction in revenues compared with 2023, this should
be seen in the context of the planned increases in stock to improve fulfilment
of orders and consequent reduction in order book which took place during 2023.
The Company started 2023 with a £7.2m order book, compared with £2.8m in
2024, such that order intake between the two periods was broadly flat. Factory
cost of production was broadly static during the period with increased input
costs from labour and raw materials being offset by the reducing costs for
energy. The focus on improving efficiency and yields continues and as a result
the overall profit margin slightly increased.

Sales mix and market sentiment has weighed on profitability in H1, but
overall, the continued solid performance, despite difficult trading
conditions, continues to highlight the resilience of the Company's long-term
strategy and the strength of the Churchill brand globally.

Financial Review

Total revenues decreased 7.8% from £44.0m to £40.6m (FY2023: £82.3m) in the
period with the UK holding up well along with the Rest of the World ("ROW")
and the USA, however Europe was weaker compared with expectations. UK sales
value did however come under some pressure from mix effects with turnover
coming in large part from the national sales. On a constant currency basis,
the reduction in turnover was 6.4% in the period.

Gross margin continues to improve with a 2.3% increase in the period despite
cost headwinds such as wage inflation, being driven by factory productivity
improvements. Yields within the factory have improved during the period
benefitting from the ongoing focus on continuous improvement within its
processes and improved skill levels. In addition to these performance
improvements the Company continued to see an increase in value added product

This improved operational performance and value-added mix helped mitigate the
impact of lower revenues, leaving Operating profit in line with the restated
prior year at £4.5m.

Profit before taxation at £4.8m (H1 2023 (restated): £4.7m, FY2023: £10.8m)
was 2.5% higher than prior year, with in line operating profit benefitting
from slightly higher interest income.

Basic earnings per share were 32.8p (2023 H1 (Restated): 31.9p, 2023 H1:
31.9p, FY2023: 70.2p), an increase of 2.8%.

During the period trade receivables increased significantly. This has been in
the main due to the low level of debtors at year end 2023 rather than a
slowdown in payment. None the less it has impacted the cash position at the
half year with cash expected to be generated through the second half in line
with normal seasonality.

Capital expenditure has been behind management budgets, and it is expected
that this will continue in the second half as supply chains in capital
equipment remain delayed.


The Company has paid £2.8m as a final dividend payment for 2023 and is
pleased to announce that an interim dividend of 11.5 pence per share (H1 2023:
11.0 pence per share, FY2023: 36.0 pence per share) will be paid, an increase
of 4.5% on the previous year. The Company continues to have the aim to
progressively increase its dividend, highlighting the Board's confidence in
the business. This dividend will be payable on 11 October 2024 to shareholders
on the register at 13 September 2024.


UK national accounts groups have reported strong trading over the period, with
turnover up, albeit with margins at the lower end. Smaller hospitality outlets
have been struggling and the corresponding revenue from these operations has
been subdued. Market pressures from labour cost increases and food price
inflation have disproportionately impacted the independent hospitality sector
and so new openings and outlet refreshes have been reduced in the period.

Europe performed well in the first quarter but has seen a drop off in
performance in the second quarter ahead of an expected third quarter that is
usually quiet.

The North American and ROW markets have tracked very much in line with
expectations with the ROW in particular showing a healthy pipeline for new
business. This market is particularly reliant on projects and new
installations and there is evidence that this business is beginning to return.

New product launches have continued at pace with launches focussing on
innovative products utilising the Company's improving capabilities. The new
Tide collection, launched in March this year, has been the Company's best
performing new introduction utilising the new ink jet production methods,
delivering a marine feel with an abundance of white space for food

The new installation pipeline has continued to grow and whilst there has been
a modest reduction in timing from enquiry to order, the overall timeline
remains elongated although expected to improve as business confidence returns.

Total volumes have declined as expected in the first half compared with 2023
however added value mix has increased slightly from 2024. In addition, margins
have been under pressure in the period but this has been more than compensated
for by the improved yields in the factory.


