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REG - China Pet &Chem Corp - Half-year Report

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RNS Number : 4518X  China Petroleum & Chemical Corp  30 August 2022

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited take no responsibilities for the contents of this announcement, make
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(a joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China
with limited liability)

(Stock Code: 00386)


Interim Results Announcement for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2022


The board of directors (the "Board") of China Petroleum & Chemical
Corporation ("Sinopec Corp." or the "Company") hereby announces the unaudited
results of Sinopec Corp. and its subsidiaries for the six months ended 30 June
2022. This announcement, containing the full text of the 2022 Interim Report
of Sinopec Corp., complies with the relevant requirements of the Rules
Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
in relation to information to accompany preliminary announcement of interim
results. Printed version of the 2022 Interim Report of Sinopec Corp. will be
delivered to the shareholders of H shares of Sinopec Corp. in September 2022.


Publication of Results Announcement


Both the Chinese and English versions of this results announcement are
available on the websites of Sinopec Corp. (www.sinopec.com/listco/) and The
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (www.hkex.com.hk). In the event of any
discrepancies in interpretations between the English version and Chinese
version, the Chinese version shall prevail.



By Order of the Board

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Huang Wensheng

Vice President and Secretary to the Board of Directors


Beijing, the PRC,

26 August 2022


As of the date of this announcement, directors of the Company are: Ma
Yongsheng(*), Zhao Dong(*), Yu Baocai(#), Ling Yiqun(#), Li Yonglin(#), Liu
Hongbin(#), Cai Hongbin(+), Ng, Kar Ling Johnny(+), Shi Dan(+) and Bi


#              Executive Director

*              Non-executive Director

+              Independent Non-executive Director




 2    Company Profile                              
 4    Principal Financial Data and Indicators      
 8    Business Review and Prospects                
 12   Management's Discussion and Analysis         
 23   Corporate Governance                         
 26   Environment and Social Responsibilities      
 28   Significant Events                           
 36   Changes in Share Capital and Shareholdings   

       of Shareholders
 37   Bond General Information                     
 40   Financial Statements                         
 144  Index of Documents for Inspection            



This interim report contains forward-looking statements. Except for statements
of historical facts, all statements contained herein that address business
activities, events or developments that the Company expects or anticipates
will or may occur in the future (including, but not limited to projections,
targets, reserves and other estimates and business plans) are forward-looking
statements. The actual results or developments of the Company in future
periods may differ materially from those anticipated in such statements as a
result of various factors and uncertainties. None of such forward-looking
statements shall be deemed or construed to constitute or imply any commitment
of substance on the part of the Company to investors. Investors and relevant
parties are cautioned to maintain due awareness of potential risks and to
distinguish the difference among plans, projections and commitments. The
Company made the forward-looking statements referred to herein as at 26 August
2022 and undertakes no obligation to update these statements except as
required by relevant regulatory authorities.




JUNE 2022.





Sinopec H shares were listed on stock exchanges in Hong Kong, New York and
London on 18 and 19 October 2000, respectively, and A shares were listed on
the Shanghai Stock Exchange on 8 August 2001.Sinopec Corp. is one of the
largest integrated energy and chemical companies in China. Its principal
operations include the exploration and production, pipeline transportation and
sale of petroleum and natural gas; the production, sale, storage and
transportation of refinery products, petrochemical products, coal chemical
products, synthetic fibre, and other chemical products; the import and export,
including an import and export agency business, of petroleum, natural gas,
petroleum products, petrochemical and chemical products, and other commodities
and technologies; and research, development and application of technologies
and information; hydrogen energy business and related services such as
hydrogen production, storage, transportation and sales; battery charging and
swapping, solar energy, wind energy and other new energy business and related



In this interim report, unless the context otherwise requires, the following
terms shall have the meaning set out below:

Sinopec Corp.: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation;

Company: Sinopec Corp. and its subsidiaries;

China Petrochemical Corporation: The controlling shareholder of Sinopec Corp.,
China Petrochemical Corporation;

Sinopec Group: China Petrochemical Corporation and its subsidiaries;

Sinopec Finance Co.: Sinopec Finance Co., Ltd.;

Century Bright: Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Ltd.;

CSRC: China Securities Regulatory Commission;

Hong Kong Stock Exchange: The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited;

Hong Kong Listing Rules: Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.



The conversion factors for production volume of crude oil and natural gas and
crude oil processing volume are set out as follows:

For domestic production of crude oil: 1 tonne = 7.1 barrels;

For overseas production of crude oil: 1 tonne = 7.26 barrels in the first half
of 2022, 1 tonne = 7.21 barrels in the first half of 2021;

For production of natural gas: 1 cubic meter = 35.31 cubic feet;

Refinery throughput: 1 tonne = 7.35 barrels.











China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation



Sinopec Corp.



Mr. Ma Yongsheng



Mr. Yu Baocai

Mr. Huang Wensheng



Mr. Huang Wensheng



Mr. Zhang Zheng



22 Chaoyangmen North Street,

Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Postcode: 100728

Tel: 86-10-59960028

Fax: 86-10-59960386

Website:  http://www.sinopec.com

E-mail: ir@sinopec.com



There was no change to Sinopec Corp.'s information disclosure media and access
place during the reporting period.



 A Shares:  Shanghai Stock Exchange
            Stock name: 中國石化
            Stock code: 600028


 H Shares:  Hong Kong Stock Exchange
            Stock code: 00386


 ADRs:  New York Stock Exchange
        Stock code: SNP
        London Stock Exchange
        Stock code: SNP



There was no change to the registered address in the reporting period.








(1)  Principal accounting data


 Items                                                          Six-month period ended 30 June                                 
                                                                2022          2021          2021          Changes              

                                                                RMB million   RMB million   RMB million     over the same

                                                                              (adjusted)    (before       period of the

                                                                                            adjustment)   preceding year

 Operating income                                               1,612,126     1,260,773     1,261,603     27.9                 
 Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company  43,530        39,426        39,153        10.4                 
 Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company  42,960        38,420        38,420        11.8                 

 excluding extraordinary gains and losses
 Net cash flow from operating activities                        4,947         48,347        47,736        (89.8)               


                                                           As of         As of         Changes         

                                                           30 June       31 December   from the end

                                                           2022          2021          of last year

                                                           RMB million   RMB million   (%)
 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company  787,134       775,102       1.6             
 Total assets                                              2,059,814     1,889,255     9.0             


Note:      The Company has completed the purchase of certain assets and
equity of Sinopec Group on 1 July 2021 and 1 December 2021, for details please
refer to Sinopec Corp.'s related announcements. The transactions described
above have been accounted as business combination under common control, thus,
the Company retroactively adjusted the relevant financial data.


(2)  Principal financial indicators


 Items                                                    Six-month period ended 30 June                               
                                                          2022         2021         2021          Changes              

                                                          RMB          RMB          RMB           over the same

                                                                       (adjusted)   (before       period of the

                                                                                    adjustment)   preceding year

 Basic earnings per share                                 0.360        0.326        0.323         10.4                 
 Diluted earnings per share                               0.360        0.326        0.323         10.4                 
 Basic earnings per share (excluding extraordinary gains  0.355        0.317        0.317         12.0                 

 and losses)
 Weighted average return on net assets (%)                5.57         5.20         5.19          0.37                 

percentage points
 Weighted average return (excluding extraordinary gains   5.50         5.06         5.10          0.44                 

 and losses) on net assets (%)
percentage points


(3)  Extraordinary items and corresponding amounts


 Items                                                Six-month period      

                                                      ended 30 June 2022

                                                      RMB million           
 Net gain on disposal of non-current assets           (135)                 
 Donations                                            101                   
 Government grants                                    (1,340)               
 Gain on holding and disposal of various investments  (125)                 
 Other extraordinary income/(expenses), net           288                   
 Subtotal                                             (1,211)               
 Tax effect                                           475                   
 Total                                                (736)                 
 Attributable to:                                                           
 Equity shareholders of the Company                   (570)                 
 Minority interests                                   (166)                 


(4)  Significant changes of items in the financial statements


The table below sets forth reasons for those changes where the fluctuation was
more than 30% during the reporting period:



 Items of Consolidated               As of         As of       Amount        Percentage   Main reasons for changes                                                         

 Balance Sheet                     30 June       31 December   RMB million   (%)

                                   2022          2021

                                   RMB million   RMB million
 Financial assets held for         1,012         -             1,012         -            The increase of structured deposits in the first half of 2022.                   

 Derivative financial assets       40,389        18,371        22,018        119.9                                                                                         

                                                                                          Impact of changes in profit and loss of crude oil and other products hedging

 Derivative financial liabilities  15,367        3,223         12,144        376.8                                                                                         

 Accounts receivable               63,717        34,861        28,856        82.8         Increase in accounts receivable resulting from increased prices of crude oil     

            and  refined oil products.

 Prepayments                       13,011        9,267         3,744         40.4         Prepayment for goods increased                                                   

 Inventories                       285,032       207,433       77,599        37.4         Increase in inventory value of crude oil and refined oil products resulting      
                                                                                          from the significant increase of international crude oil prices.
 Short-term loans                  43,169        27,366        15,803        57.7         The Company increased short-term loans for supplementary of liquidity during     
                                                                                          the reporting period.
 Employee benefits payable         23,000        14,048        8,952         63.7         The impact of increase in payable performance-based income.                      
 Taxes payable                     36,566        81,267        (44,701)      (55.0)       The impact of centralized payment for deferred taxes happened in the fourth      
                                                                                          quarter of last year.
 Non-current liabilities due       66,409        28,651        37,758        131.8        Increase in debentures payable and long-term loans due within one year.          

 within one year
 Other current liabilities         114,002       31,762        82,240        258.9        Increase in low-interest debentures for supplementary of liquidity during the    
                                                                                          reporting period.
 Long-term loans                   77,556        49,341        28,215        57.2         Increase in project loan of holding subsidiaries for capitalised expenditures.   

 Debentures payable                14,868        42,649        (27,781)      (65.1)       Some of the amounts were reclassified to the item of non-current liabilities     
                                                                                          due within one year.
 Other comprehensive income        6,557         (690)         7,247         -            The impact on translation of foreign currency statements and changes in          
                                                                                          effective hedging business.
 Specific reserve                  3,566         2,664         902           33.9         The impact of changes in the balance of safety fund reserve.                     


 Items of Consolidated                                      Increase/     (Decrease)   Main reasons for changes                                                        

 Income Statement                            For

                              For            six-month      Amount        Percentage

                              six-month      period ended   RMB Million   (%)

                              period ended   30 June

                              30 June        2021

                              2022           RMB Million

                              RMB Million
 Operating costs              1,330,825      998,286        332,539       33.3         Increase in procurement cost of crude oil due to the increased international    
                                                                                       oil prices.

 Other income                 2,121          1,244          877           70.5         Increase in VAT refunds on                                                      

imported LNG.
 Investment (loss)/income     (10,307)       4,890          (15,197)      -            Decrease in investment income of associates and joint ventures and the impact   
                                                                                       of profit and loss of derivative financial instruments.
 (losses)/gains from changes  (1,558)        116            (1,674)       -            Impact of floating profit and loss of derivative financial instruments.         

 in fair value
 Impairment losses            (1,456)        (926)          (530)         57.2         Allowance for diminution in value of inventories increased year-on-year.        


 Items of Consolidated                   For            For          Increase/     (Decrease)   Main reasons for changes                                                     

 Cash Flow Statement                   six-month      six-month

                                       period ended   period ended   Amount        Percentage

                                       30 June        30 June        RMB Million   (%)

                                       2022           2021

                                       RMB Million    RMB Million
 Cash received from sale of            1,704,813      1,310,197      394,616       30.1         Increase in sales revenue due to the higher prices of petroleum and          

 goods and rendering of                                                                       petrochemical products.

 Refund of taxes and levies            3,442          788            2,654         336.8        Increase in VAT refunds on                                                   

imported LNG.
 Other cash received relating          128,034        65,782         62,252        94.6         Increase in derivative margins received.                                     

 to operating activities

 Cash paid for goods and               (1,420,335)    (1,030,400)    (389,935)     37.8         Increase in procurement cost of crude oil and other feedstocks.              

 Other cash paid relating to           (159,834)      (64,700)       (95,134)      147.0        Increase in payment of derivative                                            

 operating activities

 Cash received from disposal           442            3,341          (2,899)       (86.8)       Decrease in structured deposits received year-over-year.                     

 of investments
 Net cash received from                1              4,296          (4,295)       (100.0)      Payment of pipeline transaction received in the same period of 2021 and no   

 disposal of subsidiaries                                                                     such item in the reporting period.

 and other business entities
 Other cash received relating          37,189         21,019         16,170        76.9         Increase in amount received of                                               

 to investing activities
time deposits with maturities over three months.
 Net cash paid for the                 (7,628)        -              (7,628)       -            Cash paid for the prior year-end asset acquisition.                          

 acquisition of subsidiaries

 and other business entities
 Other cash paid relating              (16,544)       (33,016)       16,472        (49.9)       Decrease in time deposits with maturities over three months                  

 to investing activities
 Cash received from borrowings         348,900        170,144        178,756       105.1        Increase in loans.                                                           
 Cash repayments of borrowings         (224,161)      (130,857)      (93,304)      71.3         The scale of interest-bearing expanded and the corresponding repayment of    
                                                                                                borrowings increased.
 Cash paid for dividends,              (41,606)       (19,559)       (22,047)      112.7        The payment of dividends for the period increased year on year.              

 profits distribution or interest




(1)  Principal accounting data


 Items                                               Six-month period ended 30 June                              
                                                     2022          2021          2021            Changes         

                                                     RMB million   RMB million   RMB million   over the same

                                                                   (adjusted)    (before       period of the

                                                                                 adjustment)   preceding year

 Operating profit                                    62,924        58,486        58,109        7.6               
 Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company  44,451        40,227        39,954        10.5              
 Net cash generated from operating activities        4,947         48,347        47,736        (89.8)            


                                                           As of         As of         Changes         

                                                           30 June       31 December   from the end

                                                           2022          2021          of last year

                                                           RMB million   RMB million   (%)
 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company  786,249       774,182       1.6             
 Total assets                                              2,059,814     1,889,255     9.0             


Note:      The Company has completed the purchase of certain assets and
equity of Sinopec Group on 1 July 2021 and 1 December 2021, for details please
refer to Sinopec Corp.'s related announcements. The transactions described
above have been accounted as business combination under common control, thus,
the Company retroactively adjusted the relevant financial data.


(2)  Principal financial indicators


 Items                           Six-month period ended 30 June                               
                                 2022         2021         2021            Changes            

                                 RMB          RMB          RMB           over the same

                                              (adjusted)   (before       period of the

                                                           adjustment)   preceding year

 Basic earnings per share        0.367        0.332        0.330         10.5                 
 Diluted earnings per share      0.367        0.332        0.330         10.5                 
 Return on capital employed (%)  5.75         6.14         6.14          (0.39)               

percentage points












In the first half of 2022, the world economic growth slowed down. China
effectively coordinated pandemic prevention and control with economic and
social development, registering a GDP growth of 2.5% year-on-year. Domestic
demand for natural gas remained stable. Based on the statistics of the
Company, the overall domestic demand for refined oil products was weak due to
high crude oil price and the pandemic, with a slight increase in the first
quarter and a sharp decrease in the second quarter, compared with the same
period of last year. The demand for major chemical products in China remained
stable, and the ethylene equivalent consumption increased by 0.1% compared
with that of the previous year.


In the first half of 2022, international crude oil prices rose sharply and
fluctuated drastically. The average spot price of Platts Brent was USD107.69
per barrel, up by 66% year-on-year.



Confronted with severe and complex environment of production and operation,
the Company gave full play to its integration advantages, actively responded
to market changes, carried out in-depth optimisation of the whole industrial
chain, enhanced production and marketing coordination, endeavoured to expand
the market and sales, and achieved high-quality results.




(1)  Exploration and Production


In the first half of 2022, the Company seized the favourable opportunity of
high oil price, intensified efforts in exploration and development,
consolidated the foundation of resources, improved operational performance,
and realised growth in production and profit. In terms of exploration, we
enhanced basic research, strengthened risk exploration and trap
pre-exploration in new regions and areas, and achieved a number of oil and gas
discoveries, including breakthroughs in Shunbei oil and gas in Tarim Basin,
shale oilfield exploration in Bohai Bay Basin and Subei Basin, deep
exploration of natural gas in Sichuan Basin and continental facies shale gas
exploration in Puguang. In terms of development, we accelerated the capacity
building of major oilfields, such as Shunbei, Tahe and offshore blocks, and
strengthened efficiency adjustment and fine-tuned development of mature oil
fields. We also actively promoted the capacity building of key natural gas
blocks in Sichuan and Erdos Basin, and enhanced optimisation and profitability
improvement of whole natural gas business chain. In the first half of the
year, the Company's production of oil and gas reached 242 million barrels of
oil equivalent, up by 2.9% year-on-year, with domestic crude oil production
reaching 124.6 million barrels, up by 0.8% and natural gas production totalled
613.92 billion cubic feet, up by 5.4% year-on-year.


Exploration and Production: Summary of Operations


                                 Six-month period ended 30 June      Changes   
                                 2022              2021              (%)       
 Oil and gas production (mmboe)  242.01            235.29            2.9       
 Crude oil production (mmbbls)   139.65            138.15            1.1       
 China                           124.63            123.62            0.8       
 Overseas                        15.02             14.53             3.4       
 Natural gas production (bcf)    613.92            582.60            5.4       


(2)  Refining


In the first half of 2022, facing the challenges brought by high crude oil
price and the pandemic, the Company insisted on optimisation and integration
of production and marketing, flexibly adjusted the utilisation rate and
product structure, and maintained stable operation. In the first quarter, we
seized the good opportunity with high refining margin and comprehensively
increased utilisation rate. In the second quarter, we adjusted the structure
and increased exports of refined oil products in line with the pandemic
situation. The Company optimised the crude oil procurement and resource
allocation to reduce procurement costs. We expedited adjustment to increase
the yield of chemical feedstock and refining specialities with proportion of
high-grade lubricants further increased. We accelerated the construction of
advanced capacity and promoted structural adjustment projects in an orderly
manner. The Company ensured the supply of hydrogen for the Beijing Winter
Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games and continued to promote the
hydrogen supply projects. In the first half, the Company processed 121 million
tonnes of crude oil, down by 4.2% year-on-year, yielding 68.99 million tonnes
of refined oil products, among which diesel output increased by 7.4%


Refining: Summary of Operations

Unit: million tonnes


                                           Six-month period ended 30 June      Changes   
                                           2022              2021              (%)       
 Refinery throughput                       120.76            126.11            (4.2)     
 Gasoline, diesel and kerosene production  68.99             72.19             (4.4)     
 Gasoline                                  30.03             32.40             (7.3)     
 Diesel                                    30.65             28.54             7.4       
 Kerosene                                  8.31              11.24             (26.1)    
 Light chemical feedstock production       22.01             22.26             (1.1)     


Note: Includes 100% of production of domestic joint ventures.


(3)  Marketing and Distribution


In the first half of 2022, facing fierce market competition and once severe
pandemic situation, the Company strengthened the integration of production and
marketing, adjusted business strategy in a timely manner, dynamically
optimised the allocation of resources, and spared no effort to expand sales
and increase profitability. We focused on customer experience and carried out
targeted marketing strategies. We actively expanded the low-sulphur bunker
fuel market and further consolidated our market position. We also promoted
company branding products and improved the quality and profitability of
non-fuel business. In addition, Efforts were made to accelerate sales network
development, digitisation and transformation to an integrated energy service
provider of petrol, gas, hydrogen, power and services. In the first half,
total sales volume of refined oil products was 98.42 million tonnes, of which
total domestic sales volume accounted for 78.46 million tonnes.


Marketing and Distribution: Summary of Operations


                                                                       Six-month period ended 30 June      Change   
                                                                       2022              2021              (%)      
 Total sales volume of refined oil products (million tonnes)           98.42             109.13            (9.8)    
 Total domestic sales volume of refined oil products (million tonnes)  78.46             84.01             (6.6)    
 Retail (million tonnes)                                               51.23             55.50             (7.7)    
 Direct sales and Distribution (million tonnes)                        27.23             28.51             (4.5)    
 Annualised average throughput per station (tonne/station)             3,333             3,614             (7.8)    


Note: The total sales volume of refined oil products includes the amount of
refined oil marketing and trading sales volume.


                                                   As of     As of         Change          

                                                   30 June   31 December   from the end

                                                   2022      2021          of last year

 Total number of Sinopec-branded service stations  30,740    30,725        0.05            
 Number of convenience stores                      27,950    27,618        1.2             


(4)  Chemicals


In the first half of 2022, facing difficult situation of high cost, high
inventory, low utilisation and low margin in domestic chemical industry, the
Company optimised the structure of facilities, feedstock and products,
properly scheduled maintenance operations, and maintained high utilisation
rate in profitable facilities, responding to market demand. We comprehensively
promoted the construction of advanced capacity in Zhenhai, Jiujiang, Tianjin
Nangang and Hainan. We also promoted operation stabling and production
increasing in coal chemical business, and its profits realised an significant
increase. The proportion of high value-added products continued to increase,
with ratio of new and specialty products of synthetic resin reached 69.5%,
increased by 1.4 percentage points year-on-year, ratio of high-value-added
products of synthetic rubber and fibre reached 36.8% and 40.7%, increased by
0.7 and 6.8 percentage points year-on-year respectively, and ratio of fine
chemicals reached 35.8%, increased by 1.1 percentage points over the previous
year. Ethylene production in the first half was 6.85 million tonnes, with a
year-on-year increase of 5.9%. We made full efforts to ensure sufficient
supply to our strategic customers, actively increased export, and vigorously
expanded high-end markets. In the first half, the total sales volume of
chemical products was 40.38 million tonnes, up by 1% year-on-year.


Major Chemical Products: Summary of Operations           Unit: 1,000


                                      Six-month period ended 30 June      Changes   
                                      2022              2021              (%)       
 Ethylene                             6,846             6,463             5.9       
 Synthetic resin                      9,275             9,292             (0.2)     
 Synthetic fiber monomer and polymer  4,656             4,507             3.3       
 Synthetic fiber                      555               676               (17.9)    
 Synthetic rubber                     646               594               8.8       


Note: Includes 100% of production of domestic joint ventures.



In the first half of 2022, the Company spared no effort to promote the HSE
management system, further promoted the centralised management of safety risks
and gas safety, and put in place special programme of contractors' safety
management. We strengthened pandemic prevention and control, continuously
consolidated the foundation of employee health management, and safeguarded the
occupational, physical and psychological health of employees at home and



In the first half of 2022, the Company deepened the reform of its science and
technology system and mechanism, enhanced investment in science and
technology, and strengthened the protection of intellectual property rights,
leading to the overall results of science and technology innovation continuing
to improve and scientific research payoffs emerging. In upstream,
breakthroughs were made in the geological theory and exploration and
production of continental facies shale oil, high-efficiency exploration and
production of ultra-deep oil and gas, and EOR in mature oilfields. In
refining, new progress was made in core technologies such as direct crude oil
cracking to ethylene, high-end carbon materials, high-end lubricants, and
catalytic materials for fuel cells. In chemicals, the first unit of the third
generation aromatics was completed and put into operation. New progress was
made in the research and development of key technologies, such as the high
isotactic polybutene-1. The one-million-tonne CCUS project was completed and
commissioned. Bio-jet fuel achieved large-scale trial production. National
pilot demonstration projects such as "Industrial Internet+" and the
construction of smart "fields, plants, stations and institutes" progressed



The Company continued to optimise its investment management and focused on
improving the quality and return of its investments. Capex in the first half
of 2022 was RMB64.65 billion, of which RMB33.34 billion was spent in the
E&P segment, mainly on the crude oil production capacity building in
Shunbei and Tahe, natural gas capacity building in western Sichuan and
Dongsheng, and the construction of storage and transportation facilities such
as the relocation of Dongying crude oil depot and Longkou LNG projects;
RMB8.93 billion was spent in the refining segment, mainly for Anqing and
Yangzi refining upgrading projects and the second phase of Zhenhai refining
and chemical project; RMB3.07 billion was spent in the marketing and
distribution segment, mainly for the construction of gas stations, integrated
energy stations covering gasoline, gas, hydrogen, power and service and
logistics facilities; RMB18.21 billion was spent in the chemicals segment,
mainly for Hainan and Tianjin Nangang ethylene projects, Jiujiang aromatics
project, Zhenhai Refining and Chemical project Phase II and Yizheng PTA
project; RMB1.10 billion was used on corporate and others, mainly for science
and technology research and IT.



Looking ahead to the second half of the year, the risk of stagflation in the
global economy is expected to rise, while China's economic growth is
anticipated to rebound and remain within a reasonable range. Domestic demands
for refined oil products and chemical products are expected to pick up, and
demand for natural gas will maintain growth. Taking into account the
comprehensive impact of geopolitics and changes in global supply and demand,
international crude oil prices are expected to remain high and volatile.


In the face of the current situation, the Company will pay more attention to
enhancing market foresight, strengthening operational synergies, prioritising
innovation and development, synergy and optimisation, market expansion, reform
management and safety and environmental protection. We will focus on the
following aspects:


In E&P, the Company will continue to increase exploration efforts, strive
to achieve strategic breakthroughs in exploration and increase reserves with
scale and profit, boost oil and gas production and profitability, and lower
the oil and gas break-even point. We will accelerate the oil and gas
production capacity building in Shunbei, Tahe, western Sichuan and Zhongjiang,
promote the construction of the national demonstration area for continental
shale oil in Jiyang, strengthen the research and application of EOR
technologies, and continue to promote profitable oil and gas production. In
the second half of the year, we plan to produce 141 million barrels of crude
oil and 642.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas.


In refining, the Company will integrate and coordinate production and
marketing, optimise utilisation rate closely in line with the market and
flexibly adjust the product slate. We will dynamically optimise the
procurement structure and pace and strive to reduce procurement cost. We will
vigorously shift from producing refined oil products to chemicals and
specialty products, increase production of high value-added products and
specialty products, and promote the growth of lubricants, sulphur and asphalt.
In the second half of the year, we plan to process 120 million tonnes of crude


In marketing and distribution, the Company will seize the opportunity of
rebounding market demand, with leverage on our integration advantages, to
precisely implement targeted marketing strategy, improve retail volume and
profits, provide tailor-made services for direct sale and distribution
customers, and strive to increase the total sales volume and market share. We
will further optimise the network layout and consolidate and reinforce network
advantages, seize market opportunities and further expand low-sulphur bunker
fuel sales, enhance the comprehensive service capability and synergy of
non-fuel business. In the second half of the year, we plan to sell 87.1
million tonnes of refined oil products in domestic market.


In chemicals, the Company will closely follow market demand, optimise
feedstocks, products, facilities and regional resources, and strive to achieve
efficient plant operation. We will integrate production, marketing, research
and application, strengthen the research and development of high-end products
and new materials. We will improve the quality and profitability of coal
chemical business and maintain good profit momentum. We will also strengthen
the integration of internal and external resources, improve export business
and make every effort to expand the market and increase the volume. In the
second half of the year, we plan to produce 7.2 million tonnes of ethylene.


In Capex, the Company plans to spend RMB133.35 billion in the second half of
the year, and will dynamically optimise and adjust its investment projects in
the future in accordance with market changes. RMB48.16 billion will be spent
in the E&P segment, mainly for the crude oil production capacity building
in Shunbei and Tahe, natural gas production capacity building in western
Sichuan and Dongsheng, and LNG storage and transportation facilities. RMB11.47
billion will be spent in the refining segment, mainly for Anqing and Yangzi
refining upgrading projects and the second phase of Zhenhai refining and
chemical project. RMB20.63 billion will be spent in the marketing and
distribution segment, mainly for the construction of gas stations, "petrol,
gas, hydrogen, power and services" integrated energy stations and logistics
facilities. RMB47.89 billion will be spent in the chemicals segment, mainly
for the construction of ethylene projects in Hainan and Tianjin Nangang, the
second phase of Zhenhai refining and chemical project and the PTA project in
Yizheng. RMB5.20 billion will be spent for corporate and others, mainly for
the scientific and technological research and IT.










In the first half of 2022, facing the situation of significant increase and
drastic fluctuation of international crude oil price, resurging of domestic
pandemic, and weak demand for petroleum and petrochemical products, the
Company fully leveraged on the advantages of integration and coordination,
flexibly adjusted structure of feedstock, products and facilities, expanded
market and sales, and realised revenue and operating profit of RMB1,612.1
billion and RMB62.9 billion, increased by 27.9% and 7.6% year-on-year


The following table sets forth the principal revenue and expense items from
the Company's consolidated income statement for the first half of 2022 and the
corresponding period in 2021:


                                                                         Six-month period ended 30 June               
                                                                         2022              2021              Change   
                                                                         RMB million       RMB million       (%)      
 Revenue                                                                 1,612,126         1,260,773         27.9     
 Revenue from primary business                                           1,582,236         1,231,523         28.5     
 Other operating revenues                                                29,890            29,250            2.2      
 Operating expenses                                                      (1,549,202)       (1,202,287)       28.9     
 Purchased crude oil, products and operating supplies and expenses       (1,262,183)       (945,555)         33.5     
 Selling, general and administrative expenses                            (26,797)          (25,810)          3.8      
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                                (53,638)          (54,466)          (1.5)    
 Exploration expenses, including dry holes                               (5,738)           (4,846)           18.4     
 Personnel expenses                                                      (49,223)          (45,195)          8.9      
 Taxes other than income tax                                             (134,409)         (120,900)         11.2     
 Impairment reversal on trade and other receivables                      72                55                30.9     
 Other operating expenses, net                                           (17,286)          (5,570)           210.3    
 Operating profit                                                        62,924            58,486            7.6      
 Net finance costs                                                       (5,337)           (4,902)           8.9      
 Investment income and share of profits less losses from associates and  7,453             11,247            (33.7)   

 joint ventures
 Profit before taxation                                                  65,040            64,831            0.3      
 Income tax expense                                                      (14,461)          (15,052)          (3.9)    
 Profit for the period                                                   50,579            49,779            1.6      
 Attributable to:                                                                                                     
 Shareholders of the Company                                             44,451            40,227            10.5     
 Non-controlling interests                                               6,128             9,552             (35.8)   


(1)  Revenue

In the first half of 2022, the Company's revenue from primary business was
RMB1,582.2 billion, representing an increase of 28.5% year-on-year. This was
mainly due to the increased prices of major refined oil and chemical products
and the increased sales volume of some petroleum and petrochemical products.


The following table sets forth the external sales volume, average realised
prices and respective change rates of the Company's major products in the
first half of 2022 as compared with the first half of 2021.


                                     Sales Volume (thousand tonnes)         Average realised price                           

                                                                            (VAT excluded)

                                                                            (RMB/tonne, RMB/thousand cubic meters)
                                     Six-month period          Change       Six-month period                Change           

                                     ended 30 June                          ended 30 June
                                     2022         2021         (%)          2022            2021            (%)              
 Crude oil                           4,280        3,537        21.0         4,513           2,794           61.5             
 Natural gas (million cubic meters)  14,824       14,371       3.2          1,736           1,522           14.1             
 Gasoline                            39,525       45,597       (13.3)       9,272           7,307           26.9             
 Diesel                              36,668       34,648       5.8          7,558           5,388           40.3             
 Kerosene                            8,575        11,016       (22.2)       5,771           3,397           69.9             
 Basic chemical feedstock            18,063       17,665       2.3          6,475           5,159           25.5             
 Synthetic fibre monomer             3,812        3,408        11.9         6,607           6,216           6.3              

 and polymer
 Synthetic resin                     8,595        8,652        (0.7)        8,662           8,174           6.0              
 Synthetic fibre                     588          714          (17.6)       8,347           7,356           13.5             
 Synthetic rubber                    663          622          6.6          11,720          10,584          10.7             


Most of the crude oil and a small portion of natural gas produced by the
Company were internally used for refining and chemical production with the
remaining sold to other customers. In the first half of 2022, the revenue from
crude oil, natural gas and other upstream products sold externally amounted to
RMB95.8 billion, up by 41.5% year-on-year, accounting for 5.9% of the
Company's revenue from primary business and other operating revenues. This
change was mainly due to the increased crude oil and natural gas prices and
sales volume.


Petroleum products (mainly consisting of refined oil products and other
refined petroleum products) sold externally by the refining segment and the
marketing and distribution segment achieved external sales revenues of
RMB866.1 billion, representing an increase of 24.9% year-on-year and
accounting for 53.7% of the Company's revenue from primary business and other
operating revenues. This change was mainly due to the increased price of
refined oil products and the increased diesel sales volume. The sales revenue
of gasoline, diesel and kerosene was RMB693.1 billion, representing an
increase of 24.4% year-on-year, accounting for 80.0% of the total sales
revenue of petroleum products. The sales revenue of other refined petroleum
products was RMB173.0 billion, accounting for 20.0% of the sales revenue of
petroleum products, up by 27.2% year-on-year.


The Company's external sales revenue of chemical products was RMB234.2
billion, accounting for 14.5% of its revenue from primary business and other
operating revenues, up by 18.4% year-on-year. The change was mainly due to the
increased chemical products price and sales volume of some chemical products.


(2)  Operating expenses

In the first half of 2022, the Company's operating expenses were RMB1,549.2
billion, up by 28.9% year-on-year, mainly due to the increased price of
outsourced crude oil, refined oil products and chemical feedstock resulting
from the significant increase in international commodities and raw materials
price. The operating expenses mainly consisted of the following:


Purchased crude oil, products and operating supplies and expenses were
RMB1,262.2 billion, representing an increase of 33.5% year-on-year, accounting
for 81.5% of total operating expenses, of which:


‧  Crude oil purchasing expenses were RMB471.6 billion, representing an
increase of 57.2% year-on-year. Throughput of outsourced crude oil in the
first half of 2022 was 112.79 million tonnes (excluding the volume processed
for third parties), down by 4.4% year-on-year. The average unit processing
cost of outsourced crude oil was RMB4,649 per tonne, up by 63.3% year-on-year.


‧  The Company's purchasing expenses of refined oil products were RMB138.2
billion, up by 1.7% year-on-year.


‧  The Company's purchasing expenses related to trading activities were
RMB354.7 billion, up by 36.4% year-on-year, mainly due to the increased prices
of outsourced crude oil and refined oil products.


‧  Other purchasing expenses were RMB297.7 billion, up by 19.3%
year-on-year, mainly due to the increased price of raw materials.


Selling, general and administrative expenses of the Company totalled RMB26.8
billion, representing an increase of 3.8% year-on-year.


Depreciation, depletion and amortisation of the Company were RMB53.6 billion,
representing a decrease of 1.5% year-on-year. This was mainly due to the
decreased depreciation and depletion of oil and gas assets resulting from the
increase of proved reserves.


Exploration expenses were RMB5.7 billion, representing an increase of 18.4%
year-on-year. This was mainly because the Company accordingly increased high
efficient exploration investment for discovering good quality reserves.


Personnel expenses were RMB49.2 billion, representing an increase of 8.9%
year-on-year. This was mainly due to the increased payment base, which led to
the increase in social insurance and other wage surcharges, and the increased
performance wages.


Taxes other than income tax were RMB134.4 billion, representing an increase of
11.2% year-on-year, mainly due to the increased special oil income levy, as
well as the increase of resource tax on oil and gas products and consumption
tax on refined oil products.


Other operating expenses, net was RMB17.3 billion, representing an increase of
RMB11.7 billion over the same period of 2021, mainly due to the loss on
derivative financial instruments.


(3)  Operating profit

In the first half of 2022, the Company's operating profit was RMB62.9 billion,
representing an increase of 7.6% year-on-year. This was mainly due to the
significant improve in upstream profitability. In addition, the Company fully
leveraged on its integration advantages, strengthened optimisation of
industrial chain, and maintained stable operation in downstream business.


(4)  Net finance costs

In the first half of 2022, the Company's net finance costs were RMB5.3
billion, up by RMB0.4 billion or 8.9% over the same period of last year,
mainly due to the increased interest-bearing debt scale led to the increase of
interest expenses year-on-year.


(5)  Profit before taxation

In the first half of 2022, the Company's profit before taxation amounted to
RMB65.0 billion, representing an increase of 0.3% year-on-year.


(6)  Income tax expense

In the first half of 2022, the Company's income tax expense totalled RMB14.5
billion, representing a decrease of 3.9% year-on-year.


(7)  Profit attributable to non-controlling interests of the Company

In the first half of 2022, profit attributable to non-controlling interests
was RMB6.1 billion, representing a decrease of RMB3.4 billion and 35.8%
year-on-year, mainly due to the decreased profits of non-controlling
enterprises of the Company.


(8)  Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company

In the first half of 2022, profit attributable to shareholders of the Company
was RMB44.5 billion, representing an increase of 10.5% year-on-year.



The Company manages its operations by four business segments, namely
exploration and production segment, refining segment, marketing and
distribution segment and chemicals segment, as well as corporate and others.
Unless otherwise specified, the inter-segment transactions have not been
eliminated from financial data discussed in this section. In addition, the
operating revenue data of each segment includes other operating revenues.


The following table shows the operating revenues by each segment, the
contribution of external sales and inter-segment sales as a percentage of
operating revenues before elimination of inter-segment sales, and the
contribution of external sales as a percentage of consolidated operating
revenues (i.e. after elimination of inter-segment sales) for the periods


                                       Operating revenues              As a percentage of                  As a percentage of                   

                                                                       consolidated operating              consolidated operating

                                                                       revenues before elimination of      revenues after elimination of

                                                                       inter-segment sales                 inter-segment sales
                                       Six-month period                Six-month period                    Six-month period                     

                                       ended 30 June                   ended 30 June                       ended 30 June
                                       2022                2021        2022              2021              2022              2021               
                                       RMB million                     (%)                                 (%)                                  
 Exploration and Production Segment                                                                                                             
 External sales*                       97,854              70,135      3.4               3.2               6.1               5.6                
 Inter-segment sales                   60,314              39,391      2.1               1.8                                                    
 Operating revenues                    158,168             109,526     5.5               5.0                                                    
 Refining Segment                                                                                                                               
 External sales*                       100,845             82,184      3.5               3.7               6.3               6.5                
 Inter-segment sales                   674,791             543,681     23.0              24.5                                                   
 Operating revenues                    775,636             625,865     26.5              28.2                                                   
 Marketing and Distribution Segment                                                                                                             
 External sales*                       787,077             632,203     27.0              28.5              48.8              50.1               
 Inter-segment sales                   4,916               2,967       0.2               0.1                                                    
 Operating revenues                    791,993             635,170     27.2              28.6                                                   
 Chemicals Segment                                                                                                                              
 External sales*                       239,121             202,613     8.2               9.1               14.8              16.1               
 Inter-segment sales                   39,089              30,030      1.3               1.4                                                    
 Operating revenues                    278,210             232,643     9.5               10.5                                                   
 Corporate and Others                                                                                                                           
 External sales*                       387,229             273,638     13.3              12.3              24.0              21.7               
 Inter-segment sales                   525,043             340,701     18.0              15.4                                                   
 Operating revenues                    912,272             614,339     31.3              27.7                                                   
 Operating revenue before elimination  2,916,279           2,217,543   100.0             100.0                                                  

 of inter-segment sales
 Elimination of inter-segment sales    (1,304,153)         (956,770)                                                                            
 Consolidated operating revenues       1,612,126           1,260,773                                       100.0             100.0              


* Other operating revenues are included.


The following table sets forth the operating revenues, operating expenses and
operating profit/(loss) by each segment before elimination of the
inter-segment transactions for the periods indicated, and the percentage
change between the first half of 2022 and the first half of 2021.


                                     Six-month period ended 30 June               
                                     2022              2021              Change   
                                     RMB million                         (%)      
 Exploration and Production Segment                                               
 Operating revenues                  158,168           109,526           44.4     
 Operating expenses                  131,866           103,293           27.7     
 Operating profit                    26,302            6,233             322.0    
 Refining Segment                                                                 
 Operating revenues                  775,636           625,865           23.9     
 Operating expenses                  745,868           586,467           27.2     
 Operating profit                    29,768            39,398            (24.4)   
 Marketing and Distribution Segment                                               
 Operating revenues                  791,993           635,170           24.7     
 Operating expenses                  775,138           619,102           25.2     
 Operating profit                    16,855            16,068            4.9      
 Chemicals Segment                                                                
 Operating revenues                  278,210           232,643           19.6     
 Operating expenses                  277,400           219,261           26.5     
 Operating profit                    810               13,382            (93.9)   
 Corporate and Others                                                             
 Operating revenues                  912,272           614,339           48.5     
 Operating expenses                  911,873           618,074           47.5     
 Operating profit/(loss)             399               (3,735)           −        
 Elimination                         (11,210)          (12,860)          −        


(1)  Exploration and Production Segment

Most of the crude oil and a small portion of the natural gas produced by the
exploration and production segment were used for the Company's refining and
chemical operations. Most of the natural gas and a small portion of the crude
oil produced by the Company were sold to external customers.


In the first half of 2022, operating revenues of the segment were RMB158.2
billion, representing an increase of 44.4% year-on-year. This was mainly due
to the increased sales prices and volume of domestic crude oil and natural


In the first half of 2022, the segment sold 16.97 million tonnes of crude oil,
representing an increase of 0.2% year-on-year. Natural gas sales volume was
15.3 bcm, representing an increase of 3.3% year-on-year. Regasified LNG sales
volume was 11.2 bcm, representing an increase of 20.3% year-on-year. LNG sales
volume was 0.91 million tonnes, representing a decrease of 72.6% year-on-year.
This was mainly because the Company flexibly adjusted marketing strategy in
line with market demand and resource situation. Average realised prices of
crude oil, natural gas, regasified LNG, and LNG were RMB4,391 per tonne,
RMB1,743 per thousand cubic meters, RMB3,037 per thousand cubic meters, and
RMB5,695 per tonne respectively, representing an increase of 64.1%, 14.5%,
57.1% and 83.3% year-on-year respectively.


In the first half of 2022, the operating expenses of the segment were RMB131.9
billion, representing an increase of 27.7% year-on-year. This was mainly
because that LNG procurement cost increased by RMB16.4 billion year-on-year,
special oil income levy and resource tax increased by RMB9.8 billion
year-on-year, personnel expenses increased by RMB2.2 billion year-on-year,
exploration expenses increased by RMB900 million year-on-year, and
depreciation, depletion and amortization decreased by RMB2.1 billion
year-on-year resulting from increased proved reserves.


In the first half of 2022, the oil and gas lifting cost was RMB767.08 per
tonne, representing an increase of 3.6% year-on-year. This was mainly due to
the increased cost of outsourced raw materials and fuel.


In the first half of 2022, the segment seized the opportunity of high oil
price, enhanced exploration and production, accelerated capacity building,
strengthened optimisation of the whole natural gas industry chain, and
improved profitability. In the first half, the segment realised an operating
profit of RMB26.3 billion, representing an increase of RMB20.1 billion or
322.0% year-on-year.


(2)  Refining Segment

Business activities of the refining segment include purchasing crude oil from
third parties and the exploration and production segment of the Company as
well as processing crude oil into refined petroleum products. Gasoline, diesel
and kerosene are sold internally to the marketing and distribution segment of
the Company, part of the chemical feedstock is sold internally to the
chemicals segment of the Company, and other refined petroleum products are
sold to both domestic and overseas customers through the refining segment.


In the first half of 2022, operating revenues of the segment were RMB775.6
billion, representing an increase of 23.9% year-on-year. This was mainly
because of an increase in price of refined oil products, as well as an
increase in diesel sales volume.


The following table sets forth the sales volumes, average realised prices and
the respective changes of the Company's major refined oil products of the
segment in the first half of 2022 and that of the same period of 2021.


                                   Sales Volume (thousand tonnes)         Average realised price           

                                                                          (VAT excluded)

                                   Six-month period          Change       Six-month period      Change     

                                   ended 30 June                          ended 30 June
                                   2022         2021         (%)          2022       2021       (%)        
 Gasoline                          28,945       31,795       (9.0)        8,919      6,786      31.4       
 Diesel                            29,388       28,021       4.9          7,317      5,056      44.7       
 Kerosene                          6,629        8,991        (26.3)       5,662      3,371      68.0       
 Chemical feedstock                20,902       22,337       (6.4)        5,311      3,609      47.2       
 Other refined petroleum products  32,785       33,752       (2.9)        4,637      4,596      0.9        


In the first half of 2022, the sales revenues of gasoline were RMB258.2
billion, representing an increase of 19.6% year-on-year, accounting for 33.3%
of the segment's operating revenues.


In the first half of 2022, the sales revenues of diesel were RMB215.0 billion,
representing an increase of 51.8% year-on-year, accounting for 27.7% of the
segment's operating revenues.


In the first half of 2022, the sales revenues of kerosene were RMB37.5
billion, representing an increase of 23.9% year-on-year, accounting for 4.8%
of the segment's operating revenues.


In the first half of 2022, the sales revenues of chemical feedstock were
RMB111.0 billion, representing an increase of 37.7% year-on-year, accounting
for 14.3% of the segment's operating revenues.


In the first half of 2022, the sales revenues of refined petroleum products
other than gasoline, diesel, kerosene and chemical feedstock were RMB152.0
billion, representing a decrease of 2.0% year-on-year, accounting for 19.6% of
the segment's operating revenues.


In the first half of 2022, the segment's operating expenses were RMB745.9
billion, representing an increase of 27.2% year-on-year, which was mainly
attributable to the significant increase in the cost of outsourced crude,
fuels and power resulting from increased international crude oil price.


In the first half of 2022, the average processing cost of refining feedstock
was RMB4,754 per tonne, representing an increase of 60.7% year-on-year. Total
refining feedstock throughput was 123.07 million tonnes (excluding volume
processed for third parties), representing a decrease of 5.5% year-on-year. In
the first half of 2022, the total processing cost for crude oil was RMB585.1
billion, representing an increase of 51.8% year-on-year. This was mainly due
to the increased crude procurement cost.


In the first half of 2022, the refining margin was RMB533 per tonne, decreased
by RMB28 per tonne year-on-year, representing a decrease of 5.1% year-on-year.
This was mainly due to the increased crude procurement cost, overseas
transportation and insurance cost, and decreased refined oil products margin
ratio under the high crude price circumstance.


In the first half of 2022, the unit refining cash operating cost (defined as
operating expenses less cost of crude oil and refining feedstock, depreciation
and amortisation, taxes other than income tax and other operating expenses,
divided by the throughput of crude oil and refining feedstock) was RMB222.76
per tonne, representing an increase of 18.2% year-on-year, which was mainly
due to the increased cost of auxiliary material and fuels resulting from
increased international commodity prices.


In the first half of 2022, the segment proactively reduced the utilisation
rate to address the resurging pandemic and weak demand of refined oil
products, but impacted by the increased processing cost of crude oil and
shrank margin ratio, operating profit was RMB29.8 billion, decreased by RMB9.6
billion or 24.4% year-on-year.


(3)  Marketing and Distribution Segment

The business activities of the marketing and distribution segment include
purchasing refined oil products from the refining segment and the third
parties, conducting wholesale and direct sales to domestic customers and
retailing, distributing oil products through the segment's retail and
distribution network, as well as providing related services.


In the first half of 2022, the operating revenues of this segment were
RMB792.0 billion, increased by 24.7% year-on-year. This was mainly
attributable to increased prices of refined oil products. Among which, sales
revenues of gasoline were RMB366.7 billion, increased by 10.0% year-on-year,
sales revenues of diesel were RMB278.0 billion, increased by 48.5%
year-on-year and sales revenues of kerosene were RMB49.5 billion, increased by
32.2% year-on-year.


The following table sets forth the sales volume, average realised prices and
respective changes of the segment's four major refined oil products in the
first half of 2022 and 2021, including the detailed information about the
retail, direct sales and distribution of gasoline and diesel.


                                Sales volume                   Average realised price            

                                (thousand tonnes)              (VAT excluded, RMB/tonne)
                                Six-month period      Change   Six-month period      Change      

                                ended 30 June                  ended 30 June
                                2022       2021       (%)      2022       2021       (%)         
 Gasoline                       39,554     45,606     (13.3)   9,271      7,307      26.9        
 Retail                         28,669     32,383     (11.5)   9,783      7,807      25.3        
 Direct sales and distribution  10,885     13,222     (17.7)   7,925      6,082      30.3        
 Diesel                         36,792     34,742     5.9      7,556      5,388      40.2        
 Retail                         15,212     15,065     1.0      8,072      6,079      32.8        
 Direct sales and distribution  21,580     19,677     9.7      7,192      4,860      48.0        
 Kerosene                       8,575      11,016     (22.2)   5,771      3,397      69.9        
 Fuel oil                       11,159     12,751     (12.5)   5,122      3,103      65.1        


In the first half of 2022, the operating expenses of this segment were
RMB775.1 billion, representing an increase of RMB156.0 billion, up by 25.2%
year-on-year. This was mainly due to increased procurement cost of refined oil
products resulting from increased international crude oil price.


In the first half of 2022, the segment's marketing cash operating cost
(defined as the operating expenses less the purchase costs, taxed other than
income tax, depreciation and amortization, divided by sales volume) was
RMB198.71 per tonne, up by 13.0% year-on-year. This was mainly attributable to
the increased unit fixed cost as a result of resurging pandemic, weak demand
for refined oil products and decreased sales volume.


In the first half of 2022, the operating revenues of non-fuel business of this
segment were RMB19.3 billion, representing an increase of RMB1.3 billion
year-on-year, and the profit of non-fuel business was RMB2.6 billion,
representing an increase of RMB300 million year-on-year. This was mainly
because the Company proactively promoted the sales volume of company branding
products and expanded new business models.


