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REG - China Pet &Chem Corp - 3rd Quarter Results

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RNS Number : 4893E  China Petroleum & Chemical Corp  28 October 2022






China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

The Third Quarterly Report for 2022












28 October 2022

Beijing China

Important notice

l The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors of China Petroleum &
Chemical Corporation ("Sinopec Corp." or "the Company") and its directors,
supervisors and senior management warrant the authenticity, accuracy and
completeness of the information contained in this report and there are no
false representations, misleading statements or material omissions and
severally and jointly accept full responsibility.


l The third quarterly report for 2022 was approved at the 13(th) meeting of
the 8(th) Session of the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp. All directors
attended this meeting.


l Mr. Ma Yongsheng, Chairman, Mr. Yu Baocai, President, Ms. Shou Donghua,
Chief Financial Officer and Head of the Financial Department of Sinopec Corp.
warrant the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial
statements contained in this quarterly report.


l The financial statements in this quarterly report were not audited.





1. Principal financial data

1.1 Principal financial data and indicators

1.1.1 Principal financial data and indicators prepared in accordance with
China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises (CASs)

 RMB million
 Items                                                                                                                    As of 30               As of 31                 Change

                                                                                                                          September 2022         December 2021            (%)
 Total assets                                                                                                             2,050,519              1,889,255                8.5
 Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company                                                          781,273                775,102                  0.8
                                                                                                                                    RMB million
                                                                          Nine-months period ended 30 September                                               Change

                                                                           2022                   2021                              2021

                                                                                                  (adjusted)                        (before adjustment)
 Operating income                                                         2,453,322               2,001,691                         2,003,350                 22.6
 Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company            56,660                  60,029                            59,892                    (5.6)
 Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company excluding  55,452                  58,720                            58,720                    (5.6)
 extraordinary gains and losses
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                  59,244                  116,744                           115,723                   (49.3)
 Basic earnings per share (RMB)                                           0.468                   0.496                             0.495                     (5.6)
 Diluted earnings per share (RMB)                                         0.468                   0.496                             0.495                     (5.6)
 Weighted average return on net assets                                    7.28                    7.89                              7.92                      (0.61)

 (%)                                                                                                                                                          percentage points

Note: The Company has completed the purchase of non-equity assets and
liabilities of Sinopec Group Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Sinopec Beijing
Yanshan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. on 1 December 2021. Sinopec Yizheng Chemical
Fibre Company Limited, a subsidiary of Sinopec Corp., has completed the
purchase of non-equity assets and liabilities of Sinopec Group Asset
Management Co., Ltd. on 1 December 2021. The transactions described above have
been accounted as business combination under common control, thus, the Company
retroactively adjusted the relevant financial data.



1.1.2 Extraordinary items

                                                                                                    RMB million
 Extraordinary items                                   Three-months period ended 30 September 2022  Nine-months period ended 30 September 2022
                                                       (income) /expense                            (income) /expense
 Net gain on disposal of non-current assets             (114)                                        (249)
 Donations                                              23                                           124
 Government grants                                      (669)                                        (2,009)
 Gains on holding and disposal of various investments   (69)                                         (194)
 Other extraordinary (income) /expenses, net            (95)                                         193
 Subtotal                                               (924)                                        (2,135)
 Tax effect                                             198                                          673
 Total                                                  (726)                                        (1,462)
 Attributable to:
 Equity shareholders of the Company                     (638)                                        (1,208)
 Minority interests                                     (88)                                         (254)


1.1.3 Principal financial data and indicators prepared in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

 RMB million
 Items                                                                                  As of 30         As of 31              Change

                                                                                        September 2022   December 2021          (%)
 Total assets                                                                           2,050,519        1,889,255             8.5
 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company                               780,394          774,182               0.8
                                                                                                         RMB million
                                                         Nine-months period ended 30 September                                 Change

                                                         2022                           2021             2021

                                                                                         (adjusted)      (before adjustment)
 Net cash from operating activities                      59,244                         116,744          115,723                (49.3)
 Operating profit                                        75,886                         85,025           84,806                 (10.7)
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company  57,284                         60,892           60,755                 (5.9)
 Basic earnings per share (RMB)                          0.473                          0.503            0.502                  (5.9)
 Diluted earnings per share (RMB)                        0.473                          0.503            0.502                  (5.9)
 Return on net assets (%)                                7.34                           7.88             7.91                  (0.54)

                                                                                                                               percentage points

Note: The Company has completed the purchase of non-equity assets and
liabilities of Sinopec Group Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Sinopec Beijing
Yanshan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. on 1 December 2021. Sinopec Yizheng Chemical
Fibre Company Limited, a subsidiary of Sinopec Corp., has completed the
purchase of non-equity assets and liabilities of Sinopec Group Asset
Management Co., Ltd. on 1 December 2021. The transactions described above have
been accounted as business combination under common control, thus, the Company
retroactively adjusted the relevant financial data.


1.2 Significant changes in major items contained in the consolidated financial
statements prepared in accordance with CASs.

 Items of Consolidated Balance Sheet          As of 30 September 2022  As of 31 December  Increase/ (Decrease)      Main reasons for changes

                                              Amount                                      Percentage
                                              RMB million              RMB million        RMB million  (%)
 Financial assets held for trading            1,030                    -                  1,030        -            Impact of increase in structured deposits.
 Derivative financial assets                  43,768                   18,371             25,397       138.2        Impact of changes in profit and loss of crude oil and other products hedging
 Derivative financial liabilities             16,454                   3,223              13,231       410.5
 Accounts receivable                          65,796                   34,861             30,935       88.7         Increase in accounts receivable resulting from increased prices of crude oil
                                                                                                                    and refined oil products.
 Prepayments                                  12,162                   9,267              2,895        31.2         Prepayment for goods increased year-on-year.
 Employee benefits payable                    26,665                   14,048             12,617       89.8         Impact of increase in payable performance-based income.
 Taxes payable                                30,214                   81,267             (51,053)     (62.8)       The impact of centralized payment for deferred taxes happened in the fourth
                                                                                                                    quarter of last year.
 Non-current liabilities due within one year  69,574                   28,651             40,923       142.8        Increase in long-term loans and debentures payable due within one year.
 Other current liabilities                    103,849                  31,762             72,087       227.0        Increase in low-interest debentures for supplementary of liquidity during the
                                                                                                                    reporting period.
 Treasury shares                              375                      -                  375          -            Repurchased A shares and H shares in the reporting period.
 Other comprehensive income                   7,587                    (690)              8,277        -            The impact on translation of foreign currency statements and changes in
                                                                                                                    effective hedging business.
 Specific reserve                             3,588                    2,664              924          34.7         The impact of changes in balance of safety fund reserve.