Furlong Mills external sales in the period were 4% lower than prior year with
intercompany sales down by 22% during the same period reflecting the approach
of a more balanced, consistent production plan through the year. The Furlong
business has a high proportion of fixed and semi-fixed costs and therefore
profitability is particularly sensitive to levels of demand. The operation is
also dependent on the expected uplift in demand from September.


The Company is pleased to report that the skill levels in the factory have
recovered through training and the near elimination of agency workers, with
low levels of staff turnover. This settled and better trained workforce has
led to continued improvements in yields within the factory which is now well
placed to benefit from any recovery.

The Company continues to invest in its production processes and some
significant assets are due to arrive in the second half of the year including
a project to replace one of our core flat making machines with a more
efficient and agile piece of equipment.

 Environmental, Social and Governance ('ESG')

As an energy intensive industry, the Company is focussed on reducing the
energy consumption within our operations. As already mentioned, the Company
has invested heavily in solar arrays, but in addition the Company looks on
energy as a strategic area for development, as our customers, shareholders,
and employees expect an environmentally aware approach to our production
techniques. As a result, the Company is investing in research to identify new
processes and materials to reduce the energy required to produce our product.
In addition to this the Company is investigating the impact of our supply
chain emissions as well as the potential for offering the recycling of the
packaging of our products.

We have continued to improve our engagement with our workforce, particularly
within the context of the wider macro-economic environment. We supply support
to assist employees in managing their day-to-day finances through helplines
and, for those who request it we assist with language lessons to integrate
employees into the workplace and to facilitate their interaction with
colleagues. In addition, the Company continues to engage with local schools to
promote the benefits of a career in manufacturing.


The Company has continued to support staff with an average uplift in salaries
above inflation across the business. As previously stated, the workforce is
now more settled and better trained meaning that delivery of quality on the
factory floor is on a continuous path of improvement, resulting in reduced
product loss and improved profitability.

As a larger employer the Company also focuses on delivering high quality
employment with the opportunity for advancement at all levels of the
organisation. Colleagues are encouraged to cross-skill and all sections and
levels of the business have succession planning as a core requirement.

Martin Payne joined the Board as Senior Independent Director and Audit
Committee Chair during the period, with Brendan Hynes stepping down from the
Board in June 2024.


The Board believes that the Company is well positioned to take advantage of a
return to confidence in our markets when that happens but continues to see
subdued activity in our key European markets. As such, we remain dependent on
the stronger demand normally experienced in the final four months of the year
to meet our full-year expectations.

Robin GW Williams


5 September 2024


 Churchill China plc
 Consolidated Income Statement
 for the six months ended 30 June 2024
                                                                                         Unaudited             Unaudited           Unaudited                  Audited
                                                                                         Six months to         Six months to       Six months to              Twelve months to
                                                                                         30 June 2024          30 June 2023        30 June 2023               31 December 2023
                                                                                                               Restated (Note 2)
                                                                                         £'000                 £'000               £'000                      £'000
 Revenue                                                                1                40,587                44,042              44,042                     82,339
                                                                                         ===========           ===========         ===========                ===========

 Operating profit before exceptional item                               1                4,521                 4,513               4,872                      10,252
 Exceptional items                                                      2                -                     -                   (359)                      -
 Operating Profit                                                       1                4,521                 4,513               4,513                      10,252

 Finance income                                                         3                328                   207                 207                        611
 Finance costs                                                          3                (46)                  (34)                (34)                       (75)
                                                                                         ------------------    ------------------  ------------------         ------------------
 Profit before exceptional item and income tax                                           4,803                 4,686               5,045                      10,788
 Exceptional items                                                      2                -                     -                   (359)                      -
 Profit before income tax                                                                4,803                 4,686               4,686                      10,788

 Income tax expense                                                     4                (1,193)               (1,183)             (1,183)                    (3,071)
                                                                                         ------------------    ------------------  ------------------         ------------------
 Profit for the period                                                                   3,610                 3,503               3,503                      7,717
                                                                                         ===========           ===========         ===========                ===========