In the first half of 2022, the segment proactively integrated and coordinated
production and marketing, expanded market to address the severe situation of
resurging pandemic, and realised an operating profit of RMB16.9 billion,
representing an increase of RMB800 million or 4.9% year-on-year.


(4)  Chemicals

The business activities of the chemicals segment include purchasing chemical
feedstock from the refining segment and third parties and producing, marketing
and distributing petrochemical and inorganic chemical products.


In the first half of 2022, the operating revenues of this segment were
RMB278.2 billion, increased by 19.6% year-on-year. This was mainly due to the
increased chemical prices, as well as sales volume growth of some products.


In the first half of 2022, the operating revenue generated by the segment's
six major categories of chemical products (namely basic organic chemicals,
synthetic resin, synthetic fiber monomer and polymer, synthetics fibre,
synthetic rubber and chemical fertiliser) was RMB262.4 billion, increased by
18.5% year-on-year, accounting for 94.3% of the operating revenues of the


The following table sets forth the sales volume, average realised prices and
respective changes of each of the segment's six categories of chemical
products in the first half of 2022 and 2021.


                          Sales volume                   Average realised price            

                          (thousand tonnes)              (VAT excluded, RMB/tonne)
                          Six-month period      Change   Six-month period      Change      

                          ended 30 June                  ended 30 June
                          2022       2021       (%)      2022       2021       (%)         
 Basic organic chemicals  23,105     23,377     (1.2)    6,423      4,961      29.5        
 Synthetic fibre monomer  3,843      3,432      12.0     6,633      6,253      6.1         

 and polymer
 Synthetic resin          8,596      8,652      (0.6)    8,662      8,174      6.0         
 Synthetics fibre         588        714        (17.7)   8,350      7,356      13.5        
 Synthetic rubber         664        624        6.5      11,728     10,589     10.8        
 Chemical fertiliser      408        505        (19.3)   3,329      2,666      24.9        


In the first half of 2022, the operating expenses of this segment were
RMB277.4 billion, increased by 26.5% year-on-year, mainly due to the increased
cost of outsourced feedstock and fuels as a result of increased international
crude oil price.


In the first half of 2022, The segment vigorously optimised structural of
feedstock, product and facilities, increased production of high value-added
products, but impacted by significant decrease in chemical margin, resulting
from significant increase of naphtha and other feedstock prices, weak chemical
demand, and relatively low downstream utilisation rate, operating profit was
RMB800 million, decreased by RMB12.6 billion year-on-year.


(5)  Corporate and Others

The business activities of corporate and others mainly consists of import and
export business activities of Sinopec Corp.'s subsidiaries, research and
development activities of the Company, and managerial activities of the


In the first half of 2022, the operating revenue generated from the corporate
and others was RMB912.3 billion, increased by 48.5% year-on-year, mainly due
to a significant increase in the trading prices of crude oil and refined oil


In the first half of 2022, the operating expenses for corporate and others
were RMB911.9 billion, increased by 47.5% year-on-year.


In the first half of 2022, the segment's operating profit was RMB400 million.



The major funding resources of the Company are its operating activities,
short-term and long-term loans. The major use of funds includes operating
expenses, capital expenditures, and repayment of short-term and long-term


(1)  Assets, Liabilities and Equity          Unit:RMB million


                                                               As of      As of         Change    

                                                               30 June    31 December

                                                               2022       2021
 Total assets                                                  2,059,814  1,889,255     170,559   
 Current assets                                                706,433    558,024       148,409   
 Non-current assets                                            1,353,381  1,331,231     22,150    
 Total liabilities                                             1,129,073  974,181       154,892   
 Current liabilities                                           793,623    641,280       152,343   
 Non-current liabilities                                       335,450    332,901       2,549     
 Total equity attributable to the shareholders of the Company  786,249    774,182       12,067    
 Share capital                                                 121,071    121,071       −         
 Reserves                                                      665,178    653,111       12,067    
 Non-controlling interests                                     144,492    140,892       3,600     
 Total equity                                                  930,741    915,074       15,667    


As of 30 June 2022, the Company's total assets were RMB2,059.8 billion,
representing an increase of RMB170.6 billion compared with the 2021 year-end
balance, of which:


Current assets were RMB706.4 billion, representing an increase of RMB148.4
billion compared with the 2021 year-end balance, mainly because inventories
and accounts receivable increased by RMB77.6 billion and RMB28.9 billion
respectively resulting from the increase of international crude oil price, as
well as cash and cash equivalents increased by RMB30.6 billion.


Non-current assets were RMB1,353.4 billion, representing an increase of
RMB22.2 billion compared with the 2021 year-end balance, mainly because
construction in progress increased by RMB13.1 billion and interest in
associates increased by RMB9.6 billion.


As of 30 June 2022, the Company's total liabilities were RMB1,129.1 billion,
representing an increase of RMB154.9 billion compared with the end of last
year, of which:


Current liabilities were RMB793.6 billion, representing an increase of
RMB152.3 billion compared with the 2021 year-end balance, mainly because
short-term debts increased by RMB124.3 billion and accounts payable and bills
payable increased by RMB32.6 billion.


Non-current liabilities were RMB335.5 billion, representing an increase of
RMB2.5 billion compared with the 2021 year-end balance.


As of 30 June 2022, total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company
was RMB786.2 billion, representing an increase of RMB12.1 billion compared
with the 2021 year-end balance.


(2)  Cash Flows

The following table sets forth the major items in the consolidated cash flow
statements for the first half of 2022 and of 2021:


Unit: RMB million


 Major items of cash flows                             Six-month period ended 30 June      Change     
                                                       2022              2021                         
 Net cash generated from operating activities          4,947             48,347            (43,400)   
 Net cash used in investing activities                 (51,138)          (65,990)          14,852     
 Net cash generated from financing activities          75,212            8,650             66,562     
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  29,021            (8,993)           38,014     


In the first half of 2022, net cash generated from operating activities was
RMB4.9 billion, representing a decrease of RMB43.4 billion year-on-year,
mainly due to net change of inventories increasing the outflow of cash by
RMB31.0 billion, net change of accounts payable and other current liabilities
decreasing inflow of cash by RMB22.5 billion, net change of income tax paid
decreasing outflow of cash by RMB6.2 billion and share of profits from
associates and joint ventures decreasing outflow of cash by RMB3.8 billion.


In the first half of 2022, the Company's net cash used in investing activities
was RMB51.1 billion, representing a decrease of cash outflow of RMB14.9
billion year-on-year, mainly due to a year-on-year decrease of cash outflow of
RMB34.2 billion in time deposits with maturities over three months, an
increased cash outflow of RMB7.6 billion used to pay for acquisition of
subsidiaries, an increase of cash outflow RMB5.3 billion in capital
expenditures and a decrease of cash inflow of RMB4.5 billion in the proceeds
from sale of investments.


In the first half of 2022, the Company's net cash generated from financing
activities was RMB75.2 billion, representing an increase of cash inflow of
RMB66.6 billion year-on-year, mainly due to proceeds from bank and other loans
increased by RMB178.8 billion, repayments of bank and other loans increased by
RMB93.3 billion and dividends distribution increased by RMB21.8 billion.


As of 30 June 2022, the Company's cash and cash equivalents were RMB139.2


(3)  Contingent Liabilities

Please refer to "Material Guarantee Contracts and Performance Thereof" in the
"Significant Events" section of this report.


(4)  Capital Expenditure

Please refer to "Capital Expenditures" in the "Business Review and Prospects"
section of this report.


(5)  Research & Development and Environmental Expenditure

Research and Development expenditures referred to fees incurred in the period
and recognised as expenses. In the first half of 2022, the Company's research
and development expenditure amounted to RMB9.48 billion, of which expenditure
was RMB6.31 billion and capitalised expenditure was RMB3.17 billion.


Environmental expenditures refer to the routine pollutant cleaning fees paid
by the Company, excluding capitalised cost of pollutant treatment facilities.
In the first half of 2022, the environmental expenditures amounted to RMB4.355


(6)  Measurement of Fair Values of Derivatives and Relevant System

The Company has established sound decision-making mechanism, business process
and internal control systems relevant to financial instrument accounting and
information disclosure. The following table sets forth items relevant to
measurement of fair values.


Items relevant to measurement of fair values     Unit: RMB million


 Items                                Beginning of    End of the  Profits and         Accumulated      Impairment       Funding           

                                      the reporting   reporting   losses from         variation        loss provision   source

                                      period          period      variation of fair   of fair values   of the current

                                                                  values in the       recorded as      reporting

                                                                  current reporting   equity           period

 Financial assets held for trading    −               1,012       9                   −                −                Self-owned fund   
 Structured deposit                   −               1,009       9                   −                −                Self-owned fund   
 Fund                                 −               3           −                   −                −                Self-owned fund   
 Derivative financial instruments     1,350           1,038       (19,312)            −                −                                  
 Cash flow hedges                     15,148          25,023      (16)                2,330            −                                  
 Receivables financing                5,939           5,889       −                   −                −                                  
 Other equity instrument investments  767             771         −                   (14)             −                                  
 Total                                23,204          33,733      (19,319)            2,316            −                                  



The major differences between the Company's financial statements prepared
under CASs and IFRS are set out in Section C of the financial statements of
the Company on page 143 of this report.


(1)  Under CASs, the operating income and operating profit or loss by
reportable segments were as follows:


                                                                Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                2022              2021               
                                                                RMB million       RMB million        
 Operating income                                                                                    
 Exploration and Production Segment                             158,168           109,526            
 Refining Segment                                               775,636           625,865            
 Marketing and Distribution Segment                             791,993           635,170            
 Chemicals Segment                                              278,210           232,643            
 Corporate and Others                                           912,272           614,339            
 Elimination of inter-segment sales                             (1,304,153)       (956,770)          
 Consolidated operating income                                  1,612,126         1,260,773          
 Operating profit/(loss)                                                                             
 Exploration and Production Segment                             25,358            5,218              
 Refining Segment                                               28,751            39,177             
 Marketing and Distribution Segment                             17,964            16,583             
 Chemicals Segment                                              120               12,845             
 Corporate and Others                                           18,164            1,646              
 Elimination                                                    (11,210)          (12,860)           
 Financial expenses, losses/gains from changes in fair value,   (17,067)          385                

 investment income and disposal income
 Other income                                                   2,121             1,244              
 Consolidated operating profit                                  64,201            64,238             
 Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company  43,530            39,426             


Operating profit: In the first half of 2022, the operating profit of the
Company was RMB64.2 billion, representing a decrease of 0.1% year-on-year.


Net profit: In the first half of 2022, net profit attributable to the equity
shareholders of the Company was RMB43.5 billion, representing an increase of
10.4% year-on-year.


(2)  Financial data prepared under CASs:


                          At 30 June   At 31 December                
                          2022         2021            Changes       
                          RMB million  RMB million     RMB million   
 Total assets             2,059,814    1,889,255       170,559       
 Non-current liabilities  334,519      331,934         2,585         
 Shareholders' equity     931,672      916,041         15,631        


Changes analysis:


Total assets: As of 30 June 2022, the Company's total assets were RMB2,059.8
billion, representing an increase of RMB170.6 billion compared with the 2021
year-end balance. This was mainly due to inventories increased by RMB77.6
billion, accounts receivable increased by RMB28.9 billion, cash at bank and on
hand increased by RMB11.9 billion, derivative financial assets increased by
RMB22.0 billion, other receivables increased by RMB9.0 billion, long-term
equity investments increased by RMB10.2 billion and construction in progress
increased by RMB13.1 billion.


Non-current liabilities: As of 30 June 2022, the Company's non-current
liabilities were RMB334.5 billion, representing an increase of RMB2.6 billion
compared with the 2021 year-end balance.


Shareholders' equity: As of 30 June 2022, total shareholders' equity of the
Company was RMB931.7 billion, representing an increase of RMB15.6 billion
compared with the 2021 year-end balance.


(3)  The results of the principal operations by segments

 Segments                            Operating       Operating cost  Gross profit  Increase of      Increase of      Increase of       

                                     income          (RMB million)   margin*       operating        operating        gross profit

                                     (RMB million)                   (%)           income on        cost on          margin on

                                                                                   a year-on-year   a year-on-year   a year-on-year

                                                                                   basis (%)        basis (%)        basis


 Exploration and Production          158,168         105,879         23.9          44.4             20.6             8.4               
 Refining                            775,636         622,979         4.6           23.9             35.1             (3.7)             
 Marketing and Distribution          791,993         742,258         6.1           24.7             26.8             (1.5)             
 Chemicals                           278,210         268,075         3.0           19.6             31.5             (8.7)             
 Corporate and Others                912,272         884,577         3.0           48.5             46.4             1.4               
 Elimination of inter-segment sales  (1,304,153)     (1,292,943)     N/A           N/A              N/A              N/A               
 Total                               1,612,126       1,330,825       9.1           27.9             33.3             (2.1)             


*      Gross profit margin = (Operating income - Operating cost - taxes
and surcharges)/Operating income



For details, please refer to Note 3(26) to the financial statements prepared
in accordance with CASs and Note 2 to the financial statement prepared in
accordance with IFRS.








During the reporting period, Sinopec Corp. adhered to the standard operation,
complied with the Articles of Association as well as domestic and applicable
overseas laws and regulations on securities, and strengthened the edifice of
the fundamental system of corporate governance by revising several internal
rules according to the updated securities regulations. The Board fulfilled its
duties, strengthened its strategic planning roles, and formulated medium-term
and long-term development plans. The Company continuously promoted the
execution effectiveness of internal control policy and strengthened compliance
management and risk control, so as to improve enterprise management. The Party
participated in the corporate governance of the Company, which promoted the
effective implementation of the decisions of the Board. The Company
continuously conducted the information disclosure and investor relations work
with high quality, strengthened communication with stakeholders, and fulfilled
the social responsibilities to contribute to economic growth and social
progress by ensuring a stable supply of oil and gas and supporting the actions
fighting against the pandemic, etc.



During the reporting period, Sinopec Corp. convened the annual general meeting
for 2021, the first A shareholders class meeting for 2022, and the first H
shareholders class meeting for 2022 on 18 May 2022 in Beijing, China, strictly
in compliance with the relevant laws, regulations, and the notice requirement,
convening and holding procedures under the Articles of Association. The annual
general meeting for 2021 approved the proposals in relation to the following
matters: (i) Report of the Board of Directors for 2021; (ii) Report of the
Board of Supervisors for 2021; (iii) The audited financial reports of Sinopec
Corp. for the year ended 31 December 2021 prepared by KPMG Huazhen (Special
General Partnership) and KPMG; (iv) The profit distribution plan of Sinopec
Corp. for 2021; (v) To authorise the Board to determine the interim profit
distribution plan for 2022; (vi) To re-appoint KPMG Huazhen (Special General
Partnership) and KPMG as the external auditors of Sinopec Corp. for the year
2022, and to authorise the Board to determine their remunerations; (vii) To
authorise the Board to determine the proposed plan for issuance of debt
financing instrument(s); (viii) To grant to the Board a general mandate to
issue new domestic shares and/or overseas-listed foreign shares of Sinopec
Corp.; (ix) To grant to the Board a mandate to buy back domestic shares and/or
overseas-listed foreign shares of Sinopec Corp.; (x) Resolutions on the
election of supervisors (excluding employee representative supervisors). The
first A shareholders class meeting for 2022 and the first H shareholders class
meeting for 2022 approved respectively the proposal on granting to the Board a
mandate to buy back domestic shares and/or overseas-listed foreign shares of
Sinopec Corp. For details of the meetings, please refer to the poll results
announcement published on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News,
and Securities Times and on the websites of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Hong
Kong Stock Exchange after the meetings.



(1)  Information on Appointment or Termination

On 18 May 2022, Mr. Jiang Zhenying resigned as Supervisor of Sinopec Corp. due
to a change of working arrangement. Mr. Li Defang and Mr. Lv Dapeng resigned
as Employee Representative Supervisors due to age. Mr. Guo Hongjin and Mr. Yin
Zhaolin were re-designated from Non-employee Representative Supervisors to
Employee Representative Supervisors. On the same day, Mr. Qiu Fasen, Mr. Lv
Lianggong, Mr. Wu Bo and Mr. Zhai Yalin were elected as Supervisors of Sinopec


On 2 June 2022, Mr. Zhao Dong was appointed as the President of China
Petrochemical Corporation.


On 18 July 2022, Mr. Ng, Kar Ling Johnny resigned as Independent Non-executive
Director of Fangdd Network Group Ltd.


On 20 July 2022, Mr. Chen Ge resigned as Senior Vice President due to age.


(2)  Equity Interests of Directors, Supervisors, and Other Senior Management

As of 30 June 2022, Mr. Ling Yiqun, Director and Senior Vice President, held
13,000 A shares of Sinopec Corp., and Mr. Li Defang, the former Supervisor,
held 40,000 A shares of Sinopec Corp. (held by his spouse).


Save as disclosed above, as of 30 June 2022, none of the Directors,
Supervisors and Senior Management of Sinopec Corp. and their respective
associates had any interests or short positions (including any interests or
short positions that are regarded or treated as being held in accordance with
the SFO) in any shares, underlying shares or debentures of Sinopec Corp. or
any associated corporations (as defined in Part XV of SFO), as recorded in the
registry pursuant to Section 352 of the SFO or as otherwise notified to
Sinopec Corp. and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code for
Securities Transactions by Directors of Listed Companies (Model Code)
contained in the Hong Kong Listing Rules.


As required under the related Hong Kong regulations, Sinopec Corp. has
formulated the Rules Governing Shares and Changes in Shares Held by Company
Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management and the Model Code of Securities
Transactions by Company Employees (the Rules and the Code) to regulate
securities transactions by relevant personnel. The standards of the Rules and
the Code are no less strict than those set out in the Model Code. Upon the
specific inquiries made by Sinopec Corp., all the directors confirmed that
they had complied with the required standards in the Model Code as well as
those set out in the Rules and the Code during the reporting period.



(1)  Dividend distribution for the year ended 31 December 2021

Upon the approval at its annual general meeting for 2021, Sinopec Corp.
distributed the final cash dividend of RMB0.31 per share (tax inclusive) for
2021. The final dividend for 2021 has been distributed on or before 23 June
2022 to shareholders whose names appeared on the register of members of
Sinopec Corp. on 9 June 2022. Combined with the 2021 interim cash dividend of
RMB0.16 per share (tax inclusive), the total cash dividend for the whole year
of 2021 amounted to RMB0.47 per share (tax inclusive).


(2)  Interim dividend distribution plan for the six months ended 30 June 2022

As approved at the 12th meeting of the eighth session of the Board, the
interim dividend of RMB0.16 per share (tax inclusive) for the six months ended
30 June 2022 will be distributed based on the total number of shares as of 16
September 2022 (record date) in cash.


The 2022 interim dividend distribution plan of Sinopec Corp., having
considered the interest of shareholders and development of the Company, is in
compliance with the Articles of Association and relevant procedures. The
independent non-executive directors have issued independent opinions on such
plan. The interim dividend will be distributed on or before 29 September 2022
to all shareholders whose names appear on the register of members of Sinopec
Corp. on the record date of 16 September 2022. In order to be qualified for
the interim dividend, holders of H shares shall lodge their share certificates
and transfer documents with Hong Kong Registrars Limited at 1712-1716, 17th
floor, Hopewell Centre, No. 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, for
registration, no later than 4:30 p.m. on 9 September 2022. The register of
members of H shares of Sinopec Corp. will be closed from 10 September 2022 to
16 September 2022 (both days inclusive). The dividend will be denominated and
declared in RMB and distributed to domestic shareholders and shareholders
under Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program in RMB
and to the overseas shareholders in Hong Kong Dollars. The exchange rate for
dividend to be paid in Hong Kong Dollars is based on the average benchmark
exchange rate of Hong Kong Dollar against RMB as published by the People's
Bank of China one week ahead of the date of declaration of the interim
dividend (1 Hong Kong dollar=RMB0.864426).


In accordance with the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of
China and its implementation regulations which came into effect on 1 January
2008, Sinopec Corp. is required to withhold and pay enterprise income tax at
the rate of 10% on behalf of the non-resident enterprise shareholders whose
names appear on the register of members for H Shares of Sinopec Corp. when
distributing the cash dividends or issuing bonus shares by way of
capitalisation from retained earnings. Any H Shares of the Sinopec Corp. which
are not registered under the name of an individual shareholder, including
those registered under HKSCC Nominees Limited, other nominees, agents or
trustees, or other organisations or groups, shall be deemed as shares held by
non-resident enterprise shareholders. On such basis, enterprise income tax
shall be withheld from dividends payable to such shareholders. If holders of H
Shares intend to change their shareholder status, please enquire about the
relevant procedures with your agents or trustees. Sinopec Corp. will strictly
comply with the law or the requirements of the relevant government authority
to withhold and pay enterprise income tax on behalf of the relevant
shareholders based on the registration of members for H shares of Sinopec
Corp. as at the record date. If the individual holders of H shares are
residents of Hong Kong, Macau or countries which had an agreed tax rate of 10%
for cash dividends or bonus shares by way of capitalisation from retained
earnings with China under the relevant tax agreement, Sinopec Corp. should
withhold and pay individual income tax on behalf of the relevant shareholders
at a rate of 10%. If the individual holders of H Shares are residents of
countries which had an agreed tax rate of less than 10% with China under
relevant tax agreement, Sinopec Corp. shall withhold and pay individual income
tax on behalf of the relevant shareholders at a rate of 10%. In that case, if
the relevant individual holders of H Shares wish to reclaim the extra amount
withheld due to the application of 10% tax rate, Sinopec Corp. would apply for
the relevant agreed preferential tax treatment pursuant to the relevant tax
agreement provided that the relevant shareholders submit the evidence required
by the notice of the tax agreement to the share register of H shares of
Sinopec Corp. in a timely manner. Sinopec Corp. will assist with the tax
refund after the approval of the competent tax authority. If the individual
holders of H Shares are residents of countries which had an agreed tax rate of
over 10% but less than 20% with China under the tax agreement, Sinopec Corp.
shall withhold and pay the individual income tax at the agreed actual rate in
accordance with the relevant tax agreements. If the individual holders of H
Shares are residents of countries which had an agreed tax rate of 20% with
China, or which had not entered into any tax agreement with China, or
otherwise, Sinopec Corp. shall withhold and pay the individual income tax at a
rate of 20%. Pursuant to the Notice on the Tax Policies Related to the Pilot
Program of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
(Caishui  2014  No. 81) and the Notice on the Tax Policies Related to the
Pilot Program of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect
(Caishui 2016  No.127): For dividend of domestic investors investing in the H
Shares of Sinopec Corp. through Shanghai-Hong Kong and Shenzhen-Hong Kong
Stock Connect Program, the Company shall withhold and pay income tax at the
rate of 20% on behalf of individual investors and securities investment funds.
The Company will not withhold or pay the income tax of dividends for domestic
enterprise investors and those domestic enterprise investors shall report and
pay the relevant tax by themselves. For dividends of investors of the Hong
Kong Stock Exchange (including enterprises and individuals) investing in the A
Shares of Sinopec Corp. through Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Program, the
Company will withhold and pay income taxes at the rate of 10% on behalf of
those investors and will report to the competent tax authorities for the
withholding. For investors who are tax residents of other countries which have
entered into a tax treaty with the PRC stipulating a dividend tax rate of
lower than 10%, the enterprises and individuals may, or may entrust a
withholding agent to, apply to the competent tax authorities for the
entitlement of the rate under such tax treaty. Upon approval by the tax
authorities, the amount paid in excess of the tax payable based on the tax
rate according to such tax treaty will be refunded.



Sinopec Corp. and its subsidiaries did not implement any share incentive
scheme during the reporting period.



During the reporting period, Sinopec Corp. complied with all the code
provisions of the Corporate Governance Code set out in Appendix 14 of the Hong
Kong Listing Rules.



The Audit Committee of the Board of Sinopec Corp. has reviewed and confirmed
the Interim Report.




1    Work conducted in ecological protection, pollution prevention and
environmental responsibilities performance in the reporting period

In the reporting period, the Company actively practiced the green and clean
development strategy, comprehensively promoted the construction and operation
of HSE system, persistently carried out Green Enterprise Action, deepened the
campaign of pollution prevention, enhanced ecological environment protection
of enterprises in key river basins such as the Yangtze River and Yellow River,
kept environment risk from occurring, thus no substantial or sudden
environmental incident happened. The COD and sulphur dioxide emissions
decreased by 2.1% and 4.1% respectively, and the solid waste was 100% properly


2    Measures taken to mitigate carbon emission and its effect in the
reporting period

In the reporting period, the Company, guided by the carbon peak and carbon
neutrality target, advanced the Energy Efficiency Improvement Plan in depth,
actively implemented emissions reduction measures of GHG, such as CO(2) and
methane, and continuously promoted the clean utilisation of fossil energy,
scaling up of clean energy, and low-carbon of production process. In the first
half of 2022, the Company continuously promoted energy conservation and
consumption reduction and GHG emissions decreased by 1.59 million tonnes of
CO(2) equivalent, 745 thousand tonnes of CO(2) were recycled, 390 million
cubic meters of methane were recovered which was equivalent to reducing 5.85
million tonnes of CO(2) emissions.



(1)  Pollutant discharge information

In the reporting period, certain subsidiaries of Sinopec Corp. listed as major
pollutant discharge units announced by national or local ecological and
environmental authorities have acquired their pollutant discharge license in
accordance with the requirements of the national list of fixed pollution
source emission permit classification management and disclosed environmental
information as required by the relevant authorities and local government. The
details of such information was published on national pollutant discharge
license management information platform
and the local government website.


(2)  Construction and operation of pollution prevention facilities

In the reporting period, the Company built prevention and control facilities
for sewage, flue gas, solid waste and noise in accordance with the
requirements of the national and local pollution prevention and environmental
protection standards, kept effective and stable operation of pollution
prevention and control facilities.


(3)  Environmental influence evaluation for construction projects and other
administrative permit for environmental protection

In the reporting period, the Company standardized environmental protection
management for construction projects, enforced whole process construction and
operation management, with measures of the "simultaneous three" implemented,
all new projects have acquired approval for environmental evaluation from


(4)  Contingent scheme for sudden environmental incident

In the reporting period, the Company complied with the requirements for
environmental incident contingent scheme by the State and persistently
improved its contingent scheme against sudden environmental incidents of
enterprises and severe pollution weather.


(5)  Scheme for environment self-monitoring

In the reporting period, the Company improved its self-monitoring scheme in
accordance with the industry guideline, enforced the new requirements for
sewage, flue gas and noise monitoring, and disclosed the monitor information
as required.


(6)  Administrative penalties due to environmental problems in the reporting

In the reporting period, no penalty for significant environmental protection
incident was imposed on the Company. The Company and its subsidiaries'
administrative penalties have been disclosed on the website of environment
departments and other related departments of local government.


(7)  Other environmental information to be disclosed

In the reporting period, for subsidiaries not listed as major pollution units,
the Company has acquired related permissions from national and local
government, and enforces environmental protection measures. The above
mentioned subsidiaries are not obliged to disclose in accordance with the
requirements of national and local ecological environment authorities.



During the reporting period, the Company earnestly implemented the decisions
and plans of rural revitalization of the State and coordinated to promote the
support of industry, education and consumption and employment. According to
the actual needs of rural revitalization, the Company persistently supported
the revitalization of talents and conducted 5,037 person-times of training for
village cadres, revitalization leaders and professionals. The Company
constantly promoted the industry & consumption mode of support with
production leading sales and sales promoting production and supported local
consumption by RMB359 million in the first half of the year.



In the first half of 2022, as an official sponsor for Winter Olympic and
Paralympic Games Beijing 2022, Sinopec Corp. proactively implemented its
concept of clean energy, serve the Winter Olympic Games, dedicated itself to
service, supply and promotion for the Olympic Games. Sinopec Corp. developed
and manufactured the carbon fibre synthetic material used in the Flying Upward
torch, supplied clean energy for the Games and actively promoted the
construction of service stations integrated with oil, gas and hydrogen. During
the period of Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Beijing 2022, Sinopec Corp.
built 4 hydrogen service stations for the Games and cumulatively served 12.6
thousand vehicles for the Winter Olympics.








(1)  Zhenhai Refining & Chemical expansion project (phase 2)

Zhenhai Refining & Chemical expansion project (phase 2) consists of
building a 11 million tpa refinery project and a 600,000 tpa propane
dehydrogenatin and downstream projects. The refinery project began
construction in June 2022 and is expected to achieve mechanical completion by
December of 2024. The Company's self-owned fund accounts for 30% of the
project investment, and bank loan is the main source of the remaining 70%. As
of 30 June 2022, the aggregate investment was RMB3.3 billion.


(2)  Tianjin Nangang ethylene and downstream high-end new material industry
cluster project

Tianjin Nangang Ethylene and downstream High-End New Material Industry Cluster
Project consists of 1.2 million tpa ethylene project and downstream processing
units. The project began in May 2021 and is expected to achieve mechanical
completion by the end of 2023. The Company's self-owned fund accounts for
approximately 30% of the project investment and bank loan is the main source
of the remaining funds. As of 30 June 2022, the aggregate investment was
RMB6.4 billion.


(3)  Hainan Refining & Chemical 1 million tpa ethylene and refinery
revamping and expansion project

Hainan Ethylene and Refining Expansion project mainly consists of 1 million
tpa ethylene and auxiliary units. The project started in December 2018 and
achieved the mechanical completion in June 2022. The Company's self-owned fund
accounts for approximately 30% of the project investment and bank loan is the
main source of the remaining funds. As of 30 June 2022, the aggregate
investment was RMB23.8 billion.


(4)  Jiujiang Refining & Chemical PX project

Jiujiang Refining & Chemical PX project mainly consists of aromatics
extraction, xylene fractionation, disproportionation and transalkylation,
adsorption separation and isomerization units. Aromatics production capacity
will increase 0.89 million tons per year after the project is completed. The
project started construction in May 2020 and was put into operation in June
2022. The main source of the investment funds is bank loans. As of 30 June
2022, the aggregate investment was RMB3.5 billion.


(5)  Yizheng Chemical Fiber PTA project

Yizheng Chemical Fiber 3 million tpa PTA project mainly consists of oxidation,
purification units and auxiliary units. The project started in July 2021 and
is expected to achieve mechanical completion in August 2023. The Company's
self-owned fund accounts for 30% of the project investment and bank loan is
the main source of the remaining funds. As of 30 June 2022, the aggregate
investment was RMB1.3 billion.


(6)  Weirong shale gas project (phase 1 and phase 2)

Under the guidance of the principle of "overall deployment, stage-wise
implementation and fully consideration", the capacity construction was
promoted comprehensively from August 2018. The construction of phase 1 project
with a production capacity of 1 billion cubic meters per year was completed
and put into operation in December 2020. The phase 2 project with a production
capacity of 2 billion cubic meters per year is expected to be completed and
put into operation in December 2022. The Company's self-owned fund accounts
for 30% of the project investment and bank loan is the main source of the
remaining 70%. As of 30 June 2022, the aggregate investment was RMB7.0


(7)  Tianjin LNG project (phase 2)

Tianjin LNG project (phase 2) mainly consists of a new wharf, five new
220,000-cubic-meter storage tanks etc. LNG processing capacity will reach 11
million tpa after phase 2 expansion project is completed. The project started
in January 2019 and is expected to be put into operation in August 2023. The
Company's self-owned fund accounts for approximately 30% of the project
investment and bank loan is the main source of the remaining 70%. As of 30
June 2022, the aggregate investment was RMB3.5 billion.


(8)  Longkou LNG project

Longkou LNG project mainly consists of a wharf, terminal and power plant warm
drainage and water Intake. The first phase designed LNG capacity is 6 million
tons per year. One LNG berth with 0.266 million cubic meter capacity will be
modified and four 0.22 million cubic meter capacity storage tanks will be
newly built up. The project started in November 2021 and is expected to put
into operation in November 2024. The Company's self-owned fund accounts for
approximately 30% of the project investment and bank loan is the main source
of the remaining funds. As of 30 June 2022, the aggregate investment was
RMB2.4 billion.



The Company is a large-scale integrated energy and petrochemical company with
upstream, mid-stream and downstream operations. The Company is a large oil and
gas producer in China with the largest refining capacity in China. The Company
is equipped with a well-developed refined oil products sales network, being
the largest supplier of refined oil products in China. The Company ranks first
in terms of ethylene production and marketing capacity and has a
well-established marketing network for chemical products.


The integrated business structure of the Company carries strong advantages in
synergy among its various business segments, enabling the Company to
continuously tap onto potentials in attaining an efficient and comprehensive
utilisation of its resources, and endowed the Company with strong resistance
against risks, as well as remarkable capabilities in sustaining profitability.


The Company enjoys a favourable positioning with its operations located close
to the consumer markets. The steady growth in the Chinese economy is helpful
to the development of both refined oil business and chemical business of the
Company; through continuous and specialised marketing efforts, the Company's
capability in international operations and market expansion has been further


The Company owns a team of professionals with expertise in the production of
oil and gas, operation of refineries and chemical plants, as well as marketing
activities. The Company applies outstanding fine management measures with its
remarkable capabilities in management of operations, and enjoys a favourable
operational cost advantage in its downstream businesses.


The Company has formulated a well-established technology system and mechanism,
and owns competent teams specialised in R&D covering a wide range of
subjects; the four platforms for technology advancement are taking shape,
which includes exploration and development of oil and gas, refining,
petrochemicals and strategic emerging technology. With its overall
technologies reaching state of the art level in the global arena, and some of
the technologies taking the lead globally, the Company enjoys a strong
technical strength.


The Company always attaches great importance to the fulfilment of social
responsibilities and carries out the green and low carbon development strategy
to pursue a sustainable development. Moreover, the Company enjoys an
outstanding "Sinopec" brand name, plays an important role in the national
economy and is a renowned and reputable company in China.



Based on several comprehensive considerations, including the small volume of
the underlying H Shares of its outstanding American depositary shares ("ADSs")
compared to the total volume of its H Shares, the limited trading volume of
its ADSs relative to the worldwide trading volume of its H Shares and the
considerable administrative burden of maintaining the listing of the ADSs on
the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE"), the registration of the ADSs and the
underlying H Shares with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
and complying with the periodic reporting and related obligations of the U.S.
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (as amended) in the long term, Sinopec Corp.
determined to apply for the voluntary delisting of its ADSs from the NYSE and
notified the NYSE on 12 August 2022 (Eastern Time in the U.S.). For details,
please refer to the announcements published by Sinopec Corp. on China
Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times, and on the
website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on 13 August 2022, and on the website of
Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 12 August 2022.



On 28 July 2022, the Company entered into transaction documents with certain
of subsidiaries of INEOS Limited ("INEOS") with respect to the cooperation on
Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Co., Ltd. ("Shanghai SECCO") and other projects.
Pursuant to the relevant transaction documents, the Company conditionally
agreed to sell, and INEOS Investment (Shanghai) Company Limited conditionally
agreed to purchase, 50% equity interest in Shanghai SECCO; Sinopec Corp.
agreed to purchase, and INEOS Styrolution APAC Pte Limited agreed to sell, 50%
equity interest in INEOS Styrolution Advanced Materials (Ningbo) Pte Ltd
("Ningbo Styrolution") and Sinopec Corp. agreed to provide corresponding
shareholders' loans to Ningbo Styrolution; Sinopec Corp. and INEOS Tianjin
Holdings Limited also agreed to form the INEOS Sinopec HDPE (Tianjin) Limited
(tentative name) as a joint venture on a 50:50 basis, for the construction of
a 500,000 tonnes/year High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) project in Tianjin.


For details and definitions, please refer to the announcements published by
Sinopec Corp. on China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News,
Securities Times, and on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange on 29 July
2022, and on the website of Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 28 July 2022.



Sinopec Corp. and China Petrochemical Corporation entered into a number of
continuing connected transactions agreements, including the mutual supply
agreement, the land use rights leasing agreement, the properties leasing
agreement, the intellectual property license agreement and safety production
insurance fund document.


In the reporting period, purchases expenses of the actual continuing connected
transactions of the Company were RMB112.784 billion, representing 7.05% of the
total amount of this type of transactions for the reporting period, including
purchases of products and services (procurement, storage, transportation,
exploration and production services, and production-related services) of
RMB106.529 billion, payment of property rent of RMB470 million (the annual
value of right-of-use assets relating to property lease of RMB2,570 million),
payment of land rent of RMB5.568 billion (annual value of right-of-use assets
relating to land lease of RMB30.468 billion), and interest expenses of RMB217
million. The sales income from continuing connected transactions amounted to
RMB69.714 billion, representing 4.16% of the total amount of this type of
transactions for the reporting period, including sales of products of
RMB69.290 billion, agency commission income of RMB40 million, and interest
income of RMB384 million. In addition, entrusted loan provided by the Company
to the connected subsidiaries was RMB850 million. For definitions, please
refer to the announcements published by Sinopec Corp. on China Securities
Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times and on the website of
Shanghai Stock Exchange on 30 August 2021 and on the website of Hong Kong
Stock Exchange on 29 August 2021 and 3 September 2021.


The amounts of continuing connected transactions between the Company and
Sinopec Group did not exceed the relevant caps for the continuing connected
transactions as approved by the general meeting of shareholders and the Board.



Unit: RMB million

                                                             Funds to related parties                               Funds from related parties                              
 Related parties              Relations                      Balance            Amount incurred  Balance            Balance            Amount incurred  Balance at          

                                                             at the                              at the end         at the                              the end

                                                             beginning                           of the reporting   beginning                           of the reporting

                                                             of the reporting                    period             of the reporting                    period

                                                             period                                                 period
 Sinopec Group                Parent company and             9,797              2,007            11,804             30,682             1,823            32,505              

 affiliated companies
 Other related parties        Associates and joint ventures  7,143              289              7,432              3,593              1,086            4,679               
 Total                                                       16,940             2,296            19,236             34,275             2,909            37,184              
 Reason for provision of funds between related parties       Loans and other accounts receivable and payable                                                                
 Impacts of the provision of funds on the Company            No material negative impact                                                                                    


Note: Affiliated companies include subsidiaries, associates and joint



On 27 January 2022, the Board of Sinopec Corp. approved the daily related
transaction cap in relation to refined oil pipeline transportation services
between Sinopec Marketing Company Limited and China Oil & Gas Pipeline
Network Corporation for the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
The actual executed amount of the daily related transaction of the Company and
PipeChina regarding refined oil pipeline transportation services from 1
January 2022 to 30 June 2022 was RMB2.48 billion.



No significant litigation or arbitration relating to the Company occurred
during the reporting period.



During the reporting period, the Company and its controlling shareholder did
not have any unperformed court's effective judgments which should be performed
or any large amount of debt which should be repaid.



During the reporting period, the Company did not enter into any undisclosed
material contracts which should have been disclosed.



In the reporting period, no significant equity investment occurred by the



In the reporting period, no significant sale of assets or equity occurred by
the Company.




Unit: RMB Million

 Related party        Related party relationship           Daily cap                       Interest rate range           Amount incurred                                                        
                                                                                                                         Balance at the     Total deposit  Total withdrawn  Balance at the      

                                                                                                                         beginning of the                                   end of the

                                                                                                                         reporting period                                   reporting period
 Sinopec Finance Co.  Sinopec Group 51%; Sinopec Corp.49%  RMB80 billion by Sinopec        current:0.35% - 1.725%;       15,708             5,649          5,260            22,455              

time deposit: 1.62% - 7.4%

 Century Bright       Sinopec Group 100%                   Finance Co. and Century Bright  current:0% - 0.25%;           45,974             85,145         54,746           56,637              

time deposit: 0.10% - 3.23%


Note 1:     In general, the deposit interest rate offered by Sinopec
Finance Co. and Century Bright to Sinopec Corp. is no lower than those of
similar nature available from major commercial banks for the same period.


Note 2:     The amount incurred in the reporting period is in the calibre
of time deposits.



Unit: RMB Million

 Related party        Related party relationship            Daily cap  Interest rate range  Amount incurred                                                     
                                                                                            Balance at the     Total loan  Total withdrawn  Balance at the      

                                                                                            beginning of the                                end of the

                                                                                            reporting period                                reporting period
 Century Bright       Sinopec Group 100%                    112,674    1% - 4.05%           3,199              93,646      93,996           2,849               
 Sinopec Finance Co.  Sinopec Group 51%; Sinopec Corp. 49%  15,558     1.08% - 5.23%        13,364             27,527      25,391           15,500              


Note:        In general, the loan interest rate offered by Sinopec
Finance Co. and Century Bright to Sinopec Corp. is no higher than those of
similar nature available from major commercial banks for the same period.



Unit: RMB Million

 Related party    Related party relationship  Business nature  Total amount  Amount incurred   
 Sinopec Finance  Sinopec Group 51%;          Acceptance bill  5,685         13,429            
                  Sinopec Corp. 49%           Discounted bill  ╱             14,480            


Note:        The amount incurred is that of the newly-issued bill in
the reporting period.



Unit: RMB million

 Major external guarantees (excluding guarantees for controlled subsidiaries)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 Guarantor      Relationship with   Name of                                              Amount*(1)  Transaction date    Period of guarantee                             Type                                      Principal        guaranty  Whether     Whether   Amount of   Counter-     Whether          

                the Company         guaranteed company                                               (date of signing)                                                                                             debt condition             completed   overdue   overdue     guaranteed   guaranteed

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or not      or not    guarantee                for connected

 Sinopec Corp.  The listed company  Zhongtian Hechuang                                   4,394       May-2016            May 2016-December                               Joint and several liability guarantee     Due performance  −         No          No        −           No           No               

Energy Co., Ltd.

2023 (the maturity date

is estimated)



 Sinopec Corp.  The listed company  Zhong An United Coal Chemical Co., Ltd.              5,467       April-2018          April 2018-December 2031                        Joint and several liability guarantee     Due performance  −         No          No        −           No           No               




 Sinopec Corp.  The listed company  Amur Gas Chemical Complex Limited Liability Company  3,538*(3)   December-2021       December 2021-December 2035 (the maturity date  Joint and several liability guarantee*(5  Due performance  −         No          No        −           No           No               


is estimated)

                                                                        ( )

                                                                                         ( )

 Sinopec Corp.  The listed company  Amur Gas Chemical Complex Limited Liability Company  20          January-2021        January 2021-June                               Joint and several liability guarantee     Due performance  −         No          No        −           No           No               


2026 (the maturity date

is estimated)

 Total amount of guarantees provided during the reporting period*(4)                                                                                                                                                                                                                         0                
 Total amount of guarantees outstanding at the end of reporting period*(4) (A)                                                                                                                                                                                                               13,419           
 Guarantees by the Company to the controlled subsidiaries                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
 Total amount of guarantee provided to controlled subsidiaries during the                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0                
 reporting period
 Total amount of guarantee for controlled subsidiaries outstanding at the end                                                                                                                                                                                                                11,745           
 of the reporting period (B)
 Total amount of guarantees provided by the Company (including those provided                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 for controlled subsidiaries)
 Total amount of guarantees (A+B)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            25,164           
 The proportion of the total amount of guarantees to the Sinopec Corp.'s net                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2.7              
 assets (%)
 Among which:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 Guarantees provided for shareholder, de facto controller and its related                                                                                                                                                                                                                    0                
 parties (C)
 Amount of debt guarantees provided directly or indirectly to the companies                                                                                                                                                                                                                  9,026            
 with liabilities to assets ratio over 70% (D)
 The amount of guarantees in excess of 50% of the net assets (E)                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0                
 Total amount of the above three guarantee items (C+D+E)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9,026            
 Statement of guarantee undue that might be involved in any joint and several                                                                                                                                                                                                                None             
 Statement of guarantee status                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               None             


*1:  Guarantee amount refers to the actual amount of guarantee liability that
the Company may undertake during the reporting period within the approved
guarantee limit.


*2:  As defined in the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on Shanghai
Stock Exchange.


*3:  Excluding the interest corresponding to the loan principal agreed in the
guarantee contract, export credit premium and other expenses.


*4:  The amount of guarantees provided during the reporting period and the
outstanding balance of guarantees amount at the end of the reporting period
include the guarantees provided by the controlled subsidiaries to external
parties. The amount of the guarantees provided by these subsidiaries is
derived from multiplying the guarantees provided by Sinopec Corp.'s
subsidiaries by the percentage of shareholding of Sinopec Corp. in such


*5:  In addition to the credit guarantee, Sinopec Corp. subsidiary SOIHL HONG
KONG HOLDING LIMITED pledged its 40% equity interest in Amur Gas Chemical
Complex Limited Liability Company as a supplementary guarantee.


For specific details of the guarantees provided by Sinopec Corp. for Zhongtian
Hechuang Energy Co., Ltd., Zhong An United Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. and Amur
Gas Chemical Complex Limited Liability Company in the above table, please
refer to the Company's announcements dated 29 December 2015, 26 March 2018, 16
April 2020, 26 January 2021, 16 December 2021 disclosed on the website of the
Shanghai Stock Exchange and the circulars dated 7 January 2016, 23 March 2018
and an announcement dated 15 December 2021 disclosed on the website of the
Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.




 Background               Type of       Party                            Contents                                                                         Term for performance                                                      Whether bears deadline or not  Whether strictly performed or not   

 Undertakings related to  IPOs          China Petrochemical Corporation  1   Compliance with the connected transaction agreements;                        From 22 June 2001                                                         No                             Yes                                 

 Initial Public

 Offerings (IPOs)                                                      2   Solving the issues regarding the legality of land-use rights

                                certificates and property ownership rights certificates within a specified

                                                                         period of time;

                                                                         3   Implementation of the Reorganisation Agreement (please refer to the

                                definition of Reorganisation Agreement in the H share prospectus of Sinopec


                                                                         4   Granting licenses for intellectual property rights;

                                                                         5   Avoiding competition within the same industry;

6   Abandonment of business competition and conflicts of interest with
                                                                         Sinopec Corp.
 Other undertakings       Other         China Petrochemical              Given that China Petrochemical Corporation engages in the same or similar        Within 10 years after 29 April 2014 or the date when China Petrochemical  Yes                            Yes                                 

                                businesses as Sinopec Corp. with regard to the exploration and production of     Corporation acquires the assets

                                        Corporation                      overseas petroleum and natural gas, China Petrochemical Corporation hereby

                                grants a 10-year option to Sinopec Corp. with the following provisions: (i)

                                                                         within ten years from the issuance date of this undertaking, after a thorough

                                analysis from political, economic and other perspectives, Sinopec Corp. is

                                                                         entitled to require China Petrochemical Corporation to sell its overseas oil

                                and gas assets owned as of the date of the undertaking and still in its

                                                                         possession upon Sinopec Corp.'s exercise of the option to Sinopec Corp.; (ii)

                                in relation to the overseas oil and gas assets acquired by China Petrochemical

                                                                         Corporation after the issuance of the undertaking, within 10 years of the

                                completion of such acquisition, after a thorough analysis from political,

                                                                         economic and other perspectives, Sinopec Corp. is entitled to require China

                                Petrochemical Corporation to sell these assets to Sinopec Corp. China

                                                                         Petrochemical Corporation undertakes to transfer the assets as required by

                                Sinopec Corp. under aforesaid items (i) and (ii) to Sinopec Corp., provided

                                                                         that the exercise of such option complies with applicable laws and

                                regulations, contractual obligations and other procedural requirements.


As of the date of this report, Sinopec Corp. had no undertakings in respect of
financial performance, asset injections or asset restructuring that had not
been fulfilled, nor did Sinopec Corp. make any profit forecast in relation to
any asset or project.






During this reporting period, neither Sinopec Corp. nor any of its
subsidiaries repurchased, sold or redeemed any listed securities of Sinopec



During the reporting period, the net profit from the subsidiary or investment
income from the associate or joint venture accounts for more than 10% of the
Company's net profit:


Unit: RMB million

 Company name       Registered  Percentage of    Total assets  Net Assets  Net Profit  Operating  Operating  Primary Activities   

                    capital     shares held by                                         Income     Profit

                                Sinopec Corp.

 Sinopec Marketing  28,403      70.42            508,873       246,544     12,771      790,246    17,245     Sales of refined     

 Co., Ltd.
oil products



In the course of its production and operations, Sinopec Corp. will actively
take various measures to circumvent operational risks. However, in practice,
it may not be possible to prevent the occurrence of all risks and
uncertainties described below.


Risks with regard to the variations from macroeconomic situation: The business
results of the Company are closely related to China's and global economic
situation. China achieved remarkable results in pandemic prevention and
control, and its economy continued to grow. The inflationary pressure and
uncertainty of the world economy have increased. The development of economy is
increasingly constrained by climate change and environmental issues. The
Company's business could also be adversely affected by other factors such as
the impact on export due to carbon tariff and trade protectionism from certain
countries, and negative impact on the investment return on domestic and
overseas upstream projects and investment in refining and chemical storage
projects which results from the uncertainty of geopolitics, international
crude oil price and etc.


Risks with regard to the cyclical effects from the industry: The majority of
the Company's operating income comes from the sales of refined oil products
and petrochemical products, and part of those businesses and their related
products are cyclic and are sensitive to macro-economy, cyclic changes of
regional and global economy, industrial policies, the changes of the
production capacity and output, demand of consumers, prices and supply of the
raw materials, as well as prices and supply of the alternative products etc.
Although the Company is an integrated company with upstream, midstream and
downstream operations, it can only counteract the adverse influences of
industry cycle to a certain extent.