 Items of Consolidated Income Statement    Nine-months period ended 30 September  Nine-months period ended 30 September  Increase/ (Decrease)      Main reasons for changes

                                           2022                                   2021
                                           Amount                                                                        Percentage
                                           RMB                                    RMB                                    RMB million  (%)

                                           million                                million
 Other income                              5,848                                  1,671                                  4,177        250.0        Increase in VAT refund on imported LNG.
 Investment (loss) /income                 (6,011)                                9,520                                  (15,531)     -            Decrease in investment income of associates and joint ventures and the impact
                                                                                                                                                   of profit and loss of derivative financial instruments.
 Gains/ (loss) from changes in fair value  1,765                                  (1,112)                                2,877        -            Impact of floating profit and loss of derivative financial instruments.
 Impairment losses                         (2,376)                                (1,036)                                (1,340)      129.3        Allowance for diminution in value of inventories increased.


 Items of Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                                      Nine-months period ended 30 September  Nine-months period ended 30 September  Increase/(Decrease)     Main reasons for changes

                                                                                2022                                   2021
                                                                                Amount                                                                        Percentage
                                                                                RMB                                    RMB                                    RMB         (%)

                                                                                million                                million                                million
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                        59,244                                       116,744                          (57,500)    (49.3)      Increase in working capital occupation due to the higher prices of crude oil
                                                                                                                                                                                      and refined oil product.
 Refunds of taxes and levies                                                    8,401                                  934                                    7,467       799.5       Increase in VAT refund on imported LNG.
 Other cash received relating to operating activities                           211,117                                109,232                                101,885     93.3        Increase in derivative financial instruments margins received.
 Cash paid for goods and services                                               (2,180,888)                            (1,650,303)                            (530,585)   32.2        Increase in procurement cost of crude oil and other feedstocks.
 Other cash paid relating to operating activities                               (247,067)                              (122,068)                              (124,999)   102.4       Increase in payment of derivative financial instruments margins.
 Cash received from disposal of investment                                      517                                    6,614                                  (6,097)     (92.2)      Decrease in structured deposits received year on year.
 Cash received from returns on investment                                       8,718                                  6,461                                  2,257       34.9        Increase in dividend received from associates and joint ventures.
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other   218                                    919                                    (701)       (76.3)      Decrease of gain on disposal of fixed assets.
 long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities    1                                      4,764                                  (4,763)     (100.0)     Payment of pipeline transaction received in the same period of 2021 and no
                                                                                                                                                                                      such item in reporting period.
 Other cash received relating to investing activities                           52,283                                 26,431                                 25,852      97.8        Increase in amount received of time deposits with maturities over three
 Cash paid for acquisition of investments                                       (6,350)                                (18,595)                               12,245      (65.9)      Decrease in entrusted loan year on year.
 Net cash paid for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business entities  (7,641)                                (1,114)                                (6,527)     585.9       Cash paid for the prior year-end asset acquisition.
 Other cash paid relating to investing activities                               (23,172)                               (36,949)                               13,777      (37.3)      Decrease in time deposits with maturities over three months year on year.
 Cash received from borrowings                                                  432,081                                298,393                                133,688     44.8        Increase in loans.
 Cash repayments of borrowings                                                  (332,437)                              (252,759)                              (79,678)    31.5        Increase in matured debts year on year.
 Cash paid for dividends, profits distribution or interest                      (65,759)                               (44,820)                               (20,939)    46.7        The payment of dividends for the period increased year on year.


2. Shareholders information

Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders at the end of the
reporting period

 Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period                          Total number of shareholders was 479,394, including 473,819 holders of
                                                                                          domestic A shares and 5,575 holders of overseas H shares.
 Top ten shareholders
 Name of shareholder                                                                      Total number of shares held  Percentage          Number of shares subject to pledge or lock-ups  Nature of shareholder

 China Petrochemical Corporation                                                          82,709,227,393               68.31               0                                               State-owned share
 HKSCC (Nominees) Limited                                                                 25,371,033,298               20.96               Unknown                                         H share
 中国证券金融股份有限公司                                                                             2,325,374,407                1.92                0                                               A share
 香港中央结算有限公司                                                                               1,203,674,433                0.99                0                                               A share
 中国人寿保险股份有限公司-传统-普通保险产品-005L-CT001沪                                                       394,236,547                  0.33                0                                               A share
 中央汇金资产管理有限责任公司                                                                           315,223,600                  0.26                0                                               A share
 国信证券股份有限公司                                                                               235,021,324                  0.19                0                                               A share
 中国工商银行-上证50交易型开放式指数                                                                      124,680,276                  0.10                0                                               A share
 全国社保基金一一八组合                                                                              83,162,900                   0.07                0                                               A share
 招商银行股份有限公司-上证红利交易型开放式指数证券投资基金                                                            77,458,009                   0.06                0                                               A share

Note: Sinopec Century Bright Capital Investment Limited, overseas wholly-owned
subsidiary of China Petrochemical Corporation, holds 767,916,000 H shares,
accounting for 0.6343% of the total issued share capital of Sinopec Corp.
Those shareholdings were included in the total number of the shares held by
HKSCC Nominees Limited.


Statement on the connected relationship or acting in concert among the
aforementioned shareholders:

Sinopec Corp. is not aware of any connected relationship or acting in concert
among or between the above-mentioned shareholders.


3. Review of operating results

In the first three quarters of 2022, the world economic growth slowed down.
China effectively coordinated pandemic prevention and control with economic
and social development and the overall economic operations recovered in an
upward trend in the third quarter with the GDP growth of 3.9% year-on-year.
The international crude oil prices rose sharply and fluctuated in the first
half and dropped in the third quarter. The average spot price of Platts Brent
was USD102.5 per barrel, up by 50.8% year-on-year. Domestic demand for natural
gas kept stable. Based on the statistics of the Company, domestic demand for
refined oil products shrank for the first half of the year and recovered with
an increase of 1.5% year-on-year in the third quarter. The demand for major
chemical products was weak due to the high crude oil price and the pandemic,
with the ethylene equivalent consumption decreased by 1.0% year-on-year.


Confronted with severe and complex environment of production and operation,
the Company gave full play to its integration advantages, actively responded
to market changes, carried out in-depth optimization of the whole industrial
chain, enhanced production and marketing coordination and achieved
high-quality results. In accordance with CASs, net profit attributable to
equity shareholders of the Company was RMB 56.660 billion, down by 5.6%
year-on-year. In accordance with IFRS, net profit attributable to equity
shareholders of the Company was RMB 57.284 billion, down by 5.9% year-on-year.


Exploration and Production: The Company seized the favourable opportunity of
high oil prices, intensified efforts in exploration and development,
consolidated the foundation of resources, improved operational performance,
and realised growth in production and profit. In terms of exploration, we
strengthened risk exploration and trap pre-exploration in new regions and
areas, and achieved a number of oil and gas discoveries, including
breakthroughs in Shunbei oil and gas fields and Tarim Basin, shale oilfield in
Bohai Bay basin and Subei basin, deep exploration of natural gas in Sichuan
basin. In terms of development, we accelerated capacity building of major
oilfields, such as Shunbei, Tahe and offshore blocks, strengthened efficiency
adjustment and fine-tuned development of mature oil fields. We also actively
promoted the capacity building of key natural gas blocks in Shunbei and
Sichuan basin, and enhanced optimization and profitability improvement of the
whole natural gas business chain. In the first three quarters of 2022, the
Company's production of oil and gas reached 363.18 million barrels of oil
equivalent, up by 2.3% year-on-year, with crude oil production reaching 210.82
million barrels, up by 1.0% year-on-year and natural gas production reaching
913.8 billion cubic feet, up by 4.1% year-on-year. The exploration and
production segment realised earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of RMB
46.245 billion in the first three quarters.

