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REG - Becket Invest PLC - Final Results to 30 September 2023

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RNS Number : 5981B  Becket Invest PLC  31 January 2024




("Becket" or the "Company")


Annual Report and Financial Statements


For the year ended 30 September 2023


Chairman's Statement


Dear Shareholders,


I am pleased to present the annual report for Becket Invest Plc (the "Company"
or "Becket") for the year ended 30 September 2023. This has been a year of
significant change for the Company, culminating in the admission of the
Company to the Standard Listing and to trading on the Main Market of the
London Stock Exchange on 5 June 2023.


Company activities


The principal focus of the Company is to acquire an established business in
the technology sector. To this end, the Company will continue to endeavour to
identify acquisition targets where such targets can offer a clear value
advantage to the Company. However, the Company's focus in identifying
opportunities will not be limited to a particular industry or geographic


Financial Status


The Company's financial position remains stable given that it does not
currently generate any income, with available funds to support our immediate
initiatives. Whilst we have not generated any operating income during the
financial year, we are dedicated to ensuring that our resources are prudently
managed for the benefit of the shareholders.




Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to our shareholders for their
ongoing support and patience as we pursue avenues for future operations and
value creation. We remain dedicated to our shareholders' interests.





Graeme Muir




The full report will shortly be available on the Company's website at
https://www.becketinvest.co.uk/ (https://www.becketinvest.co.uk/)


 Becket Invest Plc              Tel: +44 (0)7515 888 111


Graeme Muir
 Peterhouse Capital             Tel: +44 (0)20 7469 0930
 Financial Adviser

Guy Miller / Brefo Gyasi
 Corporate Broker               Tel: + 44 (0)20 7469 0930
 Lucy Williams / Duncan Vasey


Strategic Report


The Directors present their Strategic Report for the year ended 30 September


Principal Activities


Throughout the year under review, the Company was an investment company. The
principal activity of the Company during year was to seek to acquire an
established business in the technology sector. Such target businesses will,
ideally, be approaching an identifiable inflection point in terms of revenue
generation which can be accelerated through the injection of capital from the


However, given the collective experience of the incoming Directors, the
Company has decided to focus instead on opportunities in the battery metals
and related technologies sectors and will focus on potential acquisition
opportunities where such opportunities can offer a clear value advantage to
the Company. The Company's efforts in identifying opportunities will not,
however, be limited to a particular industry or geographic location. The main
sources of value advantage are expected to be the relevant experience and
networks of the Directors and the ability to act quickly to complete a
transaction and to deploy capital. As such, the Directors believe that their
broad, collective experience, together with their extensive network of
contacts, will assist them in identifying, evaluating and funding suitable
acquisition opportunities.


However, the Company's efforts in identifying opportunities will not be
limited to a particular industry or geographic location. In assessing such
opportunities, the Directors will focus on opportunities which can offer a
clear value advantage to the Company. The main sources of value advantage are
expected to be the relevant experience and networks of the Directors and the
ability to act quickly to complete a transaction and to deploy capital. As
such, the Directors believe that their broad, collective experience, together
with their extensive network of contacts, will assist them in identifying,
evaluating and funding suitable acquisition opportunities.


Review of Business and Development in the Year


A review of the year's activities and future prospects is contained in the
Chairman's Statement.


Financial and Performance Review

The Company did not have any income producing assets during the year under


The results for the Company are set out in detail in the financial statements.
The Company reports a loss of £2,265,477 for the year ended 30 September 2023
(2022: £Nil).


Key Performance Indicators

The usual financial key performance indicators do not apply to a company with
no revenue. The Company's primary financial key performance indicator ('KPI')
at this stage of its development is the monitoring of its cash balances. The
Company's cash at 30 September 2023 was £677,622 (2022: £Nil). The critical
non-financial KPI during the year was the ability of the Company to complete
an acquisition or achieve an IPO, which it achieved.


Strategic Report….continued


Risk & Uncertainties

The Board regularly reviews the risks to which the Company is exposed and
ensures through its meetings and regular reporting that these risks are
minimised as far as possible.


Principal risk and uncertainty facing the Company during the year under review
included but was not limited to the Company's ability to identify or secure
opportunities in the sectors or geographical locations in which the Company
has decided to focus.


Promotion of the Company for the benefit of the members as a whole


The Directors believe they have acted in the way most likely to promote the
success of the Company for the benefit of its members as a whole, as required
by s172 of the Companies Act 2006.


The requirements of s172 are for the Directors to:


·          Consider the likely consequences of any decision in the
long term;

·          Act fairly between members of the Company;

·          Maintain a reputation for high standards of business

·          Consider the interest of the Company's employees;

·          Foster the Company's relationships with suppliers,
customers and others; and

·          Consider the impact of the Company's operations on the
community and the environment.


The Company has sought to act in a way that upholds these principles. The
Directors believe that the application of s172 requirements can be
demonstrated in relation to some of the key decisions made and actions taken
during the year.


 Category                                      How the Directors have engaged                                                 Impact of action
 Shareholders and investors                    The Directors have communicated regularly with its shareholders and investors  The Company is listed on the Standard List and is trading on the Main Market
                                               via public announcements and the publication of a prospectus.                  of the London Stock Exchange.

 Environmental, social and governance ("ESG")  The Directors acknowledge that our business activities could affect the        No environmental or safety incidents were reported during the year.
                                               society and environment around us, and that we have an opportunity and an
                                               implicit duty to ensure this impact is positive.