Risks from the macroeconomic policies and government regulation: Although the
Chinese government is gradually liberalizing the market entry regulations on
petroleum and petrochemicals sector, the petroleum and petrochemical
industries in China are still subject to entry regulations to a certain
degree, which include: issuing exploration and mining permits in relation to
crude oil and natural gas, issuing licenses in relation to exploration and
development of crude oil and natural gas, issuing business licenses for
trading crude oil and refined oil, setting caps for retail prices of gasoline,
diesel and other oil products, the imposition of the special oil income levy;
the formulation of refined oil import and export quotas and procedures; the
formulation of safety, quality and environmental protection standards and the
formulation of energy conservation policies; and the imposition of constraints
on projects of high energy consumption and high contamination; in addition,
the changes which have occurred or might occur in macroeconomic and industry
policies such as the opening up of crude oil import licenses and the right of
tenure and the possible strengthened control of export quota of refined oil;
deepening the reform and improvement in pricing mechanism of natural gas, cost
supervision of gas pipeline and access to third party and accelerating the
establishment of a uniform gas energy metering and pricing system;
cancellation of qualification approval of the wholesale and storage of refined
oil business, decentralisation of retail business authorisation of refined oil
products to regional and city level government, further improvement in pricing
mechanism of refined oil products, gas stations investment being fully opened
to foreign investment; reforming in resource tax and environmental tax; and
the introduction of measures for energy conservation and carbon reduction in
key areas to strictly restrict energy efficiency; and the introduction of
transforming policy from "double control" of energy consumption to "double
control" of carbon emissions and intensity, etc. Such changes might have
certain effects on the industry development and market environment and the
operations and profitability of the Company.


Risks with regard to the changes from environmental legislation requirements:
Our production activities generate waste liquids, gases, solids and noise. The
Company has built up the pollution prevention and risk control facilities to
prevent and reduce the pollution to the environment. However, the relevant
government authorities may issue and implement much stricter environmental
protection laws and regulations, adopt much stricter environment protection
standards. Under such situations, the Company may increase expenses in
relation to the environment protection accordingly.


Risks from the uncertainties of obtaining additional oil and gas resources:
The future sustainable development of the Company is partly dependent to a
certain extent on our abilities in continuously discovering or acquiring
additional oil and natural gas resources. To obtain additional oil and natural
gas resources, the Company faces some inherent risks associated with
exploration and development and/or with acquisition activities, and the
Company has to invest a large amount of money with no guarantee of certainty.
If the Company fails to acquire additional resources through further
exploration, development and acquisition to increase the reserves of crude oil
and natural gas, the oil and natural gas reserves and production of the
Company may decline over time which may adversely affect the Company's
financial situation and operation performance.


Risks with regard to the external purchase of crude oil: A significant amount
of crude oil as needed by the Company is satisfied through external purchases.
In recent years, especially influenced by the continues spread of COVID-19
pandemic, mismatch between supply and demand of crude oil, geopolitics, global
economic growth and other factors, the prices of crude oil fluctuate sharply.
Additionally, the supply of crude oil may even be interrupted due to some
extreme major incidents in certain regions. Although the Company has taken
flexible countermeasures, it may not fully avoid risks associated with any
significant fluctuation of international crude oil prices and sudden
disruption of supply of crude oil from certain regions.


Risks with regard to the operation and natural disasters: The process of
petroleum chemical production is exposed to the high risks of inflammation,
explosion, toxicity, harm and environmental pollution and is vulnerable to
extreme natural disasters. Such contingencies may cause serious impacts to the
society, major financial losses to the Company and grievous injuries to
people. The Company has always been laying great emphasis on the safety
production, and has implemented a strict HSSE management system as an effort
to avoid such risks as far as possible. Meanwhile, the main assets and
inventories of the Company as well as the possibility of damage to a third
party have been insured. However, such measures may not shield the Company
from financial losses or adverse impact resulting from such contingencies.


Investment risks: Petroleum and chemical sector is a capital intensive
industry. Although the Company has adopted a prudent investment strategy,
refined the investment management rules, developed negative investment lists,
and conducted rigorous feasibility study and risk evaluation on investment
projects, which consists of special verifications in raw material market,
technical scheme, profitability, safety and environmental protection, legal
compliance, etc., certain investment risks will still exist and expected
returns may not be achieved due to major changes in factors such as market
environment, prices of equipment and raw materials, and construction period
during the implementation of the projects.


Risks with regard to overseas business development and management: The Company
engages in oil and gas exploration, refining and chemical, warehouse logistics
and international trading businesses in some regions outside China. The
Company's overseas businesses and assets are subject to the jurisdiction of
the host country's laws and regulations. In light of the complicated factors
such as changes in international geopolitics, persistence of COVID-19,
uncertainty of economic recovery, imbalance of global economy, competitiveness
of industry and trade structure, exclusiveness of regional trading blocs,
polarisation of benefits distribution in trade, and politicisation of economic
and trade issues, including sanctions, barriers to entry, instability in the
financial and taxation policies, contract defaults, tax dispute, the Company's
risks with regard to overseas business development and management could be


Currency risks: At present, China implements an administered floating exchange
rate regime based on market supply and demand which is regulated with
reference to a basket of currencies in terms of the exchange rate of Renminbi.
As the Company purchases a significant portion of crude oil in foreign
currency which is based on US dollar-denominated prices, the realized price of
crude oil is based on international crude oil price. Despite the fact that,
the price of the domestic refined oil products will change as the exchange
rate of the Renminbi changes according to the pricing mechanism for the
domestic refined oil products, and the price of other domestic petrochemical
products will also be influenced by the price of the imported products, which
to a large extent, smooths the impact of the Renminbi exchange rate on the
processing and sales of the Company's crude oil refined products. However, the
fluctuation of the Renminbi exchange rate will still have an effect on the
income of the upstream sector.


Cyber-security risks: The Company has a well-established network safety
system. We establish an emergency response mechanism in relation to network
security operation and information system, build an information platform of
network security risk management and control, continuously operated by a
professional network security team, and devote significant resources to
protecting our digital infrastructure and data against cyber-attacks. However,
the coverage and effectiveness of these cyber security tools should be
constantly monitored, and in the event of insufficient coverage and reduced
effectiveness, we could be adversely affected by, among other things,
disruptions to our business operations, and loss of proprietary information,
thus causing harm to our personnel, property, environment and reputation. As
cyber-security attacks continue to evolve, we may be required to expend
additional resources, in particular, to increase investment in security for
new technologies and issues such as data security, business security, cloud
computing and the internet of things devices, to enhance our protective
measures against cyber-security breaches.




During the reporting period, there was no change in the number and nature of
issued shares of Sinopec Corp.



As at 30 June 2022, there were a total of 524,909 shareholders of Sinopec
Corp., of which 519,348 were holders of A shares and 5,561 were holders of H
shares. Sinopec Corp. has complied with requirement for minimum public float
under the Hong Kong Listing Rules.


(1)  Top ten shareholders as of 30 June 2022

Unit: share

 Name of Shareholders                                    Nature of          Percentage         Total number of  Changes of        Number                   

                                                         shareholders       of shareholdings   shares held      shareholding(1)   of shares subject

                                                                            %                                                     to pledges or lock up
 China Petrochemical Corporation                         State-owned share  68.31              82,709,227,393   0                 0                        
 HKSCC (Nominees) Limited(2)                             H share            20.96              25,375,624,441   (10,582,718)      unknown                  
 中國證券金融股份有限公司                                            A share            1.92               2,325,374,407    0                 0                        
 香港中央結算有限公司                                              A share            0.99               1,201,021,890    146,068,069       0                        
 中央匯金資產管理有限責任公司                                          A share            0.26               315,223,600      0                 0                        
 中國人壽保險股份有限公司-傳統                                         A share            0.22               268,492,268      (565,668,163)     0                        

 國信證券股份有限公司                                              A share            0.19               235,021,624      32,658,039        0                        
 招商銀行股份有限公司-上證紅利交易型                                      A share            0.08               95,509,106       10,106,840        0                        

 中國工商銀行-上證50交易型                                          A share            0.08               91,348,276       (22,088,000)      0                        

 全國社保基金一一八組合                                             A share            0.07               83,162,900       62,984,800        0                        


Note 1:   As compared with the number of shares as at 31 December 2021.


Note 2:   Century Bright, a wholly-owned overseas subsidiary of China
Petrochemical Corporation, holds 767,916,000 H shares, accounting for 0.6343%
of the total share capital of Sinopec Corp. Such shareholdings are included in
the total number of shares held by HKSCC Nominees Limited.


Statement on the connected relationship or acting in concert among the
aforementioned shareholders:


Sinopec Corp. is not aware of any connected relationship or acting in concert
among or between the above-mentioned shareholders.


(2)  Information disclosed by the holders of H shares in accordance with the
Securities and Futures Ordinance (SFO) as of 30 June 2022


 Name of shareholders  Status of shareholders                  Number of         Approximate             

                                                               shares            percentage of

                                                               interests held    Sinopec Corp.'s

                                                               or regarded       issued share capital

                                                               as held           (H share) (%)
 BlackRock, Inc.       Interests of corporation controlled by  1,546,222,314(L)  6.06(L)                 

the substantial shareholder
 Citigroup Inc.        Interests of corporation controlled by  96,213,825(L)     0.37(L)                 
                       the substantial shareholder             96,761,047(S)     0.37(S)                 
                       Approved lending agent                  1,404,385,633(L)  5.50(L)                 


Note: (L) Long position, (S) Short position



There was no change in the controlling shareholder or the de facto controller
of Sinopec Corp. during the reporting period.









 Bond name                          The first          The second         The third          The first          The second         The third          The first green   The fourth to the twentieth super                                          

                                    medium-term        medium-term        medium-term        medium-term        medium-term        medium-term        medium-term       short-term commercial

                                    notes in 2020      notes in 2020      notes in 2020      notes in 2021      notes in 2021      notes in 2021      notes in 2021     papers in 2022
 Abbreviation                       20中石化MTN001        20中石化MTN002        20中石化MTN003        21中石化MTN001        21中石化MTN002        21中石化MTN003        21中石化GN001        22中石化SCP004-020                                                            

 Code                               102000568          102000569          102001109          102101386          102101480          102101489          132100172         12280357                                                                   
 Issuance date                      2020/3/31          2020/3/31          2020/5/27          2021/7/23          2021/8/5           2021/8/5           2021/12/27        2022/1/20                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                        For details, please refer to the issuance                                  
 Interest commencement date         2020/4/1           2020/4/1           2020/5/28          2021/7/27          2021/8/6           2021/8/9           2021/12/28        2022/2/18                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                        For details, please refer to the issuance                                  
 Maturity date                      2023/4/1           2023/4/1           2023/5/28          2026/7/27          2024/8/6           2023/8/9           2024/12/28        2022/10/18                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                        For details, please refer to the issuance                                  
 Amount issued (RMB billion)        5                  5                  10                 5                  2                  2                  2.55              Total 70.5                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                        For details of offering size of each issue, please refer to the issuance   
 Outstanding balance (RMB billion)  5                  5                  10                 5                  2                  2                  2.55              Total 70.5                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                        For details, please refer to the issuance                                  
 Interest rate (%)                  2.7                2.7                2.2                3.2                2.95               2.8                2.5               1.7 - 2.23                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                        For details, please refer to the issuance                                  


 Bond name                              The first       The second      The third       The first       The second      The third       The first green  The fourth to the twentieth super                        

                                        medium-term     medium-term     medium-term     medium-term     medium-term     medium-term     medium-term      short-term commercial

                                        notes in 2020   notes in 2020   notes in 2020   notes in 2021   notes in 2021   notes in 2021   notes in 2021    papers in 2022
 Principal and interest repayment       Interest shall be paid once a year. The principal shall be paid at maturity                                      The principal shall be paid at maturity with interest.   
                                        with last instalment of interest.

 Investor qualification arrangement     Nationwide inter-bank bond market institutional investors                                                                                                                 

 Applicable trading mechanism           Circulated and transferred in nationwide inter-bank bond market                                                                                                           

 Risk of suspension for listed trading  Not applicable                                                                                                                                                            
  (if any), and countermeasures

 Trading market                         Nationwide inter-bank bond market                                                                                                                                         
 Use of proceeds                        Proceeds from the above-mentioned corporate bonds have been used for their                                                                                                

                                      designated purpose as disclosed in the corporate bond prospectus. All the
                                        proceeds have been completely used.
 Credit rating                          During the reporting period, United Credit Ratings Co., Ltd. issued the                                                                                                   

                                      continuing credit rating report on 23 May. The long-term credit rating of
                                        Sinopec Corp. remained AAA with stable outlook.
 Special terms for Issuer or investor   Not applicable                                                                                                                                                            
  option or investor protection,

  whether triggered or executed

 Guarantee, repayment scheme and        No guarantee. Interest was paid as usual during the reporting period without                                                                                              
  other related events during the       triggering any guarantee.
  reporting period

 Convening of corporate bond            Not applicable                                                                                                                                                            
  holders' meeting

 Performance of corporate               Corporate bonds trustee has performed its duties in accordance with regulatory                                                                                            
  bonds trustee                         requirements


Note:        As of the date of the report, the Company issued seventeen
super short-term commercial papers which will reach maturity date within 2022,
Please refer to the relevant prospectus, issuance announcements and other
documents published on the website of China Money Network
(www.chinamoney.com.cn) for details such as issuance date, maturity date,
amount issued and interest rate.


Principal accounting data and financial indicators at the end of reporting


 Principal data            At the end of the  At the end of  Change                  Reason for change                                                            

                           reporting period   last year
 Current ratio             0.89               0.87           0.02                    Because the increase of current assets is higher than that of current        
 Quick ratio               0.53               0.55           (0.02)                  Because the increase of current assets (excluding inventory) is lower than   
                                                                                     that of current liabilities
 Liability-to-asset ratio  54.77%             51.51%         3.26 percentage points  Because the increase of liabilities is higher than that of assets            
 Loan repayment rate       100%               100%           −                                                                                                    


                                        The reporting     The reporting     Change   Reason for change                                                             

                                        period for 2022   period for 2021

                                        (January-June)    (January-June)
 Net profit attributable to equity      42,960            38,420            4,540    Due to increase of net profit                                                 

 shareholders of the Company

 excluding extraordinary gains and

 losses (RMB Million)
 Net profit excluding extraordinary     48,780            47,618            1,162    Due to increase of net profit                                                 

 gains and losses (RMB Million)
 EBITDA-to-total debt ratio             0.56              0.78              (0.22)   Because the increase of EBITDA is lower than that of total debt               
 EBITDA-to-interest coverage ratio      14.47             16.24             (1.77)   Due to increase of interest expense                                           
 Interest coverage ratio                8.80              9.73              (0.93)   Due to increase of interest expense                                           
 Cash interest coverage ratio           5.84              29.61             (23.77)  Due to significant decrease of net cash generated from operating activities   
 Interest payment rate                  100%              100%              −                                                                                      


Note: Liability-to-asset ratio = total liability/total assets


During the reporting period, the Company paid in full the interest accrued for
all bonds and debt financing instruments. As at 30 June 2022, the standby
credit line provided by several domestic financial institutions to the Company
was RMB453.6 billion in total, facilitating the Company to get such amount of
unsecured loans. The Company has fulfilled all the relevant undertakings in
the offering circular of corporate bonds and had no significant matters which
could affect the Company's operation and solvency.


On 18 April 2013, Sinopec Capital (2013) Limited, a wholly-owned overseas
subsidiary of Sinopec Corp., issued senior notes guaranteed by the Company
with four different maturities, namely 3 years, 5 years, 10 years and 30
years. The 3-year notes principal totalled USD750 million, with an annual
interest rate of 1.250% and had been repaid and delisted; the 5-year notes
principal totalled USD1.0 billion, with an annual interest rate of 1.875% and
had been repaid and delisted; the 10-year notes principal totalled USD1.25
billion, with an annual interest rate of 3.125%; and the 30-year notes
principal totalled USD500 million, with an annual interest rate of 4.250%.
These notes were listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 25 April 2013, with
interest payable semi-annually. The first payment of interest was made on 24
October 2013. During the reporting period, the Company has paid in full the
current-period interests of all notes with maturity of 10 years and 30 years.





To the Shareholders of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation,


We have reviewed the accompanying interim financial statements of China
Petroleum & Chemical Corporation ("Sinopec Corp."), which comprise the
consolidated and company balance sheets as of 30 June 2022, and the
consolidated and company income statements, the consolidated and company cash
flow statements and the consolidated and company statements of changes in
shareholders' equity for the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022, and
the notes to the financial statements. Management of Sinopec Corp. is
responsible for the preparation of these financial statements. Our
responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our


We conducted our review in accordance with China Standard on Review No.
2101-Engagements to Review Financial Statements. This standard requires that
we plan and perform the review to obtain limited assurance as to whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited
primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied
to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not
performed an audit and, accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the interim financial statements of Sinopec Corp. are not
prepared in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises ("CASs"), and do not present fairly, in all material
respects, the consolidated and the company's financial position of Sinopec
Corp. as at 30 June 2022, and the consolidated and the company's financial
performance and cash flows for the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022.












KPMG Huazhen
Certified Public Accountants

Registered in the People's Republic of China



Yang Jie (Engagement Partner)



He Shu


26 August 2022


(a)   financial statements prepared under china accounting STANDARDS for
business enterprises


               As at 30 June 2022


                                                           Note  At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                                                 2022         2021             
                                                                 RMB million  RMB million      
 Current assets                                                                                
 Cash at bank and on hand                                  5     233,937      221,989          
 Financial assets held for trading                         6     1,012        -                
 Derivative financial assets                               7     40,389       18,371           
 Accounts receivable                                       8     63,717       34,861           
 Receivables financing                                     9     5,889        5,939            
 Prepayments                                               10    13,011       9,267            
 Other receivables                                         11    44,646       35,664           
 Inventories                                               12    285,032      207,433          
 Other current assets                                            18,800       24,500           
 Total current assets                                            706,433      558,024          
 Non-current assets                                                                            
 Long-term equity investments                              13    219,347      209,179          
 Other equity instrument investments                             771          767              
 Fixed assets                                              14    599,316      598,932          
 Construction in progress                                  15    169,056      155,939          
 Right-of-use assets                                       16    182,933      184,974          
 Intangible assets                                         17    119,378      119,210          
 Goodwill                                                  18    8,727        8,594            
 Long-term deferred expenses                               19    10,658       10,007           
 Deferred tax assets                                       20    20,179       19,389           
 Other non-current assets                                  21    23,016       24,240           
 Total non-current assets                                        1,353,381    1,331,231        

 Total assets                                                    2,059,814    1,889,255        
 Liabilities and shareholders' equity                                                          
 Current liabilities                                                                           
 Short-term loans                                          23    43,169       27,366           
 Derivative financial liabilities                          7     15,367       3,223            
 Bills payable                                             24    11,347       11,721           
 Accounts payable                                          25    236,871      203,919          
 Contract liabilities                                      26    124,411      124,622          
 Employee benefits payable                                 27    23,000       14,048           
 Taxes payable                                             28    36,566       81,267           
 Other payables                                            29    122,481      114,701          
 Non-current liabilities due within one year               30    66,409       28,651           
 Other current liabilities                                 31    114,002      31,762           
 Total current liabilities                                       793,623      641,280          
 Non-current liabilities                                                                       
 Long-term loans                                           32    77,556       49,341           
 Debentures payable                                        33    14,868       42,649           
 Lease liabilities                                         34    168,646      170,233          
 Provisions                                                35    44,443       43,525           
 Deferred tax liabilities                                  20    8,860        7,910            
 Other non-current liabilities                             36    20,146       18,276           
 Total non-current liabilities                                   334,519      331,934          

 Total liabilities                                               1,128,142    973,214          
 Shareholders' equity                                                                          
 Share capital                                             37    121,071      121,071          
 Capital reserve                                           38    118,089      120,188          
 Other comprehensive income                                39    6,557        (690)            
 Specific reserve                                                3,566        2,664            
 Surplus reserves                                          40    213,224      213,224          
 Undistributed profits                                           324,627      318,645          
 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company        787,134      775,102          
 Minority interests                                              144,538      140,939          
 Total shareholders' equity                                      931,672      916,041          

 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                      2,059,814    1,889,255        


These financial statements have been approved for issue by the board of
directors on 26 August 2022.



 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.



As at 30 June 2022


                                              Note  At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                                    2022         2021             
                                                    RMB million  RMB million      
 Current assets                                                                   
 Cash at bank and on hand                           129,589      110,691          
 Financial assets held for trading                  3            -                
 Derivative financial assets                        13,377       4,503            
 Accounts receivable                          8     36,279       21,146           
 Receivables financing                              1,528        227              
 Prepayments                                  10    4,491        4,540            
 Other receivables                            11    43,176       46,929           
 Inventories                                        81,515       63,661           
 Other current assets                               16,961       23,408           
 Total current assets                               326,919      275,105          
 Non-current assets                                                               
 Long-term equity investments                 13    365,927      360,847          
 Other equity instrument investments                201          201              
 Fixed assets                                 14    278,961      284,622          
 Construction in progress                     15    75,398       66,146           
 Right-of-use assets                                16           99,096           
 Intangible assets                                  9,011        9,334            
 Long-term deferred expenses                        2,559        2,875            
 Deferred tax assets                                9,164        8,715            
 Other non-current assets                           38,709       34,227           

 Total non-current assets                           879,026      872,679          
 Total assets                                       1,205,945    1,147,784        
 Liabilities and shareholders' equity                                             
 Current liabilities                                                              
 Short-term loans                                   21,230       16,550           
 Derivative financial liabilities                   6,601        1,121            
 Bills payable                                      4,371        6,058            
 Accounts payable                                   97,340       85,307           
 Contract liabilities                               7,663        7,505            
 Employee benefits payable                          15,376       8,398            
 Taxes payable                                      22,086       46,333           
 Other payables                                     188,266      211,179          
 Non-current liabilities due within one year        39,710       16,737           
 Other current liabilities                          87,461       13,702           
 Total current liabilities                          490,104      412,890          
 Non-current liabilities                                                          
 Long-term loans                                    51,859       34,258           
 Debentures payable                                 11,536       31,522           
 Lease liabilities                                  98,292       104,426          
 Provisions                                         35,851       35,271           
 Other non-current liabilities                      2,850        3,103            

 Total non-current liabilities                      200,388      208,580          
 Total liabilities                                  690,492      621,470          
 Shareholders' equity                                                             
 Share capital                                      121,071      121,071          
 Capital reserve                                    66,455       67,897           
 Other comprehensive income                         6,269        6,024            
 Specific reserve                                   2,034        1,658            
 Surplus reserves                                   213,224      213,224          
 Undistributed profits                              106,400      116,440          
 Total shareholders' equity                         515,453      526,314          

 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity         1,205,945    1,147,784        


These financial statements have been approved for issue by the board of
directors on 26 August 2022.






 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.


For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022


                                                                             Note  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                                   2022              2021               
                                                                                   RMB million       RMB million        
 Operating income                                                            41    1,612,126         1,260,773          
 Less: Operating costs                                                       41    1,330,825         998,286            
 Taxes and surcharges                                                        42    134,409           120,900            
 Selling and distribution expenses                                           45    28,130            31,731             
 General and administrative expenses                                         46    26,183            36,170             
 Research and development expenses                                           47    6,310             5,360              
 Financial expenses                                                          43    5,337             4,902              
 Including: Interest expenses                                                      8,124             7,660              
      Interest income                                                              3,012             2,663              
 Exploration expenses, including dry holes                                   48    5,738             4,846              
 Add:   Other income                                                         49    2,121             1,244              
 Investment (loss)/income                                                    50    (10,307)          4,890              
 Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures                7,327             11,133             
 (losses)/gains from changes in fair value                                   51    (1,558)           116                
 Credit impairment reversals                                                       72                55                 
 Impairment losses                                                           52    (1,456)           (926)              
 Asset disposal gains                                                              135               281                
 Operating profit                                                                  64,201            64,238             
 Add:   Non-operating income                                                 53    855               696                
 Less:   Non-operating expenses                                              54    1,079             1,081              
 Profit before taxation                                                            63,977            63,853             
 Less:   Income tax expense                                                  55    14,461            15,052             
 Net profit                                                                        49,516            48,801             
 Including: net profit of acquiree before business combination under common        -                 273                
 Classification by going concern:                                                                                       
 Continuous operating net profit                                                   49,516            48,801             
 Termination of net profit                                                         -                 -                  
 Classification by ownership:                                                                                           
 Equity shareholders of the Company                                                43,530            39,426             
 Minority interests                                                                5,986             9,375              
 Basic earnings per share                                                    66    0.360             0.326              
 Diluted earnings per share                                                  66    0.360             0.326              
 Other comprehensive income                                                  39                                         
 Items that may not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                                                      
 Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments                      (17)              8                  
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                                                          
 Other comprehensive income that can be converted into profit or loss              3,397             121                

 under the equity method
 Cost of hedging reserve                                                           (844)             (40)               
 Cash flow hedges                                                                  10,258            8,640              
 Foreign currency translation differences                                          3,913             (621)              
 Total other comprehensive income                                                  16,707            8,108              

 Total comprehensive income                                                        66,223            56,909             
 Attributable to:                                                                                                       
 Equity shareholders of the Company                                                59,563            47,410             
 Minority interests                                                                6,660             9,499              


These financial statements have been approved for issue by the board of
directors on 26 August 2022.






 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022


                                                                     Note  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                           2022              2021               
                                                                           RMB million       RMB million        
 Operating income                                                    41    650,430           469,122            
 Less: Operating costs                                               41    521,323           363,427            
 Taxes and surcharges                                                      86,457            72,725             
 Selling and distribution expenses                                         1,215             1,866              
 General and administrative expenses                                       11,665            16,386             
 Research and development expenses                                         5,843             4,962              
 Financial expenses                                                        4,995             5,382              
 Including: Interest expenses                                              6,793             4,193              
      Interest income                                                      1,736             1,160              
 Exploration expenses, including dry holes                                 4,794             4,182              
 Add:   Other income                                                       1,445             743                
 Investment income                                                   50    17,300            10,602             
 Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures        3,014             4,366              
 Gains from changes in fair value                                          241               232                
 Credit impairment (losses)/reversals                                      (1)               2                  
 Impairment losses                                                         (736)             (753)              
 Asset disposal gains/(losses)                                             121               (3)                
 Operating profit                                                          32,508            11,015             
 Add:   Non-operating income                                               181               203                
 Less:   Non-operating expenses                                            671               519                
 Profit before taxation                                                    32,018            10,699             
 Less:   Income tax expense                                                4,515             2,813              
 Net profit                                                                27,503            7,886              
 Classification by going concern:                                                                               
 Continuous operating net profit                                           27,503            7,886              
 Termination of net profit                                                 -                 -                  
 Other comprehensive income                                                                                     
 Items that may not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                                              
 Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments              (5)               -                  
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                                                  
 Other comprehensive income that can be converted into profit or           139               18                 

 loss under the equity method
 Cash flow hedges                                                          4,622             5,936              
 Total other comprehensive income                                          4,756             5,954              

 Total comprehensive income                                                32,259            13,840             


These financial statements have been approved for issue by the board of
directors on 26 August 2022.






 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022


                                                                                Note   Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                                       2022              2021               
                                                                                       RMB million       RMB million        
 Cash flows from operating activities:                                                                                      
 Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services                            1,704,813         1,310,197          
 Refund of taxes and levies                                                            3,442             788                
 Other cash received relating to operating activities                                  128,034           65,782             
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                             1,836,289         1,376,767          
 Cash paid for goods and services                                                      (1,420,335)       (1,030,400)        
 Cash paid to and for employees                                                        (40,058)          (37,297)           
 Payments of taxes and levies                                                          (211,115)         (196,023)          
 Other cash paid relating to operating activities                                      (159,834)         (64,700)           
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                            (1,831,342)       (1,328,420)        

 Net cash flow from operating activities                                        57(a)  4,947             48,347             
 Cash flows from investing activities:                                                                                      
 Cash received from disposal of investments                                            442               3,341              
 Cash received from returns on investments                                             4,345             3,316              
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and                107               502                

 other long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities    57(d)  1                 4,296              
 Other cash received relating to investing activities                                  37,189            21,019             
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                             42,084            32,474             
 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other                (63,023)          (56,222)           
 long-term assets
 Cash paid for acquisition of investments                                              (6,027)           (9,226)            
 Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business entities         (7,628)           -                  
 Other cash paid relating to investing activities                                      (16,544)          (33,016)           
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                            (93,222)          (98,464)           

 Net cash flow from investing activities                                               (51,138)          (65,990)           
 Cash flows from financing activities:                                                                                      
 Cash received from capital contributions                                              987               302                
 Including: Cash received from minority shareholders' capital                          987               302                

 contributions to subsidiaries
 Cash received from borrowings                                                         348,900           170,144            
 Other cash received relating to financing activities                                  32                78                 
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                             349,919           170,524            
 Cash repayments of borrowings                                                         (224,161)         (130,857)          
 Cash paid for dividends, profits distribution or interest                             (41,606)          (19,559)           
 Including: Subsidiaries' cash payments for distribution of                            (1,088)           (1,581)            

 dividends or profits to minority shareholders
 Other cash paid relating to financing activities                               57(e)  (8,940)           (11,458)           
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                            (274,707)         (161,874)          

 Net cash flow from financing activities                                               75,212            8,650              
 Effects of changes in foreign exchange rate                                           1,567             (452)              

 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                           57(b)  30,588            (9,445)            
 Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                           108,590           87,559             
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                             57(c)  139,178           78,114             


These financial statements have been approved for issue by the board of
directors on 26 August 2022.






 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022


                                                                                Note  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                                      2022              2021               
                                                                                      RMB million       RMB million        
 Cash flows from operating activities:                                                                                     
 Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services                           719,791           512,907            
 Refund of taxes and levies                                                           2,374             492                
 Other cash received relating to operating activities                                 9,561             6,052              
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                            731,726           519,451            
 Cash paid for goods and services                                                     (541,234)         (369,090)          
 Cash paid to and for employees                                                       (20,623)          (19,181)           
 Payments of taxes and levies                                                         (122,524)         (110,031)          
 Other cash paid relating to operating activities                                     (34,763)          (9,587)            
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                           (719,144)         (507,889)          

 Net cash flow from operating activities                                              12,582            11,562             
 Cash flows from investing activities:                                                                                     
 Cash received from disposal of investments                                           3,334             12,101             
 Cash received from returns on investments                                            15,739            4,676              
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other         25                39                 
 long-term assets
 Other cash received relating to investing activities                                 85,079            58,662             
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                            104,177           75,478             
 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other               (27,989)          (25,419)           
 long-term assets
 Cash paid for acquisition of investments                                             (10,920)          (19,726)           
 Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business entities        (4,221)           -                  
 Other cash paid relating to investing activities                                     (98,036)          (61,762)           
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                           (141,166)         (106,907)          

 Net cash flow from investing activities                                              (36,989)          (31,429)           
 Cash flows from financing activities:                                                                                     
 Cash received from borrowings                                                        184,910           88,635             
 Other cash received relating to financing activities                                 186,614           136,030            
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                            371,524           224,665            
 Cash repayments of borrowings                                                        (87,141)          (63,205)           
 Cash paid for dividends or interest                                                  (41,593)          (19,812)           
 Other cash paid relating to financing activities                                     (196,723)         (127,904)          
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                           (325,457)         (210,921)          

 Net cash flow from financing activities                                              46,067            13,744             

 Effects of changes in foreign exchange rate                                          4                 (1)                
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                 21,664            (6,124)            
 Add:Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                           34,575            28,081             
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                                   56,239            21,957             


These financial statements have been approved for issue by the board of
directors on 26 August 2022.






 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022


                                                           Share        Capital      Other           Specific     Surplus      Retained     Total             Minority     Total            

                                                           capital      reserve      comprehensive   reserve      reserves     earnings     shareholders'     interests    shareholders'

                                                                                     income                                                 equity                         equity


                                                                                                                                            to equity

                                                                                                                                            shareholders of

                                                                                                                                            the Company
                                                           RMB million  RMB million  RMB million     RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million       RMB million  RMB million      
 Balance at 31 December 2020                               121,071      122,558      1,038           1,941        209,280      286,575      742,463           141,413      883,876          
 Adjustment for business combination of entities           -            4,831        -               -            -            -            4,831             13           4,844            

 under common control (Note 61)
 Balance at 1 January 2021                                 121,071      127,389      1,038           1,941        209,280      286,575      747,294           141,426      888,720          
 Change for the period                                                                                                                                                                      
 1.    Net profit                                          -            -            -               -            -            39,426       39,426            9,375        48,801           
 2.    Other comprehensive income (Note 39)                -            -            7,984           -            -            -            7,984             124          8,108            
 Total comprehensive income                                -            -            7,984           -            -            39,426       47,410            9,499        56,909           
 Amounts transferred to initial carrying amount            -            -            (8,121)         -            -            -            (8,121)           (549)        (8,670)          

 of hedged items
 Transactions with owners, recorded directly                                                                                                                                                

 in shareholders' equity:
 3.    Appropriations of profits:                                                                                                                                                           
 - Distributions to shareholders (Note 56)                 -            -            -               -            -            (15,739)     (15,739)          -            (15,739)         
 4.    Contributions to subsidiaries from                  -            -            -               -            -            -            -                 559          559              

 minority interests
 5.    Transaction with minority interests                 -            (1,384)      -               -            -            -            (1,384)           (6,818)      (8,202)          
 6.    Distributions to minority interests                 -            -            -               -            -            -            -                 (1,885)      (1,885)          
 Total transactions with owners, recorded directly         -            (1,384)      -               -            -            (15,739)     (17,123)          (8,144)      (25,267)         

 in shareholders' equity
 7.    Net increase in specific reserve for the period     -            -            -               778          -            -            778               175          953              
 8.    Others                                              -            121          -               -            -            (273)        (152)             (247)        (399)            

 Balance at 30 June 2021                                   121,071      126,126      901             2,719        209,280      309,989      770,086           142,160      912,246          
 Balance at 1 January 2022                                 121,071      120,188      (690)           2,664        213,224      318,645      775,102           140,939      916,041          
 Change for the period                                                                                                                                                                      
 1.    Net profit                                          -            -            -               -            -            43,530       43,530            5,986        49,516           
 2.    Other comprehensive income (Note 39)                -            -            16,033          -            -            -            16,033            674          16,707           
 Total comprehensive income                                -            -            16,033          -            -            43,530       59,563            6,660        66,223           
 Amounts transferred to initial carrying amount            -            -            (8,786)         -            -            -            (8,786)           (430)        (9,216)          

 of hedged items
 Transactions with owners, recorded directly                                                                                                                                                

 in shareholders' equity:
 3.    Appropriations of profits:                                                                                                                                                           
 - Distributions to shareholders (Note 56)                 -            -            -               -            -            (37,532)     (37,532)          -            (37,532)         
 4.    Contributions from minority interests               -            -            -               -            -            -            -                 1,420        1,420            
 5.    Transactions with minority interests                -            -            -               -            -            -            -                 (1,713)      (1,713)          
 6.    Distributions to minority interests                 -            -            -               -            -            -            -                 (2,337)      (2,337)          
 Total transactions with owners, recorded directly         -            -            -               -            -            (37,532)     (37,532)          (2,630)      (40,162)         

 in shareholders' equity
 7.    Net increase in specific reserve for the period     -            -            -               902          -            -            902               141          1,043            
 8.    Other equity movements under the equity method      -            (2,102)      -               -            -            -            (2,102)           -            (2,102)          
 9.    Others                                              -            3            -               -            -            (16)         (13)              (142)        (155)            

 Balance at 30 June 2022                                   121,071      118,089      6,557           3,566        213,224      324,627      787,134           144,538      931,672          


These financial statements have been approved for issue by the board of
directors on 26 August 2022.






 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.




For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022


                                                           Share capital  Capital      Other           Specific     Surplus      Retained     Total            

                                                                          reserve      comprehensive   reserve      reserves     earnings     shareholders'

                                                                                       income                                                 equity
                                                           RMB million    RMB million  RMB million     RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million      
 Balance at 1 January 2021                                 121,071        68,976       5,910           1,189        209,280      115,849      522,275          
 Change for the period                                                                                                                                         
 1.    Net profit                                          -              -            -               -            -            7,886        7,886            
 2.    Other comprehensive income                          -              -            5,954           -            -            -            5,954            
 Total comprehensive income                                -              -            5,954           -            -            7,886        13,840           
 Amounts transferred to initial carrying amount            -              -            (6,045)         -            -            -            (6,045)          

 of hedged items
 Transactions with owners, recorded directly                                                                                                                   

 in shareholders' equity:
 3.    Appropriations of profits:                                                                                                                              
 - Distributions to shareholders (Note 56)                 -              -            -               -            -            (15,739)     (15,739)         
 Total transactions with owners, recorded directly         -              -            -               -            -            (15,739)     (15,739)         

 in shareholders' equity
 4.    Net increase in specific reserve for the period     -              -            -               278          -            -            278              
 5.    Others                                              -              36           -               -            -            198          234              

 Balance at 30 June 2021                                   121,071        69,012       5,819           1,467        209,280      108,194      514,843          
 Balance at 1 January 2022                                 121,071        67,897       6,024           1,658        213,224      116,440      526,314          
 Change for the period                                                                                                                                         
 1.    Net profit                                          -              -            -               -            -            27,503       27,503           
 2.    Other comprehensive income                          -              -            4,756           -            -            -            4,756            
 Total comprehensive income                                -              -            4,756           -            -            27,503       32,259           
 Amounts transferred to initial carrying amount            -              -            (4,511)         -            -            -            (4,511)          

 of hedged items
 Transactions with owners, recorded directly                                                                                                                   

 in shareholders' equity:
 3.    Appropriations of profits:                                                                                                                              
 - Distributions to shareholders (Note 56)                 -              -            -               -            -            (37,532)     (37,532)         
 Total transactions with owners, recorded directly         -              -            -               -            -            (37,532)     (37,532)         

 in shareholders' equity
 4.    Net increase in specific reserve for the period     -              -            -               376          -            -            376              
 5.    Other equity movements under the equity method      -              (1,437)      -               -            -            -            (1,437)          
 6.    Others                                              -              (5)          -               -            -            (11)         (16)             

 Balance at 30 June 2022                                   121,071        66,455       6,269           2,034        213,224      106,400      515,453          


These financial statements have been approved for issue by the board of
directors on 26 August 2022.






 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements.




China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (the "Company") was established on
25 February 2000 as a joint stock limited company. The company is registered
in Beijing, the People's Republic of China, and the headquarter is located in
Beijing, the People's Republic of China. The approval date of the financial
report is 26 August 2022.


According to the State Council's approval to the "Preliminary Plan for the
Reorganisation of China Petrochemical Corporation" (the "Reorganisation"), the
Company was established by China Petrochemical Corporation, which transferred
its core businesses together with the related assets and liabilities at 30
September 1999 to the Company. Such assets and liabilities had been valued
jointly by China United Assets Appraisal Corporation, Beijing Zhong Zheng
Appraisal Company, CIECC Assets Appraisal Corporation and Zhong Fa
International Properties Valuation Corporation. The net asset value was
determined at RMB98,249,084,000. The valuation was reviewed and approved by
the Ministry of Finance (the "MOF") (Cai Ping Zi 2000 No. 20 "Comments on the
Review of the Valuation Regarding the Formation of a Joint Stock Limited
Company by China Petrochemical Corporation").


In addition, pursuant to the notice Cai Guan Zi 2000 No. 34 "Reply to the
Issue Regarding Management of State-Owned Equity by China Petroleum and
Chemical Corporation" issued by the MOF, 68.8 billion domestic state-owned
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each were issued to Sinopec Group Company,
the amount of which is equivalent to 70% of the above net asset value
transferred from Sinopec Group Company to the Company in connection with the


Pursuant to the notice Guo Jing Mao Qi Gai 2000 No. 154 "Reply on the
Formation of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation", the Company obtained
the approval from the State Economic and Trade Commission on 21 February 2000
for the formation of a joint stock limited company.


The Company took over the exploration, development and production of crude oil
and natural gas, refining, chemicals and related sales and marketing business
of Sinopec Group Company after the establishment of the Company.


The Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") engage in the oil and gas and
chemical operations and businesses, including:


(1)  the exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural


(2)  the refining, transportation, storage and marketing of crude oil and
petroleum product; and


(3)  the production and sale of chemical.


Details of the Company's principal subsidiaries are set out in Note 60.




(1)  Statement of compliance of China Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises ("CASs")

The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Basic
Standards, specific standards and relevant regulations (hereafter referred as
CASs collectively) issued by the MOF on or after 15 February 2006. These
financial statements also comply with the disclosure requirements of
"Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures of Companies Issuing
Public Shares, No.15: General Requirements for Financial Reports" issued by
the China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC"). These financial
statements present truly and completely the consolidated and company financial
position as at 30 June 2022, and the consolidated and company financial
performance and the consolidated and company cash flows for the six-month
period ended 30 June 2022.


These financial statements are prepared on a basis of going concern.


(2)  Accounting period

The accounting year of the Group is from 1 January to 31 December.


(3)  Measurement basis

The financial statements of the Group have been prepared under the historical
cost convention, except for the assets and liabilities set out below:


-    Financial assets held for trading (see Note 3(11))


-    Other equity instrument investments (see Note 3(11))


-    Derivative financial instruments (see Note 3(11))


-    Receivables financing (see Note 3(11))


(4)  Functional currency and presentation currency

The functional currency of the Company's and most of its subsidiaries are
Renminbi. The Company and its subsidiaries determine their functional currency
according to the main economic environment in where they operate. The Group's
consolidated financial statements are presented in Renminbi. Some of
subsidiaries use other currency as the functional currency. The Company
translates the financial statements of subsidiaries from their respective
functional currencies into Renminbi (see Note 3(2)) if the subsidiaries'
functional currencies are not Renminbi.




The Group determines specific accounting policies and accounting estimates
based on the characteristics of production and operational activities, mainly
reflected in the accounting for allowance for financial assets (Note 3(11)),
valuation of inventories (Note 3(4)), depreciation of fixed assets and
depletion of oil and gas properties (Note 3(7), (8)), measurement of
provisions (Note 3(16)), etc.


Principal accounting estimates and judgements of the Group are set out in Note


(1)  Accounting treatment of business combination involving entities under
common control and not under common control


(a)  Business combination involving entities under common control

A business combination involving entities or businesses under common control
is a business combination in which all of the combining entities or businesses
are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after
the business combination, and that control is not transitory. The assets and
liabilities that the acquirer receives in the acquisition are accounted for at
the acquiree's carrying amount on the acquisition date. The difference between
the carrying amount of the acquired net assets and the carrying amount of the
consideration paid for the acquisition (or the total nominal value of shares
issued) is recognised in the share premium of capital reserve, or the retained
earnings in case of any shortfall in the share premium of capital reserve. Any
costs directly attributable to the combination shall be recognised in profit
or loss for the current period when occurred. The expense incurred for equity
securities and debt securities issued as the consideration of the combination
is recognised in the initial cost of the securities. The combination date is
the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree.


(b)  Business combination involving entities not under common control

A business combination involving entities or businesses not under common
control is a business combination in which all of the combining entities or
businesses are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both
before and after the business combination. Difference between the
consideration paid by the Group as the acquirer, comprises of the aggregate of
the fair value at the acquisition date of assets given, liabilities incurred
or assumed, and equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for
control of the acquiree, and the Group's interest in the fair value of the
identifiable net assets of the acquiree, is recognised as goodwill (Note
3(10)) if it is an excess, otherwise in the profit or loss. The expense
incurred for equity securities and debt securities issued as the consideration
of the combination is recognised in the initial cost of the securities. Any
other expense directly attributable to the business combination is recognised
in the profit or loss for the year. The difference between the fair value and
the book value of the assets given is recognised in profit or loss. The
acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities, if
satisfying the recognition criteria, are recognised by the Group at their fair
value at the acquisition date. The acquisition date is the date on which the
acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree.


(c)  Method for preparation of consolidated financial statements

The scope of consolidated financial statements is based on control and the
consolidated financial statements comprise the Company and its subsidiaries.
Control means an entity is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from
its involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those returns
through its power over the entity. The financial statements of subsidiaries
are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that
control commences until the date that control ceases.


Where the Company combines a subsidiary during the reporting period through a
business combination involving entities under common control, the financial
statements of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial
statements as if the combination had occurred at the beginning of the earliest
comparative year presented or, if later, at the date that common control was
established. Therefore the opening balances and the comparative figures of the
consolidated financial statements are restated. In the preparation of the
consolidated financial statements, the subsidiary's assets, liabilities and
results of operations are included in the consolidated balance sheet and the
consolidated income statement, respectively, based on their carrying amounts
in the subsidiary's financial statements, from the date that common control
was established.


Where the Company acquires a subsidiary during the reporting year through a
business combination involving entities not under common control, the
identifiable assets, liabilities and results of operations of the subsidiaries
are consolidated into consolidated financial statements from the date that
control commences, based on the fair value of those identifiable assets and
liabilities at the acquisition date.


Where the Company acquired a minority interest from a subsidiary's minority
shareholders, the difference between the investment cost and the newly
acquired interest into the subsidiary's identifiable net assets at the
acquisition date is adjusted to the capital reserve (capital surplus) in the
consolidated balance sheet. Where the Company partially disposed an investment
of a subsidiary that do not result in a loss of control, the difference
between the proceeds and the corresponding share of the interest into the
subsidiary is adjusted to the capital reserve (capital surplus) in the
consolidated balance sheet. If the credit balance of capital reserve (capital
surplus) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained profits.


In a business combination involving entities not under common control achieved
in stages, the Group remeasures its previously held equity interest in the
acquiree on the acquisition date. The difference between the fair value and
the net book value is recognised as investment income for the year. If other
comprehensive income was recognised regarding the equity interest previously
held in the acquiree before the acquisition date, the relevant other
comprehensive income is transferred to investment income in the period in
which the acquisition occurs.




(1)  Accounting treatment of business combination involving entities under
common control and not under common control (Continued)


(c)  Method for preparation of consolidated financial statements (Continued)

Where control of a subsidiary is lost due to partial disposal of the equity
investment held in a subsidiary, or any other reasons, the Group derecognises
assets, liabilities, minority interests and other equity items related to the
subsidiary. The remaining equity investment is remeasured to fair value at the
date in which control is lost. The sum of consideration received from disposal
of equity investment and the fair value of the remaining equity investment,
net of the fair value of the Group's previous share of the subsidiary's
identifiable net assets recorded from the acquisition date, is recognised in
investment income in the period in which control is lost. Other comprehensive
income related to the previous equity investment in the subsidiary, is
transferred to investment income when control is lost. Other comprehensive
income related to the equity investment of the original subsidiary shall be
converted into the current investment income in the event of loss of control.


Minority interest is presented separately in the consolidated balance sheet
within shareholders' equity. Net profit or loss attributable to minority
shareholders is presented separately in the consolidated income statement
below the net profit line item.


The excess of the loss attributable to the minority interests during the
period over the minority interests' share of the equity at the beginning of
the reporting period is deducted from minority interests.


Where the accounting policies and accounting period adopted by the
subsidiaries are different from those adopted by the Company, adjustments are
made to the subsidiaries' financial statements according to the Company's
accounting policies and accounting period. Intra-group balances and
transactions, and any unrealised profit or loss arising from intra-group
transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial
statements. Unrealised losses resulting from intra-group transactions are
eliminated in the same way as unrealised gains but only to the extent that
there is no evidence of impairment.


The unrealised profit or loss arising from the sale of assets by the Company
to its subsidiaries is eliminated in full against the net profit attributed to
shareholders; the unrealised profit or loss from the sale of assets by
subsidiaries to the Company is eliminated according to the distribution ratio
between shareholders of the parent company and minority interests. For sale of
assets that occurred between subsidiaries, the unrealised gains and losses is
eliminated according to the distribution ratio for its subsidiaries seller
between net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company and
minority interests.


(2)  Transactions in foreign currencies and translation of financial
statements in foreign currencies

Foreign currency transactions are, on initial recognition, translated into
Renminbi at the spot exchange rates quoted by the People's Bank of China
("PBOC rates") at the transaction dates.


Foreign currency monetary items are translated at the PBOC rates at the
balance sheet date. Exchange differences, except for those directly related to
the acquisition, construction or production of qualified assets, are
recognised as income or expenses in the income statement. Non-monetary items
denominated in foreign currency measured at historical cost are not
translated. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currency that are
measured at fair value are translated using the exchange rates at the date
when the fair value was determined. The difference between the translated
amount and the original currency amount is recognised as other comprehensive
income, if it is classified as other equity instrument investments; or charged
to the income statement if it is measured at fair value through profit or


The assets and liabilities of foreign operation are translated into Renminbi
at the spot exchange rates at the balance sheet date. The equity items,
excluding "Retained earnings", are translated into Renminbi at the spot
exchange rates at the transaction dates. The income and expenses of foreign
operation are translated into Renminbi at the spot exchange rates or an
exchange rate that approximates the spot exchange rates on the transaction
dates. The resulting exchange differences are separately presented as other
comprehensive income in the balance sheet within equity. Upon disposal of a
foreign operation, the cumulative amount of the exchange differences
recognised in which relate to that foreign operation is transferred to profit
or loss in the year in which the disposal occurs.


(3)  Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, demand deposits, short-term
and highly liquid investments which are readily convertible into known amounts
of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.




(4)  Inventories

Inventories are initially measured at cost. Cost includes the cost of purchase
and processing, and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to
their present location and condition. The cost of inventories is mainly
calculated using the weighted average method. In addition to the cost of
purchase of raw material, work in progress and finished goods include direct
labour and an appropriate allocation of manufacturing overhead costs.


At the balance sheet date, inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net
realisable value.