 Exploration and Production  Unit                     Nine-month period ended 30 September      Changes
                             2022                                          2021                 (%)
 Oil and gas production      million boe              363.18               355.01               2.3
 Crude oil production        million barrels          210.82               208.65               1.0
 China                       million barrels          188.05               186.59               0.8
 Overseas                    million barrels          22.77                22.06                3.2
 Natural gas production      billion cubic feet       913.81               877.85               4.1
 Realised crude oil price    USD/barrel               94.24                60.94                54.6
 Realised natural gas price  USD/thousand cubic feet  7.54                 6.74                 11.9

Conversion: For domestic production of crude oil, 1 tonne = 7.10 barrels. For
overseas production of crude oil,

1 tonne = 7.05 barrels. For production of natural gas, 1 cubic meter = 35.31
cubic feet.


Refining: The Company actively responded to challenges brought by high crude
oil price and the pandemic, insisted on optimization and integration of
production and marketing, leveraged the adaptability of facilities and
maintained stable operation. We flexibly adjusted the utilization rate,
product slate and export pace closely in line with market and reduced the
inventory scale. We optimized the crude oil procurement and resources
allocation to reduce procurement costs. We continuously promoted to increase
the yield of chemical feedstock and refining specialities, accelerated
construction of advanced capacity, promoted structural adjustment projects in
an orderly manner and expedited the hydrogen supply projects. In the first
three quarters of 2022, the Company processed 180 million tonnes crude oil,
down by 5.6% year-on-year, yielding 103 million tonnes of refined oil
products, among which diesel output increased by 4.7% year-on-year. The
refining segment realised EBIT of RMB 20.645 billion in the first three

 Refining                                  Unit            Nine-month period ended 30 September      Changes
                                           2022                                 2021                 (%)
 Refinery throughput                       million tonnes  180.07               190.73               (5.6)
 Gasoline, diesel and kerosene production  million tonnes  103.07               108.60               (5.1)
 Gasoline                                  million tonnes  44.98                49.07                (8.3)
 Diesel                                    million tonnes  44.92                42.92                4.7
 Kerosene                                  million tonnes  13.17                16.60                (20.7)
 Light chemical feedstock production       million tonnes  32.21                33.71                (4.4)
 Light product yield                       %               73.95                73.72                0.23 percentage points
 Refining yield                            %               95.11                94.71                0.40 percentage points

Note : Including 100% production of domestic joint ventures.


Marketing and Distribution: Facing the unfavourable situation of sporadic
COVID-19 outbreaks in different regions, the Company strengthened the
integration of production and marketing, scientifically adjusted business
strategy and optimized the resources allocation. Especially, we seized the
favorable opportunity of the gradual recovery of demand and continuous
standardization of market orderliness in the third quarter and spared no
effort to expand sales and increase profitability. We actively expanded
low-sulphur bunker fuel market and further consolidated our market position.
We expanded business scope, promoted branding building and improved the
quality and profitability of non-fuel business. Efforts were made to
accelerate sales network development, digitisation and transformation to an
integrated energy service provider of petrol, gas, hydrogen, power and
services. In the first three quarters, domestic sales volume of refined oil
products was 121.99 million tonnes, among which the sales volume for the third
quarter was 43.53 million tonnes, up by 16.4% quarter-on-quarter. The
marketing and distribution segment realised EBIT of RMB 23.154 billion in the
first three quarters.

 Marketing and Distribution                           Unit            Nine-month period ended 30 September      Changes
                                                      2022                                 2021                 (%)
 Total sales volume of refined oil products           million tonnes  151.60               166.59               (9.0)
 Total domestic sales volume of refined oil products  million tonnes  121.99               127.88               (4.6)
 Retail                                               million tonnes  79.09                83.70                (5.5)
 Direct sales & Distribution                          million tonnes  42.91                44.18                (2.9)
 Annualised average throughput per station            tonnes/station  3,430                3,633                (5.6)
 Note: The total sales volume of refined oil products includes the amount of
 refined oil marketing and trading sales volume.


Chemicals: Facing difficulty situation of high cost, high inventory and low
margin in domestic chemical industrial chain, the Company closely responded to
market change, dynamically optimized the structure of feedstocks and products,
optimized utilization rate according to profitability, maintained high
utilization rate in profitable facilities, increased the production of EVA and
BR and increased production and profits in coal chemical business. We
comprehensively promoted the construction of capacity in Zhenhai, Tianjin
Nangang, Hainan and Jiujiang. In the first three quarters, ethylene production
reached 10 million tonnes, up by 2.6% year-on-year. We made full efforts to
ensure sufficient supply to our strategic customers, actively increased
export, and vigorously expanded high-end markets. In the first three quarters,
the total sales volume of chemical products was 60.40 million tonnes, with a
slight decrease year-on-year. Due to the sharp decline of gross margin of
chemical products, the chemicals segment realised EBIT of RMB -1.061 billion
in the first three quarters.

 Chemicals                                  Unit             Nine-month period ended 30 September      Changes
                                            2022                                  2021                 (%)
 Ethylene                                   thousand tonnes  10,002               9,752                2.6
 Synthetic resin                            thousand tonnes  13,790               14,002               (1.5)
 Synthetic rubber                           thousand tonnes  936                  890                  5.2
 Monomers and polymers for synthetic fibre  thousand tonnes  6,705                6,819                (1.7)
 Synthetic fibre                            thousand tonnes  834                  1,031                (19.1)

Note : Including 100% production of domestic joint ventures.


Capital expenditures:

Capital expenditures in the first three quarters was RMB 104.0 billion, of
which RMB 51.6 billion was spent in E&P segment, mainly for the crude oil
capacity building in Shunbei and Tahe, natural gas capacity building in
Chuanxi and Dongsheng, and the construction of storage and transportation
facilities such as the relocation of Dongying crude oil depot and Longkou LNG
projects; RMB 13.6 billion was spent in refining segment, mainly for Anqing
and Yangzi refining upgrading projects and phase two of Zhenhai refining and
chemical projects; RMB 6.5 billion was spent in marketing and distribution
segment, mainly for the upgrading of existing stations and construction of
integrated energy stations covering gasoline, gas, hydrogen, power and
service, as well as logistics facilities; RMB 29.5 billion was spent in
chemicals segment, mainly for Hainan and Tianjin Nangang ethylene projects,
Jiujiang aromatics project, Zhenhai refining and chemical project phase II and
Yizheng PTA project; RMB 2.8 billion was spent in corporate and others, mainly
for construction of science and technology research and IT projects.