                                                Pence per  Pence per  Pence per  Pence per
                                                share      share      share      share

 Adjusted earnings per ordinary share        5  32.8       31.9       34.3       70.2
 Basic earnings per ordinary share           5  32.8       31.9       31.9       70.2


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the six months ended 30 June 2024


                                                                                        Unaudited             Unaudited                    Audited
                                                                                        Six months to         Six months   to              Twelve months

                                                                                        30 June 2024          30 June 2023                 31 December 2023
                                                                                        £'000                 £'000                        £'000

 Other comprehensive income
 Items that will not be reclassified to profit and loss:
 Remeasurements of post-employment benefit obligations net of tax                       -                     -                            (900)
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit
 and loss
 Exchange differences                                                                   -                     -                            (25)
                                                                                         ---------------      --------------               ---------------
 Other comprehensive income                                                             -                     -                            (925)

 Profit for the period                                                      3,610                             3,503                                7,717

                                                                                        ---------------       ---------------              ----------------
 Total comprehensive income for the period                                              3,610                 3,503                        6,792
                                                                                        ==========            =========                    ==========


All above figures relate to continuing operations



 Churchill China plc
 Consolidated Balance Sheets
 as at 30 June 2024
                                                       Unaudited            Unaudited                     Audited
                                                       30 June              30 June                       31 December
                                                       2024                 2023                          2023
                                                       £'000                £'000                         £'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment                         24,532               24,056                        25,085
 Intangible assets                                     601                  760                           663
 Deferred income tax assets                            82                   130                           82
 Retirement benefit assets                             8,918                           7,889              7,855
                                                       34,133               32,835                        33,685
 Current assets
 Inventories                                           21,765               19,154                        21,896
 Trade and other receivables                           14,000               12,928                        11,036
 Other financial assets                                -                    3,604                         -
 Cash and cash equivalents                             7,816                6,332                         13,933
                                                       43,581               42,018                        46,865

 Total assets                                          77,714               74,853                        80,550
                                                       ==========           ==========                    =============
 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                              (10,431)             (11,566)                      (14,355)
                                                       -----------------    ----------------              ---------------------
 Total current liabilities                             (10,341)             (11,566)                      (14,355)
                                                       -----------------    ----------------              ---------------------
 Non-current liabilities
 Lease liabilities payables                            (666)                (554)                         (677)
 Deferred income tax liabilities                       (5,896)              (4,794)                       (5,577)
                                                       -----------------    ----------------              ---------------------
 Total non-current liabilities                                              (5,348)                       (6,254)

                                                       -----------------    ----------------              ---------------------
 Total liabilities                                     (16,993)             (16,914)                      (20,609)
                                                       ==========           ==========                    =============
 Net assets                                            60,721               57,939                        59,941
                                                       ==========           ==========                    =============

 Issued share capital                                  1,103                1,103                         1,103
 Share premium account                                 2,348                2,348                         2,348
 Treasury shares                                       (431)                (431)                         (431)
 Other reserves                                        1,278                1,431                         1,363
 Retained earnings                                     56,423               53,488                        55,558
                                                       -----------------    ----------------              ---------------------
 Total equity                                          60,721               57,939                        59,941
                                                       ===========          ==========                    =============


(#) Financial assets are deposit accounts with a redemption period exceeding 3


 Churchill China plc
 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
 as at 30 June 2024                                                    Issued
                                                          Retained     share    Share    Treasury  Other     Total
                                                          earnings     capital  premium  shares    reserves  Equity
                                                          £'000        £'000    £'000    £'000     £'000     £'000

 Balance at 1 January 2023                                52,284       1,103    2,348    (431)     1,344     56,648
 Comprehensive income
 Profit for the period                                    3,503        -        -        -         -         3,503
 Other comprehensive income
 Depreciation transfer - gross                            7            -        -        -         (7)       -
 Depreciation transfer - tax                              (2)          -        -        -         2         -
 Total comprehensive income                               3,508        -        -        -         (5)       3,503