Any excess of the cost over the net realisable value of each item of
inventories is recognised as a provision for diminution in the value of
inventories. Net realisable value is the estimated selling price in the normal
course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated
costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. The net realisable value
of materials held for use in the production is measured based on the net
realisable value of the finished goods in which they will be incorporated. The
net realisable value of the quantity of inventory held to satisfy sales or
service contracts is measured based on the contract price. If the quantities
held by the Group are more than the quantities of inventories specified in
sales contracts, the net realisable value of the excess portion of inventories
is measured based on general selling prices.


Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, semi-finished goods,
finished goods and reusable materials. Reusable materials include low-value
consumables, packaging materials and other materials, which can be used
repeatedly but do not meet the definition of fixed assets. Reusable materials
are amortised in full when received for use. The amounts of the amortisation
are included in the cost of the related assets or profit or loss.


Inventories are recorded by perpetual method.


(5)  Long-term equity investments


(a)  Investment in subsidiaries

In the Company's separate financial statements, long-term equity investments
in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method. Except for cash
dividends or profits distributions declared but not yet distributed that have
been included in the price or consideration paid in obtaining the investments,
the Company recognises its share of the cash dividends or profit distributions
declared by the investee as investment income irrespective of whether these
represent the net profit realised by the investee before or after the
investment. Investments in subsidiaries are stated at cost less impairment
losses (see Note 3(12)) in the balance sheet. At initial recognition, such
investments are measured as follows:


The initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment obtained through
a business combination involving entities under common control is the
Company's share of the carrying amount of the subsidiary's equity at the
combination date. The difference between the initial investment cost and the
carrying amounts of the consideration given is adjusted to share premium in
capital reserve. If the balance of the share premium is insufficient, any
excess is adjusted to retained earnings.


For a long-term equity investment obtained through a business combination not
involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost
comprises the aggregate of the fair values of assets transferred, liabilities
incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the Company, in exchange
for control of the acquiree. For a long-term equity investment obtained
through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control,
if it is achieved in stages, the initial cost comprises the carrying value of
previously-held equity investment in the acquiree immediately before the
acquisition date, and the additional investment cost at the acquisition date.


An investment in a subsidiary acquired otherwise than through a business
combination is initially recognised at actual purchase cost if the Group
acquires the investment by cash, or at the fair value of the equity securities
issued if an investment is acquired by issuing equity securities, or at the
value stipulated in the investment contract or agreement if an investment is
contributed by investors.




(5)  Long-term equity investments (Continued)


(b)  Investment in joint ventures and associates

A joint venture is an incorporated entity over which the Group, based on legal
form, contractual terms and other facts and circumstances, has joint control
with the other parties to the joint venture and rights to the net assets of
the joint venture. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of
control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant
activities require the unanimous consent of the Group and the parties sharing


An associate is the investee that the Group has significant influence on their
financial and operating policies. Significant influence represents the right
to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee
but is not control or joint control over the establishment of these policies.
The Group generally considers the following circumstances in determining
whether it can exercise significant influence over the investee: whether there
is representative appointed to the board of directors or equivalent governing
body of the investee; whether to participate in the investee's policy-making
process; whether there are significant transactions with the investees;
whether there is management personnel sent to the investee; whether to provide
critical technical information to the investee.


An investment in a joint ventures or an associate is accounted for using the
equity method, unless the investment is classified as held for sale.


The initial cost of investment in joint ventures and associates is stated at
the consideration paid except for cash dividends or profits distributions
declared but unpaid at the time of acquisition and therefore included in the
consideration paid should be deducted if the investment is made in cash. Under
the circumstances that the long-term investment is obtained through
non-monetary asset exchange, the initial cost of the investment is stated at
the fair value of the assets exchanged if the transaction has commercial
substance, the difference between the fair value of the assets exchanged and
its carrying amount is charged to profit or loss; or stated at the carrying
amount of the assets exchanged if the transaction lacks commercial substance.


The Group's accounting treatments when adopting the equity method include:


Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the
Group's interest in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets
at the date of acquisition, the investment is initially recognised at the
initial investment cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the
Group's interest in the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets
at the time of acquisition, the investment is initially recognised at the
investor's share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net assets,
and the difference is charged to profit or loss.


After the acquisition of the investment, the Group recognises its share of the
investee's net profits or losses and other comprehensive income as investment
income or losses and other comprehensive income, and adjusts the carrying
amount of the investment accordingly. Once the investee declares any cash
dividends or profits distributions, the carrying amount of the investment is
reduced by that attributable to the Group.


The Group recognises its share of the investee's net profits or losses after
making appropriate adjustments to align the accounting policies or accounting
periods with those of the Group based on the fair values of the investee's net
identifiable assets at the time of acquisition. Under the equity accounting
method, unrealised profits and losses resulting from transactions between the
Group and its associates or joint ventures are eliminated to the extent of the
Group's interest in the associates or joint ventures. Unrealised losses
resulting from transactions between the Group and its associates or joint
ventures are fully recognised in the event that there is an evidence of


The Group discontinues recognising its share of net losses of the investee
after the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment and any long-term
interest that is in substance forms part of the Group's net investment in the
associate or the joint venture is reduced to zero, except to the extent that
the Group has an obligation to assume additional losses. However, if the Group
has incurred obligations for additional losses and the conditions on
recognition of provision are satisfied in accordance with the accounting
standard on contingencies, the Group continues recognising the investment
losses and the provision. Where net profits are subsequently made by the
associate or joint venture, the Group resumes recognising its share of those
profits only after its share of the profits equals the share of losses not


The Group adjusts the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment for
changes in owners' equity of the investee other than those arising from net
profits or losses and other comprehensive income, and recognises the
corresponding adjustment in capital reserve.


(c)  The impairment assessment method and provision accrual on investment

The impairment assessment and provision accrual on investments in
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are stated in Note 3(12).




(6)  Leases

A lease is a contract that a lessor transfers the right to use an identified
asset for a period of time to a lessee in exchange for consideration.


(a)  As Lessee

The Group recognises a right-of-use asset at the commencement date, and
recognises the lease liability at the present value of the lease payments that
are not paid at that date. The lease payments include fixed payments, the
exercise price of a purchase option if the Group is reasonably certain to
exercise that option, and payments of penalties for terminating the lease if
the lease term reflects the Group exercising that option, etc. Variable
payments that are based on a percentage of sales are not included in the lease
payments, and should be recognised in profit or loss when incurred. Lease
liabilities to be paid within one year (including one year) from balance sheet
date is presented in non-current liabilities due within one year.


Right-of-use assets of the Group mainly comprise land. Right-of-use assets are
measured at cost which comprises the amount of the initial measurement of the
lease liability, any lease payments made at or before the commencement date,
any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee, less any lease incentives
received. The Group depreciates the right-of-use assets over the shorter of
the asset's useful life and the lease term on a straight-line basis. When the
recoverable amount of a right-of-use asset is less than its carrying amount,
the carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount.


Payments associated with short-term leases with lease terms within 12 months
and leases for which the underlying assets are individually of low value when
it is new are recognised on a straight-line basis over the lease term as an
expense in profit or loss or as cost of relevant assets, instead of
recognising right-of-use assets and lease liabilities.


(b)  As Lessor

A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to
ownership of an asset is a finance lease. An operating lease is a lease other
than a finance lease.


When the Group leases self-owned plants and buildings, equipment and
machinery, lease income from an operating lease is recognised on a
straight-line basis over the period of the lease. The Group recognises
variable lease income which is based on a certain percentage of sales as
rental income when occurred.


(7)  Fixed assets and construction in progress

Fixed assets represent the tangible assets held by the Group using in the
production of goods, rendering of services and for operation and
administrative purposes with useful life over one year.


Fixed assets are stated in the balance sheet at cost less accumulated
depreciation and impairment losses (see Note 3(12)). Construction in progress
is stated in the balance sheet at cost less impairment losses (see Note


The cost of a purchased fixed asset comprises the purchase price, related
taxes, and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to
working condition for its intended use. The cost of self-constructed assets
includes the cost of materials, direct labour, capitalised borrowing costs
(see Note 3(19)), and any other costs directly attributable to bringing the
asset to working condition for its intended use. According to legal or
contractual obligations, costs of dismantling and removing the items and
restoring the site on which the related assets located are included in the
initial cost.


Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the asset is
ready for its intended use. No depreciation is provided against construction
in progress.


The external sales of products or by-products which are produced before the
fixed assets reach its intended use, the Group accounts for the related
revenues and costs separately in accordance with the provisions of "CASs 14 -
Revenue", "CASs 1 - Inventory", and are recognised in profit or loss for the
current period.


Where the individual component parts of an item of fixed asset have different
useful lives or provide benefits to the Group in different patterns thus
necessitating use of different depreciation rates or methods, each part is
recognised as a separate fixed asset.


The subsequent costs including the cost of replacing part of an item of fixed
assets are recognised in the carrying amount of the item if the recognition
criteria are satisfied, and the carrying amount of the replaced part is
derecognised. The costs of the day-to-day servicing of fixed assets are
recognised in profit or loss as incurred.


The Group terminates the recognition of an item of fixed asset when it is in a
state of disposal or it is estimated that it is unable to generate any
economic benefits through use or disposal. Gains or losses arising from the
retirement or disposal of an item of fixed asset are determined as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the
item and are recognised in profit or loss on the date of retirement or




(7)  Fixed assets and construction in progress (Continued)

Other than oil and gas properties, the cost of fixed assets less residual
value and accumulated impairment losses is depreciated using the straight-line
method over their estimated useful lives, unless the fixed asset is classified
as held for sale. The estimated useful lives and the estimated rate of
residual values adopted for respective classes of fixed assets are as follows:


                                  Estimated    Estimated rate      
                                  useful life  of residual value   
 Plants and buildings             12-50 years  3%                  
 Equipment, machinery and others  4-30 years   3%                  


Useful lives, residual values and depreciation methods are reviewed at least
each year end.


(8)  Oil and gas properties

Oil and gas properties include the mineral interests in properties, wells and
related support equipment arising from oil and gas exploration and production


The acquisition cost of mineral interest is capitalised as oil and gas
properties. Costs of development wells and related support equipment are
capitalised. The cost of exploratory wells is initially capitalised as
construction in progress pending determination of whether the well has found
proved reserves. Exploratory well costs are charged to expenses upon the
determination that the well has not found proved reserves. However, in the
absence of a determination of the discovery of proved reserves, exploratory
well costs are not carried as an asset for more than one year following
completion of drilling. If, after one year has passed, a determination of the
discovery of proved reserves cannot be made, the exploratory well costs are
impaired and charged to expense. All other exploration costs, including
geological and geophysical costs, are charged to profit or loss in the year as


The Group estimates future dismantlement costs for oil and gas properties with
reference to engineering estimates after taking into consideration the
anticipated method of dismantlement required in accordance with the industry
practices. These estimated future dismantlement costs are discounted at
credit-adjusted risk-free rate and are capitalised as oil and gas properties,
which are subsequently amortised as part of the costs of the oil and gas


Capitalised costs of proved oil and gas properties are amortised on a
unit-of-production method based on volumes produced and reserves.


(9)  Intangible assets

Intangible assets, where the estimated useful life is finite, are stated in
the balance sheet at cost less accumulated amortisation and provision for
impairment losses (see Note 3(12)). For an intangible asset with finite useful
life, its cost less estimated residual value and accumulated impairment losses
is amortised on a straight-line basis over the expected useful lives, unless
the intangible assets are classified as held for sale.


An intangible asset is regarded as having an indefinite useful life and is not
amortised when there is no foreseeable limit to the year over which the asset
is expected to generate economic benefits for the Group.


Useful lives and amortisation methods are reviewed at least each year end.


The external sales of products or by-products which are produced in the
research and development process, the Group accounts for the related revenues
and costs separately in accordance with the provisions of "CASs 14 - Revenue",
"CASs 1 - Inventory", and are recognised in profit or loss for the current




(10)     Goodwill

The initial cost of goodwill represents the excess of cost of acquisition over
the acquirer's interest in the fair value of the identifiable net assets of
the acquiree under the business combination involving entities not under
common control.


Goodwill is not amortised and is stated at cost less accumulated impairment
losses (see Note 3(12)). On disposal of an asset group or a set of asset
groups, any attributable amount of purchased goodwill is written off and
included in the calculation of the profit or loss on disposal.


(11)     Financial Instruments

Financial instruments, refer to the contracts that form one party's financial
assets and form the financial liabilities or equity instruments of the other
party. The Group recognises a financial asset or a financial liability when
the Group enters into and becomes a party to the underlining contract of the
financial instrument.


(a)  Financial assets


(i)   Classification and measurement

The Group classifies financial assets into different categories depending on
the business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual terms
of cash flows of the financial assets: (1) financial assets measured at
amortised cost, (2) financial assets measured at fair value through other
comprehensive income, (3) financial assets measured at fair value through
profit or loss. A contractual cash flow characteristic which could have only a
de minimis effect, or could have an effect that is more than de minimis but is
not genuine, does not affect the classification of the financial asset.


Financial assets are initially recognised at fair value. For financial assets
measured at fair value through profit or loss, the relevant transaction costs
are recognised in profit or loss. The transaction costs for other financial
assets are included in the initially recognised amount. However, accounts
receivable arising from sales of goods or rendering services, without
significant financing component, are initially recognised based on the
transaction price expected to be entitled by the Group.


Debt instruments


The debt instruments held by the Group refer to the instruments that meet the
definition of financial liabilities from the perspective of the issuer, and
are measured in the following ways:


-    Measured at amortised cost:


The business model for managing such financial assets by the Group are held
for collection of contractual cash flows. The contractual cash flow
characteristics are to give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are
solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding.
Interest income from these financial assets is recognised using the effective
interest rate method. The financial assets include cash at bank and on hand
and receivables.


-    Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income:


The business model for managing such financial assets by the Group are held
for collection of contractual cash flows and for selling the financial assets,
the contractual cash flow characteristics of such financial assets are
consistent with the basic lending arrangements. Movements in the carrying
amount are taken through other comprehensive income, except for the
recognition of impairment gains or losses, foreign exchange gains and losses
and interest income calculated using the effective interest rate method, which
are recognised in profit or loss. The financial assets include receivables


Equity instruments


Equity instruments that the Group has no power to control, jointly control or
exercise significant influence over, are measured at fair value through profit
or loss and presented as financial assets held for trading.


In addition, the Group designates some equity instruments that are not held
for trading as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive
income, and presented in other equity instrument investments. The relevant
dividends of these financial assets are recognised in profit or loss. When
derecognised, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in other
comprehensive income is transferred to retained earnings.




(11)     Financial Instruments (Continued)


(a)  Financial assets (Continued)


(ii)  Impairment

The Group recognises a loss allowance for expected credit losses on financial
assets measured at amortised cost and receivables financing measured at fair
value through other comprehensive income.


The Group measures and recognises expected credit losses, considering
reasonable and supportable information about the relevant past events, current
conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.


The Group measures the expected credit losses of financial instruments on
different stages at each balance sheet date. For financial instruments that
have no significant increase in credit risk since the initial recognition, on
first stage, the Group measures the loss allowance at an amount equal to
12-month expected credit losses. If there has been a significant increase in
credit risk since the initial recognition of a financial instrument but credit
impairment has not occurred, on second stage, the Group recognises a loss
allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses. If credit
impairment has occurred since the initial recognition of a financial
instrument, on third stage, the Group recognises a loss allowance at an amount
equal to lifetime expected credit losses.


For financial instruments that have low credit risk at the balance sheet date,
the Group assumes that there is no significant increase in credit risk since
the initial recognition, and measures the loss allowance at an amount equal to
12-month expected credit losses.


For financial instruments on the first stage and the second stage, and that
have low credit risk, the Group calculates interest income according to
carrying amount without deducting the impairment allowance and effective
interest rate. For financial instruments on the third stage, interest income
is calculated according to the carrying amount minus amortised cost after the
provision of impairment allowance and effective interest rate.


For accounts receivable and receivables financing related to revenue, the
Group measures the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected


The Group recognises the loss allowance accrued or written back in profit or


(iii) Derecognition

The Group derecognises a financial asset when (1) the contractual right to
receive cash flows from the financial asset expires; (2) the Group transfers
the financial asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership
of the financial asset; (3) the financial assets have been transferred and the
Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of
ownership of the financial asset, but the Group has not retained control.


On derecognition of other equity instrument investments, the difference
between the carrying amounts and the sum of the consideration received and any
cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in other comprehensive income,
is recognised in retained earnings. While on derecognition of other financial
assets, this difference is recognised in profit or loss.


(b)  Financial liabilities

The Group, at initial recognition, classifies financial liabilities as either
financial liabilities subsequently measured at amortised cost or financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.


The Group's financial liabilities are mainly financial liabilities measured at
amortised cost, including bills payable, accounts payable, other payables,
loans and debentures payable, etc. These financial liabilities are initially
measured at the amount of their fair value after deducting transaction costs
and use the effective interest rate method for subsequent measurement.


Where the present obligations of financial liabilities are completely or
partially discharged, the Group derecognises these financial liabilities or
discharged parts of obligations. The differences between the carrying amounts
and the consideration received are recognised in profit or loss.


Financial guarantee liabilities


Financial guarantees are contracts that requires the Group to make specified
payments to reimburse the holder for a loss it incurs because a specified
debtor fails to make payment when due in accordance with the original or
modified terms of a debt instrument.


Financial guarantees issued are initially recognised at fair value, which is
determined by reference to fees charged in an arm's length transaction for
similar services, when such information is obtainable, or to interest rate
differentials, by comparing the actual rates charged by lenders when the
guarantee is made available with the estimated rates that lenders would have
charged, had the guarantees not been available, where reliable estimates of
such information can be made. Where consideration is received or receivable
for the issuance of the guarantee, the consideration is recognised in
accordance with the Group's policies applicable to that category of asset.
Where no such consideration is received or receivable, an immediate expense is
recognised in profit or loss.


Subsequent to initial recognition, the amount initially recognised as deferred
income is amortised in profit or loss over the term of the guarantee as income
from financial guarantees issued.




(11)     Financial Instruments (Continued)


(c)  Determination of fair value

If there is an active market for financial instruments, the quoted price in
the active market is used to measure fair values of the financial instruments.
If no active market exists for financial instruments, valuation techniques are
used to measure fair values. In valuation, the Group adopts valuation
techniques that are applicable in the current situation and have sufficient
available data and other information to support it, and selects input values
that are consistent with the asset or liability characteristics considered by
market participants in the transaction of relevant assets or liabilities, and
gives priority to relevant observable input values. Use of unobservable input
values where relevant observable input values cannot be obtained or are not


(d)  Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting

Derivative financial instruments are recognised initially at fair value. At
each balance sheet date, the fair value is remeasured. The gain or loss on
remeasurement to fair value is recognised immediately in profit or loss,
except where the derivatives qualify for hedge accounting.


Hedge accounting is a method which recognises the offsetting effects on profit
or loss of changes in the fair values of the hedging instrument and the hedged
item in the same accounting period, to represent the effect of risk management


Hedged items are the items that expose the Group to risks of changes in future
cash flows and that are designated as being hedged and that must be reliably
measurable. The Group's hedged items include a forecast transaction that is
settled with an undetermined future market price and exposes the Group to risk
of variability in cash flows, etc.


A hedging instrument is a designated derivative whose changes in fair value or
cash flows are expected to offset changes in the fair value or cash flows of
the hedged item.


The hedging relationship meets all of the following hedge effectiveness


(1)  There is an economic relationship between the hedged item and the
hedging instrument, which share a risk and that gives rise to opposite changes
in fair value that tend to offset each other.


(2)  The effect of credit risk does not dominate the value changes that
result from that economic relationship.


(3)  The hedge ratio of the hedging relationship is the same as that
resulting from the quantity of the hedged item that the entity actually hedges
and the quantity of the hedging instrument that the entity actually uses to
hedge that quantity of hedged item. However, that designation shall not
reflect an imbalance between the weightings of the hedged item and the hedging


-    Cash flow hedges


Cash flow hedge is a hedge of the exposure to variability in cash flows that
is attributable to a particular risk associated with all, or a component of, a
recognised asset or liability (such as all or some future interest payments on
variable-rate debt) or a highly probable forecast transaction, and could
affect profit or loss. As long as a cash flow hedge meets the qualifying
criteria for hedge accounting, the hedging relationship shall be accounted for
as follows. The amount of the cash flow hedge reserve is adjusted to the lower
of the following (in absolute amounts):


-    The cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument from inception
of the hedge;


-    The cumulative change in present value of the expected future cash
flows on the hedged item from inception of the hedge.


The gain or loss on the hedging instrument that is determined to be an
effective hedge is recognised in other comprehensive income.


The portion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument that is determined
to be an ineffective hedge is recognised in profit or loss.


If a hedged forecast transaction subsequently results in the recognition of a
non-financial asset or non-financial liability, or a hedged forecast
transaction for a non-financial asset or a non-financial liability becomes a
firm commitment for which fair value hedge accounting is applied, the entity
shall remove that amount from the cash flow hedge reserve and include it
directly in the initial cost or other carrying amount of the asset or the
liability. This is not a reclassification adjustment and hence it does not
affect other comprehensive income.


For cash flow hedges, other than those covered by the preceding two policy
statements, that amount shall be reclassified from the cash flow hedge reserve
to profit or loss as a reclassification adjustment in the same period or
periods during which the hedged expected future cash flows affect profit or


If the amount that has been accumulated in the cash flow hedge reserve is a
loss and the Group expects that all or a portion of that loss will not be
recovered in one or more future periods, the Group immediately reclassify the
amount that is not expected to be recovered into profit or loss.




(11)     Financial Instruments (Continued)


(d)  Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting (Continued)


-    Cash flow hedges (Continued)


When the hedging relationship no longer meets the risk management objective on
the basis of which it qualified for hedge accounting (ie the entity no longer
pursues that risk management objective), or when a hedging instrument expires
or is sold, terminated, exercised, or there is no longer an economic
relationship between the hedged item and the hedging instrument or the effect
of credit risk starts to dominate the value changes that result from that
economic relationship or no longer meets the criteria for hedge accounting,
the Group discontinues prospectively the hedge accounting treatments. If the
hedged future cash flows are still expected to occur, that amount shall remain
in the cash flow hedge reserve and shall be accounted for as cash flow hedges.
If the hedged future cash flows are no longer expected to occur, that amount
shall be immediately reclassified from the cash flow hedge reserve to profit
or loss as a reclassification adjustment. A hedged future cash flow that is no
longer highly probable to occur may still be expected to occur, if the hedged
future cash flows are still expected to occur, that amount shall remain in the
cash flow hedge reserve and shall be accounted for as cash flow hedges.


-    Fair value hedges


A fair value hedge is a hedge of the exposure to changes in the fair value of
a recognised asset or liability or an unrecognised firm commitment, or a
portion of such an asset, liability or firm commitment.


The gain or loss from remeasuring the hedging instrument is recognised in
profit or loss. The gain or loss on the hedged item attributable to the hedged
risk adjusts the carrying amount of the recognised hedged item not measured at
fair value and is recognised in profit or loss.


Any adjustment to the carrying amount of a hedged item is amortised to profit
or loss if the hedged item is a financial instrument (or a component thereof)
measured at amortised cost. The amortisation is based on a recalculated
effective interest rate at the date that amortisation begins.


(12)     Impairment of other non-financial long-term assets

Internal and external sources of information are reviewed at each balance
sheet date for indications that the following assets, including fixed assets,
construction in progress, right-of-use assets, goodwill, intangible assets,
long-term deferred expenses and investments in subsidiaries, associates and
joint ventures may be impaired.


Assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances
indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable. The recoverable
amounts of goodwill and intangible assets with uncertain useful lives are
estimated annually no matter there are any indications of impairment. Goodwill
is tested for impairment together with related asset units or groups of asset


An asset unit is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash
inflows largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups of
assets. An asset unit comprises related assets that generate associated cash
inflows. In identifying an asset unit, the Group primarily considers whether
the asset unit is able to generate cash inflows independently as well as the
management style of production and operational activities, and the decision
for the use or disposal of asset.


The recoverable amount is the greater of the fair value less costs to sell and
the present value of expected future cash flows generated by the asset (or
asset unit, set of asset units).


Fair value less costs to sell of an asset is based on its selling price in an
arm's length transaction less any direct costs attributable to the disposal.
Present value of expected future cash flows is the estimation of future cash
flows to be generated from the use of and upon disposal of the asset,
discounted at an appropriate pre-tax discount rate over the asset's remaining
useful life.


If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the
carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount. The amount by which the
carrying amount is reduced is recognised as an impairment loss in profit or
loss. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognised accordingly.
Impairment losses related to an asset unit or a set of asset units first
reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset unit or set
of asset units, and then reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the
asset unit or set of asset units on a pro rata basis. However, the carrying
amount of an impaired asset will not be reduced below the highest of its
individual fair value less costs to sell (if determinable), the present value
of expected future cash flows (if determinable) and zero.


Impairment losses for assets are not reversed.




(13)     Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses are amortised on a straight-line basis over their
beneficial periods.


(14)     Employee benefits

Employee benefits are all forms of considerations and compensation given in
exchange for services rendered by employees, including short- term
compensation, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other
long-term employee benefits.


(a)  Short-term compensation

Short-term compensation includes salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies,
employee benefits, medical insurance premiums, work-related injury insurance
premium, maternity insurance premium, contributions to housing fund, unions
and education fund and short-term absence with payment etc. When an employee
has rendered service to the Group during an accounting period, the Group shall
recognise the short-term compensation actually incurred as a liability and
charge to the cost of an asset or to profit or loss in the same period, and
non-monetary benefits are valued with the fair value.


(b)  Post-employment benefits

The Group classifies post-employment benefits into either Defined Contribution
Plan (DC plan) or Defined Benefit Plan (DB plan). DC plan means the Group only
contributes a fixed amount to an independent fund and no longer bears other
payment obligation; DB plan is post-employment benefits other than DC plan. In
this reporting period, the post-employment benefits of the Group primarily
comprise basic pension insurance and unemployment insurance and both of them
are DC plans.


Basic pension insurance


Employees of the Group participate in the social insurance system established
and managed by local labor and social security department. The Group makes
basic pension insurance to the local social insurance agencies every month, at
the applicable benchmarks and rates stipulated by the government for the
benefits of its employees. After the employees retire, the local labor and
social security department has obligations to pay them the basic pension. When
an employee has rendered service to the Group during an accounting period, the
Group shall recognise the accrued amount according to the above social
security provisions as a liability and charge to the cost of an asset or to
profit or loss in the same period.


(c)  Termination benefits

When the Group terminates the employment relationship with employees before
the employment contracts expire, or provides compensation as an offer to
encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a provision for the
termination benefits provided is recognised in profit or loss under the
conditions of both the Group has a formal plan for the termination of
employment or has made an offer to employees for voluntary redundancy, which
will be implemented shortly; and the Group is not allowed to withdraw from
termination plan or redundancy offer unilaterally.


(15)     Income tax

Current tax and deferred tax are recognised in profit or loss except to the
extent that they relate to business combinations and items recognised directly
in equity (including other comprehensive income).


Current tax is the expected tax payable calculated at the applicable tax rate
on taxable income for the year, plus any adjustment to tax payable in respect
of previous years.


At the balance sheet date, current tax assets and liabilities are offset if
the Group has a legally enforceable right to set them off and also intends
either to settle on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the
liability simultaneously.


Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised based on deductible
temporary differences and taxable temporary differences respectively.
Temporary difference is the difference between the carrying amounts of assets
and liabilities and their tax bases. Unused tax losses and unused tax credits
able to be utilised in subsequent years are treated as temporary differences.
Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that
future taxable income will be available to offset the deductible temporary


Temporary differences arise in a transaction, which is not a business
combination, and at the time of transaction, does not affect accounting profit
or taxable profit (or unused tax losses), will not result in deferred tax.
Temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of goodwill will
not result in deferred tax.


At the balance sheet date, the amounts of deferred tax recognised is measured
based on the expected manner of recovery or settlement of the carrying amount
of the assets and liabilities, using tax rates that are expected to be applied
in the period when the asset is recovered or the liability is settled in
accordance with tax laws.


The carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet
date. If it is unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income to offset against
the benefit of deferred tax asset, the carrying amount of the deferred tax
assets is written down. Any such write-down should be subsequently reversed
where it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be available.




(15)     Income tax (Continued)

At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if
all the following conditions are met:


-    the taxable entity has a legally enforceable right to offset current
tax assets and current tax liabilities; and


-    they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on


-    the same taxable entity; or


-   different taxable entities which either to intend to settle the current
tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realise the assets and settle
the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant
amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or


(16)     Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation as a result
of a contingent event, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits
will be required to settle the obligations and a reliable estimate can be
made. Where the effect of time value of money is material, provisions are
determined by discounting the expected future cash flows.


Provisions for future dismantlement costs are initially recognised based on
the present value of the future costs expected to be incurred in respect of
the Group's expected dismantlement and abandonment costs at the end of related
oil and gas exploration and development activities. Any subsequent change in
the present value of the estimated costs, other than the change due to passage
of time which is regarded as interest costs, is reflected as an adjustment to
the provision of oil and gas properties.


(17)     Revenue recognition

Revenue arises in the course of the Group's ordinary activities, and increases
in economic benefits in the form of inflows that result in an increase in
equity, other than those relating to contributions from equity participants.


The Group sells crude oil, natural gas, petroleum and chemical products, etc.
Revenue is recognised according to the expected consideration amount, when a
customer obtains control over the relevant goods or services. To determine
whether a customer obtains control of a promised asset, the Group shall
consider indicators of the transfer of control, which include, but are not
limited to, the Group has a present right to payment for the asset; the Group
has transferred physical possession of the asset to the customer; the customer
has the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the asset; the customer
has accepted the asset.


Sales of goods


Sales are recognised when control of the goods have transferred, being when
the products are delivered to the customer. Advance from customers but goods
not yet delivered is recorded as contract liabilities and is recognised as
revenues when a customer obtains control over the relevant goods.


(18)     Government grants

Government grants are the gratuitous monetary assets or non-monetary assets
that the Group receives from the government, excluding capital injection by
the government as an investor. Special funds such as investment grants
allocated by the government, if clearly defined in official documents as part
of "capital reserve" are dealt with as capital contributions, and not regarded
as government grants.


Government grants are recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the
grants will be received and the Group is able to comply with the conditions
attaching to them. Government grants in the form of monetary assets are
recorded based on the amount received or receivable, whereas non-monetary
assets are measured at fair value.


Government grants received in relation to assets are recorded as deferred
income, and recognised evenly in profit or loss over the assets' useful lives.
Government grants received in relation to revenue are recorded as deferred
income, and recognised as income in future periods as compensation when the
associated future expenses or losses arise; or directly recognised as income
in the current period as compensation for past expenses or losses.


(19)     Borrowing costs

Borrowing costs incurred on borrowings for the acquisition, construction or
production of qualified assets are capitalised into the cost of the related
assets in the capitalisable period.


Except for the above, other borrowing costs are recognised as financial
expenses in the income statement when incurred.


(20)     Repairs and maintenance expenses

Repairs and maintenance (including overhauling expenses) expenses are
recognised in profit or loss when incurred.


(21)     Environmental expenditures

Environmental expenditures that relate to current ongoing operations or to
conditions caused by past operations is expensed as incurred. Liabilities
related to future remediation costs are recorded when environmental
assessments and/or cleanups are probable and the costs can be reliably
estimated. As facts concerning environmental contingencies become known to the
Group, the Group reassesses its position both with respect to accrued
liabilities and other potential exposures.




(22)     Research and development costs

Research costs and development costs that cannot meet the capitalisation
criteria are recognised in profit or loss when incurred.


(23)     Dividends

Dividends and distributions of profits proposed in the profit appropriation
plan which will be authorised and declared after the balance sheet date, are
not recognised as a liability at the balance sheet date and are separately
disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. Dividends are recognised
as a liability in the period in which they are declared.


(24)     Related parties

If a party has the power to control, jointly control or exercise significant
influence over another party, or vice versa, or where two or more parties are
subject to common control, joint control from another party, they are
considered to be related parties, except for the two parties significantly
influenced by a party. Related parties may be individuals or enterprises.
Where enterprises are subject to state control but are otherwise unrelated,
they are not related parties.


In addition to the related parties stated above, the Company determines
related parties based on the disclosure requirements of Administrative
Procedures on the Information Disclosures of Listed Companies issued by the


(25)     Segment reporting

Reportable segments are identified based on operating segments which are
determined based on the structure of the Group's internal organisation,
management requirements and internal reporting system. An operating segment is
a component of the Group that meets the following respective conditions:


‧  engage in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur


‧  whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group's management
to make decisions about resource to be allocated to the segment and assess its
performance; and


‧  for which financial information regarding financial position, results of
operations and cash flows are available.


Inter-segment revenues are measured on the basis of actual transaction price
for such transactions for segment reporting, and segment accounting policies
are consistent with those for the consolidated financial statements.


(26)     Changes in significant accounting policies

In 2022, the Group has adopted the following newly accounting standards and
implementation guidance issued by the MOF, mainly include:


-    The provisions of "Accounting for the external sale of products or
by-products produced before the fixed assets reach its intended use or in the
research and development ("trial sales") in CAS Bulletin No.15 (Caikuai 2021
No.35) ("Bulletin No. 15")


-    The provisions of Bulletin No. 15 of judgment on onerous contracts


(a)  The accounting treatment of Bulletin No. 15 of trial sales

In accordance with this provision, the Group accounts for revenues and costs
of the external sale of products or by-products produced before the fixed
assets reach its intended use and in the research and development ("trial
sales"), in accordance with the provisions of "CASs 14 - Revenue", "CASs 1 -
Inventory", which are recognised in profit or loss for the current period,
instead of offsetting revenues and costs of trial sales and against the cost
of fixed assets or research and development expenses.


The adoption of the above regulations does not have significant effect on the
financial position and financial performance of the Group.


(b)  The provisions of Bulletin No. 15 of judgment on onerous contracts

In accordance with this provision, the Group estimates the cost of fulfilling
a contract comprises the incremental costs of the contract and the apportioned
amount of other costs that relate directly to the contract when determining a
onerous contract.


The adoption of the above regulations does not have significant effect on the
financial position and financial performance of the Group.




Major types of tax applicable to the Group are value-added tax, resources tax,
consumption tax, income tax, special oil income levy, city construction tax,
education surcharge and local education surcharge.


Tax rates of products are presented as below:


 Type of taxes                Tax rate                                                                        Tax basis and method                                                        
 Value Added Tax (the "VAT")  13%, 9%, 6%                                                                     Based on taxable value added amount. Tax payable is calculated using the    
                                                                                                              taxable sales amount multiplied by the applicable tax rate less current
                                                                                                              period's deductible VAT input.
 Resource Tax                 6%                                                                              Based on the revenue from sales of crude oil and natural gas.               
 Consumption Tax              RMB2,109.76 per tonnage for Gasoline, RMB1,411.20 per tonnage for Diesel,       Based on quantities                                                         
                              RMB2,105.20 per tonnage for Naphtha, RMB1,948.64 per tonnage for Solvent oil,
                              RMB1,711.52 per tonnage for Lubricant oil, RMB1,218.00 per tonnage for Fuel
                              oil, and RMB1,495.20 per tonnage for Jet fuel oil.
 Corporate Income Tax         5% to 50%                                                                       Based on taxable income.                                                    
 Special Oil Income Levy      20% to 40%                                                                      Based on the sales of domestic crude oil at prices higher than a specific   
 City Maintenance and         1%, 5% or 7%                                                                    Based on the actual paid VAT and consumption tax.                           

 Construction Tax
 Education surcharges         3%                                                                              Based on the actual paid VAT and consumption tax.                           
 Local Education surcharges   2%                                                                              Based on the actual paid VAT and consumption tax.                           




The Group


                               At 30 June 2022              At 31 December 2021           
                               Original                     Original                      
                               currency  Exchange  RMB      currency  Exchange  RMB       
                               million   rates     million  million   rates     million   
 Cash on hand                                                                             
 Renminbi                                          1                            1         
 Cash at bank                                                                             
 Renminbi                                          144,431                      144,294   
 US Dollar                     961       6.7114    6,452    2,027     6.3757    12,924    
 Hong Kong Dollar              4,408     0.8552    3,770    3,533     0.8176    2,888     
 EUR                           12        7.0084    87       3         7.2197    20        
 Others                                            104                          180       
                                                   154,845                      160,307   
 Deposits at related parities                                                             
 Renminbi                                          22,590                       15,758    
 US Dollar                     7,890     6.7114    52,943   6,943     6.3757    44,266    
 EUR                           122       7.0084    854      67        7.2197    483       
 Others                                            2,705                        1,175     
                                                   79,092                       61,682    
 Total                                             233,937                      221,989   


Deposits at related parties represent deposits placed at Sinopec Finance
Company Limited and Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited.
Deposits interest is calculated based on market rate.


At 30 June 2022, time deposits with financial institutions of the Group
amounted to RMB94,759 million (31 December 2021: RMB113,399 million).




                       At 30 June   At 31 December   
                       2022         2021             
                       RMB million  RMB million      
 Structured deposits   1,009        -                
 Exchange traded fund  3            -                
 Total                 1,012        -                


The financial assets are primarily the structured deposits with financial
institutions, which are presented as current assets since they are expected to
be expired within 12 months from the end of the reporting period.




Derivative financial assets and derivative financial liabilities of the Group
are primarily commodity futures and swaps contracts. See Note 65.




                                        The Group                    The Company                   
                                        At 30 June   At 31 December  At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                        2022         2021            2022         2021             
                                        RMB million  RMB million     RMB million  RMB million      
 Accounts receivable                    67,797       38,894          36,365       21,239           
 Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts  4,080        4,033           86           93               
 Total                                  63,717       34,861          36,279       21,146           


Ageing analysis on accounts receivable is as follows:


                              The Group                                                                                    
                              At 30 June 2022                               At 31 December 2021                            
                                                              Percentage                                    Percentage     
                                       Percentage             of allowance           Percentage             of allowance   
                                       to total               to accounts             to total              to accounts    
                              Amount   accounts    Allowance  receivable    Amount   accounts    Allowance  receivable     
                              RMB      receivable  RMB        balance       RMB      receivable  RMB        balance        
                              million  %           million    %             million  %           million    %              
 Within one year              63,297   93.4        43         0.1           34,263   88.1        83         0.2            
 Between one and two years    260      0.4         80         30.8          623      1.6         181        29.0           
 Between two and three years  3,623    5.3         3,369      93.0          3,411    8.8         3,190      93.5           
 Over three years             617      0.9         588        95.3          597      1.5         579        97.0           
 Total                        67,797   100.0       4,080                    38,894   100.0       4,033                     


                              The Company                                                                                  
                              At 30 June 2022                               At 31 December 2021                            
                                                              Percentage                                    Percentage     
                                       Percentage             of allowance           Percentage             of allowance   
                                       to total               to accounts             to total              to accounts    
                              Amount   accounts    Allowance  receivable    Amount   accounts    Allowance  receivable     
                              RMB      receivable  RMB        balance       RMB      receivable  RMB        balance        
                              million  %           million    %             million  %           million    %              
 Within one year              35,847   98.6        2          0.1           20,196   95.1        9          0.1            
 Between one and two years    433      1.1         14         3.2           946      4.5         6          0.6            
 Between two and three years  16       0.1         1          6.3           20       0.1         2          10.0           
 Over three years             69       0.2         69         100.0         77       0.3         76         98.7           
 Total                        36,365   100.0       86                       21,239   100.0       93                        


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the total amounts of the top five
accounts receivable of the Group are set out below:


                                                         At 30 June  At 31 December   
                                                         2022        2021             
 Total amount (RMB million)                              15,835      10,444           
 Percentage to the total balance of accounts receivable  23.4%       26.9%            
 Allowance for doubtful accounts                         2,136       2,062            


Sales are generally on cash term. Credit is generally only available for major
customers with well-established trading records. Amounts due from China
Petrochemical Corporation ("Sinopec Group Company") and fellow subsidiaries
are repayable under the same terms.


Accounts receivable (net of allowance for doubtful accounts) primarily
represent receivables that are neither past due nor impaired. These
receivables relate to a wide range of customers for whom there is no recent
history of default. Information about the impairment of accounts receivable
and the Group exposure to credit risk can be found in Note 65.


During for the six-month periods ended 30 June 2022 and 2021, the Group and
the Company had no individually significant accounts receivable been fully or
substantially provided allowance for doubtful accounts.


During for the six-month periods ended 30 June 2022 and 2021, the Group and
the Company had no individually significant write-off or recovery of doubtful
debts which had been fully or substantially provided for in prior years.




Ageing started from the overdue date of accounts receivable. The Group always
measured the provision for impairment of accounts receivable based on the
amount equivalent to the expected credit loss during the entire duration. The
ECLs were calculated based on historical actual credit loss experience. The
rates were considered the differences between economic conditions during the
period over which the historical data has been collected, current conditions
and the Group's view of economic conditions over the expected lives of the
receivables. The Group performed the calculation of ECL rates by the operating
segment and geographical location


 30 June 2022                                   Impairment provision on       Impairment provision on                  

                                                individual basis              provision matrix basis
                                     Gross      Carrying      Impairment      Weighted-     Impairment    Loss         

                                     carrying   amount        provision       average       provision     allowance

                                     amount                   on individual   loss rate

                                     RMB        RMB           RMB                           RMB           RMB          
                                      million    million       million                       million       million     
 Current and within 1 year past due  63,297     9,390         -               0.1%          43            43           
 1 to 2 years past due               260        69            49              16.2%         31            80           
 2 to 3 years past due               3,623      3,559         3,338           48.4%         31            3,369        
 Over 3 years past due               617        257           228             100.0%        360           588          
 Total                               67,797     13,275        3,615                         465           4,080        


 30 June 2022                                   Impairment provision on       Impairment provision on                  

                                                individual basis              provision matrix basis
                                     Gross      Carrying      Impairment      Weighted-     Impairment    Loss         

                                     carrying   amount        provision       average       provision     allowance

                                     amount                   on individual   loss rate

                                     RMB        RMB           RMB                           RMB           RMB          
                                      million    million       million                       million       million     
 Current and within 1 year past due  34,263     4,280         26              0.2%          57            83           
 1 to 2 years past due               623        500           137             35.8%         44            181          
 2 to 3 years past due               3,411      3,324         3,146           50.6%         44            3,190        
 Over 3 years past due               597        208           190             100.0%        389           579          
 Total                               38,894     8,312         3,499                         534           4,033        




Receivables financing represents mainly the bills of acceptance issued by
banks for sales of goods and products, The business model of receivables
financing is to collect contract cash flow and sell it.


At 30 June 2022, the Group's derecognised but outstanding bills due to
endorsement or discount amounted to RMB35,260 million (31 December 2021:
RMB36,400 million).


At 30 June 2022, the Group considers that its bills of acceptance issued by
banks do not pose a significant credit risk and will not cause any significant
loss due to the default of drawers.




                                        The Group                    The Company                   
                                        At 30 June   At 31 December  At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                        2022         2021            2022         2021             
                                        RMB million  RMB million     RMB million  RMB million      
 Prepayments                            13,120       9,350           4,510        4,556            
 Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts  109          83              19           16               
 Total                                  13,011       9,267           4,491        4,540            


Ageing analysis of prepayments is as follows:


                              The Group                                                                                        
                              At 30 June 2022                                 At 31 December 2021                              
                                                               Percentage of                                   Percentage of   
                                       Percentage              allowance to            Percentage              allowance to    
                              Amount   to total     Allowance  prepayments    Amount   to total     Allowance  prepayments     
                              RMB      prepayments  RMB        balance        RMB      prepayments  RMB        balance         
                              million  %            million    %              million  %            million    %               
 Within one year              12,533   95.5         -          -              8,541    91.3         -          -               
 Between one and two years    236      1.8          21         8.9            444      4.8          7          1.6             
 Between two and three years  126      1.0          14         11.1           166      1.8          25         15.1            
 Over three years             225      1.7          74         32.9           199      2.1          51         25.6            
 Total                        13,120   100.0        109                       9,350    100.0        83                         


                              The Company                                                                                      
                              At 30 June 2022                                 At 31 December 2021                              
                                                               Percentage of                                   Percentage of   
                                       Percentage              allowance to            Percentage              allowance to    
                              Amount   to total     Allowance  prepayments    Amount   to total     Allowance  prepayments     
                              RMB      prepayments  RMB        balance        RMB      prepayments  RMB        balance         
                              million  %            million    %              million  %            million    %               
 Within one year              4,233    93.8         -          -              3,965    87.0         -          -               
 Between one and two years    68       1.5          4          5.9            369      8.1          2          0.5             
 Between two and three years  88       2.0          8          9.1            99       2.2          10         10.1            
 Over three years             121      2.7          7          5.8            123      2.7          4          3.3             
 Total                        4,510    100.0        19                        4,556    100.0        16                         


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the total amounts of the top five
prepayments of the Group are set out below:


                                                 At 30 June  At 31 December   
                                                 2022        2021             
 Total amount (RMB million)                      4,186       2,939            
 Percentage to the total balance of prepayments  31.9%       31.4%            




                                        The Group                    The Company                   
                                        At 30 June   At 31 December  At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                        2022         2021            2022         2021             
                                        RMB million  RMB million     RMB million  RMB million      
 Other receivables                      46,230       37,254          44,081       47,827           
 Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts  1,584        1,590           905          898              
 Total                                  44,646       35,664          43,176       46,929           


Ageing analysis of other receivables is as follows:


                              The Group                                                                                      
                              At 30 June 2022                                At 31 December 2021                             
                                                               Percentage                                     Percentage     
                                       Percentage              of allowance           Percentage              of allowance   
                                       to total                to other               to total                to other       
                              Amount   other        Allowance  receivables   Amount   other        Allowance  receivables    
                              RMB      receivables  RMB        balance       RMB      receivables  RMB        balance        
                              million  %            million    %             million  %            million    %              
 Within one year              35,542   76.8         35         0.1           26,579   71.3         35         0.1            
 Between one and two years    598      1.3          107        17.9          597      1.6          112        18.8           
 Between two and three years  7,652    16.6         180        2.4           7,661    20.6         165        2.2            
 Over three years             2,438    5.3          1,262      51.8          2,417    6.5          1,278      52.9           
 Total                        46,230   100.0        1,584                    37,254   100.0        1,590                     


                              The Company                                                                                    
                              At 30 June 2022                                At 31 December 2021                             
                                                               Percentage                                     Percentage     
                                       Percentage              of allowance           Percentage              of allowance   
                                       to total                to other               to total                to other       
                              Amount   other        Allowance  receivables   Amount   other        Allowance  receivables    
                              RMB      receivables  RMB        balance       RMB      receivables  RMB        balance        
                              million  %            million    %             million  %            million    %              
 Within one year              26,671   60.5         -          -             28,176   58.9         -          -              
 Between one and two years    3,589    8.2          3          0.1           3,740    7.8          2          0.1            
 Between two and three years  1,016    2.3          1          0.1           1,414    3.0          2          0.1            
 Over three years             12,805   29.0         901        7.0           14,497   30.3         894        6.2            
 Total                        44,081   100.0        905                      47,827   100.0        898                       


At 30 June 2022 and at 31 December 2021, the total amounts of the top five
other receivables of the Group are set out below:


                                                       At 30 June                    At 31 December                 
                                                       2022                          2021                           
 Total amount (RMB million)                            22,540                        19,056                         
 Ageing                                                Within one year, between one  Within one year, between one   

                                                       and two years,                and two years,

                                                       between two and               between two and

                                                       three years and               three years and

                                                       over three years              over three years
 Percentage to the total balance of other receivables  48.8%                         51.2%                          
 Allowance for doubtful accounts                       73.0                          74.0                           


During the six-month periods ended 30 June 2022 and 2021, the Group and the
Company had no individually significant other receivables been fully or
substantially provided allowance for doubtful accounts.


During the six-month periods ended 30 June 2022 and 2021, the Group and the
Company had no individually significant write-off or recovery of doubtful
debts which had been fully or substantially provided for in prior years.




The Group


                                                         At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                                         2022         2021             
                                                         RMB million  RMB million      
 Raw materials                                           175,141      109,940          
 Work in progress                                        14,965       15,701           
 Finished goods                                          96,218       84,174           
 Spare parts and consumables                             3,056        2,515            
                                                         289,380      212,330          
 Less: Provision for diminution in value of inventories  4,348        4,897            
 Total                                                   285,032      207,433          


During the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, the provision for diminution
in value of inventories of the Group was primarily due to the costs of raw
materials were higher than net realisable value.




The Group


                                                                                      Provision for                
                                                       Investments in  Investments    impairment                   
                                                       joint ventures  in associates  losses         Total         
                                                       RMB million     RMB million    RMB million    RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022                             63,384          149,500        (3,705)        209,179       
 Additions for the period                              2,939           2,706          -              5,645         
 Share of profits less losses under the equity method  1,372           5,955          -              7,327         
 Change of other comprehensive income                  (199)           3,596          -              3,397         

 under the equity method
 Other equity movements under the equity method        16              (2,118)        -              (2,102)       
 Dividends declared                                    (4,184)         (1,259)        -              (5,443)       
 Disposals for the period                              (126)           (134)          -              (260)         
 Foreign currency translation differences              832             893            (103)          1,622         
 Other movements                                       -               (18)           -              (18)          
 Balance at 30 June 2022                               64,034          159,121        (3,808)        219,347       


The Company


                                                 Investments       Investments in   Investments     Provision for  Total         

                                                 in subsidiaries   joint ventures   in associates   impairment

                                                 RMB million       RMB million      RMB million     RMB million    RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022                       277,310           17,609           73,854          (7,926)        360,847       
 Additions for the period                        5,754             380              -               -              6,134         
 Share of profits less losses under the equity   -                 568              2,446           -              3,014         

 Change of other comprehensive income under the  -                 -                139             -              139           

 equity method
 Other equity movements under the equity method  -                 4                (1,441)         -              (1,437)       
 Dividends declared                              -                 (2,016)          (407)           -              (2,423)       
 Disposals for the period                        (347)             -                -               -              (347)         
 Balance at 30 June 2022                         282,717           16,545           74,591          (7,926)        365,927       


For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, the Group and the Company had no
individually significant long-term investment impairment.