4. Other significant events

The progress of share repurchase

On 18 May 2022, the Annual General Meeting for 2021, the First A Shareholders
Class Meeting for 2022 and the First H Shareholders Class Meeting for 2022 of
Sinopec Corp. considered and approved the Resolution to Grant to the Board a
Mandate to Buy Back Domestic Shares and/or Overseas-listed Foreign Shares of
Sinopec Corp., and authorized the Board (or the director authorised by the
Board) to buy back A Shares or H Shares not exceeding 10% of the number of A
Shares or H Shares of the Company in issue.

On 26 August 2022, the twelfth meeting of the eighth session of the Board
considered and approved the Plan on Repurchasing the Company's Shares by
Centralized Bidding Transactions. For details, please refer to the Company's
announcements disclosed on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on 29
August 2022 and 20 September 2022.

On 21 September 2022, the Company implemented the repurchase of A shares and H
shares. As of 30 September 2022, the Company has repurchased 48 million A
shares, accounting for 0.04% of the Company's total issued share capital on 30
September 2022, and the total amount paid was RMB 203,905,495.60 (exclusive of
transaction fees). For details, please refer to the Progress Announcement on
the Repurchase of A Shares by Centralized Bidding Transactions disclosed by
the Company on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on 10 October 2022;
the Company has repurchased 54.414 million H Shares, accounting for
approximately 0.04% of the Company's total issued share capital on 30
September 2022, and the total amount paid was HK$188,781,540.60 (exclusive of
transaction fees).


This quarterly results announcement is published in both Chinese and English
languages. In the event of any inconsistency between the two versions, the
Chinese version shall prevail.


 By Order of the Board
 Ma Yongsheng
 28 October 2022



5 Appendix

5.1 Quarterly financial statements prepared under China Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises (CASs)

Consolidated Balance Sheet

As at 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                     At 30 September 2022  At 31 December 2021
 Current assets:
 Cash at bank and on hand                  216,728                221,989
 Financial assets held for trading         1,013                  -
 Derivative financial assets               43,768                 18,371
 Accounts receivable                       65,796                 34,861
 Receivables financing                     5,660                 5,939
 Prepayments                               12,162                9,267
 Other receivables                         30,086                35,664
 Inventories                               282,719               207,433
 Other current assets                      19,463                24,500
 Total current assets                      677,395               558,024
 Non-current assets:
 Long-term equity investments              220,888               209,179
 Other equity instrument investments       785                   767
 Fixed assets                              602,977               598,932
 Construction in progress                  179,990               155,939
 Right-of-use assets                       180,769               184,974
 Intangible assets                         119,856               119,210
 Goodwill                                  8,779                 8,594
 Long-term deferred expenses               10,934                10,007
 Deferred tax assets                       21,478                19,389
 Other non-current assets                  26,668                24,240
 Total non-current assets                  1,373,124             1,331,231
 Total assets                              2,050,519             1,889,255


Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)

 Current liabilities:
 Short-term loans                                          24,610     27,366
 Derivative financial liabilities                          16,454     3,223
 Bills payable                                             10,096     11,721
 Accounts payable                                          233,680    203,919
 Contract liabilities                                      145,290    124,622
 Employee benefits payable                                 26,665     14,048
 Taxes payable                                             30,214     81,267
 Other payables                                            124,461    114,701
 Non-current liabilities due within one year               69,574     28,651
 Other current liabilities                                 103,849    31,762
 Total current liabilities                                 784,893    641,280
 Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term loans                                           81,873     49,341
 Debentures payable                                        13,062     42,649
 Lease liabilities                                         168,718    170,233
 Provisions                                                46,475     43,525
 Deferred tax liabilities                                  9,767      7,910
 Other non-current liabilities                             20,194     18,276
 Total non-current liabilities                             340,089    331,934
 Total liabilities                                         1,124,982  973,214
 Shareholders' equity:
 Share capital                                             121,071    121,071
 Capital reserve                                           118,118    120,188
 Less: Treasury shares                                     375        -
 Other comprehensive income                                 7,587     (690)
 Specific reserve                                          3,588      2,664
 Surplus reserves                                          213,224    213,224
 Retained earnings                                         318,060    318,645
 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company  781,273    775,102
 Minority interests                                        144,264    140,939
 Total shareholders' equity                                925,537    916,041
 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                2,050,519  1,889,255


                 Ma Yongsheng         Yu
Baocai           Shou Donghua

President            Chief Financial Officer

                (Legal representative)



Balance Sheet

As at 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                        At 30 September 2022  At 31 December 2021
 Current assets:
 Cash at bank and on hand                     103,962               110,691
 Financial assets held for trading            2                     -
 Derivative financial assets                  15,368                4,503
 Accounts receivable                          28,510                21,146
 Receivables financing                        1,684                 227
 Prepayments                                  4,949                 4,540
 Other receivables                            38,008                46,929
 Inventories                                  82,074                63,661
 Other current assets                         18,573                23,408
 Total current assets                         293,130               275,105
 Non-current assets:
 Long-term equity investments                 376,299               360,847
 Other equity instrument investments          201                   201
 Fixed assets                                 278,302               284,622
 Construction in progress                     78,198                66,146
 Right-of-use assets                          92,595                105,712
 Intangible assets                            7,782                 9,334
 Long-term deferred expenses                  2,891                 2,875
 Deferred tax assets                          7,490                 8,715
 Other non-current assets                     42,113                34,227
 Total non-current assets                     885,871               872,679
 Total assets                                 1,179,001             1,147,784
 Current liabilities:
 Short-term loans                             1,351                 16,550
 Derivative financial liabilities             12,269                1,121
 Bills payable                                1,440                 6,058
 Accounts payable                             86,748                85,307
 Contract liabilities                         9,491                 7,505
 Employee benefits payable                    17,143                8,398
 Taxes payable                                17,233                46,333
 Other payables                               218,198               211,179
 Non-current liabilities due within one year  40,916                16,737
 Other current liabilities                    75,220                13,702
 Total current liabilities                    480,009               412,890


Balance Sheet (Continued)


 Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term loans                             52,390     34,258
 Debentures payable                          9,536      31,522
 Lease liabilities                           92,452     104,426
 Provisions                                  37,679     35,271
 Other non-current liabilities               2,764      3,103
 Total non-current liabilities               194,821    208,580
 Total liabilities                           674,830    621,470
 Shareholders' equity:
 Share capital                               121,071    121,071
 Capital reserve                             66,469     67,897
 Less: Treasury shares                       375        -
 Other comprehensive income                  4,132      6,024
 Specific reserve                            1,997      1,658
 Surplus reserves                            213,224    213,224
 Retained earnings                           97,653     116,440
 Total shareholders' equity                  504,171    526,314
 Total liabilities and shareholders' equity  1,179,001  1,147,784


                Ma Yongsheng           Yu
Baocai            Shou Donghua

President             Chief Financial Officer

                (Legal representative)