 Transactions with owners
 Share based payment                                      -            -        -        -         92        92
 Dividends                                                (2,310)      -        -        -         -         (2,310)
 Deferred tax - share based payment                       6            -        -        -         -         6
 Total transactions with owners                           (2,304)      -        -        -         92        (2,212)

 Balance at 30 June 2023                                  53,488       1,103    2,348    (431)     1,431     57,939
 Comprehensive income
 Profit for the period                                    4,214        -        -        -         -         4,214
 Other comprehensive income
 Depreciation transfer - gross                            5            -        -        -         (5)       -
 Depreciation transfer - tax                               (1)         -        -        -         1         -
 Re-measurement of retirement                             (900)        -        -        -         -         (900)

 benefit obligations - net of tax
 Currency translation                                     -            -        -        -         (25)      (25)
 Total comprehensive income                               3,318        -        -        -         (29)      3,289

 Transactions with owners
 Dividends                                                (1,209)      -        -        -         -         (1,209)
 Share based payment                                      -            -        -        -         (39)      (39)
 Deferred tax - share based payment                       (39)         -        -        -         -         (39)
 Total transactions with owners                           (1,248)      -        -        -         (39)      (1,287)

 Balance at 31 December 2023                              55,558       1,103    2,348    (431)     1,363     59,941


 Churchill China plc
 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
 as at 30 June 2024                                                                        Issued
                                                                   Retained                share                                     Share    Treasury           Other                         Total
                                                                   earnings                capital                                   premium  shares             reserves                      Equity
                                                                   £'000                   £'000                                     £'000    £'000              £'000                         £'000

 Balance at 1 January 2024                                         55,558                  1,103                                     2,348    (431)              1,363                         59,941

 Comprehensive income
 Profit for the period                                             3,610                   -                                         -        -                  -                             3,610
 Other comprehensive income:
 Depreciation transfer - gross                                     6                       -                                         -        -                  (6)                           -
 Depreciation transfer - tax                                       (2)                     -                                         -        -                   2                            -
 Total comprehensive income                                        3,614                   -                                         -        -                  (4)                           3,610

 Transactions with owners
 Share based payment                                               -                       -                                         -        -                  (81)                          (81)
 Dividends                                                         (2,749)                 -                                         -        -                  -                             (2,749)
 Total transactions with owners                                    (2,749)                 -                                         -        -                  (81)                          (2,830)

 Balance at 30 June 2024                                           56,423                  1,103                                     2,348    (431)              1,278                         60,721

 Churchill China plc
 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
 for the six months ended 30 June 2024
                                                                                                                  Unaudited                   Unaudited                    Audited
                                                                                                                  Six months to               Six months to                Twelve months to
                                                                                                                  30 June 2024                30 June 2023                 31 December 2023
                                                                                                                  £'000                       £'000                        £'000

 Cash flows from operating activities
 Cash generated from operations (note 6)                                                                          (1,004)                     436                          8,321
 Interest received                                                                                                139                         117                          229
 Interest paid                                                                                                    (46)                        (34)                         (75)
 Income tax paid                                                                                                  (1,026)                     (90)                         -
                                                                                                                  -----------------           -----------------            ------------------
 Net cash generated from operating activities                                                                     (1,937)                     (429)                        8,475
                                                                                                                  -----------------           -----------------            -----------------
 Investing activities
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                                                       (1,209)                     (2,680)                      (5,334)
 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                                            10                          34                           54
 Purchases of intangible assets                                                                                   (46)                        (33)                         (73)
 Net Sale/(Purchase) of other financial assets                                                                    -                           1,453                        5,057
                                                                                                                  -----------------           -----------------            -----------------
 Net cash used in investing activities                                                                            (1,245)                     (1,226)                      (296)
                                                                                                                  -----------------           -----------------            -----------------
 Financing activities