Details of the Company's principal subsidiaries are set out in Note 60.




Principal joint ventures and associates of the Group are as follows:


(a)  Principal joint ventures and associates


 Name of investees                              Principal place  Register location       Legal            Principal activities                  Registered     Percentage of        

                                                of business                              representative                                         Capital        equity/voting

                                                                                                                                                RMB million    right directly or

                                                                                                                                                               indirectly held

                                                                                                                                                               by the Company
 1. Joint ventures                                                                                                                                                                  
 Fujian Refining & Petrochemical                PRC              PRC                     Liu Xiangdong    Manufacturing refining oil products   14,758         50.00%               

 Company Limited ("FREP")
 BASF-YPC Company Limited ("BASF-YPC")          PRC              PRC                     Gu Yuefeng       Manufacturing and distribution of     13,141         40.00%               

 petrochemical products
 Taihu Limited ("Taihu")                        Russia           Cyprus                  NA               Crude oil and natural gas extraction  25,000 USD     49.00%               
 Yanbu Aramco Sinopec Refining                  Saudi Arabia     Saudi Arabia            NA               Petroleum refining and processing     1,560 million  37.50%               

 Company Ltd. ("YASREF")

 Sinopec SABIC Tianjin Petrochemical            PRC              PRC                     SAMI ALOSAIMI    Manufacturing and distribution of     10,520         50.00%               

 Company Limited ("Sinopec SABIC Tianjin")
 petrochemical products
 2. Associates                                                                                                                                                                      
 National Petroleum Pipe Network Group Co.,     PRC              PRC                     Zhang Wei        Operation of natural gas pipelines    500,000        14.00%               

 Ltd. ("National Pipe Network Group") (i)
 and auxiliary facilities
 Sinopec Finance Company Limited                PRC              PRC                     Jiang Yongfu     Provision of non-banking financial    18,000         49.00%               

 ("Sinopec Finance")
 Sinopec Capital Co.,Ltd. ("Sinopec Capital")   PRC              PRC                     Sun Mingrong     Project management, equity            10,000         49.00%               

 investment management,

 investment consulting,

 self-owned equity management
 Zhongtian Synergetic Energy Company Limited    PRC              PRC                     Peng Yi          Mining coal and manufacturing of      17,516         38.75%               

 ("Zhongtian Synergetic Energy")
 coal-chemical products
 Caspian Investments Resources Ltd. ("CIR")     The Republic     British Virgin Islands  NA               Crude oil and natural gas extraction  10,002 USD     50.00%               

of Kazakhstan


Except that SIBUR is a public joint stock company, other joint ventures and
associates above are limited companies.


(b)  Major financial information of principal joint ventures

Summarised balance sheet and reconciliation to their carrying amounts in
respect of the Group's principal joint ventures:


                                    FREP                      BASF-YPC                  Taihu                     YASREF                    Sinopec SABIC Tianjin      
                                    At 30        At 31        At 30        At 31        At 30        At 31        At 30        At 31        At 30        At 31         
                                    June         December     June         December     June         December     June         December     June         December      
                                    2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021          
                                    RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Current assets                                                                                                                                                        
 Cash and cash equivalents          5,150        6,562        5,121        5,375        1,496        1,258        6,757        5,441        4,110        4,820         
 Other current assets               12,221       9,217        6,350        6,953        9,796        2,188        20,998       12,404       4,313        3,437         
 Total current assets               17,371       15,779       11,471       12,328       11,292       3,446        27,755       17,845       8,423        8,257         
 Non-current assets                 12,909       13,744       9,006        9,336        8,051        14,032       42,435       41,947       18,650       18,835        
 Current liabilities                                                                                                                                                   
 Current financial liabilities      (593)        (1,177)      (39)         (77)         (35)         (32)         (5,659)      (9,549)      (1,826)      (597)         
 Other current liabilities          (7,691)      (5,008)      (2,387)      (2,546)      (1,518)      (1,931)      (24,271)     (15,844)     (4,265)      (3,547)       
 Total current liabilities          (8,284)      (6,185)      (2,426)      (2,623)      (1,553)      (1,963)      (29,930)     (25,393)     (6,091)      (4,144)       
 Non-current liabilities                                                                                                                                               
 Non-current financial liabilities  (6,857)      (6,857)      -            -            (89)         (85)         (30,034)     (30,903)     (6,848)      (7,599)       
 Other non-current liabilities      (225)        (242)        (103)        (92)         (1,502)      (1,439)      (1,802)      (1,723)      (643)        (382)         
 Total non-current liabilities      (7,082)      (7,099)      (103)        (92)         (1,591)      (1,524)      (31,836)     (32,626)     (7,491)      (7,981)       
 Net assets                         14,914       16,239       17,948       18,949       16,199       13,991       8,424        1,773        13,491       14,967        
 Net assets attributable to         14,914       16,239       17,948       18,949       15,694       13,523       8,424        1,773        13,491       14,967        

 shareholders of the Company
 Net assets attributable to         -            -            -            -            505          468          -            -            -            -             

 minority interests
 Share of net assets                7,457        8,120        7,179        7,580        7,690        6,626        -            -            6,746        7,484         

 from joint ventures
 Carrying Amounts                   7,457        8,120        7,179        7,580        7,690        6,626        -            -            6,746        7,484         



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022




(b)  Major financial information of principal joint ventures (Continued)


Summarised income statement


 Six-month period ended 30 June       FREP                      BASF-YPC                  Taihu                     YASREF                    Sinopec SABIC Tianjin      
                                      2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021          
                                      RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Turnover                             29,042       22,263       13,430       12,776       9,675        6,847        63,610       28,009       12,670       11,645        
 Interest income                      61           73           59           17           269          193          22           2            71           103           
 Interest expense                     (181)        (210)        (6)          (3)          (58)         (42)         (515)        (484)        (34)         (46)          
 Profit/(Loss) before taxation        653          2,472        2,666        3,968        1,707        1,250        7,634        (1,829)      (858)        1,295         
 Tax expense                          (158)        (618)        (666)        (991)        (341)        (246)        (1,589)      302          290          (377)         
 Profit/(Loss) for the period         495          1,854        2,000        2,977        1,366        1,004        6,045        (1,527)      (568)        918           
 Other comprehensive income           -            -            -            -            842          (352)        606          392          -            -             
 Total comprehensive income           495          1,854        2,000        2,977        2,208        652          6,651        (1,135)      (568)        918           
 Dividends from joint ventures        910          -            1,374        336          -            -            -            -            454          500           
 Share of net profit/(loss) from      248          927          800          1,191        651          492          -            -            (284)        459           

 joint ventures
 Share of other comprehensive         -            -            -            -            413          (172)        -            -            -            -             

 income from joint ventures (ii)


The share of profit and other comprehensive income for the six-month period
ended 30 June 2022 in all individually immaterial joint ventures accounted for
using equity method in aggregate was RMB43 million (six-month period ended 30
June 2021: profit RMB2,082 million) and RMB612 million (six-month period ended
30 June 2021: profit RMB143 million) respectively. As at 30 June 2022, the
carrying amount of all individually immaterial joint ventures accounted for
using equity method in aggregate was RMB31,961 million (31 December 2021:
RMB30,640 million).


(c)  Major financial information of principal associates

Summarised balance sheet and reconciliation to their carrying amounts in
respect of the Group's principal associates:


                                      Pipe China                Sinopec Finance           SIBUR                     Zhongtian Synergetic Energy     CIR                        
                                      At 30        At 31        At 30        At 31        At 30        At 31        At 30           At 31           At 30        At 31         
                                      June         December     June         December     June         December     June            December        June         December      
                                      2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021         2022            2021            2022         2021          
                                      RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  RMB million   
 Current assets                       135,065      86,335       210,337      194,458      13,568       13,140       4,429           3,532           1,049        576           
 Non-current assets                   776,751      768,161      55,510       55,086       325          102          52,357          51,331          663          870           
 Current liabilities                  (182,211)    (136,150)    (233,463)    (217,987)    (26)         (28)         (4,802)         (8,577)         (704)        (822)         
 Non-current liabilities              (144,535)    (103,243)    (603)        (602)        (854)        (676)        (25,192)        (22,216)        (162)        (144)         
 Net assets                           585,070      615,103      31,781       30,955       13,013       12,538       26,792          24,070          846          480           
 Net assets attributable to           526,286      526,241      31,781       30,955       13,013       12,538       26,792          24,070          846          480           

 shareholders of the Company
 Net assets attributable to           58,784       88,862       -            -            -            -            -               -               -            -             

 minority interests
 Share of net assets from associates  73,680       73,674       15,573       15,168       6,376        6,144        10,382          9,327           423          240           
 Carrying Amounts                     73,680       73,674       15,573       15,168       6,376        6,144        10,382          9,327           423          240           


Summarised income statement


 Six-month period ended 30 June        Pipe China                Sinopec Finance           Sinopec Capital           Zhongtian Synergetic Energy     CIR                        
                                       2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021         2022            2021            2022         2021          
                                       RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million     RMB million     RMB million  RMB million   
 Turnover                              55,516       48,917       2,775        2,514        2            2            9,238           8,619           1,122        878           
 Profit for the period                 18,080       15,036       1,195        1,093        624          624          2,722           2,074           333          218           
 Other comprehensive income            -            -            282          34           -            -            -               -               33           (22)          
 Total comprehensive income            18,080       15,036       1,477        1,127        624          624          2,722           2,074           366          196           
 Dividends declared by associates      -            -            319          -            73           -            -               -               -            815           
 Share of net profit from associates   2,064        1,625        586          536          306          306          1,055           804             167          109           
 Share of other comprehensive (loss)/  -            -            138          17           -            -            -               -               17           (11)          

 income from associates (ii)




(c)  Major financial information of principal associates (Continued)


Summarised income statement (Continued)


The share of profit and other comprehensive loss for the six-month period
ended 30 June 2022 in all individually immaterial associates accounted for
using equity method in aggregate was RMB1,777 million (six-month period ended
30 June 2021: RMB2,602 million) and RMB3,441 million (six-month period ended
30 June 2021: RMB144 million) respectively. As at 30 June 2022, the carrying
amount of all individually immaterial associates accounted for using equity
method in aggregate was RMB51,880 million (31 December 2021: RMB44,176




(i)    Sinopec is able to exercise significant influence in National Pipe
Network Group and SIBUR since Sinopec has a member in National Pipe Network
Group and SIBUR's Board of Director.


(ii)   Including foreign currency translation differences.




The Group


                                    At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                    2022         2021             
                                    RMB million  RMB million      
 Fixed assets (a)                   599,254      598,925          
 Fixed assets pending for disposal  62           7                
 Total                              599,316      598,932          


(a)  Fixed assets


                                                         Oil          Equipment,                 
                                            Plants and   and gas      machinery                  
                                            buildings    properties   and others   Total         
                                            RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022                  143,165      793,045      1,048,227    1,984,437     
 Additions for the period                   265          867          2,756        3,888         
 Transferred from construction in progress  1,611        14,221       23,179       39,011        
 Reclassifications                          395          (13)         (382)        -             
 Decreases for the period                   (168)        (270)        (2,385)      (2,823)       
 Exchange adjustments                       109          2,146        165          2,420         
 Balance at 30 June 2022                    145,377      809,996      1,071,560    2,026,933     
 Less: Accumulated depreciation:                                                                 
 Balance at 1 January 2022                  63,479       611,012      613,498      1,287,989     
 Additions for the period                   2,153        14,865       25,002       42,020        
 Reclassifications                          240          (12)         (228)        -             
 Decreases for the period                   (93)         (251)        (1,552)      (1,896)       
 Exchange adjustments                       52           1,921        100          2,073         
 Balance at 30 June 2022                    65,831       627,535      636,820      1,330,186     
 Less: Provision for impairment losses:                                                          
 Balance at 1 January 2022                  4,687        49,826       43,010       97,523        
 Additions for the period                   -            -            2            2             
 Decreases for the period                   (31)         (1)          (136)        (168)         
 Exchange adjustments                       -            136          -            136           
 Balance at 30 June 2022                    4,656        49,961       42,876       97,493        

 Net book value:                                                                                 
 Balance at 30 June 2022                    74,890       132,500      391,864      599,254       
 Balance at 31 December 2021                74,999       132,207      391,719      598,925       


14  FIXED ASSETS (Continued)


The Company


                                    At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                    2022         2021             
                                    RMB million  RMB million      
 Fixed assets (b)                   278,930      284,618          
 Fixed assets pending for disposal  31           4                
 Total                              278,961      284,622          


(b)  Fixed assets


                                            Plants and   Oil and gas  machinery                  
                                            buildings    properties   and others   Total         
                                            RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022                  51,696       646,020      514,422      1,212,138     
 Additions for the period                   3            549          175          727           
 Transferred from construction in progress  283          9,886        7,417        17,586        
 Reclassifications                          181          (10)         (171)        -             
 Decreases for the period                   (408)        (245)        (6,963)      (7,616)       
 Balance at 30 June 2022                    51,755       656,200      514,880      1,222,835     
 Less: Accumulated depreciation:                                                                 
 Balance at 1 January 2022                  27,372       499,833      330,453      857,658       
 Additions for the period                   773          11,331       10,744       22,848        
 Reclassifications                          28           (9)          (19)         -             
 Decreases for the period                   (247)        (161)        (5,927)      (6,335)       
 Balance at 30 June 2022                    27,926       510,994      335,251      874,171       
 Less: Provision for impairment losses:                                                          
 Balance at 1 January 2022                  2,228        43,307       24,327       69,862        
 Decreases for the period                   (27)         (1)          (100)        (128)         
 Balance at 30 June 2022                    2,201        43,306       24,227       69,734        

 Net book value:                                                                                 
 Balance at 30 June 2022                    21,628       101,900      155,402      278,930       
 Balance at 31 December 2021                22,096       102,880      159,642      284,618       


The additions to oil and gas properties of the Group and the Company for the
six-month period ended 30 June 2022 included RMB867 million (six-month period
ended 30 June 2021: RMB728 million) (Note 35) and RMB549 million (six-month
period ended 30 June 2021: RMB562 million), respectively of the estimated
dismantlement costs for site restoration.


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group and the Company had no
individually significant fixed assets which were pledged.


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group and the Company had no
individually significant fixed assets which were temporarily idle or pending
for disposal.


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group and the Company had no
individually significant fully depreciated fixed assets which were still in




                                         The Group    The Company   
                                         RMB million  RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022               158,069      66,448        
 Additions for the period                59,688       30,961        
 Disposals for the period                -            (543)         
 Dry hole costs written off              (3,725)      (3,282)       
 Transferred to fixed assets             (39,011)     (17,586)      
 Reclassification to other assets        (3,872)      (298)         
 Exchange adjustments                    81           -             
 Balance at 30 June 2022                 171,230      75,700        
 Less: Provision for impairment losses:                             
 Balance at 1 January 2022               2,130        302           
 Decreases for the period                (5)          -             
 Exchange adjustments                    49           -             
 Balance at 30 June 2022                 2,174        302           

 Net book value:                                                    
 Balance at 30 June 2022                 169,056      75,398        
 Balance at 31 December 2021             155,939      66,146        


At 30 June 2022, major construction projects of the Group are as follows:


 Project name                                 Budgeted     Balance at   Net change   Balance at   Percentage    Source of funding                Accumulated    

                                              amount       1 January    for the      30 June      of project                                     interest

                                                           2022         period       2022         investment                                     capitalised

                                                                                                  to budgeted                                    at 30 June

                                                                                                  amount                                         2022
                                              RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million                                                 RMB million    
 Hainan Refining and Chemical Ethylene        28,565       15,602       8,226        23,828       83%           Bank loans & self-financing      223            

 and Refining Reconstruction and

 Expansion Project
 Tianjin Nangang Ethylene and Downstream      29,052       2,999        3,445        6,444        22%           Bank loans & self-financing      73             

 High-end New Material Industry Cluster

 Caprolactam Industry Chain Relocation and    13,950       3,700        1,670        5,370        38%           Bank loans & self-financing      71             

 Upgrading Transformation Development

 Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Refining and   41,639       2,128        1,206        3,334        8%            Self-financing                   -              

 High-end Synthetic New Material Project
 Western Sichuan Gas Field Leikoupo           16,092       1,956        640          2,596        16%           Bank loans & self-financing      43             

 Formation Gas Reservoir Development

 and Construction Project




The Group


                                  Land         Others       Total         
                                  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022        172,104      46,921       219,025       
 Additions for the period         1,917        4,763        6,680         
 Decreases for the period         (1,840)      (1,210)      (3,050)       
 Balance at 30 June 2022          172,181      50,474       222,655       
 Less: Accumulated depreciation:                                          
 Balance at 1 January 2022        18,904       15,147       34,051        
 Additions for the period         3,417        3,712        7,129         
 Decreases for the period         (759)        (699)        (1,458)       
 Balance at 30 June 2022          21,562       18,160       39,722        

 Net book value:                                                          
 Balance at 30 June 2022          150,619      32,314       182,933       
 Balance at 31 December 2021      153,200      31,774       184,974       


The Company


                                  Land         Others       Total         
                                  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022        115,489      2,956        118,445       
 Additions for the period         649          1,809        2,458         
 Decreases for the period         (7,384)      (244)        (7,628)       
 Balance at 30 June 2022          108,754      4,521        113,275       
 Less: Accumulated depreciation:                                          
 Balance at 1 January 2022        11,204       1,529        12,733        
 Additions for the period         1,801        495          2,296         
 Decreases for the period         (704)        (146)        (850)         
 Balance at 30 June 2022          12,301       1,878        14,179        

 Net book value:                                                          
 Balance at 30 June 2022          96,453       2,643        99,096        
 Balance at 31 December 2021      104,285      1,427        105,712       





The Group


                                         Land use     Patents      Non-patent   Operation rights  Others       Total         

                                         rights                    technology
                                         RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million       RMB million  RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022               111,864      6,533        5,140        53,791            8,217        185,545       
 Additions for the period                3,920        24           248          377               199          4,768         
 Decreases for the period                (1,145)      (11)         -            (221)             (2)          (1,379)       
 Balance at 30 June 2022                 114,639      6,546        5,388        53,947            8,414        188,934       
 Less: Accumulated amortisation:                                                                                             
 Balance at 1 January 2022               28,194       4,907        3,800        23,670            4,492        65,063        
 Additions for the period                1,814        103          116          1,173             266          3,472         
 Decreases for the period                (173)        -            -            (77)              (1)          (251)         
 Balance at 30 June 2022                 29,835       5,010        3,916        24,766            4,757        68,284        
 Less: Provision for impairment losses:                                                                                      
 Balance at 1 January 2022 and           236          482          130          407               17           1,272         

  at 30 June 2022

 Net book value:                                                                                                             
 Balance at 30 June 2022                 84,568       1,054        1,342        28,774            3,640        119,378       
 Balance at 31 December 2021             83,434       1,144        1,210        29,714            3,708        119,210       


Amortisation of the intangible assets of the Group charged for the six-month
period ended 30 June 2022 is RMB3,212 million (six-month period ended 30 June
2021: RMB3,047 million).




Goodwill is allocated to the following Group's cash-generating units:


 Name of investees                                    Principal activities                                                         At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                                                                                                                   2022         2021             
                                                                                                                                   RMB million  RMB million      
 Sinopec Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Branch         Manufacturing of intermediate                                                4,043        4,043            
  ("Zhenhai R&C")
 petrochemical products and

 petroleum products
 Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company Limited         Production and sale of petrochemical products                                2,541        2,541            

 ("Shanghai SECCO")
 Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Branch         Manufacturing of intermediate petrochemical products and petroleum products  1,004        1,004            
  ("Sinopec Yanshan")
 Other units without individual significant goodwill                                                                               1,139        1,006            
 Total                                                                                                                             8,727        8,594            


Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of purchase over the fair value of
the underlying assets and liabilities.




Long-term deferred expenses primarily represent catalysts expenditures and
improvement expenditures of fixed assets.




Deferred tax assets and liabilities before the consolidated elimination
adjustments are as follows:


                                      Deferred tax assets          Deferred tax liabilities        
                                      At 30 June   At 31 December  At 30 June     At 31 December   
                                      2022         2021            2022           2021             
                                      RMB million  RMB million     RMB million    RMB million      
 Receivables and inventories          6,373        3,763           -              -                
 Payables                             4,394        2,858           -              -                
 Cash flow hedges                     145          258             (2,841)        (2,709)          
 Fixed assets                         16,055       16,777          (16,834)       (15,037)         
 Tax value of losses carried forward  3,457        4,749           -              -                
 Other equity instrument investments  122          127             (7)            (9)              
 Intangible assets                    1,005        1,008           (505)          (492)            
 Others                               956          1,056           (1,001)        (870)            
 Deferred tax assets/(liabilities)    32,507       30,596          (21,188)       (19,117)         


The consolidated elimination amount between deferred tax assets and
liabilities are as follows:


                           At 30 June   At 31 December   
                           2022         2021             
                           RMB million  RMB million      
 Deferred tax assets       12,328       11,207           
 Deferred tax liabilities  12,328       11,207           


Deferred tax assets and liabilities after the consolidated elimination
adjustments are as follows:


                           At 30 June   At 31 December   
                           2022         2021             
                           RMB million  RMB million      
 Deferred tax assets       20,179       19,389           
 Deferred tax liabilities  8,860        7,910            


At 30 June 2022, certain subsidiaries of the Company did not recognise
deferred tax of deductible loss carried forward of RMB16,444 million (at 31
December 2021: RMB18,342 million), of which RMB588 million (during the
six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB120 million) was incurred for the
six-month period ended 30 June 2022, because it was not probable that the
related tax benefit will be realised. These deductible losses carried forward
of RMB1,649 million, RMB2,308 million, RMB1,986 million, RMB4,349 million,
RMB5,564 million and RMB588 million will expire in 2022, 2023, 2024,
2025,2026, 2027 and after, respectively.


Periodically, management performed assessment on the probability that future
taxable profit will be available over the period which the deferred tax assets
can be realised or utilised. In assessing the probability, both positive and
negative evidence was considered, including whether it is probable that the
operations will have sufficient future taxable profits over the periods which
the deferred tax assets are deductible or utilised and whether the tax losses
result from identifiable causes which are unlikely to recur.




Other non-current assets mainly represent long-term receivables, prepayments
for construction projects and purchases of equipment.




At 30 June 2022, impairment losses of the Group are analysed as follows:


                                  Note  Balance at    Provision for  Written back     Written off for  Other        Balance at    

                                        31 December   the period     for the period   the period       increase/    30 June

                                        2021                                                           (decrease)   2022
                                        RMB million   RMB million    RMB million      RMB million      RMB million  RMB million   
 Allowance for doubtful accounts                                                                                                  
 Included: Accounts receivable    8     4,033         156            (217)            (33)             141          4,080         
 Prepayments                      10    83            22             -                -                4            109           
 Other receivables                11    1,590         58             (69)             -                5            1,584         
 Other receivables                11    1,590         58             (69)             -                5            1,584         
 Other non-current assets               1,933         -              -                -                107          2,040         
                                        7,639         236            (286)            (33)             257          7,813         
 Inventories                      12    4,897         1,452          (16)             (2,045)          60           4,348         
 Long-term equity investments     13    3,705         -              -                -                103          3,808         
 Fixed assets                     14    97,523        2              -                (137)            105          97,493        
 Construction in progress         15    2,130         -              -                (5)              49           2,174         
 Intangible assets                17    1,272         -              -                (1)              1            1,272         
 Goodwill                               7,861         -              -                -                -            7,861         
 Others                                 49            -              (4)              -                -            45            
 Total                                  125,076       1,690          (306)            (2,221)          575          124,814       


The reasons for recognising impairment losses are set out in the respective
notes of respective assets.




The Group's short-term loans represent:


                                      At 30 June 2022                   At 31 December 2021                
                                      Original   Exchange  RMB million  Original   Exchange  RMB million   

                                      currency   rates                  currency   rates

                                      million                           million
 Short-term bank loans                                     40,057                            24,959        
 - Renminbi loans                                          40,057                            24,959        
 Short-term loans from Sinopec Group                       3,112                             2,407         

 Company and fellow subsidiaries
 - Renminbi loans                                          1,402                             1,320         
 - US Dollar loans                    226        6.7114    1,516        146        6.3757    934           
 - Euro loans                         28         7.0084    194          21         7.2197    153           
 Total                                                     43,169                            27,366        


At 30 June 2022, the Group's interest rates on short-term loans were from
interest 1.00% to 4.20% (At 31 December 2021: from interest 0.53% to 4.20%)
per annum. The majority of the above loans are by credit.


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group had no significant overdue
short-term loans.




Bills payable primarily represented bank accepted bills for the purchase of
material, goods and products. Bills payable were due within one year.


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021 the Group had no overdue unpaid bills.




At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group had no individually
significant accounts payable aged over one year.




As at 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group's contract liabilities
primarily represent advances from customers. Related performance obligations
are satisfied and revenue is recognised within one year.




(1)       Employee benefits payable:


                                                       At            Accrued      Decreased    At         

                                                       31 December   during       during       30 June

                                                       2021          the period   the period   2022
 Short-term employee benefits                          13,967        44,923       (36,563)     22,327     
 Post-employment benefits- defined contribution plans  69            7,071        (6,479)      661        
 Termination benefits                                  12            77           (77)         12         
                                                       14,048        52,071       (43,119)     23,000     


(2)       Short-term employee benefits


                                                     At            Accrued      Decreased    At         

                                                     31 December   during       during       30 June

                                                     2021          the period   the period   2022
 Salaries, bonuses, allowances                       10,730        32,879       (24,310)     19,299     
 Staff welfare                                       2,586         3,366        (4,025)      1,927      
 Social insurance                                    277           3,366        (3,128)      515        
 Included: Medical insurance                         265           3,085        (2,846)      504        
 Work-related injury insurance                       6             213          (213)        6          
 Maternity insurance                                 6             68           (69)         5          
 Housing fund                                        48            3,544        (3,255)      337        
 Labour union fee, staff and workers' education fee  279           657          (740)        196        
 Other short-term employee benefits                  47            1,111        (1,105)      53         
                                                     13,967        44,923       (36,563)     22,327     


(3)       Post-employment benefits - defined contribution plans


                          At            Accrued      Decreased    At         

                          31 December   during       during       30 June

                          2021          the period   the period   2022
 Basic pension insurance  50            4,964        (4,375)      639        
 Unemployment insurance   8             161          (161)        8          
 Annuity                  11            1,946        (1,943)      14         
                          69            7,071        (6,479)      661        




The Group


                                             At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                             2022         2021             
                                             RMB million  RMB million      
 Value-added tax payable                     3,513        8,818            
 Consumption tax payable                     15,364       56,084           
 Income tax payable                          5,182        4,809            
 Mineral resources compensation fee payable  7            8                
 Other taxes                                 12,500       11,548           
 Total                                       36,566       81,267           




At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, other payables of the Group over one
year primarily represented payables for constructions.




The Group's non-current liabilities due within one year represent:


                                                                     At 30 June 2022                  At 31 December 2021               
                                                                     Original                         Original                          
                                                                     currency  Exchange               currency  Exchange                
                                                                     million   rates     RMB million  million   rates     RMB million   
 Long-term bank loans                                                                                                                   
 - Renminbi loans                                                                        17,113                           3,281         
 - US Dollar loans                                                                       -            2         6.3757    12            
 Long-term loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries                                                                     
 - Renminbi loans                                                                        484                              466           
 Long term loans due within one year                                                     17,597                           3,759         
 Debentures payable due within one year                                                                                                 
 - Renminbi debentures                                                                   28,377                           7,000         
 Lease liabilities due within one year                                                   16,239                           15,173        
 Others                                                                                  4,196                            2,719         
 Non-current liabilities due within one year                                             66,409                           28,651        


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group had no significant overdue
long-term loans.




As at 30 June 2022, other current liabilities mainly represent 74,000 million
(31 December 2021: Nil) short-term corporate bonds and 12,400 million (31
December 2021: RMB12,800 million) output VAT to be transferred.


The total amount of the 180-day corporate bonds issued on 21 January 2022 is
RMB2 billion with a fixed rate at 2.20% per annum; the total amount of the
270-day corporate bonds issued on 21 January 2022 is RMB4.5 billion with a
fixed rate at 2.23% per annum; the total amount of the 270-day corporate bonds
issued on 18 February 2022 is RMB6 billion with a fixed rate at 2.00% per
annum; the total amount of the 120-day corporate bonds issued on 7 March 2022
is RMB1.5 billion with a fixed rate at 2.01% per annum; the total amount of
the 244-day corporate bonds issued on 14 April 2022 is RMB20 billion with a
fixed rate at 2.00% per annum; the total amount of the 218-day corporate bonds
issued on 18 May 2022 is RMB20 billion with a fixed rate at 2.00% per annum;
the total amount of the 161-day corporate bonds issued on 8 June 2022 is
RMB7.5 billion with a fixed rate at 1.83% per annum; the total amount of the
90-day corporate bonds issued on 8 June 2022 is RMB12.5 billion with a fixed
rate at 1.70% per annum.




The Group's long-term loans represent:


                                                                                                       At 30 June 2022                         At 31 December 2021                      
                                                                     Interest rate and final maturity  Original   Exchange rates  RMB million  Original   Exchange rates  RMB million   

                                                                                                       currency                                currency

                                                                                                       million                                 million
 Long-term bank loans                                                                                                                                                                   
 - Renminbi loans                                                    Interest rates ranging from                                  79,865                                  38,880        

 interest 1.08% to 4.00% per

 annum at 30 June 2022

 (2021:1.08% to 4.00%) with

 maturities through 2039

 - US Dollar loans                                                   Interest rates at 0.00% per       8          6.7114          51           10         6.3757          64            

 annum at 30 June 2022

 (2021:1.55%) with maturities

 through 2038

 Less: Portion with one year (note 30)                                                                                            (17,113)                                (3,293)       
 Long-term bank loans                                                                                                             62,803                                  35,651        
 Long-term loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries                                                                                                                     

 - Renminbi loans                                                    Interest rates ranging from                                  14,966                                  12,988        

 interest 1.08% to 5.23% per

 annum at 30 June 2022

 (2021:1.08% to 5.23%) with

 maturities through 2037

 - US Dollar loans                                                   Interest rates at 3.86% per       40         6.7114          271          183        6.3757          1,168         

 annum at 30 June 2022

 (2021:1.65%) with maturities

 in 2027
 Less: Portion with one year (note 30)                                                                                            (484)                                   (466)         
 Long-term loans from Sinopec Group                                                                                               14,753                                  13,690        

  Company and fellow subsidiaries

 Total                                                                                                                            77,556                                  49,341        


The maturity analysis of the Group's long-term loans is as follows:


                             At 30 June   At 31 December   
                             2022         2021             
                             RMB million  RMB million      
 Between one and two years   9,309        18,373           
 Between two and five years  62,855       26,633           
 After five years            5,392        4,335            
 Total                       77,556       49,341           


Long-term loans are primarily unsecured, and carried at amortised costs.




The Group


                                        At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                        2022         2021             
                                        RMB million  RMB million      
 Debentures payable:                                                  
 - Corporate Bonds (i)                  43,245       49,649           
 Less: Portion with one year (note 30)  28,377       7,000            
 Total                                  14,868       42,649           




(i)    These corporate bonds are carried at amortised cost, including USD
denominated corporate bonds of RMB11,717 million, and RMB denominated
corporate bonds of RMB31,528 million (31 December 2021: USD denominated
corporate bonds of RMB11,127 million, and RMB denominated corporate bonds of
RMB38,522 million).




The Group


                                                                At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                                                2022         2021             
                                                                RMB million  RMB million      
 Lease liabilities                                              184,885      185,406          
 Deduct:Portion of lease liabilities with one year (Note 30)    16,239       15,173           
 Total                                                          168,646      170,233          




Provisions primarily represent provision for future dismantlement costs of oil
and gas properties. The Group has established certain standardised measures
for the dismantlement of its retired oil and gas properties by making
reference to the industry practices and is thereafter constructively obligated
to take dismantlement measures of its retired oil and gas properties. Movement
of provision of the Group's obligations for the dismantlement of its retired
oil and gas properties is as follows:


                            The Group     
                            RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022  40,495        
 Provision for the period   867           
 Accretion expenses         521           
 Decrease for the period    (81)          
 Exchange adjustments       (71)          
 Balance at 30 June 2022    41,731        




Other non-current liabilities primarily represent long-term payables, special
payables and deferred income.




The Group


                                                                               At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                                                               2022         2021             
                                                                               RMB million  RMB million      
 Registered, issued and fully paid:                                                                          
 95,557,771,046 listed A shares (31 December 2021: 95,557,771,046) of RMB1.00  95,558       95,558           
 25,513,438,600 listed H shares (31 December 2021: 25,513,438,600) of RMB1.00  25,513       25,513           
 Total                                                                         121,071      121,071          


The Company was established on 25 February 2000 with a registered capital of
68.8 billion domestic state-owned shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each.
Such shares were issued to Sinopec Group Company in consideration for the
assets and liabilities transferred to the Company (Note 1).


Pursuant to the resolutions passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on
25 July 2000 and approvals from relevant government authorities, the Company
is authorised to increase its share capital to a maximum of 88.3 billion
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each and offer not more than 19.5 billion
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each to investors outside the PRC. Sinopec
Group Company is authorised to offer not more than 3.5 billion shares of its
shareholdings in the Company to investors outside the PRC. The shares sold by
Sinopec Group Company to investors outside the PRC would be converted into H


In October 2000, the Company issued 15,102,439,000 H shares with a par value
of RMB1.00 each, representing 12,521,864,000 H shares and 25,805,750 American
Depositary Shares ("ADSs", each representing 100 H shares), at prices of
HKD1.59 per H share and USD20.645 per ADS, respectively, by way of a global
initial public offering to Hong Kong SAR and overseas investors. As part of
the global initial public offering, 1,678,049,000 state-owned ordinary shares
of RMB1.00 each owned by Sinopec Group Company were converted into H shares
and sold to Hong Kong SAR and overseas investors.


37  SHARE CAPITAL (Continued)


The Group (Continued)


In July 2001, the Company issued 2.8 billion listed A shares with a par value
of RMB1.00 each at RMB4.22 by way of a public offering to natural persons and
institutional investors in the PRC.


During the year ended 31 December 2010, the Company issued 88,774 listed A
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of exercise of 188,292
warrants entitled to the Bonds with Warrants.


During the year ended 31 December 2011, the Company issued 34,662 listed A
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of conversion by the
holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


During the year ended 31 December 2012, the Company issued 117,724,450 listed
A shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of conversion by the
holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


On 14 February 2013, the Company issued 2,845,234,000 listed H shares ("the
Placing") with a par value of RMB1.00 each at the Placing Price of HKD8.45 per
share. The aggregate gross proceeds from the Placing amounted to approximately
HKD24,042,227,300.00 and the aggregate net proceeds (after deduction of the
commissions and estimated expenses) amounted to approximately


In June 2013, the Company issued 21,011,962,225 listed A shares and
5,887,716,600 listed H shares as a result of bonus issues of 2 shares
converted from the retained earnings, and 1 share transferred from capital
reserve for every 10 existing shares.


During the year ended 31 December 2013, the Company issued 114,076 listed A
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of exercise of conversion
by the holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


During the year ended 31 December 2014, the Company issued 1,715,081,853
listed A shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of exercise of
conversion by the holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


During the year ended 31 December 2015, the Company issued 2,790,814,006
listed A shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of conversion by
the holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


All A shares and H shares rank pari passu in all material aspects.


Capital management


Management optimises the structure of the Group's capital, which comprises of
equity and debts and bonds. In order to maintain or adjust the capital
structure of the Group, management may cause the Group to issue new shares,
adjust the capital expenditure plan, sell assets to reduce debt, or adjust the
proportion of short-term and long-term loans and bonds. Management monitors
capital on the basis of the debt-to-capital ratio, which is calculated by
dividing long-term loans (excluding current portion) and debentures payable,
by the total of equity attributable to shareholders of the Company and
long-term loans (excluding current portion) and debentures payable, and
liability-to-asset ratio, which is calculated by dividing total liabilities by
total assets. Management's strategy is to make appropriate adjustments
according to the Group's operating and investment needs and the changes of
market conditions, and to maintain the debt-to-capital ratio and the
liability-to-asset ratio of the Group at a range considered reasonable. As at
30 June 2022, the debt-to-capital ratio and the liability-to-asset ratio of
the Group were 10.5 % (31 December 2021: 10.6%) and 54.8% (31 December 2021:
51.5%), respectively.


The schedule of the contractual maturities of loans, debentures payable and
commitments are disclosed in Notes 32, 33 and 62, respectively.


There were no changes in the management's approach to capital management of
the Group during the period. Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries
is subject to externally imposed capital requirements.




The movements in capital reserve of the Group are as follows:


                                                 RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022                       120,188       
 Other equity movements under the equity method  (2,102)       
 Others                                          3             
 Balance at 30 June 2022                         118,089       


Capital reserve represents mainly: (a) the difference between the total amount
of the par value of shares issued and the amount of the net assets transferred
from Sinopec Group Company in connection with the Reorganisation; (b) share
premiums derived from issuances of H shares and A shares by the Company and
excess of cash paid by investors over their proportionate shares in share
capital, the proportionate shares of unexercised portion of the Bond with
Warrants at the expiration date, and the amount transferred from the
proportionate liability component and the derivative component of the
converted portion of the 2011 Convertible Bonds; (c) difference between
consideration paid for the combination of entities under common control and
the transactions with minority interests over the carrying amount of the net
assets acquired.




The Group


(a)  The changes of other comprehensive income in consolidated income


                                                                     Six-month period ended 30 June 2022                  
                                                                     Before-tax amount  Tax effect    Net-of-tax amount   
                                                                     RMB million        RMB million   RMB million         
 Cash flow hedges:                                                                                                        
 Effective portion of changes in fair value of hedging instruments   2,330              (888)         1,442               

 recognised during the period
 Less: Reclassification adjustments for amounts transferred to the   (10,637)           1,821         (8,816)             

   consolidated income statement
 Subtotal                                                            12,967             (2,709)       10,258              
 Fair value hedges                                                   (844)              -             (844)               
 Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments        (14)               (3)           (17)                
 Other comprehensive loss that can be converted into profit or loss  3,397              -             3,397               

 under the equity method
 Foreign currency translation differences                            3,913              -             3,913               
 Other comprehensive loss                                            19,419             (2,712)       16,707              


                                                                     Six-month period ended 30 June 2021                  
                                                                     Before-tax amount  Tax effect    Net-of-tax amount   
                                                                     RMB million        RMB million   RMB million         
 Effective portion of changes in fair value of hedging instruments   5,214              (1,130)       4,084               

 recognised during the period
 Less: Reclassification adjustments for amounts transferred to the   (5,201)            645           (4,556)             

   consolidated income statement
 Subtotal                                                            10,415             (1,775)       8,640               
 Fair value hedges                                                   (40)               -             (40)                
 Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments        7                  1             8                   
 Other comprehensive loss that can be converted into profit or loss  121                -             121                 

 under the equity method
 Foreign currency translation differences                            (621)              -             (621)               
 Other comprehensive income                                          9,882              (1,774)       8,108               




The Group (Continued)


(b)  The change of each item in other comprehensive income


                        Equity Attributable to shareholders of the company                                     Minority     Total other     
                        Other                                                                                  interests    comprehensive   
                        comprehensive                                                                                       income          
                        loss that         Changes in fair                                                                                   
                        can be converted  value of                                   Foreign                                                
                        into profit or    other equity                               currency                                               
                        loss under the    instrument       Fair value   Cash flow    translation                                            
                        equity method     investments      hedges       hedges       differences  Subtotal                                  
                        RMB million       RMB million      RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million     
 1 January 2021         (6,089)           (20)             81           7,805        (739)        1,038        (2,600)      (1,562)         
 Change for the period  115               11               (20)         220          (463)        (137)        (425)        (562)           
 30 June 2021           (5,974)           (9)              61           8,025        (1,202)      901          (3,025)      (2,124)         
 1 January 2022         (5,765)           (18)             (29)         7,214        (2,092)      (690)        (3,315)      (4,005)         
 Change for the period  3,514             (13)             (422)        885          3,283        7,247        244          7,491           
 30 June 2022           (2,251)           (31)             (451)        8,099        1,191        6,557        (3,071)      3,486           


As at 30 June 2022, cash flow hedge reserve amounted to a gain of RMB8,286
million (31 December 2021: a gain of RMB7,244 million), of which a gain of
RMB8,099 million was attribute to shareholders of the Company (31 December
2021: a gain of RMB7,214 million).




Movements in surplus reserves are as follows:


                            The Group                                        
                            Statutory        Discretionary                   
                            surplus reserve  surplus reserves  Total         
                            RMB million      RMB million       RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022  96,224           117,000           213,224       
 Appropriation              -                -                 -             
 Balance at 30 June 2022    96,224           117,000           213,224       


The PRC Company Law and Articles of Association of the Company have set out
the following profit appropriation plans:


(a)  10% of the net profit is transferred to the statutory surplus reserve.
In the event that the reserve balance reaches 50% of the registered capital,
no transfer is needed;


(b)  After the transfer to the statutory surplus reserve, a transfer to
discretionary surplus reserve can be made upon the passing of a resolution at
the shareholders' meeting.




                                   Six-month period ended 30 June                       
                                   The Group                 The Company                
                                   2022         2021         2022         2021          
                                   RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Income from principal operations  1,582,236    1,231,523    636,090      456,623       
 Income from other operations      29,890       29,250       14,340       12,499        
 Total                             1,612,126    1,260,773    650,430      469,122       
 Operating costs                   1,330,825    998,286      521,323      363,427       


The income from principal operations mainly represents revenue from the sales
of refined petroleum products, chemical products, crude oil and natural gas.
The income from other operations mainly represents revenue from sale of
materials, service, rental income and others. Operating costs primarily
represent the products cost related to the principal operations. The Group's
segmental information is set out in Note 64.




The detailed information about the Group's operating income is as follows:


                                         Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                         2022              2021               
                                         RMB million       RMB million        
 Income from principal operations        1,582,236         1,231,523          
 Included: Gasoline                      389,830           345,353            
 Diesel                                  327,767           226,151            
 Crude oil                               278,099           204,510            
 Basic chemical feedstock                140,022           112,346            
 Synthetic resin                         74,451            70,793             
 Kerosene                                71,419            51,165             
 Natural gas                             38,017            30,007             
 Synthetic fiber monomers and polymers   25,186            21,885             
 Others (i)                              237,445           169,313            
 Income from other operations            29,890            29,250             
 Included: Sale of materials and others  29,329            28,654             
 Rental income                           561               596                
 Total                                   1,612,126         1,260,773          




(i)    Others are primarily liquefied petroleum gas and other refinery and
chemical byproducts and joint products and so on.


(ii)   Except for rental income, the above income are generated from the




The Group


                          Six-month period ended 30 June       
                          2022              2021               
                          RMB million       RMB million        
 Consumption tax          103,510           100,539            
 City construction tax    9,011             8,292              
 Special Oil Income Levy  8,095             185                
 Education surcharge      6,486             6,132              
 Resources tax            4,404             3,004              
 Others                   2,903             2,748              
 Total                    134,409           120,900            


The applicable tax rate of the taxes and surcharges are set out in Note 4.




The Group


                                             Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                             2022              2021               
                                             RMB million       RMB million        
 Interest expenses incurred                  3,605             2,691              
 Less: Capitalised interest expenses         597               349                
 Add: Interest expense on lease liabilities  4,595             4,627              
 Net interest expenses                       7,603             6,969              
 Accretion expenses (Note 35)                521               691                
 Interest income                             (3,012)           (2,663)            
 Net foreign exchange loss/(gain)            225               (95)               
 Total                                       5,337             4,902              


The interest rates per annum at which borrowing costs were capitalised during
the six-month period ended 30 June 2022 by the Group ranged from 2.70% to
4.50% (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: 1.60% to 4.90%).




The operating costs, selling and distribution expenses, general and
administrative expenses, research and development expenses and exploration
expenses (including dry holes) in consolidated income statement classified by
nature are as follows:


                                                                    Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                    2022              2021               
                                                                    RMB million       RMB million        
 Purchased crude oil, products and operating supplies and expenses  1,262,183         945,555            
 Personnel expenses                                                 49,223            45,195             
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                           53,638            54,466             
 Exploration expenses (including dry holes)                         5,738             4,846              
 Other expenses                                                     26,404            26,331             
 Total                                                              1,397,186         1,076,393          




Selling expenses mainly include wages and salaries of sales staff,
depreciation and amortization of sales equipment and related systems, etc.




Administrative expenses mainly include salaries and salaries of administrative
personnel, depreciation and amortization of office facilities, office systems
and software, and repair costs.




The research and development expenditures are mainly used for the replacement
of resources in upstream, optimising structure and operation upgrades in
refining sector, structured adjustment of materials and products in chemical




Exploration expenses include geological and geophysical expenses and
written-off of unsuccessful dry hole costs.




Other income are mainly the government grants related to the business




                                                                      Six-month period ended 30 June                       
                                                                      The Group                 The Company                
                                                                      2022         2021         2022         2021          
                                                                      RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Income from investment of subsidiaries accounted                     -            -            13,431       5,366         

 for under cost method
 Income from investment accounted for under equity method             7,327        11,133       3,014        4,366         
 Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investments      69           60           2            60            
 Dividend income from holding of other equity instrument investments  14           (21)         -            (39)          
 Investment loss from holding/disposal of financial                   (17,331)     (5,390)      -            (95)          

 assets and liabilities and derivative financial instruments

 at fair value through profit or loss
 Gain/(loss) from ineffective portion of cash flow hedges             (430)        (942)        175          365           
 Others                                                               44           50           678          579           
 Total                                                                (10,307)     4,890        17,300       10,602        




The Group


                                                                              Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                              2022              2021               
                                                                              RMB million       RMB million        
 Net fair value losses on financial assets and financial liabilities at fair  (1,972)           (523)              
 value through profit or loss
 Unrealised gains from ineffective portion cash flow hedges, net              414               639                
 Total                                                                        (1,558)           116                




The Group


               Six-month period ended 30 June       
               2022              2021               
               RMB million       RMB million        
 Prepayments   22                (33)               
 Inventories   1,436             430                
 Fixed assets  2                 484                
 Others        (4)               45                 
 Total         1,456             926                




The Group


                    Six-month period ended 30 June       
                    2022              2021               
                    RMB million       RMB million        
 Government grants  156               305                
 Others             699               391                
 Total              855               696                




The Group


                                    Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                    2022              2021               
                                    RMB million       RMB million        
 Fines, penalties and compensation  14                39                 
 Donations                          101               8                  
 Asset scrap, damage loss           171               344                
 Others                             793               690                
 Total                              1,079             1,081              




The Group


                                                              Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                              2022              2021               
                                                              RMB million       RMB million        
 Provision for income tax for the period                      14,135            17,389             
 Deferred taxation                                            (44)              (2,373)            
 Under-provision for income tax in respect of preceding year  370               36                 
 Total                                                        14,461            15,052             


Reconciliation between actual income tax expense and accounting profit at
applicable tax rates is as follows:


                                                                                Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                                2022              2021               
                                                                                RMB million       RMB million        
 Profit before taxation                                                         63,977            63,853             
 Expected income tax expense at a tax rate of 25%                               15,994            15,963             
 Tax effect of non-deductible expenses                                          1,980             3,748              
 Tax effect of non-taxable income                                               (1,843)           (3,119)            
 Tax effect of preferential tax rate (i)                                        (1,539)           (1,377)            
 Effect of income taxes at foreign operations                                   54                (433)              
 Tax effect of utilisation of previously unrecognised tax losses and temporary  (732)             (361)              
 Tax effect of tax losses not recognised                                        147               30                 
 Write-down of deferred tax assets                                              30                565                
 Adjustment for under provision for income tax in respect of preceding years    370               36                 
 Actual income tax expense                                                      14,461            15,052             




(i)    The provision for PRC current income tax is based on a statutory
income tax rate of 25% of the assessable income of the Group as determined in
accordance with the relevant income tax rules and regulations of the PRC,
except for certain entities of the Group in western regions in the PRC are
taxed at preferential income tax rate of 15%. According to Announcement  2020 
No.23 of the MOF "Announcement of the MOF, the State Taxation Administration
and the National Development and Reform Commission on continuation of the
income tax policy of western development enterprises", the preferential income
tax rate extends from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030.




(a)  Dividends of ordinary shares declared after the balance sheet date

Pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association and a resolution passed at
the Directors' meeting on 26 August 2022, the directors authorised to declare
the interim dividends for the year ended 31 December 2022 of RMB0.16 (2021:
RMB0.16) per share totalling RMB19,371 million (2021: RMB19,371 million).
Dividends declared after the date of the statement of financial position are
not recognised as a liability at the date of the statement of financial


(b)  Dividends of ordinary shares declared during the period

Pursuant to the shareholders' approval at the Annual General Meeting on 18 May
2022, a final dividend of RMB0.31 per share totaling RMB37,532 million
according to total shares of 9 June 2022 was approved. All dividends have been
paid in June 2022.