Consolidated Income Statement

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                                                        The third quarter of 2022 (July-September)  The third quarter of 2021 (July-September)  Nine-month period         Nine-month period

                                                                                                                                                                      ended 30 September 2022   ended 30 September 2021
 I. Operating income                                                          841,196                                     740,918                                     2,453,322                 2,001,691
 II. Total Operating costs                                                    837,227                                     714,314                                     2,374,159                 1,916,509
 Including: Operating costs                                                    735,800                                     603,238                                     2,066,625                 1,601,524
 Taxes and surcharges                                                          65,817                                      65,952                                      200,226                   186,852
 Selling and distribution expenses                                             14,654                                      16,616                                      42,784                    48,347
 General and administrative expenses                                           13,439                                      20,038                                      39,622                    56,208
 Research and development expenses                                             2,778                                       2,951                                       9,088                     8,311
 Financial expenses                                                            2,604                                       2,352                                       7,941                     7,254
 Including: Interest expenses                                                  4,363                                       3,896                                       12,487                    11,556
          Interest income                                                      1,581                                       1,458                                       4,593                     4,121
 Exploration expenses,                                                         2,135                                       3,167                                       7,873                     8,013

 including dry holes
 Add: Other income                                                             3,727                                       427                                         5,848                     1,671
 Investment income                                                             4,296                                       4,630                                       (6,011)                   9,520
 Including: Income from investment                                            3,950                                       5,903                                       11,277                    17,036

 in associates and joint ventures
 Gains from changes in fair value                                              3,323                                       (1,228)                                     1,765                     (1,112)
 Credit impairment reversals/ (losses)                                         67                                          (195)                                       139                       (140)
 Impairment losses                                                             (920)                                       (110)                                       (2,376)                   (1,036)
 Asset disposal gains                                                          114                                         152                                         249                       433
 III. Operating profit                                                        14,576                                       30,280                                     78,777                    94,518
 Add: Non-operating income                                                     822                                         500                                         1,677                     1,196
 Less: Non-operating expenses                                                  743                                         670                                         1,822                     1,751
 IV. Profit before taxation                                                   14,655                                      30,110                                       78,632                   93,963
 Less: Income tax expense                                                     1,261                                        5,979                                      15,722                     21,031
 V. Net profit                                                                13,394                                       24,131                                     62,910                     72,932
 Including: net (loss) /profit of acquiree before business combination under  -                                           (62)                                        -                         211
 common control
 Classification by going concern:
 (i) Continuous operating net profit                                          13,394                                      24,131                                      62,910                    72,932
 (ii) Termination of net profit                                               -                                           -                                           -                          -


 Consolidated Income Statement (Continued)
 Classification by ownership:
 (i) Equity shareholders of the Company                                        13,130     20,603    56,660    60,029
 (ii) Minority interests                                                       264        3,528     6,250     12,903
 VI. Other comprehensive income                                               1,628      3,355     18,335    11,463
 Items that may not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:            (2)        1         (19)      9
     Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments              (2)        1         (19)      9
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:                1,630      3,354    18,354    11,454
     Other comprehensive income that can be converted into profit or loss      (1,617)    87       1,780     208
 under the equity method
     Cost of hedging reserve                                                   506        (20)     (338)     (60)
     Cash flow hedges                                                          (2,483)    3,066    7,775     11,706
     Foreign currency translation differences                                  5,224      221      9,137     (400)
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                              15,022     27,486    81,245    84,395
     Equity shareholders of the Company                                        13,807     24,032   73,370     71,442
     Minority interests                                                        1,215      3,454    7,875      12,953
 VIII. Earnings per share
 (i) Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                      0.108     0.170      0.468     0.496
 (ii) Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                   0.108     0.170       0.468    0.496



               Ma Yongsheng            Yu
Baocai             Shou Donghua

President              Chief Financial Officer

               (Legal representative)


Income Statement

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                                                        The third quarter of 2022 (July-September)  The third quarter of 2021 (July-September)  Nine-month period         Nine-month period

                                                                                                                                                                      ended 30 September 2022   ended 30 September 2021
 I. Operating income                                                           329,242                                     265,651                                     979,672                    734,773
 Less: Operating costs                                                          271,636                                    203,170                                      792,959                   566,597
      Taxes and surcharges                                                     41,749                                      39,146                                      128,206                   111,871
      Selling and distribution expenses                                        383                                         884                                         1,598                     2,750
      General and administrative expenses                                      5,585                                       9,353                                       17,250                    25,739
      Research and development expenses                                         1,467                                      2,637                                      7,310                      7,599
      Financial expenses                                                       2,731                                       2,845                                       7,726                     8,227
      Including: Interest expenses                                             3,466                                       2,228                                       10,259                    6,421
       Interest income                                                         878                                         662                                         2,614                    1,822
      Exploration expenses, including dry holes                               1,924                                        2,847                                       6,718                     7,029
 Add: Other income                                                             3,209                                       201                                         4,654                     944
      Investment income                                                        6,366                                       12,337                                      23,666                    22,939
      Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures      942                                         1,979                                       3,956                     6,345
      Gains from changes in fair value                                         (513)                                       (243)                                       (272)                     (11)
      Credit impairment reversals                                              3                                           6                                           2                         8
      Impairment losses                                                        10                                          1                                           (726)                     (752)
      Asset disposal gains                                                     3                                           9                                           124                       6
 II. Operating profit                                                          12,845                                      17,080                                      45,353                    28,095
 Add: Non-operating income                                                     492                                         (7)                                         673                       196
 Less: Non-operating expenses                                                  358                                         289                                         1,029                     808
 III. Profit before taxation                                                   12,979                                      16,784                                     44,997                     27,483
 Less: Income tax expense                                                     2,093                                        1,381                                      6,608                      4,194
 IV. Net profit                                                               10,886                                       15,403                                     38,389                    23,289
 (i) Continuous operating net profit                                          10,886                                       15,403                                     38,389                    23,289
 (ii) Termination of net profit                                               -                                           -                                           -                         -











Income Statement (continued)

 V. Other comprehensive income                                                (13)     4,444   4,743    10,398
 Items that may not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:           -       -        (5)      -
      Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments            -       -        (5)      -
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:                (13)    4,444   4,748    10,398
     Other comprehensive income that can be converted into profit or loss      (14)    90       125      108
 under the equity method
 Cash flow hedges                                                              1       4,354    4,623    10,290
 VI. Total comprehensive income                                               10,873  19,847   43,132   33,687


              Ma Yongsheng             Yu
Baocai               Shou Donghua

President              Chief Financial Officer

              (Legal representative)


Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                                                          Nine-month period         Nine-month period

                                                                                ended 30 September 2022   ended 30 September 2021
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
    Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services                  2,627,885                 2,112,459
 Refund of taxes and levies                                                     8,401                     934
 Other cash received relating to operating activities                           211,117                   109,232
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                      2,847,403                 2,222,625
 Cash paid for goods and services                                               (2,180,888)               (1,650,303)
 Cash paid to and for employees                                                 (61,586)                  (57,226)
 Payments of taxes and levies                                                   (298,618)                 (276,284)
 Other cash paid relating to operating                                          (247,067)                 (122,068)