 Dividends paid                                                                                                   (2,749)                     (2,310)                      (3,519)
 Principal element of finance lease payments                                                                      (186)                       (165)                        (330)
                                                                                                                  -----------------           -----------------            -----------------
 Net cash generated by / (used in) financing activities                                                           (2,935)                     (2,475)                      (3,849)
                                                                                                                  -----------------           -----------------            -----------------
 Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                            (6,117)                     (3,272)                      (4,330)

 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period                                                         13,933                      9,604                        9,604
 Exchange gain/(loss) on cash and cash equivalents                                                                -                           -                            1
                                                                                                                  -----------------           -----------------            -----------------
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                                                               7,816                       6,332                        13,933
                                                                                                                  -----------------           -----------------            -----------------




   1. Segmental analysis
 for the six months ended 30 June 2024


                                     Unaudited                         Unaudited                       Audited
                                     Six months to                     Six months to                   Twelve months to
                                     30 June 2024                      30 June 2023                    31 December 2023
                                     £'000                             £'000                           £'000
 Revenue by class of business
 Ceramics                            36,821                            40,101                          74,159
 Materials                           6,943                             8,002                           14,687
                                      --------------------------        -------------------------       -----------------------------------
                                     43,764                            48,103                          88,846
 Inter segment                       (3,177)                           (4,061)                         (6,507)
                                      --------------------------        -------------------------       -----------------------------------
                                     40,587                            44,042                          82,339
                                     ---------------------------       --------------------------      ------------------------------------
 Revenue by destination
 United Kingdom                      15,819                            15,668                          34,004
 Rest of Europe                      17,568                            19,970                          32,949
 USA                                 3,708                             4,801                           8,399
 Rest of the World                   3,492                             3,603                           6,987
                                      --------------------------        --------------------------      -----------------------------------
                                     40,587                            44,042                          82,339
                                     ---------------------------       --------------------------      ------------------------------------


 for the six months ended 30 June 2024


                                            Unaudited                     Unaudited                    Unaudited                    Audited
                                            Six months to                 Six months to                Six months to                Twelve months to
                                            30 June 2024                  30 June 2023                 30 June 2023                 31 December 2023
                                                                          Restated (Note 2)
                                            £'000                         £'000                        £'000                        £'000
 Operating profit before exceptional items
 Ceramics                                   3,571                         3,849                        4,208                        9,106
 Materials                                  950                           664                          664                          1,146
                                             --------------------------    -------------------------    -------------------------    -----------------------------------
                                            4,521                         4,513                        4,872                        10,252
                                            ---------------------------   --------------------------   --------------------------   ------------------------------------
 Exceptional items
 Ceramics                                   -                             -                            (359)                        -
 Materials                                  -                             -                            -                            -
                                             --------------------------    -------------------------    -------------------------    -----------------------------------
                                            -                             -                            (359)                        -
                                            ---------------------------   --------------------------   --------------------------   ------------------------------------
 Operating profit after exceptional items
 Ceramics                                   3,571                         3,849                        3,849                        9,106
 Materials                                  950                           664                          664                          1,146
                                             --------------------------    -------------------------    -------------------------    -----------------------------------
                                            4,521                         4,513                        4,513                        10,252

 Unallocated items
 Finance income                             328                           207                          207                          611
 Finance costs                              (46)                          (34)                         (34)                         (75)
                                            ---------------------------   --------------------------   --------------------------   ------------------------------------
 Profit before income tax                   4,803                         4,686                        4,686                        10,788
                                            ---------------------------   --------------------------   --------------------------   ------------------------------------


           2. Restated exceptional item

A net exceptional cost of £359,000 was recognised in the Interim Accounts for
the six months to 30 June 2023; a £393,000 cost in relation to employee
restructuring costs and £34,000 of income in relation to the voluntary wind
up of the British Pottery Manufacturers' Federation, of which the Company was
a 23.5% shareholder. These items were both treated as non-exceptional in the
Annual report 2023 and so the comparative results have been restated

3. Finance income and costs

                                     Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited
                                     Six months to    Six months to    Twelve months to
                                     30 June 2024     30 June 2023     31 December 2023
                                     £'000            £'000            £'000
 Finance income
 Other interest receivable           139              117              229
 Interest on pension scheme          189              90               382

 Finance income                      328              207              611

 Finance costs
 Interest paid                       (46)             (34)             (75)

 Finance costs                       (46)             (34)             (75)


The interest income arising from pension schemes is a non-cash item. There is
no impact from restatement on the presentation or value of the items presented
within this note.

