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REG-Bisichi Plc: Report on Payments to Governments

Bisichi PLC

Report on payments to governments for the year 2023

Bisichi PLC together with its subsidiaries issues the following report on
payments to government for the year ended 31 December 2023.


This Report provides an overview of the payments to governments made by
Bisichi PLC and its subsidiaries for the year ended 31 December 2023 as
required under the UK Reports on Payments to Governments Regulation 2014 and
its amendment in December 2015 (the UK Regulations). This Report is also
intended to satisfy the requirements of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules
of the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom.


Reporting entities

This report includes payments to governments made by Bisichi PLC and its
subsidiary undertakings (Bisichi). Payments made by associates and entities
over which Bisichi has joint control are excluded from this report.


Payments made by Bisichi to governments arising from activities involving the
exploration, prospection, discovery, development and extraction of minerals
(extractive activities) are to be disclosed in this report.


Government includes any national, regional or local authority of a country,
and includes a department, agency or entity that is a subsidiary of a


Payments that are reported at project level except that payments that are not
attributable to a specific project are reported at legal entity level. Project
is defined as being the operational activities which are governed by a single
contract, or licence agreement, and form the basis for payment liabilities
with a government.

If agreements of this kind are substantially interconnected (i.e. forming a
set of operationally and geographically integrated contracts, licenses, leases
or concessions) these are treated for the purposes of these Regulations as a
single project. Indicators of integration include geographic proximity and
common operational management.


The information is reported under the following payment types:


These are any taxes paid by Bisichi on its income and profits in accordance
with legislation enacted in the applicable jurisdiction. Payments are reported
net of refunds. Value added tax, personal income taxes, social taxes, property
taxes are excluded.


Royalties is any mining royalty payable in the Republic of South Africa.


These are any fees and other sums paid as consideration for acquiring a
licence for gaining access to an area where extractive activities are
performed. Administrative government fees that are not specifically related to
the extractive sector are excluded.

Infrastructure improvements.

Payments in kind in the form of infrastructure expenditure other than in
circumstances where the infrastructure is expected to be primarily dedicated
to operational activities throughout its useful life. UK Regulations do not
require reporting social or community payments, such as payments to build a
hospital or a school.

Other types of payments

Other types of payments that are required to be disclosed in accordance with
the UK Regulations but are not relevant to Bisichi operations are the

-           Production entitlements

-           Dividends

Including dividends paid to a government in lieu of production entitlements or
royalties. Dividends paid to a government as an ordinary shareholder on the
same terms as to other ordinary shareholders and not paid in lieu of
production entitlements or royalties are excluded.

-           Signature, discovery and production bonuses

Payments are reported on a cash basis. No in-kind payments were made during
year ended 31 December 2023.

Materiality Level

In line with the UK Regulations, where a payment or a series of related
payments have not exceeded £86,000 they have not been disclosed.

Exchange Rate

Relevant payments are made by Bisichi in South African Rand and for the
purpose of this report are translated to UK Sterling using the annual average
exchange rate for the period.

 PAYMENTS PER GOVERNMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 Government                                                                                                                  Taxes                    Royalties            Fees             Infrastructure improvements       Total                                 
 Republic of South Africa                                                                                                    £315,198                 -                    -                -                                 £315,198                              
 Total                                                                                                                       £315,198                 -                    -                -                                 £315,198                              
 PAYMENTS PER PROJECT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
 Entity                                                                Project                                                      Country/ Government        Taxes             Royalties  Fees             Infrastructure improvements      Total                 
 Sisonke Coal Processing (Pty) Ltd                                     Sisonke Coal Processing                                      South Africa               £315,198          -          -                -                                £315,198              
 Total                                                                                                                                                         £315,198          -          -                -                                £315,198              

A copy of the report referred to above has been sent to the National Storage
Mechanism and will shortly be available for viewing at

For further information, please contact:

Garrett Casey

Company Secretary

Bisichi PLC

Tel: 020 7415 5030

26 June 2024

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