 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                     (2,788,159)               (2,105,881)
 Net cash flow from operating activities                                        59,244                    116,744
 II. Cash flows from investing activities:
 Cash received from disposal of investments                                     517                       6,614
 Cash received from returns on investments                                      8,718                     6,461
 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other   218                       919
 long-term assets
 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business entities    1                         4,764
 Other cash received relating to investing                                      52,283                    26,431

 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                      61,737                    45,189
 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other         (94,485)                  (88,602)
 long-term assets
 Cash paid for acquisition of investments                                       (6,350)                   (18,595)
 Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units             (7,641)                   (1,114)
 Other cash paid relating to investing activities                               (23,172)                  (36,949)
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                     (131,648)                 (145,260)
 Net cash flow from investing activities                                        (69,911)                  (100,071)
 III. Cash flows from financing activities:
 Cash received from capital contributions                                       1,935                     604
 Including: Cash received from minority shareholders' capital contributions to  1,935                     604


 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Continued)
 Cash received from borrowings                                            432,081    298,393
 Other cash received relating to financing activities                     1,347      115
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                435,363    299,112
 Cash repayments of borrowings                                            (332,437)  (252,759)
 Cash paid for dividends, profits distribution or interest                (65,759)   (44,820)
 Including: Subsidiaries' cash payments for distribution of dividends or  (4,360)    (5,741)
 profits to minority shareholders
 Other cash paid relating to financing                                    (13,290)   (14,762)

 Sub-total of cash outflows                                               (411,486)  (312,341)
 Net cash flow from financing activities                                  23,877     (13,229)
 IV. Effects of changes in foreign exchange rate                          4,798      (177)
 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                             18,008     3,267
 Add: Initial balance of cash and cash equivalents                        108,590    87,559
 VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents                          126,598    90,826



             Ma Yongsheng             Yu
Baocai             Shou Donghua

President              Chief Financial Officer

            (Legal representative)


Cash Flow Statement

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                                                      Nine-month period         Nine-month period

                                                                            ended 30 September 2022   ended 30 September 2021
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
   Cash received from sale of goods and rendering of services               1,100,876                 805,374
 Refund of taxes and levies                                                 5,731                     602
 Other cash received relating to operating activities                       13,893                    8,306
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                  1,120,500                 814,282
 Cash paid for goods and services                                           (837,202)                 (582,164)
 Cash paid to and for employees                                             (31,695)                  (29,678)
 Payments of taxes and levies                                               (175,552)                 (154,927)
 Other cash paid relating to operating activities                           (53,355)                  (14,208)
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                 (1,097,804)               (780,977)
   Net cash flow from operating activities                                  22,696                    33,305
 II. Cash flows from investing activities:
 Cash received from disposal of investments                                 5,038                     16,642
 Cash received from returns on investments                                  23,123                    17,791
   Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and   45                        56
 other long-term assets
 Other cash received relating to investing activities                       146,656                   93,230
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                  174,862                   127,719
   Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other   (42,868)                  (38,050)
 long-term assets
 Cash paid for acquisition of investments                                   (20,452)                  (37,610)
    Cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units      (4,221)                   (964)
 Other cash paid relating to investing activities                           (136,949)                 (93,843)
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                 (204,490)                 (170,467)
 Net cash flow from investing activities                                    (29,628)                  (42,748)
 III. Cash flows from financing activities:
 Cash received from borrowings                                              187,385                   151,145
    Other cash received relating to financing activities                    294,614                   220,822
 Sub-total of cash inflows                                                  481,999                   371,967
 Cash repayments of borrowings                                              (121,305)                 (121,860)
 Cash paid for dividends or interest                                        (63,082)                  (41,086)
 Other cash paid relating to financing activities                           (288,135)                 (206,415)
 Sub-total of cash outflows                                                 (472,522)                 (369,361)
 Net cash flow from financing activities                                    9,477                     2,606


Cash Flow Statement (Continued)

 IV. Effects of changes in foreign exchange rate           (8)     -
 V. Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  2,537   (6,837)
 Add:Initial balance of cash and cash equivalents          34,575  28,081
 VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents           37,112  21,244



             Ma Yongsheng             Yu
Baocai             Shou Donghua

President              Chief Financial Officer

            (Legal representative)



Segment Reporting

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                          Nine-month period                     Nine-month period

                                                ended 30 September 2022               ended 30 September 2021
 Income from principal operations
 Exploration and production
 External sales                                  138,870                               104,139
 Inter-segment sales                             92,164                                61,683
 Subtotal                                        231,034                               165,822
 External sales                                  148,241                               122,238
 Inter-segment sales                             1,028,879                             862,823
 Subtotal                                        1,177,120                             985,061
 Marketing and distribution
 External sales                                  1,227,731                             977,324
 Inter-segment sales                             9,886                                 4,745
 Subtotal                                        1,237,617                             982,069
 External sales                                  342,259                               306,570
 Inter-segment sales                             60,194                                48,973
 Subtotal                                        402,453                               355,543
 Corporate and others
 External sales                                  550,609                               446,160
 Inter-segment sales                             775,647                               527,164
 Subtotal                                        1,326,256                             973,324
    Elimination of inter-segment sales          (1,966,770)                           (1,505,388)
 Consolidated income from principal operations                2,407,710               1,956,431
 Income from other operations
 Exploration and production                      4,465                                 5,011
 Refining                                        2,874                                 3,723
 Marketing and distribution                      28,952                                27,216
 Chemicals                                       7,496                                 7,754
 Corporate and others                            1,825                                 1,556
 Consolidated income from other operations       45,612                                45,260
 Consolidated operating income                  2,453,322                              2,001,691


Segment Reporting (Continued)

 Operating profit
 By segment
 Exploration and production                   39,165      7,673
 Refining                                     20,023      53,310
 Marketing and distribution                   21,759      22,416
 Chemicals                                    (4,502)     15,087
 Corporate and others                         15,632      4,609
    Elimination                               (7,210)     (11,835)
 Total segment operating profit               84,867      91,260
 Investment income
 Exploration and production                   2,848       2,698
 Refining                                     (74)        785
 Marketing and distribution                   494         1,626
 Chemicals                                    2,986       7,500
 Corporate and others                         (12,265)    (3,089)
 Total segment investment (loss) /income     (6,011)     9,520
 Financial expenses                          (7,941)     (7,254)
 Gains/ (losses) from changes in fair value  1,765       (1,112)
 Asset disposal gains                        249         433
 Other income                                5,848       1,671
 Operating profit                            78,777      94,518
 Add: Non-operating income                    1,677       1,196
 Less: Non-operating expenses                 1,822       1,751
 Profit before taxation                      78,632      93,963



