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THRG Blackrock Throgmorton Trust News Story

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FinancialsBalancedMid Cap

REG-BlackRock Throgmorton Trust Plc: Director/PDMR Shareholding

BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc

LEI: 5493003B7ETS1JEDPF59
Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging
managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them


 1         Deta ils of t he p erso n di sc ha rg ing m a n ager i a l res ponsib i li t i e s / p erso n c l ose ly assoc i ated                                                                                                                                       
 a)        Na me                                                                                                                         Merryn Somerset Webb                                                                                                          
 2         Reaso n f or t he no t i f i cat i on                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
 a)        Position/ s tatus                                                                                                             Non-Executive Director                                                                                                        
 b)        I niti a l noti f i ca t i on/Am e ndm e nt                                                                                   Initial notification                                                                                                          
 3         Deta ils o f t he i ss u er , e m is s i o n a llo w a n c e m a r k e t pa rt i c ip a n t , a u ct i on pl at f o r m , a u ct ion ee r o r a u c t ion mo ni tor                                                                                         
 a)        Na me                                                                                                                         BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc                                                                                               
 b)        L E I                                                                                                                         5493003B7ETS1JEDPF59                                                                                                          
 4         Deta ils o f t he t ra n sact i on (s) : s ect ion t o be re p eate d f or ( i ) e a c h ty pe o f in str u m e n t ; (ii ) eac h typ e o f transa c tion ; (iii ) eac h date ; a n d (iv ) eac h plac e w h er e transactions have b ee n c ondu cte d     
 a)        Descriptio n o f the f in a n c i a l inst r um e nt, t y pe o f instrument  I d e nti f i ca tion c o d e                    Ordinary shares of 5p each (shares)                                                                                           
 b)        N a tu r e of t h e t ra nsa c tion                                                                                           Purchase of Shares – Dividend Reinvestment                                                                                    
 c)        Price(s ) an d volum e (s)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 Price(s)  Volume(s)                                                                                                                     
 £6.075    23                                                                                                                            
 d)        Aggr e g ate d i n formation                                                                                                  n/a (single transaction - see above)                                                                                          
            - Aggregated volume                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
            - Price                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 e )       D a te of the tr a ns ac tion                                                                                                 2024-09-12                                                                                                                    
 f)        Pl ac e o f the t r ansac tion                                                                                                London Stock Exchange (XLON)                                                                                                  


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