Pursuant to the shareholders' approval at the Annual General Meeting on 25 May
2021, a final dividend of RMB0.13 per share totaling RMB15,739 million
according to total shares of 16 June 2021 was approved. All dividends have
been paid in June 2021.




The Group


(a)  Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities:


                                                                    Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                    2022              2021               
                                                                    RMB million       RMB million        
 Net profit                                                         49,516            48,801             
 Add: Impairment losses on assets                                   1,456             926                
 Credit impairment reversals                                        (72)              (55)               
 Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                6,544             6,437              
 Depreciation of fixed assets                                       42,020            43,357             
 Amortisation of intangible assets and long-term deferred expenses  5,074             4,672              
 Dry hole costs written off                                         3,725             2,640              
 Net loss on disposal of non-current assets                         36                63                 
 Fair value gain/(loss)                                             1,558             (116)              
 Financial expenses                                                 5,112             4,997              
 Investment loss/(income)                                           10,307            (4,890)            
 Increase in deferred tax assets                                    (1,885)           (4,460)            
 Increase in deferred tax liabilities                               1,841             2,087              
 Increase in inventories                                            (79,034)          (48,011)           
 Safety fund reserve                                                1,043             953                
 Increase in operating receivables                                  (49,228)          (46,447)           
 Increase in operating payables                                     6,934             37,393             
 Net cash flow from operating activities                            4,947             48,347             


(b)  Net change in cash:


                                            2021         2020          
                                            RMB million  RMB million   
 Cash balance at the end of the period      139,178      78,114        
 Less: Cash at the beginning of the period  108,590      87,559        
 Net increase/(decrease) of cash            30,588       (9,445)       


(c)  The analysis of cash held by the Group is as follows:


                                Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                2022              2021               
                                RMB million       RMB million        
 Cash at bank and on hand                                            
 - Cash on hand                 -                 1                  
 - Demand deposits              139,178           78,113             
 Cash at the end of the period  139,178           78,114             


(d)  Cash or cash equivalents received by disposal of subsidiaries and other
business units:


                                                                         Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                         2022              2021               
                                                                         RMB million       RMB million        
 Cash received by disposal of oil and gas pipelines and relevant assets  -                 3,756              
 Others                                                                  1                 540                
 Total                                                                   1                 4,296              


(e)  Other cash paid relating to financing activities:


                                  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                  2022              2021               
                                  RMB million       RMB million        
 Repayments of lease liabilities  7,166             9,408              
 Others                           1,774             2,050              
 Total                            8,940             11,458             




(1)  Related parties having the ability to exercise control over the Group


 The name of the company           :  China Petrochemical Corporation                                                   
 Unified social credit identifier  :  9111000010169286X1                                                                
 Registered address                :  No. 22, Chaoyangmen North Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing                      
 Principal activities              :  Exploration, production, storage and transportation (including pipeline           
                                      transportation), sales and utilisation of crude oil and natural gas; refining;
                                      wholesale and retail of gasoline, kerosene and diesel; production, sales,
                                      storage and transportation of petrochemical and other chemical products;
                                      industrial investment and investment management; exploration, construction,
                                      installation and maintenance of petroleum and petrochemical constructions and
                                      equipments; manufacturing electrical equipment; research, development,
                                      application and consulting services of information technology and alternative
                                      energy products; import & export of goods and technology.
 Relationship with the Group       :  Ultimate holding company                                                          
 Types of legal entity             :  State-owned                                                                       
 Authorised representative         :  Ma Yongsheng                                                                      
 Registered capital                :  RMB326,547 million                                                                


Sinopec Group Company is an enterprise controlled by the PRC government.
Sinopec Group Company directly and indirectly holds 68.77% shareholding of the


(2)  Related parties not having the ability to exercise control over the


Related parties under common control of a parent company with the Company:

Sinopec Finance (Note)

Sinopec Shengli Petroleum Administration Bureau

Sinopec Zhongyuan Petroleum Exploration Bureau

Sinopec Assets Management Corporation

Sinopec Engineering Incorporation

Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited

Sinopec Petroleum Storage and Reserve Limited


Associates of the Group:


Sinopec Finance

Sinopec Capital

Zhongtian Synergetic Energy



Joint ventures of the Group:





Sinopec SABIC Tianjin


Note:      Sinopec Finance is under common control of a parent company
with the Company and is also the associate of the Group.




(3)  The principal related party transactions with Sinopec Group Company and
fellow subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, which were carried out in
the ordinary course of business, are as follows:



                                                   The Group                            
                                           Note    Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                   2022              2021               
                                                   RMB million       RMB million        
 Sales of goods                            (i)     169,483           131,981            
 Purchases                                 (ii)    80,755            90,070             
 Transportation and storage                (iii)   9,474             6,928              
 Exploration and development services      (iv)    15,512            15,046             
 Production related services               (v)     19,092            14,606             
 Ancillary and social services             (vi)    -                 617                
 Agency commission income                  (vii)   91                97                 
 Interest income                           (viii)  382               381                
 Interest expense                          (ix)    216               196                
 Net deposits placed with related parties  (viii)  17,410            733                
 Net funds obtained from related parties   (x)     29,695            6,241              


The amounts set out in the table above in respect of the six-month periods
ended 30 June 2022 and 2021 represent the relevant costs and income as
determined by the corresponding contracts with the related parties.


Included in the transactions disclosed above, for the six-month period ended
30 June 2022 are: a) purchases by the Group from Sinopec Group Company and
fellow subsidiaries amounting to RMB68,143 million (six-month period ended 30
June 2021: RMB76,693 million) comprising purchases of products and services
(i.e. procurement, transportation and storage, exploration and development
services and production related services) of RMB61,818 million (six-month
period ended 30 June 2021: RMB69,981 million), ancillary and social services
provided by Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries of RMB0 million
(six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB617 million), lease charges for land,
buildings and others paid by the Group of RMB5,568 million, RMB470 million and
RMB71 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB5,402 million, RMB423
million and RMB74 million), respectively and interest expenses of RMB216
million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB196 million); and b) sales by
the Group to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries amounting to
RMB31,238 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB21,492 million),
comprising RMB30,832 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB21,075
million) for sales of goods, RMB382 million (six-month period ended 30 June
2021: RMB381 million) for interest income and RMB24 million (six-month period
ended 30 June 2021: RMB36 million) for agency commission income.


For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, no individually significant
right-of-use assets were leased from Sinopec Group Company and fellow
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures by the Group. The interest expense
recognised for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022 on lease liabilities in
respect of amounts due to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures was RMB3,953 million (six-month period ended 30
June 2021: RMB3,730 million).


For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, the amount of rental the Group
paid to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures for land, buildings and others are RMB5,571 million, RMB471 million
and RMB133 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB5,404 million,
RMB425 million and RMB151 million).


As at 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, there was no guarantee given to banks
by the Group in respect of banking facilities to Sinopec Group Company and
fellow subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, except for the guarantees
disclosed in Note 63(b). Guarantees given to banks by the Group in respect of
banking facilities to associates and joint ventures are disclosed in Note




(i)    Sales of goods represent the sale of crude oil, intermediate
petrochemical products, petroleum products and ancillary materials.


(ii)  Purchases represent the purchase of materials and utility supplies
directly related to the Group's operations such as the procurement of raw and
ancillary materials and related services, supply of water, electricity and


(iii) Transportation and storage represent the cost for the use of railway,
road and marine transportation services, pipelines, loading, unloading and
storage facilities.


(iv)  Exploration and development services comprise direct costs incurred in
the exploration and development such as geophysical, drilling, well testing
and well measurement services.


(v)   Production related services represent ancillary services rendered in
relation to the Group's operations such as equipment repair and general
maintenance, insurance premium, technical research, communications,
firefighting, security, product quality testing and analysis, information
technology, design and engineering, construction of oilfield ground
facilities, refineries and chemical plants, manufacture of replacement parts
and machinery, installation, project management and environmental protection,
and management services.




(3)  The principal related party transactions with Sinopec Group Company and
fellow subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, which were carried out in
the ordinary course of business, are as follows:  (Continued)

Notes: (Continued)


(vi)  Ancillary and social services represent expenditures for social welfare
and support services such as educational facilities, media communication
services, sanitation, accommodation, canteens and property maintenance. The
"Agreement for Provision of Cultural and Educational, Health Care and
Community Services" has expired on December 31, 2021. As the scale of such
services has been significantly reduced after the separation and transfer of
assets and operations of the supply of water, power, gas and property
management, the "Agreement for Provision of Cultural and Educational, Health
Care and Community Services" will not be renewed, and the training-related or
similar services such as cultural education and auxiliary services under it
have been merged into the Mutual Provision Agreement.


(vii)                       Agency commission income
represents commission earned for acting as an agent in respect of sales of
products and purchase of materials for certain entities owned by Sinopec Group


(viii)  Interest income represents interest received from deposits placed
with Sinopec Finance and Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited,
finance companies controlled by Sinopec Group Company. The applicable interest
rate is determined in accordance with the prevailing saving deposit rate.


(ix)  Interest expense represents interest charges on the loans obtained from
Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries.


(x)   The Group obtained loans, discounted bills and others from Sinopec
Group Company and fellow subsidiaries.


In connection with the Reorganisation, the Company and Sinopec Group Company
entered into a number of agreements under which 1) Sinopec Group Company will
provide goods and products and a range of ancillary, social and supporting
services to the Group and 2) the Group will sell certain goods to Sinopec
Group Company. These agreements impacted the operating results of the Group
for the six-month period ended 30 June 2021. The terms of these agreements are
summarised as follows:


(a)  The Company has entered into a non-exclusive "Agreement for Mutual
Provision of Products and Ancillary Services" ("Mutual Provision Agreement")
with Sinopec Group Company effective from 1 January 2000 in which Sinopec
Group Company has agreed to provide the Group with certain ancillary
production services, construction services, information advisory services,
supply services and other services and products. While each of Sinopec Group
Company and the Company is permitted to terminate the Mutual Provision
Agreement upon at least six months' notice, Sinopec Group Company has agreed
not to terminate the agreement if the Group is unable to obtain comparable
services from a third party. The pricing policy for these services and
products provided by Sinopec Group Company to the Group is as follows:


‧  the government-prescribed price;


‧  where there is no government-prescribed price, the government-guidance


‧  where there is neither a government-prescribed price nor a
government-guidance price, the market price; or


‧  where none of the above is applicable, the price to be agreed between
the parties, which shall be based on a reasonable cost incurred in providing
such services plus a profit margin not exceeding 6%.


(b)  The Company has entered into a non-exclusive "Agreement for Provision of
Cultural and Educational, Health Care and Community Services" with Sinopec
Group Company effective from 1 January 2000 in which Sinopec Group Company has
agreed to provide the Group with certain cultural, educational, health care
and community services on the same pricing terms and termination conditions as
agreed to in the above Mutual Provision Agreement.


(c)  The Company has entered into a number of lease agreements with Sinopec
Group Company to lease certain lands and buildings effective on 1 January
2000. The lease term is 40 or 50 years for lands and 20 years for buildings,
respectively. The Company and Sinopec Group Company can renegotiate the rental
amount every three years for land. The Company and Sinopec Group Company can
renegotiate the rental amount for buildings every year. However such amount
cannot exceed the market price as determined by an independent third party.


(d)  The Company has entered into agreements with Sinopec Group Company
effective from 1 January 2000 under which the Group has been granted the right
to use certain trademarks, patents, technology and computer software developed
by Sinopec Group Company.


(e)  The Company has entered into a service station franchise agreement with
Sinopec Group Company effective from 1 January 2000 under which its service
stations and retail stores would exclusively sell the refined products
supplied by the Group.


(f)   On the basis of a series of continuing connected transaction
agreements signed in 2000, the Company and Sinopec Group Company have signed
the Sixth Supplementary Agreement on 27 August 2021, which took effect on 1
January 2022 and made adjustment to "Mutual Supply Agreement" and "Buildings
Leasing Contract", etc.




(4)  Balances with Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates
and joint ventures

The balances with Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates
and joint ventures at 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021 are as follows:


                                                The ultimate holding company      Other related companies        
                                                At 30 June       At 31 December   At 30 June    At 31 December   
                                                2022             2021             2022          2021             
                                                RMB million      RMB million      RMB million   RMB million      
 Cash at bank and on hand                       -                -                79,092        61,682           
 Accounts receivable                            15               30               12,573        8,625            
 Receivables financing                          -                -                109           186              
 Other receivables                              -                -                17,512        13,941           
 Prepayments and other current assets           23               19               1,765         577              
 Other non-current assets                       -                -                3,738         3,116            
 Bills payable                                  -                5                3,086         3,798            
 Accounts payable                               104              228              12,627        10,139           
 Contract liabilities                           34               50               4,628         4,627            
 Other payables and other current liabilities   140              85               60,409        50,564           
 Other non-current liabilities                  -                -                4,177         2,779            
 Short-term loans                               -                -                3,112         2,407            
 Long-term loans (including current portion)    -                -                15,237        14,156           
 Lease liabilities (including current portion)  71,817           72,176           87,183        86,585           


Amounts due from/to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates
and joint ventures, other than short-term loans and long-term loans, bear no
interest, are unsecured and are repayable in accordance with normal commercial
terms. The terms and conditions associated with short-term loans and long-term
loans payable to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries are set out in
Note 23 and Note 32.


As at and for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, and as at and for the
year ended 31 December 2021, no individually significant impairment losses for
bad and doubtful debts were recorded in respect of amounts due from Sinopec
Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures.


(5)  Key management personnel emoluments

Key management personnel are those persons having authority and responsibility
for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group, directly
or indirectly, including directors and supervisors of the Group. The key
management personnel compensations are as follows:


                                  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                  2022              2021               
                                  RMB thousand      RMB thousand       
 Short-term employee benefits     5,075             1,771              
 Retirement scheme contributions  270               120                
 Total                            5,345             1,891              




The Group's financial condition and results of operations are sensitive to
accounting methods, assumptions and estimates that underlie the preparation of
the financial statements. The Group bases the assumptions and estimates on
historical experience and on various other assumptions that it believes to be
reasonable and which form the basis for making judgements about matters that
are not readily apparent from other sources. On an on-going basis, management
evaluates its estimates. Actual results may differ from those estimates as
facts, circumstances and conditions change.


The selection of critical accounting policies, the judgements and other
uncertainties affecting application of those policies and the sensitivity of
reported results to changes in conditions and assumptions are factors to be
considered when reviewing the financial statements. The significant accounting
policies are set forth in Note 3. The Group believes the following critical
accounting policies involve the most significant judgements and estimates used
in the preparation of the financial statements.




(a)  Oil and gas properties and reserves

The accounting for the exploration and production segment's oil and gas
activities is subject to accounting rules that are unique to the oil and gas
industry. The Group has used the successful efforts method to account for oil
and gas business activities. The successful efforts method reflects the
volatility that is inherent in exploring for mineral resources in that costs
of unsuccessful exploratory efforts are charged to expense. These costs
primarily include dry hole costs, seismic costs and other exploratory costs.


Engineering estimates of the Group's oil and gas reserves are inherently
imprecise and represent only approximate amounts because of the subjective
judgements involved in developing such information. There are authoritative
guidelines regarding the engineering criteria that have to be met before
estimated oil and gas reserves can be designated as "proved". Proved and
proved developed reserves estimates are updated at least annually and take
into account recent production and technical information about each field. In
addition, as prices and cost levels change from year to year, the estimate of
proved and proved developed reserves also changes. This change is considered a
change in estimate for accounting purposes and is reflected on a prospective
basis in related depreciation rates. Oil and gas reserves have a direct impact
on the assessment of the recoverability of the carrying amounts of oil and gas
properties reported in the financial statements. If proved reserves estimates
are revised downwards, the Group's earnings could be affected by changes in
depreciation expense or an immediate write-down of the carrying amount of oil
and properties.


Future dismantlement costs for oil and gas properties are estimated with
reference to engineering estimates after taking into consideration the
anticipated method of dismantlement required in accordance with industry
practices in the similar geographic area, including estimation of economic
life of oil and gas properties, technology and price level. The present values
of these estimated future dismantlement costs are capitalised as oil and gas
properties with equivalent amounts recognised as provisions for dismantlement


Despite the inherent imprecision in these engineering estimates, these
estimates are used in determining depreciation expense, impairment expense and
future dismantlement costs. Capitalised costs of proved oil and gas properties
are amortised on a unit-of-production method based on volumes produced and


(b)  Impairment for assets

If circumstances indicate that the net book value of a long-lived asset may
not be recoverable, the asset may be considered "impaired", and an impairment
loss may be recognised in accordance with "CASs 8 - Impairment of Assets". The
carrying amounts of long-lived assets are reviewed periodically in order to
assess whether the recoverable amounts have declined below the carrying
amounts. These assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in
circumstances indicate that their recorded carrying amounts may not be
recoverable. When such a decline has occurred, the carrying amount is reduced
to recoverable amount. For goodwill, the recoverable amount is estimated
annually. The recoverable amount is the greater of the fair value less costs
to sell and the present value of expected future cash flows. It is difficult
to precisely estimate the fair value because quoted market prices for the
Group's assets or cash-generating units are not readily available. In
determining the value of expected future cash flows, expected cash flows
generated by the asset or the cash-generating unit are discounted to their
present value, which requires significant judgement relating to sales volume,
selling price, amount of operating costs and discount rate. The Group uses all
readily available information in determining an amount that is a reasonable
approximation of recoverable amount, including estimates based on reasonable
and supportable assumptions and projections of sales volume, selling price,
amount of operating costs and discount rate.


(c)  Depreciation

Fixed assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated
useful lives of the assets, after taking into account the estimated residual
value. Management reviews the estimated useful lives of the assets at least
annually in order to determine the amount of depreciation expense to be
recorded during any reporting period. The useful lives are based on the
Group's historical experience with similar assets and taking into account
anticipated technological changes. The depreciation expense for future periods
is adjusted if there are significant changes from previous estimates.


(d)  Measurement of expected credit losses

ECLs are a probability-weighted estimate of credit losses. Credit losses are
measured as the present value of all cash shortfalls (i.e. the difference
between the cash flows due to the entity in accordance with the contract and
the cash flows that the Group expects to receive).


The Group measures and recognises expected credit losses, considering
reasonable and supportable information about the relevant past events, current
conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions. The Group regularly
monitors and reviews the assumptions used for estimating expected credit


(e)  Allowance for diminution in value of inventories

If the costs of inventories become higher than their net realisable values, an
allowance for diminution in value of inventories is recognised. Net realisable
value represents the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of
business, less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs
necessary to make the sale. Management bases the estimates on all available
information, including the current market prices of the finished goods and raw
materials, and historical operating costs. If the actual selling prices were
to be lower or the costs of completion were to be higher than estimated, the
actual allowance for diminution in value of inventories would be higher than




The Company's principal subsidiaries have been consolidated into the Group's
financial statements for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022. The
following list contains the particulars of subsidiaries which principally
affected the results, assets and liabilities of the Group:


 Full name of enterprise                                 Principal activities                                                         Registered  Actual       Percentage     Minority        

                                                                                                                                      capital/    investment   of equity      Interests at

                                                                                                                                      paid-up     at 30 June   interest/      30 June 2022

                                                                                                                                      capital     2022         voting right

                                                                                                                                                               held by the

                                                                                                                                      million     million      %              RMB million     
 (a) Subsidiaries acquired through group restructuring:                                                                                                                                       
 China Petrochemical International Company Limited       Trading of petrochemical products                                            RMB1,400    RMB1,856     100.00         10              
 China International United Petroleum and Chemical       Trading of crude oil and petrochemical products                              RMB5,000    RMB6,585     100.00         5,380           

 Company Limited
 Sinopec Catalyst Company Limited                        Production and sale of catalyst products                                     RMB1,500    RMB2,424     100.00         251             
 Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Company Limited            Manufacturing of intermediate petrochemical                                  RMB15,651   RMB15,651    100.00         -               

 products and petroleum products
 Sinopec Lubricant Company Limited                       Production and sale of refined petroleum products,                           RMB3,374    RMB3,374     100.00         92              

 lubricant base oil, and petrochemical materials
 Sinopec Yizheng Chemical Fibre Limited                  Production and sale of polyester chips and                                   RMB4,000    RMB6,713     100.00         -               

 Liability Company
 polyester fibres
 Sinopec Marketing Co. Limited ("Marketing Company")     Marketing and distribution of refined                                        RMB28,403   RMB20,000    70.42          79,870          

 petroleum products
 Sinopec Kantons Holdings Limited ("Sinopec Kantons")    Provision of crude oil jetty services and natural                            HKD248      HKD3,952     60.33          5,090           

 gas pipeline transmission services
 Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited          Manufacturing of synthetic fibres, resin and plastics,                       RMB10,824   RMB5,820     50.44          14,440          

 ("Shanghai Petrochemical")
 intermediate petrochemical products and

 petroleum products
 Fujian Petrochemical Company Limited                    Manufacturing of plastics, intermediate petrochemical                        RMB10,492   RMB5,246     50.00          6,784           

 ("Fujian Petrochemical") (i)
 products and petroleum products
 (b) Subsidiaries established by the Group:                                                                                                                                                   
 Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration and         Investment in exploration, production and sale of petroleum and natural gas  RMB8,250    RMB8,250     100.00         4,653           

 Production Limited ("SIPL")
 Sinopec Overseas Investment Holding Limited ("SOIH")    Investment holding of overseas business                                      USD3,374    USD3,374     100.00         -               
 Sinopec Chemical Sales Company Limited                  Marketing and distribution of petrochemical products                         RMB1,000    RMB1,165     100.00         142             
 Sinopec Great Wall Energy & Chemical                    Coal chemical industry investment management,                                RMB22,761   RMB22,795    100.00         20              

 Company Limited
 production and sale of coal chemical products
 Sinopec Beihai Refining and Chemical Limited            Import and processing of crude oil, production,                              RMB5,294    RMB5,240     98.98          131             

 Liability Company
 storage and sale of petroleum products and

 petrochemical products
 ZhongKe (Guangdong) Refinery & Petrochemical            Crude oil processing and petroleum products manufacturing                    RMB6,397    RMB5,776     90.30          2,460           

 Company Limited
 Sinopec Qingdao Refining and Chemical                   Manufacturing of intermediate petrochemical products                         RMB5,000    RMB4,250     85.00          1,916           

 Company Limited
 and petroleum products
 Sinopec-SK (Wuhan) Petrochemical Company Limited        Production, sale, research and development of                                RMB7,193    RMB7,193     59.00          4,779           

 ethylene and downstream byproducts
 (c) Subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common control:                                                                                                                 
 Sinopec Hainan Refining and Chemical                    Manufacturing of intermediate petrochemical products                         RMB9,606    RMB12,615    100.00         25              

 Company Limited
 and petroleum products
 Sinopec Qingdao Petrochemical Company Limited           Manufacturing of intermediate petrochemical products                         RMB1,595    RMB7,233     100.00         -               

 and petroleum products
 Gaoqiao Petrochemical Company Limited                   Manufacturing of intermediate petrochemical products                         RMB10,000   RMB4,804     55.00          8,068           

 and petroleum products
 Sinopec Baling Petrochemical Co. Ltd.                   Crude oil processing and petroleum products                                  RMB3,000    RMB3,340     55.00          2,599           

 ("Baling Petrochemical") (ii)
 (d) Subsidiaries acquired through business combination not under common                                                                                                                      
 Shanghai SECCO                                          Production and sale of petrochemical products                                RMB500      RMB500       67.59          2,272           


*      The minority interests of subsidiaries which the Group holds 100%
of equity interests at the end of the period are the minority interests of
their subsidiaries.


Except for Sinopec Kantons and SOIH, which are incorporated in Bermuda and
Hong Kong SAR, respectively, all of the above principal subsidiaries are
incorporated and operate their businesses principally in the PRC.




(i)    The Group consolidated the financial statements of the entity
because it is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its
involvement with the entity and has the ability to affect those return through
its power over the entity.




Summarised financial information on subsidiaries with material minority


Set out below are the summarised financial information which the amount before
inter-company eliminations for each subsidiary whose minority interests that
are material to the Group.


Summarised consolidated balance sheet



                           Marketing Company     SIPL                Shanghai Petrochemical      Fujian Petrochemical      Sinopec Kantons     Shanghai SECCO      Sinopec-SK           
                           At 30      At 31      At 30     At 31     At 30         At 31         At 30        At 31        At 30     At 31     At 30     At 31     At 30     At 31      
                           June       December   June      December  June          December      June         December     June      December  June      December  June      December   
                           2022       2021       2022      2021      2022          2021          2022         2021         2022      2021      2022      2021      2022      2021       
                           RMB        RMB        RMB       RMB       RMB           RMB           RMB          RMB          RMB       RMB       RMB       RMB       RMB       RMB        
                           million    million    million   million   million       million       million      million      million   million   million   million   million   million    
 Current assets            188,879    159,599    24,106    22,759    16,701        20,932        3,733        1,464        5,273     4,761     5,976     6,066     7,630     6,791      
 Current liabilities       (204,256)  (193,315)  (10,988)  (1,430)   (12,614)      (15,796)      (1,355)      (142)        (402)     (196)     (7,166)   (5,434)   (11,090)  (8,122)    
 Net current               (15,377)   (33,716)   13,118    21,329    4,087         5,136         2,378        1,322        4,871     4,565     (1,190)   632       (3,460)   (1,331)    

 Non-current assets        319,994    326,437    10,052    8,954     25,780        26,106        11,893       13,208       8,079     8,195     9,664     11,402    19,761    20,650     
 Non-current liabilities   (58,073)   (59,604)   (11,594)  (17,823)  (862)         (847)         (704)        (700)        (160)     (170)     (1,465)   (1,418)   (5,335)   (7,512)    
 Net non-current           261,921    266,833    (1,542)   (8,869)   24,918        25,259        11,189       12,508       7,919     8,025     8,199     9,984     14,426    13,138     



Summarised consolidated statement of comprehensive income and cash flow


 Six-month period                    Marketing Company         SIPL                      Shanghai Petrochemical      Fujian Petrochemical      Sinopec Kantons           Shanghai SECCO            Sinopec-SK                 
 ended 30 June                       2022         2021         2022         2021         2022          2021          2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021         2022         2021          
                                     RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   RMB million   RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Turnover                            790,246      633,752      2,053        762          45,900        37,137        2,639        2,771        268          277          12,927       14,459       27,988       23,172        
 Net profit/(loss) for the period    12,771       12,969       1,117        643          (431)         1,249         (275)        1,025        295          558          (854)        2,328        119          974           
 Total comprehensive income          14,952       12,981       830          465          (157)         1,302         (275)        1,025        447          411          (854)        2,328        119          974           
 Comprehensive income attributable   5,161        4,527        247          275          (75)          648           (137)        512          177          221          (277)        754          49           399           
  to minority interests
 Dividends paid to                   622          1,008        -            -            547           536           -            -            98           98           898          1,028        397          -             

 minority interests
 Net cash flow generated from/       7,603        15,743       1,370        282          (6,405)       (2,390)       1,257        87           58           (639)        (1,284)      1,735        (664)        751           

 (used in) operating activities




Business combination under common control


Business combination under common control in 2021


Pursuant to resolution passed at the Director's meeting on 26 March 2021, the
Company entered into agreements with Sinopec Assets Management Corporation
("SAMC") and Beijing Orient Petrochemical Industry Co., Ltd. ("BJOPI"), and
its subsidiary,Sinopec Beihai Refining and Chemical Limited Liability Company
entered into an agreement with Beihai Petrochemical Limited Liability Company
of Sinopec Group ("BHP"). According to the relevant agreements, the Company
proposed to acquire non equity assets such as the polypropylene devices and
utility business assets of Cangzhou Branch held by SAMC, organic plant
business held by BJOPI, and the pier operation platform held by BHP.


Pursuant to the resolution passed at the Directors' meeting on 29 November
2021, the Company entered into agreements with SAMC, and Sinopec Beijing
Yanshan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. ("SBJYSP"), and its subsidiary, Sinopec
Yizheng Chemical Fibre Company Limited entered into an agreement with SAMC.
According to the relevant agreements, the Group proposed to acquire non equity
assets such as thermal power, water and other business, PBT resin and other
business of Yizheng Branch held by SAMC, and thermal power and other
businesses held by SBJYSP.


As the Company, SAMC, BJOPI, BHP and SBJYSP are all under the control of
Sinopec Group Company, the transaction described above has been accounted as
business combination under common control. Accordingly, the equity and assets
acquired from Sinopec Group Company have been accounted for at historical
cost, and the consolidated financial statements of the Group prior to these
acquisitions have been restated to include the results of operation and the
assets and liabilities of Sinopec Group Company on a combined basis.


The transactions under the after-mentioned agreements will further improve the
integrated operation level of the Group, optimise the allocation of resources,
reduce connected transactions on the whole, so as to enhance the comprehensive
competitiveness of the Group in its business locations.


The financial condition as at 30 June 2021 and the results of operation for
the period ended 30 June 2021 previously reported by the Group have been




Capital commitments


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the capital commitments of the Group are
as follows:


                                    At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                    2022         2021             
                                    RMB million  RMB million      
 Authorised and contracted for (i)  115,321      184,430          
 Authorised but not contracted for  105,534      90,227           
 Total                              220,855      274,657          


These capital commitments relate to oil and gas exploration and development,
refining and petrochemical production capacity expansion projects, the
construction of service stations and oil depots and investment commitments.




(i)    The investment commitments of the Group is RMB1,713 million (31
December 2021: RMB3,648 million).


Commitments to joint ventures


Pursuant to certain of the joint venture agreements entered into by the Group,
the Group is obliged to purchase products from the joint ventures based on
market prices.


Exploration and production licenses


Exploration licenses for exploration activities are registered with the
Ministry of Natural Resources. The maximum term of the Group's exploration
licenses is 7 years, and may be renewed twice within 30 days prior to
expiration of the original term with each renewal being for a two-year term.
The Group is obligated to make progressive annual minimum exploration
investment relating to the exploration blocks in respect of which the license
is issued. The Ministry of Natural Resources also issues production licenses
to the Group on the basis of the reserve reports approved by relevant
authorities. The maximum term of a full production license is 30 years unless
a special dispensation is given by the State Council. The maximum term of the
production licenses issued to the Group is 80 years as a special dispensation
was given to the Group by the State Council. The Group's production license is
renewable upon application by the Group 30 days prior to expiration.


The Group is required to make payments of exploration license fees and
production right usage fees to the Ministry of Natural Resources annually
which are expensed.


Estimated future annual payments are as follows:


                               At 30 June   At 31 December   
                               2022         2021             
                               RMB million  RMB million      
 Within one year               356          301              
 Between one and two years     123          112              
 Between two and three years   120          110              
 Between three and four years  96           102              
 Between four and five years   60           64               
 Thereafter                    849          846              
 Total                         1,604        1,535            


The implementation of commitments in previous year and the Group's commitments
did not have material discrepancy.




(a)  The Company has been advised by its PRC lawyers that, except for
liabilities constituting or arising out of or relating to the business assumed
by the Company in the Reorganisation, no other liabilities were assumed by the
Company, and the Company is not jointly and severally liable for other debts
and obligations incurred by Sinopec Group Company prior to the Reorganisation.


(b)  At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the guarantees by the Group in
respect of facilities granted to the parties below are as follows:


                     At 30 June   At 31 December   
                     2022         2021             
                     RMB million  RMB million      
 Joint ventures (i)  9,025        9,117            
 Associates (ii)     4,394        5,746            
 Total               13,419       14,863           




(i)    The Group provided a guarantee in respect to standby credit
facilities granted to Zhongan United Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. ("Zhongan
United") by banks amounting to RMB7,100 million (31 December 2021: RMB7,100
million). As at 30 June 2022, the amount withdrawn (the portion corresponding
to the shareholding ratio of the Group) by Zhongan United from banks and
guaranteed by the Group was RMB5,467 million (31 December 2021: RMB5,680


The Group provided a guarantee in respect to standby credit facilities granted
to Amur Gas Chemical Complex Limited Liability Company ("Amur Gas") by banks
amounting to RMB17,643 million (31 December 2021: RMB23,208 million), and
secured by a pledge of its 40% equity interest in Amur Gas. As at 30 June
2022, the amount withdrawn (the portion corresponding to the shareholding
ratio of the Group) by Amur Gas from banks and guaranteed by the Group was
RMB3,538 million (31 December 2021: RMB3,264 million).


The Group provided a guarantee in respect to payment obligation under the raw
material supply agreement of Amur Gas amounting to RMB16,309 million (31
December 2021: RMB15,493 million). As at 30 June 2022, Amur Gas has not yet
incurred the relevant payment obligations and therefore the Group has no
guarantee amount (31 December 2021: Nil).


The Group provided a guarantee in respect the engineering services agreement
of Amur Gas amounting to RMB2,924 million (31 December 2021: RMB3,012
million). As at 30 June 2022, the relevant payables for constructions of Amur
Gas (the portion corresponding to the shareholding ratio of the Group) and
guaranteed by the Group was RMB20 million (31 December 2021: RMB173 million).


(ii)   The Group provided a guarantee in respect to standby credit
facilities granted to Zhongtian Synergetic Energy by banks amounting to
RMB17,050 million(31 December 2021: RMB17,050 million). As at 30 June 2022,
the amount withdrawn (the portion corresponding to the shareholding ratio of
the Group) by Zhongtian Synergetic Energy and guaranteed by the Group was
RMB4,394 million (2021: RMB5,746 million).


Management monitors the risk that the specified debtor will default on the
contract and recognises a provision when ECLs on the financial guarantees are
determined to be higher than the carrying amount in respect of the guarantees.
At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group estimates that there is no
material liability has been accrued for ECLs related to the Group's obligation
under these guarantee arrangements.


Environmental contingencies


Under existing legislation, management believes that there are no probable
liabilities that will have a material adverse effect on the financial position
or operating results of the Group. The PRC government, however, has moved, and
may move further towards more rigorous enforcement of applicable laws, and
towards the adoption of more stringent environmental standards. Environmental
liabilities are subject to considerable uncertainties which affect the Group's
ability to estimate the ultimate cost of remediation efforts. These
uncertainties include (i) the exact nature and extent of the contamination at
various sites including, but not limited to refineries, oil fields, service
stations, terminals and land development areas, whether operating, closed or
sold, (ii) the extent of required cleanup efforts, (iii) varying costs of
alternative remediation strategies, (iv) changes in environmental remediation
requirements, and (v) the identification of new remediation sites. The amount
of such future cost is indeterminable due to such factors as the unknown
magnitude of possible contamination and the unknown timing and extent of the
corrective actions that may be required. Accordingly, the outcome of
environmental liabilities under proposed or future environmental legislation
cannot reasonably be estimated at present, and could be material.


The Group recognised normal routine pollutant discharge fees of approximately
RMB4,355 million in the consolidated financial statements for the six-month
period ended 30 June 2022 (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB4,211


Legal contingencies


The Group is a defendant in certain lawsuits as well as the named party in
other proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. Management has
assessed the likelihood of an unfavourable outcome of such contingencies,
lawsuits or other proceedings and believes that any resulting liabilities will
not have a material adverse effect on the financial position, operating
results or cash flows of the Group.




Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's operating segments.
The format is based on the Group's management and internal reporting


In a manner consistent with the way in which information is reported
internally to the Group's chief operating decision maker for the purposes of
resource allocation and performance assessment, the Group has identified the
following five reportable segments. No operating segments have been aggregated
to form the following reportable segments.


(i)   Exploration and production - which explores and develops oil fields,
produces crude oil and natural gas and sells such products to the refining
segment of the Group and external customers.


(ii)  Refining - which processes and purifies crude oil, which is sourced
from the exploration and production segment of the Group and external
suppliers, and manufactures and sells petroleum products to the chemicals and
marketing and distribution segments of the Group and external customers.


(iii) Marketing and distribution - which owns and operates oil depots and
service stations in the PRC, and distributes and sells refined petroleum
products (mainly gasoline and diesel) in the PRC through wholesale and retail
sales networks.


(iv) Chemicals - which manufactures and sells petrochemical products,
derivative petrochemical products and other chemical products to external


(v)  Corporate and others - which largely comprise the trading activities of
the import and export companies of the Group and research and development
undertaken by other subsidiaries.


The segments were determined primarily because the Group manages its
exploration and production, refining, marketing and distribution, chemicals,
and corporate and others businesses separately. The reportable segments are
each managed separately because they manufacture and/or distribute distinct
products with different production processes and due to their distinct
operating and gross margin characteristics.


(1)  Information of reportable segmental revenues, profits or losses, assets
and liabilities


The Group's chief operating decision maker evaluates the performance and
allocates resources to its operating segments on an operating profit basis,
without considering the effects of finance costs or investment income.
Inter-segment transfer pricing is based on the market price or cost plus an
appropriate margin, as specified by the Group's policy.


Assets and liabilities dedicated to a particular segment's operations are
included in that segment's total assets and liabilities. Segment assets
include all tangible and intangible assets, except for cash at bank and on
hand, long-term equity investments, deferred tax assets and other unallocated
assets. Segment liabilities exclude short-term loans, non-current liabilities
due within one year, long-term loans, debentures payable, deferred tax
liabilities, other non-current liabilities and other unallocated liabilities.




(1)  Information of reportable segmental revenues, profits or losses, assets
and liabilities (Continued)

Reportable information on the Group's operating segments is as follows:


                                                Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                2022              2021               
                                                RMB million       RMB million        
 Income from principal operations                                                    
 Exploration and production                                                          
 External sales                                 95,825            67,727             
 Inter-segment sales                            60,314            39,391             
                                                156,139           107,118            
 External sales                                 98,941            79,792             
 Inter-segment sales                            674,791           543,681            
                                                773,732           623,473            
 Marketing and distribution                                                          
 External sales                                 767,183           613,521            
 Inter-segment sales                            4,916             2,967              
                                                772,099           616,488            
 External sales                                 234,168           197,756            
 Inter-segment sales                            39,089            30,030             
                                                273,257           227,786            
 Corporate and others                                                                
 External sales                                 386,119           272,727            
 Inter-segment sales                            525,043           340,701            
                                                911,162           613,428            
 Elimination of inter-segment sales             (1,304,153)       (956,770)          

 Consolidated income from principal operations  1,582,236         1,231,523          
 Income from other operations                                                        
 Exploration and production                     2,029             2,408              
 Refining                                       1,904             2,392              
 Marketing and distribution                     19,894            18,682             
 Chemicals                                      4,953             4,857              
 Corporate and others                           1,110             911                
 Consolidated income from other operations      29,890            29,250             

 Consolidated operating income                  1,612,126         1,260,773          


                                            Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                            2022              2021               
                                            RMB million       RMB million        
 Operating profit                                                                
 By segment                                                                      
 Exploration and production                 25,358            5,218              
 Refining                                   28,751            39,177             
 Marketing and distribution                 17,964            16,583             
 Chemicals                                  120               12,845             
 Corporate and others                       18,164            1,646              
 Elimination                                (11,210)          (12,860)           
 Total segment operating profit             79,147            62,609             
 Investment income                                                               
 Exploration and production                 2,087             1,772              
 Refining                                   404               617                
 Marketing and distribution                 (793)             887                
 Chemicals                                  1,524             4,891              
 Corporate and others                       (13,529)          (3,277)            
 Total segment investment (loss)/income     (10,307)          4,890              
 Less: Financial expenses                   5,337             4,902              
 Add: Other income                          2,121             1,244              
 (Losses)/gains from changes in fair value  (1,558)           116                
 Asset disposal gains                       135               281                

 Operating profit                           64,201            64,238             
 Add: Non-operating income                  855               696                
 Less: Non-operating expenses               1,079             1,081              
 Profit before taxation                     63,977            63,853             




(1)  Information of reportable segmental revenues, profits or losses, assets
and liabilities (Continued)


                                              At 30 June   At 31 December   
                                              2022         2021             
                                              RMB million  RMB million      
 Segment assets                                                             
 Exploration and production                   384,553      371,100          
 Refining                                     351,070      304,785          
 Marketing and distribution                   393,481      377,499          
 Chemicals                                    242,373      222,803          
 Corporate and others                         185,924      133,961          
 Total segment assets                         1,557,401    1,410,148        
 Cash at bank and on hand                     233,937      221,989          
 Long-term equity investments                 219,347      209,179          
 Deferred tax assets                          20,179       19,389           
 Other unallocated assets                     28,950       28,550           
 Total assets                                 2,059,814    1,889,255        
 Segment liabilities                                                        
 Exploration and production                   169,851      159,358          
 Refining                                     69,282       129,103          
 Marketing and distribution                   207,241      210,215          
 Chemicals                                    70,613       65,103           
 Corporate and others                         259,004      197,447          
 Total segment liabilities                    775,991      761,226          
 Short-term loans                             43,169       27,366           
 Non-current liabilities due within one year  66,409       28,651           
 Long-term loans                              77,556       49,341           
 Debentures payable                           14,868       42,649           
 Deferred tax liabilities                     8,860        7,910            
 Other non-current liabilities                20,146       18,276           
 Other unallocated liabilities                121,143      37,795           
 Total liabilities                            1,128,142    973,214          


                                           Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                           2022              2021               
                                           RMB million       RMB million        
 Capital expenditure                                                            
 Exploration and production                33,337            23,965             
 Refining                                  8,929             7,913              
 Marketing and distribution                3,072             6,773              
 Chemicals                                 18,214            19,042             
 Corporate and others                      1,102             355                
                                           64,654            58,048             
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                                       
 Exploration and production                21,604            23,745             
 Refining                                  10,273            10,039             
 Marketing and distribution                11,645            11,459             
 Chemicals                                 8,639             7,735              
 Corporate and others                      1,477             1,488              
                                           53,638            54,466             
 Impairment losses on long-lived assets                                         
 Exploration and production                -                 -                  
 Refining                                  2                 427                
 Marketing and distribution                -                 52                 
 Chemicals                                 -                 50                 
 Corporate and others                      -                 -                  
                                           2                 529                




(2)  Geographical information

The following tables set out information about the geographical information of
the Group's external sales and the Group's non-current assets, excluding
financial assets and deferred tax assets. In presenting information on the
basis of geographical segments, segment revenue is based on the geographical
location of customers, and segment assets are based on the geographical
location of the assets.


                 Six-month period ended 30 June       
                 2022              2021               
                 RMB million       RMB million        
 External sales                                       
 Mainland China  1,243,368         972,498            
 Singapore       193,966           141,109            
 Others          174,792           147,166            
                 1,612,126         1,260,773          


                     At 30 June   At 31 December   
                     2022         2021             
                     RMB million  RMB million      
 Non-current assets                                
 Mainland China      1,288,998    1,268,814        
 Others              42,004       40,551           
                     1,331,002    1,309,365        






Financial assets of the Group include cash at bank and on hand, financial
assets held for trading, derivative financial assets, accounts receivable,
receivables financing, other receivables and other equity instrument
investments. Financial liabilities of the Group include short-term loans,
derivative financial liabilities, bills payable, accounts payable, employee
benefits payable, other payables, long-term loans, debentures payable and
lease liabilities.


The Group has exposure to the following risks from its uses of financial


‧  credit risk;


‧  liquidity risk; and


‧  market risk.


The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment and
oversight of the Group's risk management framework, and developing and
monitoring the Group's risk management policies.


The Group's risk management policies are established to identify and analyse
the risks faced by the Group, and set appropriate risk limits and controls and
to monitor risks and adherence to limits. Risk management policies and systems
are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Group's
activities. The Group, through its training and management standards and
procedures, aims to develop a disciplined and constructive control environment
in which all employees understand their roles and obligations. Internal audit
department undertakes both regular and ad hoc reviews of risk management
controls and procedures, the results of which are reported to the Group's
audit committee.


Credit risk


(i)   Risk management


Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer or
counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual
obligations, and arises principally from the Group's deposits placed with
financial institutions (including structured deposits) and receivables from
customers. To limit exposure to credit risk relating to deposits, the Group
primarily places cash deposits only with large financial institutions in the
PRC with acceptable credit ratings. The majority of the Group's accounts
receivable relates to sales of petroleum and chemical products to related
parties and third parties operating in the petroleum and chemical industries.
No single customer accounted for greater than 10% of total accounts receivable
at 30 June 2022, except for the amounts due from Sinopec Group Company and
fellow subsidiaries. The Group performs ongoing credit evaluations of its
customers' financial condition and generally does not require collateral on
accounts receivable. The Group maintains an impairment loss for doubtful
accounts and actual losses have been within management's expectations.


The carrying amounts of cash at bank and on hand, financial assets held for
trading, derivative financial assets, accounts receivable, receivables
financing, other receivables and long-term receivables, represent the Group's
maximum exposure to credit risk in relation to financial assets.




Credit risk (Continued)


(ii)  Impairment of financial assets


The Group's primary type of financial assets that are subject to the expected
credit loss model is accounts receivable, receivables financing and other


The Group's cash deposits are placed only with large financial institutions
with acceptable credit ratings, and there is no material impairment loss


For accounts receivable, and receivables financing, the Group applies the
"No.22 Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Financial instruments:
recognition and measurement" simplified approach to measuring expected credit
losses which uses a lifetime expected loss allowance for all accounts
receivable, and receivables financing.


To measure the expected credit losses, accounts receivable, and receivables
financing have been grouped based on shared credit risk characteristics and
the days past due.


The expected loss rates are based on the payment profiles of sales over a
period of 36 months before 30 June 2022 or 31 December 2021, respectively, and
the corresponding historical credit losses experienced within this period. The
historical loss rates are adjusted to reflect current and forward-looking
information on macroeconomic factors affecting the ability of the customers to
settle the accounts receivable, and receivables financing.


The detailed analysis of accounts receivable and receivables financing is
listed in Note 8 and Note 9.


The Group's other receivables are considered to have low credit risk, and the
loss allowance recognised during the period was therefore limited to 12 months
expected credit losses. The Group considers "low credit risk" for other
receivables when they have a low risk of default and the issuer has a strong
capacity to meet its contractual cash flow obligations in the near term.


Liquidity risk


Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group encounters short fall of capital
when meeting its obligation of financial liabilities. The Group's approach to
managing liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have
sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and
stressed capital conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking
damage to the Group's reputation. The Group prepares monthly cash flow budget
to ensure that they will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its
financial obligations as they fall due. The Group arranges and negotiates
financing with financial institutions and maintains a certain level of standby
credit facilities to reduce the liquidity risk.


At 30 June 2022, the Group has standby credit facilities with several PRC
financial institutions which provide the Group to borrow up to RMB453,635
million (31 December 2021: RMB441,559 million) on an unsecured basis, at a
weighted average interest rate of 2.70% per annum (2021: 2.81%). At 30 June
2022, the Group's outstanding borrowings under these facilities were RMB34,507
million (31 December 2021: RMB11,700 million) and were included in loans.


The following table sets out the remaining contractual maturities at the
balance sheet date of the Group's financial liabilities, which are based on
contractual undiscounted cash flows (including interest payments computed
using contractual rates or, if floating, based on prevailing rates at the
balance sheet date) and the earliest date the Group would be required to


                                              At 30 June 2022                                                                       
                                              Carrying     Total          Within one   More than      More than       More than     

                                              amount       contractual    year or on   one year but   two years but   five years

                                                           undiscounted   demand       less than      less than

                                                           cash flow                   two years      five years
                                              RMB million  RMB million    RMB million  RMB million    RMB million     RMB million   
 Short-term loans                             43,169       43,749         43,749       -              -               -             
 Derivative financial liabilities             15,367       15,367         15,367       -              -               -             
 Bills payable                                11,347       11,347         11,347       -              -               -             
 Accounts payable                             236,871      236,871        236,871      -              -               -             
 Other payables                               122,481      122,481        122,481      -              -               -             
 Non-current liabilities due within one year  66,409       68,112         68,112       -              -               -             
 Short-term corporate bonds                   74,008       74,545         74,545       -              -               -             
 Long-term loans                              77,556       84,141         1,922        11,138         64,844          6,237         
 Debentures payable                           14,868       18,700         473          2,423          10,323          5,481         
 Lease liabilities                            168,646      283,344        -            12,819         36,882          233,643       
 Total                                        830,722      958,657        574,867      26,380         112,049         245,361       




Liquidity risk (Continued)


                                              At 31 December 2021                                                                   
                                              Carrying     Total          Within one   More than      More than       More than     

                                              amount       contractual    year or on   one year but   two years but   five years

                                                           undiscounted   demand       less than      less than

                                                           cash flow                   two years      five years
                                              RMB million  RMB million    RMB million  RMB million    RMB million     RMB million   
 Short-term loans                             27,366       27,787         27,787       -              -               -             
 Derivative financial liabilities             3,223        3,223          3,223        -              -               -             
 Bills payable                                11,721       11,721         11,721       -              -               -             
 Accounts payable                             203,919      203,919        203,919      -              -               -             
 Other payables                               128,749      128,749        128,749      -              -               -             
 Non-current liabilities due within one year  28,651       29,554         29,554       -              -               -             
 Long-term loans                              49,341       53,704         1,230        19,350         27,786          5,338         
 Debentures payable                           42,649       47,553         1,195        30,645         10,443          5,270         
 Lease liabilities                            170,233      280,652        -            12,030         35,412          233,210       
 Total                                        665,852      786,862        407,378      62,025         73,641          243,818       


Management believes that the Group's current cash on hand, expected cash flows
from operations and available standby credit facilities from financial
institutions will be sufficient to meet the Group's short-term and long-term
capital requirements.