5.2 Quarterly financial statements prepared under International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS)

Consolidated Income Statement

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                                                 Current Amount     Amount of the previous period (July-September)  Nine-month period ended 30 September 2022  Nine-month period ended 30 September 2021

    Revenue from primary business                                       825,474            724,908                                         2,407,710                                  1,956,431
    Other operating revenues                                            15,722             16,010                                          45,612                                     45,260
    Subtotal                                                            841,196            740,918                                         2,453,322                                  2,001,691
 Operating expenses
    Purchased crude oil, products and                                   (700,430)          (576,176)                                       (1,962,613)                               (1,521,731)

 operating supplies and expenses
    Selling, general and administrative expenses                        (13,965)           (13,383)                                        (40,762)                                   (39,193)
    Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                            (27,911)           (28,282)                                        (81,549)                                   (82,748)
    Exploration expenses, including dry holes                           (2,135)            (3,167)                                         (7,873)                                    (8,013)
    Personnel expenses                                                  (25,264)           (24,937)                                        (74,487)                                   (70,132)
    Taxes other than income tax                                         (65,817)           (65,952)                                        (200,226)                                  (186,852)
    Impairment reversals/ (losses) on trade and other receivables       67                 (195)                                           139                                        (140)
    Other operating income/ (expense), net                              7,221              (2,287)                                         (10,065)                                   (7,857)
 Total operating expenses                                               (828,234)          (714,379)                                       (2,377,436)                                (1,916,666)
 Operating profit                                                       12,962             26,539                                          75,886                                    85,025
 Finance costs
 Interest expense                                                       (4,363)            (3,896)                                         (12,487)                                   (11,556)
 Interest income                                                        1,581              1,458                                           4,593                                      4,121
 Foreign currency exchange gains/ (losses), net                        178                86                                              (47)                                       181
 Net finance costs                                                     (2,604)            (2,352)                                         (7,941)                                    (7,254)
 Investment income                                                      74                 79                                              200                                        193
    Share of profits less losses from associates and joint ventures     3,950              5,903                                           11,277                                     17,036
 Profit before taxation                                                14,382              30,169                                            79,422                                   95,000
 Income tax expense                                                    (1,261)             (5,979)                                        (15,722)                                    (21,031)
 Profit for the period                                                     13,121          24,190                                         63,700                                     73,969
 Attributable to:
    Owners of the Company                                              12,833              20,665                                         57,284                                      60,892
    Non-controlling interests                                           288                3,525                                           6,416                                      13,077
 Profit for the period                                                 13,121             24,190                                          63,700                                      73,969
 Earnings per share:
 Basic earnings per share (RMB)                                         0.106              0.171                                           0.473                                      0.503
 Diluted earnings per share (RMB)                                       0.106              0.171                                           0.473                                      0.503

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited


 Items                                                                      Current Amount     Amount of the previous period  Nine-month period         Nine-month period

                                                                            (July-September)   (July-September)               ended 30 September 2022   ended 30 September 2021
 Profit for the period                                                      13,121             24,190                         63,700                    73,969
 Other comprehensive income:                                                1,628              3,355                          18,335                    11,463
 Items that may not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
    Equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income     (2)                1                              (19)                      9
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
    Share of other comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures    (1,617)            87                             1,780                     208
 Cash flow hedges                                                            (2,483)            3,066                         7,775                      11,706
 Cost of hedging reserve                                                     506                (20)                          (338)                      (60)
    Foreign currency translation differences                                5,224              221                              9,137                   (400)
 Total comprehensive income for the period                                  14,749             27,545                         82,035                    85,432
 Attributable to:
 Shareholders of the Company                                                13,510              24,091                        73,994                     72,302
           Non-controlling interests                                         1,239              3,454                          8,041                     13,130



Consolidated Balance Sheet

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                                   At 30 September 2022  At 31 December 2021
 Non-current assets:
 Property, plant and equipment, net                      602,881               598,925
 Construction in progress                                179,990               155,939
 Right-of-use assets                                     266,013               268,408
 Goodwill                                                8,779                 8,594
 Interest in associates                                  160,240               148,729
 Interest in joint ventures                              60,648                60,450
 Financial assets at fair value through other            785                   767

comprehensive income
 Deferred tax assets                                     21,478                19,389
 Long-term prepayments and other non-current assets      72,310                70,030
 Total non-current assets                                1,373,124             1,331,231
 Current assets:
 Cash and cash equivalents                               126,598               108,590
 Time deposits with financial institutions               90,130                113,399
 Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss  1,013                 -
 Derivatives financial assets                            43,768                18,371
 Trade accounts receivable and bills receivable          65,796                34,861
 Financial assets at fair value through other            5,660                 5,939

comprehensive income
 Inventories                                             282,719               207,433
 Prepaid expenses and other current assets               61,711                69,431
 Total current assets                                    677,395               558,024
 Current liabilities:
 Short-term debts                                        128,556               35,252
 Loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow             6,454                 2,873

 Lease liabilities                                       16,678                15,173
 Derivatives financial liabilities                       16,454                3,223
 Trade accounts payable and bills payable                243,776               215,640
 Contract liabilities                                    145,290               124,622
 Other payables                                          225,242               239,688
 Income tax payable                                      2,443                 4,809
 Total current liabilities                               784,893               641,280

Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)

 Net current liabilities                                   107,498    83,256
 Total assets less current liabilities                     1,265,626  1,247,975
 Non-current liabilities:
 Long-term debts                                           79,789     78,300
 Loans from Sinopec Group Company and fellow subsidiaries  15,146     13,690
 Lease liabilities                                         168,718    170,233
 Deferred tax liabilities                                  9,767      7,910
 Provisions                                                46,475     43,525
 Other non-current liabilities                             21,117     19,243
 Total non-current liabilities                             341,012    332,901
 Total net assets                                          924,614    915,074
 Share capital                                             121,071    121,071
 Reserves                                                  659,323    653,111
 Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company  780,394    774,182
 Non-controlling interests                                 144,220    140,892
 Total equity                                              924,614    915,074



Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                                                         Nine-month period         Nine-month period