4. Income tax expense

                                Unaudited        Unaudited        Audited
                                Six months to    Six months to    Twelve months to
                                30 June 2024     30 June 2023     31 December 2023
                                £'000            £'000            £'000

 Current taxation               874              839              1,635
 Deferred taxation              319              344              1,436
 Income tax expense             1,193            1,183            3,071


                There is no impact from restatement on the
presentation or value of the items presented within this note.

5. Earnings per ordinary share

Basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the profit after taxation
attributable to owners of the Company of £3,610,000 (June 2023: £3,503,000;
December 2023: £7,717,000) and on 10,997,835 (June 2022: 10,997,835; December
2022: 10,997,835) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the period. Adjusted earnings per ordinary
share is calculated after adjusting for the post tax effect of exceptional
items (see note 2).


                                             Unaudited        Unaudited          Unaudited        Audited
                                             Six months to    Six months to      Six months to    Twelve months to
                                             30 June 2024     30 June 2023       30 June 2023     31 December 2023
                                                              Restated (Note 2)
                                             Pence per share  Pence per share    Pence per share  Pence per share

 Basic earnings per share                    32.8             31.9               31.9             70.2
 Less exceptional items                      -                -                  2.4              -
 Adjusted earnings per share                 32.8             31.9               34.3             70.2


6. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from continuing


                                                                                  Unaudited      Unaudited          Unaudited      Audited
                                                                                  Six months to  Six months to      Six months to  Twelve months to
                                                                                  30 June 2024   30 June 2023       30 June 2023   31 December 2023
                                                                                                 Restated (Note 2)
                                                                                  £'000          £'000              £'000          £'000
 Cash flow from operations
 Operating profit                                                                 4,521          4,513              4,872                     10,252
 Exceptional Income                                                               -              -                  (359)                     -
 Adjustments for
 Depreciation and amortisation                                                    1,865          1,753              1,753                     3,510
 Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment                              (5)                               (1)                       (16)

 Charge for share based payment                                                   (81)           91                 91                        53
 Decrease in retirement benefit obligations                                       (875)          (875)              (875)          (1,750)
 Changes in working capital
 Inventory                                                                        131            (3,265)            (3,265)                   (6,007)
 Trade and other receivables                                                      (2,964)        861                861            2,346
 Trade and other payables                                                         (3,596)        (2,641)            (2,641)        (67)

 Cash inflow from operations                                                      (1,004)        436                436            8,321


7. Basis of preparation and accounting policies

The financial information included in the interim results announcement for the
six months to 30 June 2024 was approved by the Board on 4 September 2024.

The interim financial information for the six months to 30 June 2024 has not
been audited or reviewed and does not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The Company's statutory
accounts for the year ended 31 December 2023, prepared in accordance with
international accounting standards in conformity with the requirements of the
Companies Act 2006.

The interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention as modified by the revaluation of land and buildings and financial
assets and liabilities (including derivative instruments) at fair value
through the profit and loss account. The same accounting policies,
presentation and methods of computation are followed in the interim financial
statements as were applied in the Group's last audited financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2023.

Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2023 have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies.

8. Share buybacks

The Company did not buy back any ordinary shares during the first six months
of the year but may consider making further ad hoc share buybacks going
forward at the discretion of the Board and subject to the shareholder
authorities approved at the 2024 Annual General Meeting.

The half-yearly report and this announcement will be available shortly on the
Company's website www.churchill1795.com


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