Market risk


Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as foreign
exchange rates and interest rates. The objective of market risk management is
to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters,
while optimising the return on risk.


(a)  Currency risk


Currency risk arises on financial instruments that are denominated in a
currency other than the functional currency in which they are measured.


The Group does not have significant financial instruments that are denominated
in foreign currencies other than the functional currencies of respective
entities as at 30 June, and consequently does not have significant exposure to
foreign currency risk.


(b)  Interest rate risk


The Group's interest rate risk exposure arises primarily from its short-term
and long-term loans. Loans carrying interest at variable interest rates and at
fixed interest rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk and fair
value interest rate risk respectively. The interest rates and terms of
repayment of short-term and long-term loans of the Group are disclosed in Note
23 and Note 32, respectively.


At 30 June 2022, it is estimated that a general increase/decrease of 100 basis
points in variable interest rates, with all other variables held constant,
would decrease/increase the Group's net profit for the period by approximately
RMB485 million (31 December 2021: decrease/increase RMB254 million). This
sensitivity analysis has been determined assuming that the change of interest
rates was applied to the Group's debts outstanding at the balance sheet date
with exposure to cash flow interest rate risk. The analysis is performed on
the same basis for 2021.


(c)  Commodity price risk


The Group engages in oil and gas operations and is exposed to commodity price
risk related to price volatility of crude oil, refined oil products and
chemical products. The fluctuations in prices of crude oil, refined oil
products and chemical products could have significant impact on the Group. The
Group uses derivative financial instruments, including commodity futures and
swaps contracts, to manage a portion of such risk.


Evaluate and monitor market risk exposure arising from trading positions based
on dynamic market research and judgment, combined with resource demand and
production and management plans, to continuously manage and hedge the risk of
commodity price fluctuations arising from market changes.


At 30 June 2022, the Group had certain commodity contracts of crude oil,
refined oil products and chemical products designated as qualified cash flow
hedges and economic hedges. At 30 June 2022, the fair value of such derivative
hedging financial instruments is derivative financial assets of RMB39,965
million (31 December 2021: RMB18,359 million) and derivative financial
liabilities of RMB15,349 million (31 December 2021: RMB3,214 million).




Market risk (Continued)


(c)  Commodity price risk (Continued)


At 30 June 2022, it is estimated that a general increase/decrease of USD10 per
barrel in basic price of derivative financial instruments, with all other
variables held constant, would impact the fair value of derivative financial
instruments, which would decrease/increase the Group's net profit for the
period by approximately RMB2,700 million (31 December 2021: decrease/increase
RMB2,996 million), and increase/decrease the Group's other comprehensive
income by approximately RMB2,383 million (31 December 2021: decrease/increase
RMB1,160 million). This sensitivity analysis has been determined assuming that
the change in prices had occurred at the balance sheet date and the change was
applied to the Group's derivative financial instruments at that date with
exposure to commodity price risk. The analysis is performed on the same basis
for 2021.


Fair values


(i)   Financial instruments carried at fair value


The following table presents the carrying value of financial instruments
measured at fair value at the balance sheet date across the three levels of
the fair value hierarchy. With the fair value of each financial instrument
categorised in its entirely based on the lowest level of input that is
significant to that fair value measurement. The levels are defined as follows:


‧  Level 1 (highest level): fair values measured using quoted prices
(unadjusted) in active markets for identical financial instruments.


‧  Level 2: fair values measured using quoted prices in active markets for
similar financial instruments, or using valuation techniques in which all
significant inputs are directly or indirectly based on observable market data.


‧  Level 3 (lowest level): fair values measured using valuation techniques
in which any significant input is not based on observable market data.


At 30 June 2022


The Group


                                       Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total         
                                       RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Financial assets held for trading:                                                         
 - Structured deposits                 -            -            1,009        1,009         
 - Exchange traded fund                3            -            -            3             
 Derivative financial assets:                                                               
 - Derivative financial assets         13,287       27,102       -            40,389        
 Receivables financing:                                                                     
 - Receivables financing               -            -            5,889        5,889         
 Other equity instrument investments:                                                       
 - Other Investments                   171          -            600          771           
                                       13,461       27,102       7,498        48,061        
 Derivative financial liabilities:                                                          
 - Derivative financial liabilities    2,773        12,594       -            15,367        
                                       2,773        12,594       -            15,367        




Fair values (Continued)


(i)   Financial instruments carried at fair value (Continued)


At 31 December 2021


The Group


                                       Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total         
                                       RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Derivative financial assets:                                                               
 - Derivative financial assets         5,883        12,488       -            18,371        
 Receivables financing:                                                                     
 - Receivables financing               -            -            5,939        5,939         
 Other equity instrument investments:                                                       
 - Other Investments                   179          -            588          767           
                                       6,062        12,488       6,527        25,077        
 Derivative financial liabilities:                                                          
 - Derivative financial liabilities    804          2,419        -            3,223         
                                       804          2,419        -            3,223         


During the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, there was no transfer between
instruments in Level 1 and Level 2.


Management of the Group uses discounted cash flow model with inputted interest
rate and commodity index, which were influenced by historical fluctuation and
the probability of market fluctuation, to evaluate the fair value of the
structured deposits and receivables financing classified as Level 3 financial


(ii)  Fair values of financial instruments carried at other than fair value


The fair values of the Group's financial instruments carried at other than
fair value (other than long-term indebtedness and investments in unquoted
equity securities) approximate their carrying amounts due to the short-term
maturity of these instruments. The fair values of long-term indebtedness are
estimated by discounting future cash flows using current market interest rates
offered to the Group for debt with substantially the same characteristic and
maturities range from 2.15% to 4.45% (31 December 2021: from 0.30% to 4.65%).
The following table presents the carrying amount and fair value of the Group's
long-term indebtedness other than loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow
subsidiaries at 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021:


                  At 30 June   At 31 December   
                  2022         2021             
                  RMB million  RMB million      
 Carrying amount  123,161      88,593           
 Fair value       119,810      85,610           


The Group has not developed an internal valuation model necessary to estimate
the fair value of loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries as
it is not considered practicable to estimate their fair value because the cost
of obtaining discount and borrowing rates for comparable borrowings would be
excessive based on the Reorganisation of the Group, its existing capital
structure and the terms of the borrowings.


Except for the above items, the financial assets and liabilities of the Group
are carried at amounts not materially different from their fair values at 30
June 2022 and 31 December 2021.




(i)   Basic earnings per share


Basic earnings per share is calculated by the net profit attributable to
equity shareholders of the Company and the weighted average number of
outstanding ordinary shares of the Company:


                                                                              Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                              2022              2021               
 Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company (RMB million)  43,530            39,426             
 Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares of the Company        121,071           121,071            
 Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                         0.360             0.326              


The calculation of the weighted average number of ordinary shares is as


                                                                              Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                              2022              2021               
 Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares of the Company at 1   121,071           121,071            
 January (million)
 Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares of the Company at 30  121,071           121,071            
 June (million)


(ii)  Diluted earnings per share


There are no potential dilutive ordinary shares, and the diluted earnings per
share are equal to the basic earnings per share.




In accordance with "Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures
of Companies Issuing Public Shares No.9 - Calculation and Disclosure of the
Return on Net Assets and Earnings Per Share" (2010 revised) issued by the CSRC
and relevant accounting standards, the Group's return on net assets and
earnings per share are calculated as follows:


 Six-month period ended 30 June                                                  2022                                     2021                                      
                                                                                 Weighted     Basic        Diluted        Weighted     Basic        Diluted         

                                                                                 average      earnings     earnings per   average      earnings     earnings per

                                                                                 return on    per share    share          return on    per share    share

                                                                                 net assets                               net assets
                                                                                 (%)          (RMB/Share)  (RMB/Share)    (%)          (RMB/Share)  (RMB/Share)     
 Net profit attributable to the Company's ordinary equity shareholders           5.57         0.360        0.360          5.20         0.326        0.326           
 Net profit deducted extraordinary gains attributable to the Company's ordinary  5.50         0.355        0.355          5.06         0.317        0.317           
 equity shareholders




 Non-recurring profit/loss items                                    Six-month period ended       Six-month period ended        

                                                                    30 June 2022                 30 June 2021
                                                                    (Profit)/loss (RMB Million)  (Profit)/loss (RMB Million)   
 Net profit on disposal of non-current assets                       (135)                        (281)                         
 Donations                                                          101                          8                             
 Government grants                                                  (1,340)                      (1,549)                       
 Gains on holding and disposal of business and various investments  (125)                        (166)                         
 Other non-operating income and expenses, net                       288                          690                           
 Net profit/(loss) acquired through business combination under      -                            (376)                         

 common control during the reporting period
 Subtotal                                                           (1,211)                      (1,674)                       
 Tax effect                                                         475                          491                           
 Total                                                              (736)                        (1,183)                       
 Attributable to:                                                                                                              
 Equity shareholders of the Company                                 (570)                        (1,006)                       
 Minority interests                                                 (166)                        (177)                         




Review report to the Board of Directors of China Petroleum & Chemical

(Incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability)




We have reviewed the interim financial report set out on page 109 to 142 which
comprises the consolidated statement of financial position of China Petroleum
& Chemical Corporation (the "Company") as of 30 June 2022 and the related
consolidated income statement, statement of comprehensive income, statement of
changes in equity and statement of cash flow for the six-month period then
ended and explanatory notes. The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on
The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited require the preparation of an interim
financial report to be in compliance with the relevant provisions thereof and
International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, issued by
the International Accounting Standards Board. The directors are responsible
for the preparation and presentation of the interim financial report in
accordance with International Accounting Standard 34.


Our responsibility is to form a conclusion, based on our review, on the
interim financial report and to report our conclusion solely to you, as a
body, in accordance with our agreed terms of engagement, and for no other
purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or accept liability to any
other person for the contents of this report.


Scope of Review


We conducted our review in accordance with Hong Kong Standard on Review
Engagements 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the
Independent Auditor of the Entity, issued by the Hong Kong Institute of
Certified Public Accountants. A review of the interim financial report
consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial
and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A
review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to
obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that
might be identified in an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit




Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that the interim financial report as at 30 June 2022 is not prepared,
in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard
34, Interim Financial Reporting.







Certified Public Accountants


8th Floor, Prince's Building

10 Chater Road

Central, Hong Kong


26 August 2022




               For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022

               (Amounts in million, except per share data)


                                                                    Notes  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                           2022              2021               
                                                                           RMB               RMB                
 Revenue from primary business                                      3      1,582,236         1,231,523          
 Other operating revenues                                                  29,890            29,250             
                                                                           1,612,126         1,260,773          
 Operating expenses                                                                                             
 Purchased crude oil, products and operating supplies and expenses         (1,262,183)       (945,555)          
 Selling, general and administrative expenses                              (26,797)          (25,810)           
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                                  (53,638)          (54,466)           
 Exploration expenses, including dry holes                                 (5,738)           (4,846)            
 Personnel expenses                                                        (49,223)          (45,195)           
 Taxes other than income tax                                        4      (134,409)         (120,900)          
 Impairment reversal on trade and other receivables                        72                55                 
 Other operating income/(expenses), net                                    (17,286)          (5,570)            
 Total operating expenses                                                  (1,549,202)       (1,202,287)        

 Operating profit                                                          62,924            58,486             
 Finance costs                                                                                                  
 Interest expense                                                          (8,124)           (7,660)            
 Interest income                                                           3,012             2,663              
 Foreign currency exchange (losses)/gains, net                             (225)             95                 
 Net finance costs                                                         (5,337)           (4,902)            
 Investment income                                                         126               114                
 Share of profits less losses from associates and joint ventures           7,327             11,133             

 Profit before taxation                                                    65,040            64,831             
 Income tax expense                                                 5      (14,461)          (15,052)           
 Profit for the period                                                     50,579            49,779             
 Attributable to:                                                                                               
 Shareholders of the Company                                               44,451            40,227             
 Non-controlling interests                                                 6,128             9,552              
 Profit for the period                                                     50,579            49,779             
 Earnings per share:                                                                                            
 Basic                                                              7      0.367             0.332              
 Diluted                                                            7      0.367             0.332              


Notes to the financial statements on pages 116 to 142 are parts of the interim
condensed consolidated financial statements. Details of dividends payable to
shareholders of the Company attributable to the profit for the period are set
out in Note 6.



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022

(Amounts in million)


                                                                          Notes  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                                 2022              2021               
                                                                                 RMB               RMB                
 Profit for the period                                                           50,579            49,779             
 Other comprehensive income:                                                                                          
 Item that may not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                                                     
 Equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income             (17)              8                  
 Total items that may not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss         (17)              8                  
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                                                        
 Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures            3,397             121                
 Cash flow hedges                                                                10,258            8,640              
 Cost of hedging reserve                                                         (844)             (40)               
 Foreign currency translation differences                                        3,913             (621)              
 Total items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss             16,724            8,100              
 Total other comprehensive income                                                16,707            8,108              

 Total comprehensive income for the period                                       67,286            57,887             
 Attributable to:                                                                                                     
 Shareholders of the Company                                                     60,484            48,211             
 Non-controlling interests                                                       6,802             9,676              
 Total comprehensive income for the period                                       67,286            57,887             


Notes to the financial statements on pages 116 to 142 are parts of the interim
condensed consolidated financial statements.



As at 30 June 2022

(Amounts in million)


                                                                    Notes  30 June    31 December   
                                                                           2022       2021          
                                                                           RMB        RMB           
 Non-current assets                                                                                 
 Property, plant and equipment, net                                 8      599,254    598,925       
 Construction in progress                                           9      169,056    155,939       
 Right-of-use assets                                                10     267,501    268,408       
 Goodwill                                                                  8,727      8,594         
 Interest in associates                                                    158,314    148,729       
 Interest in joint ventures                                                61,033     60,450        
 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income  13     771        767           
 Deferred tax assets                                                       20,179     19,389        
 Long-term prepayments and other assets                             11     68,546     70,030        
 Total non-current assets                                                  1,353,381  1,331,231     
 Current assets                                                                                     
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                 139,178    108,590       
 Time deposits with financial institutions                                 94,759     113,399       
 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                     1,012      -             
 Derivative financial assets                                               40,389     18,371        
 Trade accounts receivable                                          12     63,717     34,861        
 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income  13     5,889      5,939         
 Inventories                                                               285,032    207,433       
 Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                 76,457     69,431        
 Total current assets                                                      706,433    558,024       
 Current liabilities                                                                                
 Short-term debts                                                   14     159,555    35,252        
 Loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries           14     3,596      2,873         
 Lease liabilities                                                  15     16,239     15,173        
 Derivative financial liabilities                                          15,367     3,223         
 Trade accounts payable and bills payable                           16     248,218    215,640       
 Contract liabilities                                                      124,411    124,622       
 Other payables                                                            221,055    239,688       
 Income tax payable                                                        5,182      4,809         
 Total current liabilities                                                 793,623    641,280       

 Net current liabilities                                                   87,190     83,256        

 Total assets less current liabilities                                     1,266,191  1,247,975     
 Non-current liabilities                                                                            
 Long-term debts                                                    14     77,671     78,300        
 Loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries           14     14,753     13,690        
 Lease liabilities                                                  15     168,646    170,233       
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                  8,860      7,910         
 Provisions                                                                44,443     43,525        
 Other long-term liabilities                                               21,077     19,243        
 Total non-current liabilities                                             335,450    332,901       

                                                                           930,741    915,074       
 Share capital                                                      17     121,071    121,071       
 Reserves                                                                  665,178    653,111       
 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company                  786,249    774,182       
 Non-controlling interests                                                 144,492    140,892       
 Total equity                                                              930,741    915,074       


These financial statements have been approved and authorised for issue by the
board of directors on 26 August 2022.







 Ma Yongsheng            Yu Baocai  Shou Donghua              
 Chairman                President  Chief Financial Officer   
 (Legal representative)                                       


Notes to the financial statements on pages 116 to 142 are parts of the interim
condensed consolidated financial statements.



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2021

(Amounts in million)


                                                           Share     Capital   Share     Statutory  Discretionary  Other      Retained   Total equity      Non-          Total equity   

                                                           capital   reserve   premium   surplus    surplus        reserves   earnings   attributable to   controlling

                                                                                         reserve    reserve                              shareholders      interests

                                                                                                                                         of the

                                                           RMB       RMB       RMB       RMB        RMB            RMB        RMB        RMB               RMB           RMB            
 Balance at 31 December 2020                               121,071   29,432    55,850    92,280     117,000        3,500      322,361    741,494           141,364       882,858        
 Adjustment for business combination                       -         4,831     -         -          -              -          -          4,831             13            4,844          

 of entities under common control (Note 19)
 Balance at 1 January 2021                                 121,071   34,263    55,850    92,280     117,000        3,500      322,361    746,325           141,377       887,702        
 Profit for the period                                     -         -         -         -          -              -          40,227     40,227            9,552         49,779         
 Other comprehensive income                                -         -         -         -          -              7,984      -          7,984             124           8,108          
 Total comprehensive income for the period                 -         -         -         -          -              7,984      40,227     48,211            9,676         57,887         
 Amounts transferred to initial carrying                   -         -         -         -          -              (8,121)    -          (8,121)           (549)         (8,670)        

 amount of hedged items
  Transactions with owners, recorded directly in equity:                                                                                                                                
 Contributions by and distributions to owners:                                                                                                                                          
 Final dividend for 2020 (Note 6)                          -         -         -         -          -              -          (15,739)   (15,739)          -             (15,739)       
 Distributions to non-controlling interests                -         -         -         -          -              -          -          -                 (1,885)       (1,885)        
 Contributions to subsidiaries                             -         -         -         -          -              -          -          -                 559           559            

 from non-controlling interests
 Total contributions by and distributions to owners        -         -         -         -          -              -          (15,739)   (15,739)          (1,326)       (17,065)       
 Transaction with non-controlling interests                -         (1,384)   -         -          -              -          -          (1,384)           (6,818)       (8,202)        

 Total transactions with owners                            -         (1,384)   -         -          -              -          (15,739)   (17,123)          (8,144)       (25,267)       
 Others                                                    -         121       -         -          -              778        (1,051)    (152)             (247)         (399)          

 Balance at 30 June 2021                                   121,071   33,000    55,850    92,280     117,000        4,141      345,798    769,140           142,113       911,253        


Notes to the financial statements on pages 116 to 142 are parts of the interim
condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                                         Share     Capital   Share     Statutory  Discretionary  Other      Retained   Total equity      Non-          Total equity   

                                                         capital   reserve   premium   surplus    surplus        reserves   earnings   attributable to   controlling

                                                                                       reserve    reserve                              shareholders      interests

                                                                                                                                       of the

                                                         RMB       RMB       RMB       RMB        RMB            RMB        RMB        RMB               RMB           RMB            
 Balance at 1 January 2022                               121,071   27,062    55,850    96,224     117,000        2,495      354,480    774,182           140,892       915,074        
 Profit for the period                                   -         -         -         -          -              -          44,451     44,451            6,128         50,579         
 Other comprehensive income                              -         -         -         -          -              16,033     -          16,033            674           16,707         
 Total comprehensive income for the period               -         -         -         -          -              16,033     44,451     60,484            6,802         67,286         
 Amounts transferred to initial carrying amount of       -         -         -         -          -              (8,786)    -          (8,786)           (430)         (9,216)        

 hedged items
 Transactions with owners, recorded directly in equity:                                                                                                                               
 Contributions by and distributions to owners:                                                                                                                                        
 Final dividend for 2021 (Note 6)                        -         -         -         -          -              -          (37,532)   (37,532)          -             (37,532)       
 Distributions to non-controlling interests              -         -         -         -          -              -          -          -                 (2,337)       (2,337)        
 Contributions to subsidiaries from                      -         -         -         -          -              -          -          -                 1,420         1,420          

 non-controlling interests
 Total contributions by and distributions                -         -         -         -          -              -          (37,532)   (37,532)          (917)         (38,449)       

 to owners
 Return of capital to non-controlling interests          -         -         -         -          -              -          -          -                 (1,713)       (1,713)        

 Total transactions with owners                          -         -         -         -          -              -          (37,532)   (37,532)          (2,630)       (40,162)       
 Other equity movements under the equity method          -         (2,102)   -         -          -              -          -          (2,102)           -             (2,102)        
 Others                                                  -         3         -         -          -              902        (902)      3                 (142)         (139)          

 Balance at 30 June 2022                                 121,071   24,963    55,850    96,224     117,000        10,644     360,497    786,249           144,492       930,741        




(a)    The usage of the discretionary surplus reserve is similar to that of
statutory surplus reserve.


(b)   As at 30 June 2022, the amount of retained earnings available for
distribution was RMB106,400 million (30 June 2021: RMB108,194 million), being
the amount determined in accordance with CASs. According to the Articles of
Association of the Company, the amount of retained earnings available for
distribution to shareholders of the Company is lower of the amount determined
in accordance with the accounting policies complying with CASs and the amount
determined in accordance with the accounting policies complying with
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").


(c)    The capital reserve primarily represents (i) the difference between
the total amount of the par value of shares issued and the amount of the net
assets transferred from Sinopec Group Company in connection with the
Reorganisation (Note 1); and (ii) the difference between the considerations
paid over or received the amount of the net assets of entities and related
operations acquired from or sold to Sinopec Group Company and non-controlling


(d)   The application of the share premium account is governed by Sections
167 and 168 of the PRC Company Law.


Notes to the financial statements on pages 116 to 142 are parts of the interim
condensed consolidated financial statements.



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022

(Amounts in million)


                                                                               Notes  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                                      2022              2021               
                                                                                      RMB               RMB                
 Net cash generated from operating activities                                  (a)    4,947             48,347             
 Investing activities                                                                                                      
 Capital expenditure                                                                  (54,711)          (49,435)           
 Exploratory wells expenditure                                                        (8,312)           (6,787)            
 Purchase of investments                                                              (5,019)           (2,576)            
 Payments for financial assets at fair value through profit or loss                   (1,008)           (6,650)            
 Proceeds from settlement of financial assets at fair value through profit or         6                 2,700              
 Payment for acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired                          (7,628)           -                  
 Proceeds from disposal of investments                                                437               4,937              
 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant, equipment and                             107               502                

 other non-current assets
 Increase in time deposits with maturities over three months                          (15,928)          (33,073)           
 Decrease in time deposits with maturities over three months                          34,568            17,558             
 Interest received                                                                    2,387             1,595              
 Investment and dividend income received                                              4,345             3,316              
 (Payments of)/proceeds from other investing activities                               (382)             1,923              
 Net cash used in investing activities                                                (51,138)          (65,990)           
 Financing activities                                                                                                      
 Proceeds from bank and other loans                                                   348,900           170,144            
 Repayments of bank and other loans                                                   (224,161)         (130,857)          
 Contributions to subsidiaries from non-controlling interests                         987               302                
 Dividends paid by the Company                                                        (37,532)          (15,739)           
 Distributions by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests                           (1,088)           (1,581)            
 Interest paid                                                                        (2,986)           (2,239)            
 Payments made to acquire non-controlling interests                                   -                 (1,410)            
 Repayments of lease liabilities                                                      (7,166)           (9,408)            
 Proceeds from other financing activities                                             32                78                 
 Payments of other financing activities                                               (1,774)           (640)              
 Net cash generated from financing activities                                         75,212            8,650              

 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                 29,021            (8,993)            
 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                                               108,590           87,559             
 Effect of foreign currency exchange rate changes                                     1,567             (452)              
 Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June                                                 139,178           78,114             


Notes to the financial statements on pages 116 to 142 are parts of the interim
condensed consolidated financial statements.



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022

(Amounts in million)


(a)  Reconciliation from profit before taxation to net cash generated from
operating activities


                                                                               Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                               2022              2021               
                                                                               RMB               RMB                
 Operating activities                                                                                               
 Profit before taxation                                                        65,040            64,831             
 Adjustments for:                                                                                                   
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                                      53,638            54,466             
 Dry hole costs written off                                                    3,725             2,640              
 Share of profits less losses from associates and joint ventures               (7,327)           (11,133)           
 Investment income                                                             (126)             (114)              
 Interest income                                                               (3,012)           (2,663)            
 Interest expense                                                              8,124             7,660              
 Loss on foreign currency exchange rate changes and derivative financial       2,405             520                
 Loss on disposal of property, plant, equipment and other non-current assets,  36                63                 
 Impairment losses on assets                                                   1,456             926                
 Impairment reversal on trade and other receivables                            (72)              (55)               
                                                                               123,887           117,141            
 Net changes from:                                                                                                  
 Accounts receivable and other current assets                                  (49,228)          (46,447)           
 Inventories                                                                   (79,034)          (48,011)           
 Accounts payable and other current liabilities                                18,842            41,379             
                                                                               14,467            64,062             
 Income tax paid                                                               (9,520)           (15,715)           
 Net cash generated from operating activities                                  4,947             48,347             


Notes to the financial statements on pages 116 to 142 are parts of the interim
condensed consolidated financial statements



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022




Principal activities


China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (the "Company") is an energy and
chemical company incorporated in the People's Republic of China (the "PRC")
that, through its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as the
"Group"), engages in oil and gas and chemical operations. Oil and gas
operations consist of exploring for, developing and producing crude oil and
natural gas; transporting crude oil and natural gas by pipelines; refining
crude oil into finished petroleum products; and marketing crude oil, natural
gas and refined petroleum products. Chemical operations include the
manufacture and marketing of a wide range of chemicals for industrial uses.




The Company was established in the PRC on 25 February 2000 as a joint stock
limited company as part of the reorganisation (the "Reorganisation") of China
Petrochemical Corporation ("Sinopec Group Company"), the ultimate holding
company of the Group and a ministry-level enterprise under the direct
supervision of the State Council of the PRC. Prior to the incorporation of the
Company, the oil and gas and chemical operations of the Group were carried on
by oil administration bureaux, petrochemical and refining production
enterprises and sales and marketing companies of Sinopec Group Company.


As part of the Reorganisation, certain of Sinopec Group Company's core oil and
gas and chemical operations and businesses together with the related assets
and liabilities were transferred to the Company. On 25 February 2000, in
consideration for Sinopec Group Company transferring such oil and gas and
chemical operations and businesses and the related assets and liabilities to
the Company, the Company issued 68.8 billion domestic state-owned ordinary
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each to Sinopec Group Company. The shares
issued to Sinopec Group Company on 25 February 2000 represented the entire
registered and issued share capital of the Company on that date. The oil and
gas and chemical operations and businesses transferred to the Company were
related to (i) the exploration, development and production of crude oil and
natural gas, (ii) the refining, transportation, storage and marketing of crude
oil and petroleum products, and (iii) the production and sales of chemicals.




This interim condensed consolidated financial report for the half-year
reporting period ended 30 June 2022 has been prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34, Interim Financial Reporting.


The interim report does not include all the notes of the type normally
included in an annual financial report. Accordingly, this report is to be read
in conjunction with the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2021 and
any public announcements made by the Group during the interim reporting


(a)  New and amended standards and interpretations adopted by the Group


The International Accounting Standard Board ("IASB") has issued the following
amendments to IFRSs that are first effective for the current accounting period
of the Group:


‧  Amendment to IAS 16, Property, plant and equipment: Proceeds before
intended use


‧  Amendment to IAS 37, Onerous contracts - cost of fulfilling a contract


None of these developments have had a material effect on how the Group's
results and financial position for the current or prior periods have been
prepared or presented. The Group has not applied any new standard or
interpretation that is not yet effective for the current accounting period.




Revenue from primary business mainly represents revenue from the sales of
refined petroleum products, chemical products, crude oil and natural gas,
which are recognised at a point in time.


                                        Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                        2022              2021               
                                        RMB million       RMB million        
 Gasoline                               389,830           345,353            
 Diesel                                 327,767           226,151            
 Crude oil                              278,099           204,510            
 Basic chemical feedstock               140,022           112,346            
 Synthetic resin                        74,451            70,793             
 Kerosene                               71,419            51,165             
 Natural gas                            38,017            30,007             
 Synthetic fiber monomers and polymers  25,186            21,885             
 Others (i)                             237,445           169,313            
                                        1,582,236         1,231,523          




(i)    Others are primarily liquefied petroleum gas and other refinery and
chemical by-products and joint products.




                             Six-month period ended 30 June       
                             2022              2021               
                             RMB million       RMB million        
 Consumption tax (i)         103,510           100,539            
 City construction tax (ii)  9,011             8,293              
 Special oil income levy     8,095             185                
 Education surcharge (ii)    6,486             6,132              
 Resources tax               4,404             3,004              
 Others                      2,903             2,747              
                             134,409           120,900            




(i)    Consumption tax was levied based on sales quantities of taxable
products, tax rates of respective products are presented as below:


 Products       RMB/Ton    
 Gasoline       2,109.76   
 Diesel         1,411.20   
 Naphtha        2,105.20   
 Solvent oil    1,948.64   
 Lubricant oil  1,711.52   
 Fuel oil       1,218.00   
 Jet fuel oil   1,495.20   


(ii)   City construction tax and education surcharge are levied on an entity
based on its paid amount of value-added tax and consumption tax.




Income tax expense in the consolidated income statement represents:


                              Six-month period ended 30 June       
                              2022              2021               
                              RMB million       RMB million        
 Current tax                                                       
 - Provision for the period   14,135            17,389             
 - Adjustment of prior years  370               36                 
 Deferred taxation            (44)              (2,373)            
                              14,461            15,052             




Dividends payable to shareholders of the Company attributable to the period


                                                                          Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                          2022              2021               
                                                                          RMB million       RMB million        
 Interim dividends declared after the date of the statement of financial  19,371            19,371             

 of RMB0.16 per share (2021: RMB0.16 per share)


Pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association and a resolution passed at
the Directors' meeting on 26 August 2022, the directors authorised to declare
the interim dividends for the year ending 31 December 2022 of RMB0.16 (2021:
RMB0.16) per share totalling RMB19,371 million (2021: RMB19,371 million).
Dividends declared after the date of the statement of financial position are
not recognised as a liability at the date of the statement of financial


Dividends payable to shareholders of the Company attributable to the previous
financial year, approved during the period represent:


                                                                            Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                            2022              2021               
                                                                            RMB million       RMB million        
                                                                            37,532            15,739             

 Final cash dividends in respect of the previous financial year, approved
 during the period

 of RMB0.31 per share (2021: RMB0.13 per share)


Pursuant to the shareholders' approval at the Annual General Meeting on 18 May
2022, a final dividend of RMB0.31 per share totalling RMB37,532 million
according to total shares on 9 June 2022 was approved. All dividends have been
paid in June 2022.


Pursuant to the shareholders' approval at the Annual General Meeting on 25 May
2021, a final dividend of RMB0.13 per share totalling RMB15,739 million
according to total shares on 16 June 2021 was approved. All dividends have
been paid in June 2021.




The calculation of basic earnings per share for the six-month period ended 30
June 2022 is based on profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
Company of RMB44,451 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: profit of
RMB40,227 million) and the weighted average number of shares of
121,071,209,646 (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: 121,071,209,646) during
the period.


There are no potential dilutive ordinary shares, and the diluted earnings per
share are equal to the basic earnings per share.




                                                  Plants and   Oil and gas  machinery                  
                                                  buildings    properties   and others   Total         
                                                  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2021                        138,550      757,592      996,702      1,892,844     
 Additions                                        28           739          339          1,106         
 Transferred from construction in progress        2,016        14,967       18,268       35,251        
 Reclassifications                                43           (32)         (11)         -             
 Invested into joint ventures and associates      (1)          -            (5)          (6)           
 Transferred to other long-term assets            (396)        (14)         (359)        (769)         
 Disposals                                        (350)        (188)        (3,666)      (4,204)       
 Exchange adjustments                             (23)         (408)        (38)         (469)         
 Balance at 30 June 2021                          139,867      772,656      1,011,230    1,923,753     
 Balance at 1 January 2022                        143,165      793,045      1,048,227    1,984,437     
 Additions                                        265          867          2,756        3,888         
 Transferred from construction in progress        1,611        14,221       23,179       39,011        
 Reclassifications                                395          (13)         (382)        -             
 Invested into joint ventures and associates      (6)          -            (75)         (81)          
 Transferred to other long-term assets            (15)         (5)          (441)        (461)         
 Disposals                                        (147)        (265)        (1,869)      (2,281)       
 Exchange adjustments                             109          2,146        165          2,420         
 Balance at 30 June 2022                          145,377      809,996      1,071,560    2,026,933     
 Accumulated depreciation and impairment losses:                                                       
 Balance at 1 January 2021                        63,540       620,720      614,969      1,299,229     
 Depreciation for the period                      2,271        17,247       23,839       43,357        
 Impairment losses for the period                 28           -            456          484           
 Reclassifications                                111          (28)         (83)         -             
 Invested into joint ventures and associates      -            -            (3)          (3)           
 Transferred to other long-term assets            (57)         (5)          (39)         (101)         
 Written back on disposals                        (217)        -            (3,512)      (3,729)       
 Exchange adjustments                             (12)         (392)        (21)         (425)         
 Balance at 30 June 2021                          65,664       637,542      635,606      1,338,812     
 Balance at 1 January 2022                        68,166       660,838      656,508      1,385,512     
 Depreciation for the period                      2,153        14,865       25,002       42,020        
 Impairment losses for the period                 -            -            2            2             
 Reclassifications                                240          (12)         (228)        -             
 Invested into joint ventures and associates      (1)          -            (22)         (23)          
 Transferred to other long-term assets            (6)          (3)          (33)         (42)          
 Written back on disposals                        (117)        (249)        (1,633)      (1,999)       
 Exchange adjustments                             52           2,057        100          2,209         
 Balance at 30 June 2022                          70,487       677,496      679,696      1,427,679     
 Net book value:                                                                                       
 Balance at 1 January 2021                        75,010       136,872      381,733      593,615       
 Balance at 30 June 2021                          74,203       135,114      375,624      584,941       
 Balance at 1 January 2022                        74,999       132,207      391,719      598,925       
 Balance at 30 June 2022                          74,890       132,500      391,864      599,254       


The additions to oil and gas properties of the Group for the six-month period
ended 30 June 2022 included RMB867 million (six-month period ended 30 June
2021: RMB728 million) of estimated dismantlement costs for site restoration.


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group had no individual significant
property, plant and equipment which have been pledged.


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group had no individual significant
property, plant and equipment which were temporarily idle or pending for


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group had no individual significant
fully depreciated property, plant and equipment which were still in use.




                                               Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                               2022              2021               
                                               RMB million       RMB million        
 Balance at 1 January                          155,939           125,525            
 Additions                                     59,688            54,889             
 Dry hole costs written off                    (3,725)           (2,640)            
 Transferred to property, plant and equipment  (39,011)          (35,251)           
 Reclassification to other long-term assets    (3,872)           (4,021)            
 Disposals and others                          5                 12                 
 Exchange adjustments                          32                (26)               
 Balance at 30 June                            169,056           138,488            


As at 30 June 2022, the amount of capitalised cost of exploratory wells
included in construction in progress related to the exploration and production
segment was RMB14,310 million (31 December 2021: RMB12,255 million). The
geological and geophysical exploration costs paid during the period ended 30
June 2022 were RMB1,943 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB2,103




                            Land         Others       Total         
                            RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Balance at 1 January 2022  263,756      46,921       310,677       
 Additions                  5,837        4,763        10,600        
 Decreases                  (2,985)      (1,210)      (4,195)       
 Balance at 30 June 2022    266,608      50,474       317,082       
 Accumulated depreciation:                                          
 Balance at 1 January 2022  27,122       15,147       42,269        
 Additions                  5,231        3,712        8,943         
 Decreases                  (932)        (699)        (1,631)       
 Balance at 30 June 2022    31,421       18,160       49,581        
 Net book value:                                                    
 Balance at 1 January 2022  236,634      31,774       268,408       
 Balance at 30 June 2022    235,187      32,314       267,501       




                                                                         30 June      31 December   
                                                                         2022         2021          
                                                                         RMB million  RMB million   
 Operating rights of service stations                                    28,774       29,714        
 Long-term receivables due from and prepayment to Sinopec Group Company  2,295        1,520         

 and fellow subsidiaries
 Prepayments for construction projects to third parties                  7,293        7,470         
 Others (i)                                                              30,184       31,326        
                                                                         68,546       70,030        




(i)    Others mainly comprise time deposits with terms of three years,
catalyst expenditures and improvement expenditures of property, plant and


The cost of operating rights of service stations is charged to expense on a
straight-line basis over the respective periods of the rights. The movement of
operating rights of service stations is as follows:


                                       Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                       2022              2021               
                                       RMB million       RMB million        
 Operating rights of service stations                                       
 Balance at 1 January                  53,791            53,567             
 Additions                             377               345                
 Decreases                             (221)             (176)              
 Balance at 30 June                    53,947            53,736             
 Accumulated amortisation:                                                  
 Balance at 1 January                  24,077            21,711             
 Additions                             1,181             1,148              
 Decreases                             (85)              (58)               
 Balance at 30 June                    25,173            22,801             
 Net book value at 30 June             28,774            30,935             




                                                                 30 June      31 December   
                                                                 2022         2021          
                                                                 RMB million  RMB million   
 Amounts due from third parties                                  55,159       30,159        
 Amounts due from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries  4,296        2,199         
 Amounts due from associates and joint ventures                  8,342        6,536         
                                                                 67,797       38,894        
 Less: Loss allowance for expected credit losses                 (4,080)      (4,033)       
                                                                 63,717       34,861        


The ageing analysis of trade accounts receivable (net of loss allowance for
expected credit losses) is as follows:


                              30 June      31 December   
                              2022         2021          
                              RMB million  RMB million   
 Within one year              63,254       34,180        
 Between one and two years    180          442           
 Between two and three years  254          221           
 Over three years             29           18            
                              63,717       34,861        


Loss allowance for expected credit losses are analysed as follows:


                              Six-month period ended 30 June       
                              2022              2021               
                              RMB million       RMB million        
 Balance at 1 January         4,033             3,860              
 Provision for the period     156               14                 
 Written back for the period  (217)             (50)               
 Written off for the period   (33)              (13)               
 Others                       141               (40)               
 Balance at 30 June           4,080             3,771              


Sales are generally on cash term. Credit is generally only available for major
customers with well-established trading records. Amounts due from Sinopec
Group Company and fellow subsidiaries are repayable under the same terms.


These receivables relate to a wide range of customers for whom there is no
recent history of default.


Information about the impairment of trade accounts receivable and the Group's
exposure to credit risk can be found in Note 22.




                                                     30 June      31 December   
                                                     2022         2021          
                                                     RMB million  RMB million   
 Non-current assets                                                             
 Unlisted equity instruments                         600          588           
 Listed equity instruments                           171          179           
 Current assets                                                                 
 Trade accounts receivable and bills receivable (i)  5,889        5,939         
                                                     6,660        6,706         




(i)    As at 30 June 2022, bills receivable and certain trade accounts
receivable were classified as financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income ("FVOCI"), as relevant business model is achieved both by
collecting contractual cash flows and selling of these assets.




Short-term debts represent:


                                                           30 June      31 December   
                                                           2022         2021          
                                                           RMB million  RMB million   
 Third parties' debts                                                                 
 Short-term bank loans                                     40,057       24,959        
 RMB denominated                                           40,057       24,959        
 Current portion of long-term bank loans                   17,113       3,293         
 RMB denominated                                           17,113       3,281         
 USD denominated                                           -            12            
 Current portion of long-term corporate bonds              28,377       7,000         
 RMB denominated                                           28,377       7,000         
 Corporate bonds                                           74,008       -             
 RMB denominated                                           74,008       -             

                                                           159,555      35,252        
 Loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries                             
 Short-term loans                                          3,112        2,407         
 RMB denominated                                           1,402        1,320         
 USD denominated                                           1,516        934           
 Euro denominated                                          194          153           
 Current portion of long-term loans                        484          466           
 RMB denominated                                           484          466           
                                                           3,596        2,873         

                                                           163,151      38,125        


The Group's weighted average interest rate on short-term loans was 2.69% (31
December 2021: 2.72%) per annum at 30 June 2022. The above borrowings are




Long-term debts represent:


                                       Interest rate and final maturity                        30 June            31 December         
                                                                                               2022               2021                
                                                                                               RMB million        RMB million         
 Third parties' debts                                                                                                                 
 Long-term bank loans                                                                                                                 
 RMB denominated                       Interest rates ranging from 1.08% to 4.00% per annum    79,865             38,880              

 at 30 June 2022 with maturities through 2039
 USD denominated                       Interest rates at 0.00% per annum at 30 June 2022       51                 64                  

 with maturities through 2038
                                                                                               79,916             38,944              
 Corporate bonds(i)                                                                                                                   
 RMB denominated                       Fixed interest rates ranging from 2.20% to 3.20% per    31,528             38,522              

 annum at 30 June 2022 with maturities through 2026
 USD denominated                       Fixed interest rates ranging from 3.13% to 4.25% per    11,717             11,127              

 annum at 30 June 2022 with maturities through 2043
                                                                                               43,245             49,649              

 Total third parties' long-term debts                                                          123,161            88,593              
 Less: Current portion                                                                         (45,490)           (10,293)            
                                                                                               77,671             78,300              
 Long-term loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries                                                                   
 RMB denominated                       Interest rates ranging from 1.08% to 5.23% per annum    14,966             12,988              

 at 30 June 2022 with maturities through 2037
 USD denominated                       Interest rates at 3.86% per annum at 30 June 2022       271                1,168               

 with maturities through 2027
 Less: Current portion                                                                         (484)              (466)               
                                                                                               14,753             13,690              

                                                                                               92,424             91,990              


Short-term and long-term bank loans, short-term other loans and loans from
Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries are primarily unsecured and
carried at amortised cost.




(i)    The total amount of the 180-day corporate bonds issued on 21 January
2022 is RMB2.00 billion with a fixed rate at 2.20% per annum; the total amount
of the 270-day corporate bonds issued on 21 January 2022 is RMB4.50 billion
with a fixed rate at 2.23% per annum; the total amount of the 270-day
corporate bonds issued on 18 February 2022 is RMB6.00 billion with a fixed
rate at 2.00% per annum; the total amount of the 120-day corporate bonds
issued on 7 March 2022 is RMB1.50 billion with a fixed rate at 2.01% per
annum; the total amount of the 244-day corporate bonds issued on 14 April 2022
is RMB20.00 billion with a fixed rate at 2.00% per annum; the total amount of
the 218-day corporate bonds issued on 18 May 2022 is RMB20.00 billion with a
fixed rate at 2.00% per annum; the total amount of the 161-day corporate bonds
issued on 8 June 2022 is RMB7.50 billion with a fixed rate at 1.83% per annum;
the total amount of the 90-day corporate bonds issued on 8 June 2022 is
RMB12.50 billion with a fixed rate at 1.70% per annum.


These corporate bonds are carried at amortised cost.




                    30 June      31 December   
                    2022         2021          
                    RMB million  RMB million   
 Lease liabilities                             
 Current            16,239       15,173        
 Non-current        168,646      170,233       
                    184,885      185,406       




                                                                      30 June      31 December   
                                                                      2022         2021          
                                                                      RMB million  RMB million   
 Amounts due to third parties                                         224,140      193,547       
 Amounts due to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries         3,976        4,227         
 Amounts due to associates and joint ventures                         8,755        6,145         
                                                                      236,871      203,919       
 Bills payable                                                        11,347       11,721        
 Trade accounts payable and bills payable measured at amortised cost  248,218      215,640       


The ageing analysis of trade accounts payable and bills payable is as follows:


                               30 June      31 December   
                               2022         2021          
                               RMB million  RMB million   
 Within 1 month or on demand   163,637      138,741       
 Between 1 month and 6 months  44,996       25,280        
 Over 6 months                 39,585       51,619        
                               248,218      215,640       




                                                                                30 June      31 December   
                                                                                2022         2021          
                                                                                RMB million  RMB million   
 Registered, issued and fully paid                                                                         
 95,557,771,046 listed A shares (30 June 2022: 95,557,771,046) of RMB1.00 each  95,558       95,558        
 25,513,438,600 listed H shares (30 June 2022: 25,513,438,600) of RMB1.00 each  25,513       25,513        
                                                                                121,071      121,071       


The Company was established on 25 February 2000 with a registered capital of
68.8 billion domestic state-owned shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each.
Such shares were issued to Sinopec Group Company in consideration for the
assets and liabilities transferred to the Company (Note 1).


Pursuant to the resolutions passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting held on
25 July 2000 and approvals from relevant government authorities, the Company
is authorised to increase its share capital to a maximum of 88.3 billion
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each and offer not more than 19.5 billion
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each to investors outside the PRC. Sinopec
Group Company is authorised to offer not more than 3.5 billion shares of its
shareholdings in the Company to investors outside the PRC. The shares sold by
Sinopec Group Company to investors outside the PRC would be converted into H


In October 2000, the Company issued 15,102,439,000 H shares with a par value
of RMB1.00 each, representing 12,521,864,000 H shares and 25,805,750 American
Depositary Shares ("ADSs", each representing 100 H shares), at prices of Hong
Kong Dollar ("HKD")1.59 per H share and USD20.645 per ADS, respectively, by
way of a global initial public offering to Hong Kong and overseas investors.
As part of the global initial public offering, 1,678,049,000 state-owned
ordinary shares of RMB1.00 each owned by Sinopec Group Company were converted
into H shares and sold to Hong Kong and overseas investors.


In July 2001, the Company issued 2.8 billion listed A shares with a par value
of RMB1.00 each at RMB4.22 by way of a public offering to natural persons and
institutional investors in the PRC.


During the year ended 31 December 2010, the Company issued 88,774 listed A
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of exercise of 188,292
warrants entitled to the Bonds with Warrants.


During the year ended 31 December 2011, the Company issued 34,662 listed A
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of conversion by the
holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


During the year ended 31 December 2012, the Company issued 117,724,450 listed
A shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of conversion by the
holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


On 14 February 2013, the Company issued 2,845,234,000 listed H shares ("the
Placing") with a par value of RMB1.00 each at the Placing Price of HKD8.45 per
share. The aggregate gross proceeds from the Placing amounted to approximately
HKD24,042,227,300.00 and the aggregate net proceeds (after deduction of the
commissions and estimated expenses) amounted to approximately


In June 2013, the Company issued 21,011,962,225 listed A shares and
5,887,716,600 listed H shares as a result of bonus issues of 2 shares
converted from the retained earnings, and 1 share transferred from the share
premium for every 10 existing shares.


During the year ended 31 December 2013, the Company issued 114,076 listed A
shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of exercise of conversion
by the holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


17  SHARE CAPITAL (Continued)


During the year ended 31 December 2014, the Company issued 1,715,081,853
listed A shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of exercise of
conversion by the holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


During the year ended 31 December 2015, the Company issued 2,790,814,006
listed A shares with a par value of RMB1.00 each, as a result of exercise of
conversion by the holders of the 2011 Convertible Bonds.


All A shares and H shares rank pari passu in all material aspects.


Capital management


Management optimises the structure of the Group's capital, which comprises of
equity and debts. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure of the
Group, management may cause the Group to issue new shares, adjust the capital
expenditure plan, sell assets to reduce debt, or adjust the proportion of
short-term and long-term loans. Management monitors capital on the basis of
the debt-to-capital ratio, which is calculated by dividing long-term loans
(excluding current portion), including long-term debts and loans from Sinopec
Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, by the total of equity attributable to
shareholders of the Company and long-term loans (excluding current portion),
and liability-to-asset ratio, which is calculated by dividing total
liabilities by total assets. Management's strategy is to make appropriate
adjustments according to the Group's operating and investment needs and the
changes of market conditions, and to maintain the debt-to-capital ratio and
the liability-to-asset ratio of the Group at a range considered reasonable. As
at 30 June 2022, the debt-to-capital ratio and the liability-to-asset ratio of
the Group were 10.5% (31 December 2021: 10.6%) and 54.8% (31 December 2021:
51.6%), respectively.


The schedule of the contractual maturities of loans and commitments are
disclosed in Note 14 and 18, respectively.


There were no changes in the management's approach to capital management of
the Group during the period. Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries
is subject to externally imposed capital requirements.




Capital commitments


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, capital commitments of the Group are as


                                    30 June      31 December   
                                    2022         2021          
                                    RMB million  RMB million   
 Authorised and contracted for (i)  115,321      184,430       
 Authorised but not contracted for  105,534      90,227        
                                    220,855      274,657       


These capital commitments relate to oil and gas exploration and development,
refining and petrochemical production capacity expansion projects, the
construction of service stations and oil depots and investment commitments.




(i)    The investment commitments of the Group is RMB1,713 million (31
December 2021: RMB3,648 million).


Commitments to joint ventures


Pursuant to certain of the joint venture agreements entered into by the Group,
the Group is obliged to purchase products from the joint ventures based on
market prices.


Exploration and production licenses


Exploration licenses for exploration activities are registered with the
Ministry of Natural Resources. The maximum term of the Group's exploration
licenses is 7 years, and may be renewed twice within 30 days prior to
expiration of the original term with each renewal being for a two-year term.
The Group is obligated to make progressive annual minimum exploration
investment relating to the exploration blocks in respect of which the license
is issued. The Ministry of Natural Resources also issues production licenses
to the Group on the basis of the reserve reports approved by relevant
authorities. The maximum term of a full production license is 30 years unless
a special dispensation is given by the State Council. The maximum term of
production licenses issued to the Group is 80 years as a special dispensation
was given to the Group by the State Council. The Group's production license is
renewable upon application by the Group 30 days prior to expiration.


The Group is required to make payments of exploration license fees and
production right usage fees to the Ministry of Natural Resources annually
which are expensed.