                                                                               ended 30 September 2022   ended 30 September 2021
 Net cash generated from operating activities(a)                               59,244                    116,744
 Investing activities
 Capital expenditure                                                           (82,142)                  (78,185)
 Exploratory wells expenditure                                                 (12,343)                  (10,417)
 Purchase of investments                                                       (5,341)                   (10,363)
 Payment for financial assets at fair value through profit or loss             (1,009)                   (8,232)
 Proceeds from settlement of financial assets at fair value through profit or  6                         4,739
 Payment for acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired                   (7,641)                   (1,114)
 Proceeds from disposal of investments                                         512                       6,639
 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant, equipment and other non-current    218                       919
 Increase in time deposits with maturities over three months                   (22,071)                  (32,711)
 Decrease in time deposits with maturities over three months                   47,491                    22,698
 Interest received                                                             3,489                     2,407
 Investment and dividend income received                                       8,718                     6,461
 Proceeds from/ (payments of) other investing activities                       202                       (2,912)
 Net cash used in investing activities                                         (69,911)                  (100,071)
 Financing activities
 Proceeds from bank and other loans                                            432,081                   298,393
 Repayments of bank and other loans                                            (332,437)                 (252,759)
 Contributions to subsidiaries from non-controlling interests                  1,935                     604
 Dividends paid by the Company                                                 (56,903)                  (35,111)
 Distributions by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests                    (4,360)                   (5,741)
 Interest paid                                                                 (4,496)                   (3,968)
 Payments made to acquire non-controlling interests                            -                         (1,410)
 Repayments of lease liabilities                                               (10,877)                  (12,778)
 Proceeds from other financing activities                                      1,347                     115
 Repayments of other financing activities                                      (2,413)                   (574)
 Net cash generated from/ (used in) financing activities                       23,877                    (13,229)
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                     13,210                    3,444
 Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                                        108,590                   87,559
 Effect of foreign currency exchange rate changes                              4,798                     (177)
 Cash and cash equivalents at 30 September                                     126,598                   90,826

Note to consolidated statement of Cash Flows

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

(a) Reconciliation of profit before taxation to net cash generated from
operating activities

 Items                                                            Nine-month period ended 30  Nine-month period ended 30

                                                                  September 2022              September 2021
 Operating activities
 Profit before taxation                                           79,422                      95,000
 Adjustments for:
 Depreciation, depletion and amortisation                         81,549                      82,748
 Dry hole costs written off                                       5,556                       5,427
 Share of profits less losses from associates and joint ventures  (11,277)                    (17,036)
 Investment income                                                (200)                       (193)
 Interest income                                                  (4,593)                     (4,121)
 Interest expense                                                 12,487                      11,556
 (Gain) /loss on foreign currency exchange rate changes and       (451)                       1,203

 derivative financial instruments
 Loss on disposal of property, plant, equipment and               205                         125

 other non-current assets, net
 Impairment losses on assets                                      2,376                       1,036
 Impairment (reversals) /losses on trade and other receivables    (139)                       140
 Operating profit before change of operating capital              164,935                     175,885
 Accounts receivable and other current assets                     (26,933)                    (62,740)
 Inventories                                                      (77,664)                    (46,565)
 Accounts payable and other current liabilities                   13,041                      70,880
 Subtotal                                                         73,379                      137,460
 Income tax paid                                                  (14,135)                    (20,716)
 Net cash generated from operating activities                     59,244                      116,744













Segment Reporting

For the nine-month period ended 30 September 2022

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                               Nine-month period         Nine-month period

                                     ended 30 September 2022   ended 30 September 2021
 Revenue from primary business
 Exploration and production
 External sales                       138,870                   104,139
 Inter-segment sales                  92,164                    61,683
 Subtotal                             231,034                   165,822
 External sales                       148,241                   122,238
 Inter-segment sales                  1,028,879                 862,823
 Subtotal                             1,177,120                 985,061
 Marketing and distribution
 External sales                       1,227,731                 977,324
 Inter-segment sales                  9,886                     4,745
 Subtotal                             1,237,617                 982,069
 External sales                       342,259                   306,570
 Inter-segment sales                  60,194                    48,973
 Subtotal                             402,453                   355,543
 Corporate and others
 External sales                       550,609                   446,160
 Inter-segment sales                 775,647                    527,164
 Subtotal                             1,326,256                 973,324
 Elimination of inter-segment sales  (1,966,770)               (1,505,388)
 Revenue from primary business       2,407,710                 1,956,431
 Other operating revenues
 Exploration and production           4,465                     5,011
 Refining                             2,874                     3,723
 Marketing and distribution           28,952                    27,216
 Chemicals                            7,496                     7,754
 Corporate and others                1,825                      1,556
 Other operating revenues            45,612                     45,260
 Revenue                             2,453,322                  2,001,691



Segment Reporting (Continued)

 Operating profit/ (loss)
 By segment
 Exploration and production                                      43,591     8,708
 Refining                                                        20,849     53,567
 Marketing and distribution                                      21,120     21,628
 Chemicals                                                       (4,037)    15,757
 Corporate and others                                            1,573      (2,800)
 Elimination                                                     (7,210)    (11,835)
 Total segment operating profit                                 75,886      85,025
 Share of profits/ (losses) from associates and joint ventures
 Exploration and production                                      2,654      2,134
 Refining                                                        (245)      728
 Marketing and distribution                                      1,994      2,678
 Chemicals                                                       3,131      7,556
 Corporate and others                                            3,743      3,940
 Aggregate share of profits from associates and joint ventures  11,277     17,036
 Investment income
 Exploration and production                                      -          62
 Refining                                                        41         (1)
 Marketing and distribution                                      40         10
 Chemicals                                                       (155)      (56)
 Corporate and others                                            274        178
 Aggregate investment income                                    200        193
 Net finance costs                                              (7,941)    (7,254)
 Profit before taxation                                         79,422     95,000



5.3 Differences between consolidated financial statements prepared in
accordance with the accounting policies complying with the accounting policies
complying with CASs and IFRS (Unaudited)


Other than the differences in the classifications of certain financial
statements captions and the accounting for the items described below, there
are no material differences between the Group's consolidated financial
statements prepared in accordance with the accounting policies complying with
CASs and IFRS. The reconciliation presented below is included as supplemental
information, is not required as part of the basic financial statements and
does not include differences related to classification, presentation or
disclosures. Such information has not been subject to independent audit or
review. The major differences are:

(i) Government grants

Under CASs, grants from the government are credited to capital reserve if
required by relevant governmental regulations. Under IFRS, government grants
relating to the purchase of fixed assets are recognised as deferred income and
are transferred to the income statement over the useful life of these assets.

(ii) Safety production fund

Under CASs, safety production fund should be recognised in profit or loss with
a corresponding increase in reserve according to PRC regulations. Such reserve
is reduced for expenses incurred for safety production purposes or, when
safety production related fixed assets are purchased, is reduced by the
purchased cost with a corresponding increase in the accumulated depreciation.
Such fixed assets are not depreciated thereafter. Under IFRS, payments are
expensed as incurred, or capitalised as fixed assets and depreciated according
to applicable depreciation methods.

Effects of major differences between the net profit under CASs and the profit
for the period under IFRS are analysed as follows:

Prepared by: China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation

Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                             Nine-month period         Nine-month period

                                   ended 30 September 2022   ended 30 September 2021
 Net profit under CASs             62,910                    72,932
 Government grants(i)              44                        37
 Safety production fund(ii)        1,088                     1,000
 Other                             (342)                     -
 Profit for the period under IFRS  63,700                    73,969



Effects of major differences between the shareholders' equity under CASs and
the total equity under IFRS are analysed as follows:


Units: million Currency: RMB Type: unaudited

 Items                                 As of 30 September 2022          As of 31 December 2021
 Shareholders' equity under CASs  925,537                           916,041
 Government grants(i)             (923)                             (967)
 Total equity under IFRS          924,614                           915,074




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