Exploration and production licenses (Continued)


Estimated future annual payments are as follows:


                               30 June      31 December   
                               2022         2021          
                               RMB million  RMB million   
 Within one year               356          301           
 Between one and two years     123          112           
 Between two and three years   120          110           
 Between three and four years  96           102           
 Between four and five years   60           64            
 Thereafter                    849          846           
                               1,604        1,535         


Contingent liabilities


At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the guarantees by the Group in respect
of facilities granted to the parties below are as follows:


                      30 June      31 December   
                      2022         2021          
                      RMB million  RMB million   
 Joint ventures (ii)  9,025        9,117         
 Associates (iii)     4,394        5,746         
                      13,419       14,863        


Management monitors the risk that the specified debtor will default on the
contract and recognises a provision when expected credit losses on the
financial guarantees are determined to be higher than the carrying amount in
respect of the guarantees. At 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, the Group
estimates that there is no material liability has been accrued for expected
credit losses related to the Group's obligation under these guarantee




(ii)   The Group provided a guarantee in respect to standby credit
facilities granted to Zhongan United Coal Chemical Co., Ltd. ("Zhongan
United") by banks amounting to RMB7,100 million (31 December 2021: RMB7,100
million). As at 30 June 2022, the amount withdrawn (the portion corresponding
to the shareholding ratio of the Group) by Zhongan United from banks and
guaranteed by the Group was RMB5,467 million (31 December 2021: RMB5,680


The Group provided a guarantee amounting to RMB17,643 million (31 December
2021: RMB23,208 million) in respect to standby credit facilities granted to
Amur Gas Chemical Complex Limited Liability Company ("Amur Gas") by banks and
pledged the 40% equity interest in Amur Gas held by the Group to the relevant
banks. As at 30 June 2022, the amount withdrawn (the portion corresponding to
the shareholding ratio of the Group) by Amur Gas from banks and guaranteed by
the Group was RMB3,538 million (31 December 2021: RMB3,264 million).


The Group provided a guarantee in respect to payment obligation under the raw
material supply agreement of Amur Gas amounting to RMB16,309 million (31
December 2021: RMB15,493 million). As at 30 June 2022, Amur Gas has not yet
incurred the relevant payment obligations and therefore the Group has no
guarantee amount (31 December 2021: Nil).


The Group provided a guarantee in respect the engineering services agreement
of Amur Gas amounting to RMB2,924 million (31 December 2021: RMB3,012
million). As at 30 June 2022, the relevant payables for constructions of Amur
Gas (the portion corresponding to the shareholding ratio of the Group) and
guaranteed by the Group was RMB20 million (31 December 2021: RMB173 million).


(iii) The Group provided a guarantee in respect to standby credit facilities
granted to Zhongtian Synergetic Energy by banks amounting to RMB17,050 million
(31 December 2021: RMB17,050 million). As at 30 June 2022, the amount
withdrawn (the portion corresponding to the shareholding ratio of the Group)
by Zhongtian Synergetic Energy and guaranteed by the Group was RMB4,394
million (31 December 2021: RMB5,746 million).


Environmental contingencies


Under existing legislation, management believes that there are no probable
liabilities that will have a material adverse effect on the financial position
or operating results of the Group. The PRC government, however, has moved, and
may move further towards more rigorous enforcement of applicable laws, and
towards the adoption of more stringent environmental standards. Environmental
liabilities are subject to considerable uncertainties which affect
management's ability to estimate the ultimate cost of remediation efforts.
These uncertainties include (i) the exact nature and extent of the
contamination at various sites including, but not limited to refineries, oil
fields, service stations, terminals and land development areas, whether
operating, closed or sold, (ii) the extent of required cleanup efforts, (iii)
varying costs of alternative remediation strategies, (iv) changes in
environmental remediation requirements, and (v) the identification of new
remediation sites. The amount of such future cost is indeterminable due to
such factors as the unknown magnitude of possible contamination and the
unknown timing and extent of the corrective actions that may be required.
Accordingly, the outcome of environmental liabilities under proposed or future
environmental legislation cannot reasonably be estimated at present, and could
be material.


The Group paid normal routine pollutant discharge fees of approximately
RMB4,355 million for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022 (six-month period
ended 30 June 2021: RMB4,211 million).




Legal contingencies


The Group is defendant in certain lawsuits as well as the named party in other
proceedings arising in the ordinary course of business. Management has
assessed the likelihood of an unfavourable outcome of such contingencies,
lawsuits or other proceedings and believes that any resulting liabilities will
not have a material adverse effect on the financial position, operating
results or cash flows of the Group.




Pursuant to resolution passed at the Director's meeting on 26 March 2021, the
Company entered into agreements with Sinopec Assets Management Corporation
("SAMC") and Beijing Orient Petrochemical Industry Co., Ltd. ("BJOPI"), and
its subsidiary,Sinopec Beihai Refining and Chemical Limited Liability Company
entered into an agreement with Beihai Petrochemical Limited Liability Company
of Sinopec Group ("BHP"). According to the relevant aggreements, the Company
proposed to acquire non equity assets such as the polypropylene devices and
utility business assets of Cangzhou Branch held by SAMC, organic plant
business held by BJOPI, and the pier operation platform held by BHP.


Pursuant to the resolution passed at the Directors' meeting on 29 November
2021, the Company entered into agreements with SAMC, and Sinopec Beijing
Yanshan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. ("SBJYSP"), and its subsidiary, Sinopec
Yizheng Chemical Fibre Company Limited entered into an agreement with SAMC.
According to the relevant agreements, the Group proposed to acquire non equity
assets such as thermal power, water and other business, PBT resin and other
business of Yizheng Branch held by SAMC, and thermal power and other
businesses held by SBJYSP.


The consideration of the transaction amounted to RMB6,124 million.


As the Company,SAMC, BJOPI, BHP and SBJYSP are all under the control of
Sinopec Group Company, the transaction described above has been accounted as
business combination under common control. Accordingly, the equity and assets
acquired from Sinopec Group Company have been accounted for at historical
cost, and the consolidated financial statements of the Group prior to these
acquisitions have been restated to include the results of operation and the
assets and liabilities of Sinopec Group Company on a combined basis.


The transactions under the above-mentioned agreements will further improve the
integrated operation level of the Group, optimise the allocation of resources,
reduce connected transactions on the whole, so as to enhance the comprehensive
competitiveness of the Group in its business locations.


The results of operation for the six-month period ended 30 June 2021
previously reported by the Group have been restated, as set out below:


                                                     The Group,      Acquired assets   Elimination      The Group,     

                                                     as previously   and liabilities   and Adjustment   as restated

                                                     reported        of Sinopec

                                                                     Group Company
                                                     RMB million     RMB million       RMB million      RMB million    
 Summarised consolidated income statement for                                                                          

 the six-month period ended 30 June 2021:
 Revenue                                             1,261,603       6,413             (7,243)          1,260,773      
 Profit attributable to shareholders of the Company  39,954          273               -                40,227         
 Profit attributable to non-controlling interests    9,552           -                 -                9,552          
 Basic earnings per share (RMB)                      0.330           0.002             -                0.332          
 Diluted earnings per share (RMB)                    0.330           0.002             -                0.332          
 Summarised consolidated statement of cash flows                                                                       

 for the six-month period ended 30 June 2021:
 Net cash generated from operating activities        47,736          611               -                48,347         
 Net cash used in investing activities               (65,791)        (199)             -                (65,990)       
 Net cash generated from financing activities        9,062           (412)             -                8,650          
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents           (8,993)         -                 -                (8,993)        




Parties are considered to be related to the Group if the Group has the
ability, directly or indirectly, to control or jointly control the party or
exercise significant influence over the party in making financial and
operating decisions, or vice versa, or where the Group and the party are
subject to control or common control. Related parties may be individuals
(being members of key management personnel, significant shareholders and/or
their close family members) or other entities and include entities which are
under the significant influence of related parties of the Group where those
parties are individuals, and post-employment benefit plans which are for the
benefit of employees of the Group or of any entity that is a related party of
the Group.


(a)  Transactions with Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures


The Group is part of a larger group of companies under Sinopec Group Company,
which is controlled by the PRC government, and has significant transactions
and relationships with Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries. Because
of these relationships, it is possible that the terms of these transactions
are not the same as those that would result from transactions among wholly
unrelated parties.


The principal related party transactions with Sinopec Group Company and fellow
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, which were carried out in the
ordinary course of business are as follows:


                                           Note    Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                   2022              2021               
                                                   RMB million       RMB million        
 Sales of goods                            (i)     169,483           131,981            
 Purchases                                 (ii)    80,755            90,070             
 Transportation and storage                (iii)   9,474             6,928              
 Exploration and development services      (iv)    15,512            15,046             
 Production related services               (v)     19,092            14,606             
 Ancillary and social services             (vi)    -                 617                
 Agency commission income                  (vii)   91                97                 
 Interest income                           (viii)  382               381                
 Interest expense                          (ix)    216               196                
 Net deposits placed with related parties  (viii)  17,410            733                
 Net funds obtained from related parties   (x)     29,695            6,241              


The amounts set out in the table above in respect of the six-month periods
ended 30 June 2022 and 2021 represent the relevant costs and income as
determined by the corresponding contracts with the related parties.


Included in the transactions disclosed above, for the six-month period ended
30 June 2022 are: a) purchases by the Group from Sinopec Group Company and
fellow subsidiaries amounting to RMB68,143 million (six-month period ended 30
June 2021: RMB76,693 million) comprising purchases of products and services
(i.e. procurement, transportation and storage, exploration and development
services and production related services) of RMB61,818 million (six-month
period ended 30 June 2021: RMB69,981 million), ancillary and social services
provided by Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries of RMB0 million
(six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB617 million), lease charges for land,
buildings and others paid by the Group of RMB5,568 million, RMB470 million and
RMB71 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB5,402 million, RMB423
million and RMB74 million), respectively and interest expenses of RMB216
million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB196 million); and b) sales by
the Group to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries amounting to
RMB31,238 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB21,492 million),
comprising RMB30,832 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB21,075
million) for sales of goods, RMB382 million (six-month period ended 30 June
2021: RMB381 million) for interest income and RMB24 million (six-month period
ended 30 June 2021: RMB36 million) for agency commission income.


For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, no individually significant
right-of-use assets were leased from Sinopec Group Company and fellow
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures by the Group. The interest expense
recognised for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022 on lease liabilities in
respect of amounts due to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures was RMB3,953 million (six-month period ended 30
June 2021: RMB3,730 million).


For the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, the amount of rental the Group
paid to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates and joint
ventures for land, buildings and others are RMB5,571 million, RMB471 million
and RMB133 million (six-month period ended 30 June 2021: RMB5,404 million,
RMB425 million and RMB151 million).




(a)  Transactions with Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures (Continued)


As at 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021, there was no guarantee given to banks
by the Group in respect of banking facilities to Sinopec Group Company and
fellow subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, except for the guarantees
disclosed in Note 18. Guarantees given to banks by the Group in respect of
banking facilities to associates and joint ventures are disclosed in Note 18.




(i)    Sales of goods represent the sale of crude oil, intermediate
petrochemical products, petroleum products and ancillary materials.


(ii)  Purchases represent the purchase of materials and utility supplies
directly related to the Group's operations such as the procurement of raw and
ancillary materials and related services, supply of water, electricity and


(iii) Transportation and storage represent the cost for the use of railway,
road and marine transportation services, pipelines, loading, unloading and
storage facilities.


(iv)  Exploration and development services comprise direct costs incurred in
the exploration and development such as geophysical, drilling, well testing
and well measurement services.


(v)   Production related services represent ancillary services rendered in
relation to the Group's operations such as equipment repair and general
maintenance, insurance premium, technical research, communications,
firefighting, security, product quality testing and analysis, information
technology, design and engineering, construction of oilfield ground
facilities, refineries and chemical plants, manufacture of replacement parts
and machinery, installation, project management, environmental protection and
management services.


(vi)  Ancillary and social services represent expenditures for social welfare
and support services such as educational facilities, media communication
services, sanitation, accommodation, canteens and property maintenance. The
term of the Cultural, Educational, Hygiene and Auxiliary Service Agreement
expired on 31 December 2021, and is not renewed due to the significant
decrease in the service scale after the separation and transfer of assets and
business such as the Three Supplies and One Industry Assets etc. Cultural and
educational services related or similar to training and auxiliary services
thereunder have been incorporated into the Mutual Supply Agreement.


(vii)   Agency commission income represents commission earned for acting as
an agent in respect of sales of products and purchase of materials for certain
entities owned by Sinopec Group Company.


(viii)  Interest income represents interest received from deposits placed
with Sinopec Finance Company Limited ("Sinopec Finance") and Sinopec Century
Bright Capital Investment Limited, finance companies controlled by Sinopec
Group Company. The applicable interest rate is determined in accordance with
the prevailing saving deposit rate. The balance of deposits at 30 June 2022
was RMB79,092 million (31 December 2021: RMB61,682 million).


(ix)  Interest expense represents interest charges on the loans obtained from
Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries.


(x)   The Group obtained loans, discounted bills and issued the acceptance
bills from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries.


In connection with the Reorganisation, the Company and Sinopec Group Company
entered into a number of agreements under which 1) Sinopec Group Company will
provide goods and products and a range of ancillary, social and supporting
services to the Group and 2) the Group will sell certain goods to Sinopec
Group Company. These agreements impacted the operating results of the Group
for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022. The terms of these agreements are
summarised as follows:


‧  The Company has entered into a non-exclusive "Agreement for Mutual
Provision of Products and Ancillary Services" ("Mutual Provision Agreement")
with Sinopec Group Company effective from 1 January 2000 in which Sinopec
Group Company has agreed to provide the Group with certain ancillary
production services, construction services, information advisory services,
supply services and other services and products. While each of Sinopec Group
Company and the Company is permitted to terminate the Mutual Provision
Agreement upon at least six-months notice, Sinopec Group Company has agreed
not to terminate the agreement if the Group is unable to obtain comparable
services from a third party. The pricing policy for these services and
products provided by Sinopec Group Company to the Group is as follows:


(1)  the government-prescribed price;


(2)  where there is no government-prescribed price, the government-guidance


(3)  where there is neither a government-prescribed price nor a
government-guidance price, the market price; or


(4)  where none of the above is applicable, the price to be agreed between
the parties, which shall be based on a reasonable cost incurred in providing
such services plus a profit margin not exceeding 6%.




(a)  Transactions with Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures (Continued)


‧  The Company has entered into a non-exclusive "Agreement for Provision of
Cultural and Educational, Health Care and Community Services" with Sinopec
Group Company effective from 1 January 2000 in which Sinopec Group Company has
agreed to provide the Group with certain cultural, educational, health care
and community services on the same pricing terms and termination conditions as
described in the above Mutual Provision Agreement.


‧  The Company has entered into a series of lease agreements with Sinopec
Group Company to lease certain lands and buildings effective on 1 January
2000. The lease term is 40 or 50 years for lands and 20 years for buildings,
respectively. The Company and Sinopec Group Company can renegotiate the rental
amount every three years for land. The Company and Sinopec Group Company can
renegotiate the rental amount for buildings every year. However such amount
cannot exceed the market price as determined by an independent third party.


‧  The Company has entered into agreements with Sinopec Group Company
effective from 1 January 2000 under which the Group has been granted the right
to use certain trademarks, patents, technology and computer software developed
by Sinopec Group Company.


‧  The Company has entered into a service stations franchise agreement with
Sinopec Group Company effective from 1 January 2000 under which its service
stations and retail stores would exclusively sell the refined products
supplied by the Group.


‧  On the basis of a series of continuing connected transaction agreements
signed in 2000, the Company and Sinopec Group Company have signed the Sixth
Supplementary Agreement on 27 August 2021, which took effect on 1 January 2022
and made adjustment to "Mutual Supply Agreement" and "Buildings Leasing
Contract", etc.


Amounts due from/to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates
and joint ventures included in the following accounts captions are summarised
as follows:


                                                                             30 June      31 December   
                                                                             2022         2021          
                                                                             RMB million  RMB million   
 Trade accounts receivable                                                   12,588       8,655         
 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income           109          186           
 Prepaid expenses and other current assets                                   19,300       14,537        
 Long-term prepayments and other assets                                      3,738        3,116         
 Total                                                                       35,735       26,494        
 Trade accounts payable and bills payable                                    15,817       14,170        
 Contract liabilities                                                        4,662        4,677         
 Other payables                                                              60,549       50,649        
 Other long-term liabilities                                                 4,177        2,779         
 Short-term loans and current portion of long-term loans from Sinopec Group  3,596        2,873         

 and fellow subsidiaries
 Long-term loans excluding current portion from Sinopec Group Company and    14,753       13,690        

 fellow subsidiaries
 Lease liabilities (including to be paid within one year)                    159,000      158,761       
 Total                                                                       262,554      247,599       


Amounts due from/to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates
and joint ventures, other than short-term loans and long-term loans, bear no
interest, are unsecured and are repayable in accordance with normal commercial
terms. The terms and conditions associated with short-term loans and long-term
loans payable to Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries are set out in
Note 14.


As at and for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, and as at and for the
year ended 31 December 2021, no individually significant loss allowance for
expected credit losses were recognised in respect of amounts due from Sinopec
Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures.




(b)  Key management personnel emoluments


Key management personnel are those persons having authority and responsibility
for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the Group, directly
or indirectly, including directors and supervisors of the Group. The key
management personnel compensation is as follows:


                                  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                  2022              2021               
                                  RMB'000           RMB'000            
 Short-term employee benefits     5,075             1,771              
 Retirement scheme contributions  270               120                
                                  5,345             1,891              


(c)  Contributions to defined contribution retirement plans


The Group participates in various defined contribution retirement plans
organised by municipal and provincial governments for its staff. As at 30 June
2022 and 31 December 2021, the accrual for the contribution to post-employment
benefit plans was not material.


(d)  Transactions with other state-controlled entities in the PRC


The Group is a state-controlled energy and chemical enterprise and operates in
an economic regime currently dominated by entities directly or indirectly
controlled by the PRC government through its government authorities, agencies,
affiliations and other organisations (collectively referred as
"state-controlled entities").


Apart from transactions with Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries,
the Group has transactions with other state-controlled entities, include but
not limited to the followings:


‧  sales and purchases of goods and ancillary materials;


‧  rendering and receiving services;


‧  lease of assets;


‧  depositing and borrowing money; and


‧  uses of public utilities.


These transactions are conducted in the ordinary course of the Group's
business on terms comparable to those with other entities that are not




Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business segments.
The format is based on the Group's management and internal reporting


In a manner consistent with the way in which information is reported
internally to the Group's chief operating decision maker for the purposes of
resource allocation and performance assessment, the Group has identified the
following five reportable segments. No operating segments have been aggregated
to form the following reportable segments.


(i)   Exploration and production, which explores and develops oil fields,
produces crude oil and natural gas and sells such products to the refining
segment of the Group and external customers.


(ii)  Refining, which processes and purifies crude oil, that is sourced from
the exploration and production segment of the Group and external suppliers,
and manufactures and sells petroleum products to the chemicals and marketing
and distribution segments of the Group and external customers.


(iii) Marketing and distribution, which owns and operates oil depots and
service stations in the PRC, and distributes and sells refined petroleum
products (mainly gasoline and diesel) in the PRC through wholesale and retail
sales networks.


(iv) Chemicals, which manufactures and sells petrochemical products,
derivative petrochemical products and other chemical products mainly to
external customers.


(v)  Corporate and others, which largely comprise the trading activities of
the import and export companies of the Group and research and development
undertaken by other subsidiaries.




The segments were determined primarily because the Group manages its
exploration and production, refining, marketing and distribution, chemicals,
and corporate and others businesses separately. The reportable segments are
each managed separately because they manufacture and/or distribute distinct
products with different production processes and due to their distinct
operating and gross margin characteristics.


(1)  Information of reportable segmental revenues, profits or losses, assets
and liabilities


The Group's chief operating decision maker evaluates the performance and
allocates resources to its operating segments on an operating profit basis,
without considering the effects of finance costs or investment income.
Inter-segment transfer pricing is based on the market price or cost plus an
appropriate margin, as specified by the Group's policy.


Assets and liabilities dedicated to a particular segment's operations are
included in that segment's total assets and liabilities. Segment assets
include all tangible and intangible assets, except for interest in associates
and joint ventures, non-current financial assets at fair value through other
comprehensive income, deferred tax assets, cash and cash equivalents, time
deposits with financial institutions and other unallocated assets. Segment
liabilities exclude short-term debts, income tax payable, long-term debts,
loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, deferred tax
liabilities and other unallocated liabilities.


Information of the Group's reportable segments is as follows:


                                     Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                     2022              2021               
                                     RMB million       RMB million        
 Revenue from primary business                                            
 Exploration and production                                               
 External sales                      95,825            67,727             
 Inter-segment sales                 60,314            39,391             
                                     156,139           107,118            
 External sales                      98,941            79,792             
 Inter-segment sales                 674,791           543,681            
                                     773,732           623,473            
 Marketing and distribution                                               
 External sales                      767,183           613,521            
 Inter-segment sales                 4,916             2,967              
                                     772,099           616,488            
 External sales                      234,168           197,756            
 Inter-segment sales                 39,089            30,030             
                                     273,257           227,786            
 Corporate and others                                                     
 External sales                      386,119           272,727            
 Inter-segment sales                 525,043           340,701            
                                     911,162           613,428            
 Elimination of inter-segment sales  (1,304,153)       (956,770)          

 Revenue from primary business       1,582,236         1,231,523          
 Other operating revenues                                                 
 Exploration and production          2,029             2,408              
 Refining                            1,904             2,392              
 Marketing and distribution          19,894            18,682             
 Chemicals                           4,953             4,857              
 Corporate and others                1,110             911                
 Other operating revenues            29,890            29,250             

 Revenue                             1,612,126         1,260,773          




(1)  Information of reportable segmental revenues, profits or losses, assets
and liabilities (Continued)


                                                                Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                                                2022              2021               
                                                                RMB million       RMB million        
 Operating profit/(loss)                                                                             
 By segment                                                                                          
 - Exploration and production                                   26,302            6,233              
 - Refining                                                     29,768            39,398             
 - Marketing and distribution                                   16,855            16,068             
 - Chemicals                                                    810               13,382             
 - Corporate and others                                         399               (3,735)            
 - Elimination                                                  (11,210)          (12,860)           
 Total segment operating profit                                 62,924            58,486             
 Share of profits from associates and joint ventures                                                 
 - Exploration and production                                   1,936             1,472              
 - Refining                                                     380               596                
 - Marketing and distribution                                   831               1,606              
 - Chemicals                                                    1,620             4,933              
 - Corporate and others                                         2,560             2,526              
 Aggregate share of profits from associates and joint ventures  7,327             11,133             
 Investment income/(loss)                                                                            
 - Exploration and production                                   -                 47                 
 - Refining                                                     32                (5)                
 - Marketing and distribution                                   39                7                  
 - Chemicals                                                    (108)             (42)               
 - Corporate and others                                         163               107                
 Aggregate investment income                                    126               114                
 Net finance costs                                              (5,337)           (4,902)            

 Profit before taxation                                         65,040            64,831             


                                                                       30 June      31 December   
                                                                       2022         2021          
                                                                       RMB million  RMB million   
 Segment assets                                                                                   
 - Exploration and production                                          384,553      371,100       
 - Refining                                                            351,070      304,785       
 - Marketing and distribution                                          393,481      377,499       
 - Chemicals                                                           242,373      222,803       
 - Corporate and others                                                185,924      133,961       
 Total segment assets                                                  1,557,401    1,410,148     
 Interest in associates and joint ventures                             219,347      209,179       
 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income     771          767           
 Deferred tax assets                                                   20,179       19,389        
 Cash and cash equivalents, time deposits with financial institutions  233,937      221,989       
 Other unallocated assets                                              28,179       27,783        
 Total assets                                                          2,059,814    1,889,255     
 Segment liabilities                                                                              
 - Exploration and production                                          178,439      166,486       
 - Refining                                                            87,505       146,763       
 - Marketing and distribution                                          226,329      228,826       
 - Chemicals                                                           75,842       69,977        
 - Corporate and others                                                268,305      198,828       
 Total segment liabilities                                             836,420      810,880       
 Short-term debts                                                      159,555      35,252        
 Income tax payable                                                    5,182        4,809         
 Long-term debts                                                       77,671       78,300        
 Loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries              18,349       16,563        
 Deferred tax liabilities                                              8,860        7,910         
 Other unallocated liabilities                                         23,036       20,467        
 Total liabilities                                                     1,129,073    974,181       




(1)  Information of reportable segmental revenues, profits or losses, assets
and liabilities (Continued)


                                           Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                           2022              2021               
                                           RMB million       RMB million        
 Capital expenditure                                                            
 Exploration and production                33,337            23,965             
 Refining                                  8,929             7,913              
 Marketing and distribution                3,072             6,773              
 Chemicals                                 18,214            19,042             
 Corporate and others                      1,102             355                
                                           64,654            58,048             
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                                       
 Exploration and production                21,604            23,745             
 Refining                                  10,273            10,039             
 Marketing and distribution                11,645            11,459             
 Chemicals                                 8,639             7,735              
 Corporate and others                      1,477             1,488              
                                           53,638            54,466             
 Impairment losses on long-lived assets                                         
 Exploration and production                -                 -                  
 Refining                                  2                 427                
 Marketing and distribution                -                 52                 
 Chemicals                                 -                 50                 
 Corporate and others                      -                 -                  
                                           2                 529                


(2)  Geographical information


The following tables set out information about the geographical information of
the Group's external sales and the Group's non-current assets, excluding
financial instruments and deferred tax assets. In presenting information on
the basis of geographical segments, segment revenue is based on the
geographical location of customers, and segment assets are based on the
geographical location of the assets.


                 Six-month period ended 30 June       
                 2022              2021               
                 RMB million       RMB million        
 External sales                                       
 Mainland China  1,243,368         972,498            
 Singapore       193,966           141,109            
 Others          174,792           147,166            
                 1,612,126         1,260,773          


                     30 June      31 December   
                     2022         2021          
                     RMB million  RMB million   
 Non-current assets                             
 Mainland China      1,288,998    1,268,814     
 Others              42,004       40,551        
                     1,331,002    1,309,365     






Financial assets of the Group include cash and cash equivalents, time deposits
with financial institutions, financial assets at fair value through profit or
loss, derivative financial assets, trade accounts receivable, amounts due from
Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries, amounts due from associates and
joint ventures, financial assets at FVOCI and other receivables. Financial
liabilities of the Group include short-term debts, loans from Sinopec Group
Company and fellow subsidiaries, derivative financial liabilities, trade
accounts payable and bills payable, amounts due to Sinopec Group Company and
fellow subsidiaries, amounts due to associates and joint ventures, other
payables, long-term debts and lease liabilities.


The Group has exposure to the following risks from its uses of financial


‧  credit risk;


‧  liquidity risk; and


‧  market risk.


The Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment,
oversight of the Group's risk management framework, and developing and
monitoring the Group's risk management policies.


The Group's risk management policies are established to identify and analyse
the risks faced by the Group, and set appropriate risk limits and controls to
monitor risks and adherence to limits. Risk management policies and systems
are reviewed regularly to reflect changes in market conditions and the Group's
activities. The Group, through its training and management controls and
procedures, aims to develop a disciplined and constructive control environment
in which all employees understand their roles and obligations. Internal audit
department undertakes both regular and ad hoc reviews of risk management
controls and procedures, the results of which are reported to the Group's
audit committee.


Credit risk


(i)   Risk management


Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer or
counterparty to a financial instrument fails to meet its contractual
obligations, and arises principally from the Group's deposits placed with
financial institutions (including structured deposits) and receivables from
customers. To limit exposure to credit risk relating to deposits, the Group
primarily places cash deposits only with large financial institutions in the
PRC with acceptable credit ratings. The majority of the Group's trade accounts
receivable relate to sales of petroleum and chemical products to related
parties and third parties operating in the petroleum and chemical industries.
No single customer accounted for greater than 10% of total trade accounts
receivable at 30 June 2022, except the amounts due from Sinopec Group Company
and fellow subsidiaries. Management performs ongoing credit evaluations of the
Group's customers' financial condition and generally does not require
collateral on trade accounts receivable. The Group maintains a loss allowance
for expected credit losses and actual losses have been within management's


The carrying amounts of cash and cash equivalents, time deposits with
financial institutions, financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,
derivative financial assets, trade accounts receivable, financial assets at
FVOCI and other receivables, represent the Group's maximum exposure to credit
risk in relation to financial assets.


(ii)  Impairment of financial assets


The Group's primary type of financial assets that are subject to the expected
credit loss model is cash deposits, trade accounts receivable and bills
receivable and other receivables.


The Group's cash deposits are placed only with large financial institutions
with acceptable credit ratings, and there is no material impairment loss


For trade accounts receivable and financial assets at FVOCI, the Group applies
the IFRS 9 simplified approach to measuring expected credit losses which uses
a lifetime expected loss allowance for all trade accounts receivable and
financial assets at FVOCI.


To measure the expected credit losses, trade accounts receivable and financial
assets at FVOCI have been grouped based on shared credit risk characteristics
and the days past due.


The expected credit losses were calculated based on historical actual credit
loss experience. The rates were considered the differences between economic
conditions during the period over which the historical data has been
collected, current conditions and the Group's view of economic conditions over
the expected lives of the receivables. The Group performed the calculation of
expected credit loss rates by the operating segment.




Credit risk (Continued)


(ii)  Impairment of financial assets (Continued)


The following table provides information about the exposure to credit risk and
expected credit losses for accounts receivable as at 30 June 2022 and 31
December 2021.


                                                  Impairment provision            Impairment provision                          

                                                  on individual basis             on provision matrix basis
                                     Gross        Carrying     Impairment         Weighted-       Impairment      Loss          

                                     carrying     amount       provision on       average         provision       allowance

                                     amount                    individual basis   loss rate
 30 June 2022                        RMB million  RMB million  RMB million        %               RMB million     RMB million   
 Current and within 1 year past due  63,297       9,390        -                  0.1%            43              43            
 1 to 2 years past due               260          69           49                 16.2%           31              80            
 2 to 3 years past due               3,623        3,559        3,338              48.4%           31              3,369         
 Over 3 years past due               617          257          228                100.0%          360             588           
 Total                               67,797       13,275       3,615                              465             4,080         


                                                  Impairment provision            Impairment provision                          

                                                  on individual basis             on provision matrix basis
                                     Gross        Carrying     Impairment         Weighted-       Impairment      Loss          

                                     carrying     amount       provision on       average         provision       allowance

                                     amount                    individual basis   loss rate
 31 December 2021                    RMB million  RMB million  RMB million        %               RMB million     RMB million   
 Current and within 1 year past due  34,263       4,280        26                 0.2%            57              83            
 1 to 2 years past due               623          500          137                35.8%           44              181           
 2 to 3 years past due               3,411        3,324        3,146              50.6%           44              3,190         
 Over 3 years past due               597          208          190                100.0%          389             579           
 Total                               38,894       8,312        3,499                              534             4,033         


All of the entity's other receivables are considered to have low credit risk,
and the loss allowance recognised during the period was therefore limited to
12 months expected losses. The Group considers there was no significant
increase in credit risk for other receivables by taking into account of their
past history of making payments when due and current ability to pay, and thus
the impairment provision recognised during the period was limited to 12 months
expected losses.


Liquidity risk


Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its
financial obligations as they fall due. The Group's approach to managing
liquidity is to ensure, as far as possible, that it will always have
sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and
stressed conditions, without incurring unacceptable losses or risking damage
to the Group's reputation. Management prepares monthly cash flow budget to
ensure that the Group will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its
financial obligations as they fall due. The Group arranges and negotiates
financing with financial institutions and maintains a certain level of standby
credit facilities to reduce the Group's liquidity risk.


As at 30 June 2022, the Group has standby credit facilities with several PRC
financial institutions which provide borrowings up to RMB453,635 million (31
December 2021: RMB441,559 million) on an unsecured basis, at a weighted
average interest rate of 2.70% per annum (2021: 2.81%). As at 30 June 2022,
the Group's outstanding borrowings under these facilities were RMB34,507
million (31 December 2021: RMB11,700 million) and were included in debts.




Liquidity risk (Continued)


The following table sets out the remaining contractual maturities at the date
of the statement of financial position of the Group's financial liabilities,
which are based on contractual undiscounted cash flows (including interest
payments computed using contractual rates or, if floating, based on prevailing
rates current at the date of the statement of financial position) and the
earliest date the Group would be required to repay:


                                           30 June 2022                                                                         
                                                        contractual   Within       More than 1    More than 2                   
                                           Carrying     undiscounted  1 year or    year but less  years but less  More than     
                                           amount       cash flow     on demand    than 2 years   than 5 years    5 years       
                                           RMB million  RMB million   RMB million  RMB million    RMB million     RMB million   
 Short-term debts                          159,555      161,584       161,584      -              -               -             
 Long-term debts                           77,671       86,187        2,073        12,777         64,092          7,245         
 Loans from Sinopec Group Company          18,349       20,336        4,004        784            11,075          4,473         

 and fellow subsidiaries
 Lease liabilities                         184,885      300,288       16,944       12,819         36,882          233,643       
 Derivative financial liabilities          15,367       15,367        15,367       -              -               -             
 Trade accounts payable and bills payable  248,218      248,218       248,218      -              -               -             
 Other payables                            126,677      126,677       126,677      -              -               -             
                                           830,722      958,657       574,867      26,380         112,049         245,361       


                                           31 December 2021                                                                     
                                                        contractual   Within       More than 1    More than 2                   
                                           Carrying     undiscounted  1 year or    year but less  years but less  More than     
                                           amount       cash flow     on demand    than 2 years   than 5 years    5 years       
                                           RMB million  RMB million   RMB million  RMB million    RMB million     RMB million   
 Short-term debts                          35,252       35,871        35,871       -              -               -             
 Long-term debts                           78,300       85,718        2,169        49,390         27,518          6,641         
 Loans from Sinopec Group Company          16,563       18,457        3,174        604            10,712          3,967         

 and fellow subsidiaries
 Lease liabilities                         185,406      296,485       15,833       12,031         35,411          233,210       
 Derivative financial liabilities          3,223        3,223         3,223        -              -               -             
 Trade accounts payable and bills payable  215,640      215,640       215,640      -              -               -             
 Other payables                            131,468      131,468       131,468      -              -               -             
                                           665,852      786,862       407,378      62,025         73,641          243,818       


Management believes that the Group's current cash on hand, expected cash flows
from operations and available standby credit facilities from financial
institutions will be sufficient to meet the Group's short-term and long-term
capital requirements.


Market risk


Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices, such as foreign
exchange rates and interest rates. The objective of market risk management is
to manage and control market risk exposures within acceptable parameters,
while optimising the return on risk.




Market risk (Continued)


(a)  Currency risk


Currency risk arises on financial instruments that are denominated in a
currency other than the functional currency in which they are measured.


The Group does not have significant financial instruments that are denominated
in foreign currencies other than the functional currencies of respective
entities as at 30 June, and consequently does not have significant exposure to
foreign currency risk.


(b)  Interest rate risk


The Group's interest rate risk exposure arises primarily from its short-term
and long-term debts and loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow
subsidiaries. Debts bearing interest at variable rates and at fixed rates
expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk and fair value interest rate
risk respectively. The interest rates and terms of repayment of short-term and
long-term debts, and loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries
of the Group are disclosed in Note 14.


As at 30 June 2022, it is estimated that a general increase/decrease of 100
basis points in variable interest rates, with all other variables held
constant, would decrease/increase the Group's profit for the period by
approximately RMB485 million (31 December 2021: decrease/increase by
approximately RMB254 million). This sensitivity analysis has been determined
assuming that the change of interest rates was applied to the Group's debts
outstanding at the date of the statement of financial position with exposure
to cash flow interest rate risk. The analysis is performed on the same basis
for 2021.


(c)  Commodity price risk


The Group engages in oil and gas operations and is exposed to commodity price
risk related to price volatility of crude oil, refined petroleum products and
chemical products. The fluctuations in prices of crude oil, refined petroleum
products and chemical products could have significant impact on the Group. The
Group uses derivative financial instruments, including commodity futures and
swaps contracts, to manage a portion of this risk.


Based on the dynamic study and judging of the market, combined with the
resource demand and production and operation plan, the Group evaluate and
monitor the market risk exposure caused by transaction positions, and
continuously manage and hedge the risk of commodity price fluctuation caused
by market changes.


As at 30 June 2022, the Group had certain commodity contracts of crude oil,
refined petroleum products and chemical products designated as qualified cash
flow hedges and economic hedges. As at 30 June 2022, the fair value of such
derivative hedging financial instruments is derivative financial assets of
RMB39,965 million (31 December 2021: RMB18,359 million) and derivative
financial liabilities of RMB15,349 million (31 December 2021: RMB3,214


As at 30 June 2022, it is estimated that a general increase/decrease of USD10
per barrel in basic price of derivative financial instruments, with all other
variables held constant, would impact the fair value of derivative financial
instruments, which would decrease/increase the Group's profit for the period
by approximately RMB2,700 million (31 December 2021: decrease/increase
RMB2,996 million), and increase/decrease the Group's other reserves by
approximately RMB2,383 million (31 December 2021: decrease/increase RMB1,160
million). This sensitivity analysis has been determined assuming that the
change in prices had occurred at the date of the statement of financial
position and the change was applied to the Group's derivative financial
instruments at that date with exposure to commodity price risk. The analysis
is performed on the same basis for 2021.




Fair values


(i)   Financial instruments carried at fair value


The following table presents the carrying value of financial instruments
measured at fair value at the date of the statement of financial position
across the three levels of the fair value hierarchy defined in IFRS 7,
Financial Instruments: Disclosures, with the fair value of each financial
instrument categorised in its entirety based on the lowest level of input that
is significant to that fair value measurement. The levels are defined as


‧  Level 1 (highest level): fair values measured using quoted prices
(unadjusted) in active markets for identical financial instruments.


‧  Level 2: fair values measured using quoted prices in active markets for
similar financial instruments, or using valuation techniques in which all
significant inputs are directly or indirectly based on observable market data.


‧  Level 3 (lowest level): fair values measured using valuation techniques
in which any significant input is not based on observable market data.


At 30 June 2022


                                                         Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total         
                                                         RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:                                                       
 - Structured deposits                                   -            -            1,009        1,009         
 - Exchange traded fund                                  3            -            -            3             
 Derivative financial assets:                                                                                 
 - Derivative financial assets                           13,287       27,102       -            40,389        
 Financial assets at fair value through other                                                                 

 comprehensive income:
 - Equity instruments                                    171          -            600          771           
 - Trade accounts receivable and bills receivable        -            -            5,889        5,889         
                                                         13,461       27,102       7,498        48,061        
 Derivative financial liabilities                                                                             
 - Derivative financial liabilities                      2,773        12,594       -            15,367        
                                                         2,773        12,594       -            15,367        


At 31 December 2021


                                                   Level 1      Level 2      Level 3      Total         
                                                   RMB million  RMB million  RMB million  RMB million   
 Derivative financial assets:                                                                           
 - Derivative financial assets                     5,883        12,488       -            18,371        
 Financial assets at fair value through other                                                           

 comprehensive income:
 - Equity instruments                              179          -            588          767           
 - Trade accounts receivable and bills receivable  -            -            5,939        5,939         
                                                   6,062        12,488       6,527        25,077        
 Derivative financial liabilities                                                                       
 - Derivative financial liabilities                804          2,419        -            3,223         
                                                   804          2,419        -            3,223         


During the six-month period ended 30 June 2022, there was no transfer between
instruments in Level 1 and Level 2.


Management of the Group uses discounted cash flow model with inputted interest
rate and commodity index, which were influenced by historical fluctuation and
the probability of market fluctuation, to evaluate the fair value of the
structured deposits and trade accounts receivable and bills receivable
classified as Level 3 financial assets.




(ii)  Fair values of financial instruments carried at other than fair value


The disclosures of the fair value estimates, and their methods and assumptions
of the Group's financial instruments, are made to comply with the requirements
of IFRS 7 and IFRS 9 and should be read in conjunction with the Group's
consolidated financial statements and related notes. The estimated fair value
amounts have been determined by the Group using market information and
valuation methodologies considered appropriate. However, considerable
judgement is required to interpret market data to develop the estimates of
fair value. Accordingly, the estimates presented herein are not necessarily
indicative of the amounts the Group could realise in a current market
exchange. The use of different market assumptions and/or estimation
methodologies may have a material effect on the estimated fair value amounts.


The fair values of the Group's financial instruments carried at other than
fair value (other than long-term indebtedness and investments in unquoted
equity securities) approximate their carrying amounts due to the short-term
maturity of these instruments. The fair values of long-term indebtedness are
estimated by discounting future cash flows using current market interest rates
offered to the Group for debt with substantially the same characteristic and
maturities range from 2.15% to 4.45% (31 December 2021: 0.30% to 4.65%). The
following table presents the carrying amount and fair value of the Group's
long-term indebtedness other than loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow
subsidiaries at 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2021:


                  30 June      31 December   
                  2022         2021          
                  RMB million  RMB million   
 Carrying amount  123,161      88,593        
 Fair value       119,810      85,610        


The Group has not developed an internal valuation model necessary to estimate
the fair values of loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries as
it is not considered practicable to estimate their fair values because the
cost of obtaining discount and borrowing rates for comparable borrowings would
be excessive based on the Reorganisation of the Group, the Group's existing
capital structure and the terms of the borrowings.


Except for the above items, the financial assets and liabilities of the Group
are carried at amounts not materially different from their fair values at 30
June 2022 and 31 December 2021.




The Group's financial condition and results of operations are sensitive to
accounting methods, assumptions and estimates that underlie the preparation of
the interim consolidated financial statements. Management bases the
assumptions and estimates on historical experience and on various other
assumptions that it believes to be reasonable and which form the basis for
making judgements about matters that are not readily apparent from other
sources. On an ongoing basis, management evaluates its estimates. Actual
results may differ from those estimates as facts, circumstances and conditions


The selection of critical accounting policies, the judgements and other
uncertainties affecting application of such policies and the sensitivity of
reported results to changes in conditions and assumptions are factors to be
considered when reviewing the interim consolidated financial statements.
Management believes the following critical accounting policies involve the
most significant judgements and estimates used in the preparation of the
interim consolidated financial statements.




Oil and gas properties and reserves


The accounting for the exploration and production's oil and gas activities is
subject to accounting rules that are unique to the oil and gas industry. There
are two methods to account for oil and gas business activities, the successful
efforts method and the full cost method. The Group has elected to use the
successful efforts method. The successful efforts method reflects the
volatility that is inherent in exploring for mineral resources in that costs
of unsuccessful exploratory efforts are charged to expense as they are
incurred. These costs primarily include dry hole costs, seismic costs and
other exploratory costs. Under the full cost method, these costs are
capitalised and written-off or depreciated over time.


Engineering estimates of the Group's oil and gas reserves are inherently
imprecise and represent only approximate amounts because of the subjective
judgements involved in developing such information. There are authoritative
guidelines regarding the engineering criteria that have to be met before
estimated oil and gas reserves can be designated as "proved". Proved and
proved developed reserves estimates are updated at least annually and take
into account recent production and technical information about each field. In
addition, as prices and cost levels change from year to year, the estimates of
proved and proved developed reserves also change. This change is considered a
change in estimate for accounting purposes and is reflected on a prospective
basis in relation to depreciation rates. Oil and gas reserves have a direct
impact on the assessment of the recoverability of the carrying amounts of oil
and gas properties reported in the financial statements. If proved reserves
estimates are revised downwards, earnings could be affected by changes in
depreciation expense or an immediate write-down of the property's carrying


Future dismantlement costs for oil and gas properties are estimated with
reference to engineering estimates after taking into consideration the
anticipated method of dismantlement required in accordance with industry
practices in similar geographic area, including estimation of economic life of
oil and gas properties, technology and price level. The present values of
these estimated future dismantlement costs are capitalised as oil and gas
properties with equivalent amounts recognised as provisions for dismantlement


Despite the inherent imprecision in these engineering estimates, these
estimates are used in determining depreciation expense, impairment loss and
future dismantlement costs. Capitalised costs of proved oil and gas properties
are amortised on a unit-of-production method based on volumes produced and


Impairment for long-lived assets


If circumstances indicate that the net book value of a long-lived asset may
not be recoverable, the asset may be considered "impaired", and an impairment
loss may be recognised in accordance with IAS 36, Impairment of Assets. The
carrying amounts of long-lived assets are reviewed periodically in order to
assess whether the recoverable amounts have declined below the carrying
amounts. These assets are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in
circumstances, including environmental protection and energy structure
transition variables, indicate that their recorded carrying amounts may not be
recoverable. When such a decline has occurred, the carrying amount is reduced
to recoverable amount. For goodwill, the recoverable amount is estimated
annually. The recoverable amount is the greater of the net selling price and
the value in use. It is difficult to precisely estimate selling price because
quoted market prices for the Group's assets or cash-generating units are not
readily available. In determining the value in use, expected cash flows
generated by the asset or the cash-generating units are discounted to their
present value, which requires significant judgement relating, selling prices
of crude oil, natural gas, refined and chemical products, the production
costs, the product mix, production volumes, production profiles, the oil and
gas reserves and discount rate. Management uses all readily available
information in determining an amount that is a reasonable approximation of
recoverable amount, including estimates based on reasonable and supportable
assumptions and projections of sale volume, selling price, amount of operating
costs and discount rate.




Property, plant and equipment, other than oil and gas properties, are
depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the
assets, after taking into account the estimated residual value. Management
reviews the estimated useful lives of the assets at least annually in order to
determine the amount of depreciation expense to be recorded during any
reporting period. The useful lives are based on the Group's historical
experience with similar assets and take into account anticipated technological
changes. The depreciation expense for future periods is adjusted if there are
significant changes from previous estimates.




Measurement of expected credit losses


The Group measures and recognises expected credit losses using readiness
matrix considering reasonable and supportable information about the relevant
past events, current conditions and forecasts of future economic conditions.
The Group regularly monitors and reviews the assumptions used for estimating
expected credit losses.


Allowance for diminution in value of inventories


If the costs of inventories become higher than their net realisable values, an
allowance for diminution in value of inventories is recognised. Net realisable
value represents the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of
business, less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs
necessary to make the sale. Management bases the estimates on all available
information, including the current market prices of the finished goods and raw
materials, and historical operating costs. If the actual selling prices were
to be lower or the costs of completion were to be higher than estimated, the
actual allowance for diminution in value of inventories could be higher than




A number of new standards and amendments to standards are effective for annual
periods beginning after 1 January 2022 and earlier application is permitted.
The Group has not early adopted any of the forthcoming new or amended
standards in preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial






Other than the differences in the classifications of certain financial
statements captions and the accounting for the items described below, there
are no material differences between the Group's consolidated financial
statements prepared in accordance with the accounting policies complying with
CASs and IFRS. The reconciliation presented below is included as supplemental
information, is not required as part of the basic financial statements and
does not include differences related to classification, presentation or
disclosures. Such information has not been subject to independent audit or
review. The major differences are:




Under CASs, grants from the government are credited to capital reserve if
required by relevant governmental regulations. Under IFRS, government grants
relating to the purchase of fixed assets are recognised as deferred income and
are transferred to the income statement over the useful life of these assets.




Under CASs, safety production fund should be recognised in profit or loss with
a corresponding increase in reserve according to PRC regulations. Such reserve
is reduced for expenses incurred for safety production purposes or, when
safety production related fixed assets are purchased, is reduced by the
purchased cost with a corresponding increase in the accumulated depreciation.
Such fixed assets are not depreciated thereafter. Under IFRS, payments are
expensed as incurred, or capitalised as fixed assets and depreciated according
to applicable depreciation methods.


Effects of major differences between the shareholders' equity under CASs and
the total equity under IFRS are analysed as follows:


                                  Note  30 June      31 December   

                                        2022         2021
                                        RMB million  RMB million   
 Shareholders' equity under CASs        931,672      916,041       
 Government grants                (i)   (931)        (967)         
 Total equity under IFRS*               930,741      915,074       


Effects of major differences between the net profit under CASs and the profit
for the period under IFRS are analysed as follows:


                                    Note  Six-month period ended 30 June       
                                          2022              2021               
                                          RMB million       RMB million        
 Net profit under CASs                    49,516            48,801             
 Government grants                  (i)   36                25                 
 Safety production fund             (ii)  1,043             953                
 Others                                   (16)              -                  
 Profit for the period under IFRS*        50,579            49,779             


*      The figures are extracted from the consolidated financial
statements prepared in accordance with the accounting policies complying with





The following documents will be available for inspection during the normal
business hours after 26 August 2022 (Friday) at the registered address of
Sinopec Corp. upon the request by the relevant regulatory authorities or
shareholders in accordance with the Articles of Association of Sinopec Corp.
or relevant laws or regulations:


1    The original interim report for the first half of 2022 signed by Mr.
Ma Yongsheng, the Chairman;


2    The original financial statements and consolidated financial
statements of Sinopec Corp. for the six-month period ended 30 June 2022
prepared in accordance with the CASs and IFRS, signed by Mr. Ma Yongsheng, the
Chairman, Mr. Yu Baocai, the President and Ms. Shou Donghua, the Chief
Financial Officer and head of the accounting department of Sinopec Corp.;


3    The original report on review of the above financial statements signed
by the auditors; and


4    Copies of disclosure documents published by Sinopec Corp. in the
newspapers designated by the CSRC during the reporting period.








By Order of the Board

Ma Yongsheng



Beijing, PRC, 26 August 2022


If there is any inconsistency between the Chinese and English version of this
interim report, the Chinese version shall prevail.


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