Strategic Report….continued


Its members will be fully aware, through detailed announcements, shareholder
meetings and financial communications, of the Board's broad and specific
intentions and the rationale for its decisions. The Company pays its creditors
promptly and keeps its costs to a minimum to protect shareholders funds. When
selecting investments, issues such as the impact on the community and the
environment have actively been taken into consideration.


Use of financial instruments


The Company's financial risk management objectives are to minimise its
liabilities, to fund its activities through equity financing and to ensure the
Company has sufficient working capital to pursue its corporate strategic




Graeme Muir


Date: 31 January 2024

Directors' Report


The Directors present their Directors' Report together with the audited
financial statements of Becket Invest Plc (the "Company" or "Becket").  A
commentary on the business for the year is included in the Chairman's
Statement on page 3.  A review of the business is also included in the
Strategic Report on page 4.


The shareholdings of the Directors who held office throughout the year and at
the date of publication are as follows:


 Name              Number of Ordinary Shares  Percentage of share capital
 Graeme Muir       -                          -
 Thomas Furlong    -                          -
 Martin Lampshire  -                          -
 John Taylor       -                          -
 James Crossley    -                          -


Martin Lampshire is a consultant of Peterhouse Capital Limited.  Peterhouse
Capital Limited hold 4,155,200 ordinary shares in the Company, approximately
5.07% of the shareholdings at year end.  Flare Capital Limited, a company
under common directorships as Peterhouse Capital Limited, hold 9,414,290
(11.48%) shares in the Company at year end.  Graeme Muir and James Crossley
are directors of BPM Trading Limited, who is a significant shareholder of the
Company holding 62,844,800 shares (76.64%).


No directors held any shares in the Company as at the above date.


Results and dividends


The results for the year ended 30 September 2023 are set out on page 23.


The Company reports a loss of £(2,265,477) for the year ended 30 September
2023 (2022: £Nil).


There were no dividends paid in the previous or current financial year.


Directors' Insurance and Indemnity Provision


The Company does not currently hold directors' and officers' liability
insurance.  The Company will look to adhere to Section 234 of the Companies
Act 2006 by implementing qualifying third-party indemnity provisions for the
Directors in respect of liabilities incurred as a result of their office.
Whilst the Company is seeking an acquisition vehicle the Company has kept
suppliers and outgoings to a minimum to keep the momentum with the costs
directed to the main concern.



Directors' Report….continued


Employment Policy


It is the policy of the Company to operate a fair employment policy.  No
employee or job applicant will be less favourably treated than another on the
grounds of their sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, religion, race,
nationality, ethnic or national origin, colour or disability and all
appointments and promotions will be determined solely on merit.  The
Directors will encourage employees to be aware of all issues affecting the
Company and place considerable emphasis on employees sharing in its success.


Changes in share capital


Details of movements in share capital during the year are set out in Note 9 to
these financial statements.




The Company did not operate a pension scheme during the year and has not paid
any contributions to any scheme for Directors.


All eligible Directors have been invited to participate in the Company's
pension scheme with True Potential.  At the time of publication all Directors
have opted out of the workplace pension.


Energy and Emissions Data


As the Company has not consumed more than 40,000kwh of energy in this
reporting year, it qualifies as a low energy user under these regulations and
is not required to report on its emission, energy consumption or energy
efficiency activities.


Going concern


As at the year end the Company's cash resources amounted to £677,622 and were
deemed by the Directors to be sufficient for the Company to continue as a
going concern.


Therefore, the Directors have continued to adopt the going concern basis.


Directors' remuneration


Details of the remuneration of the Directors can be found in Note 5 to these


Directors' interests in transactions


Other than disclosed in Notes 5 and 11 no Director had during, or at the end
of the year, a material interest in any contract which was significant in
relation to the Company's business.


Directors' Report….continued




The following Directors held office during the year and/or at the signing date
of this annual report:


Graeme Muir (Appointed 5 July 2023)

Thomas Furlong (Appointed 1 September 2023, resigned 1 December 2023)

Martin Lampshire (Resigned 6 October 2023)

John Taylor (Resigned 31 July 2023)

James Crossley (Appointed 1 December 2023


Internal controls and corporate governance


The Board is responsible for identifying and evaluating the major business
risks faced by the Company and for determining and monitoring the appropriate
course of action to manage these risks.


Substantial shareholdings


As at 30 September 2023, the following shareholders hold more than 3% of the
issued share capital:


 Name                    Number of Ordinary Shares  Percentage of share capital
 BPM Trading Limited     62,844,800                 76.64%
 Flare Capital Plc       9,414,290                  11.48%
 Peterhouse Capital Ltd  4,155,200                  5.07%


Within the nominee shareholdings it is confirmed that no individual person or
organisation owns 3% or more.


Subsequent events


Details of subsequent events are disclosed in Note 13 of the financial


Annual general meeting


This report and the financial statements will be presented to shareholders for
their approval at the Company's Annual General Meeting ("AGM"). The Notice of
the AGM will be distributed to shareholders together with the Annual Report.



Directors' Report….continued


Audit committee


The Audit and Risk Committee comprising Graeme Muir as chair and James
Crossley will meet not less than twice a year. The Audit and Risk Committee
will be responsible for making recommendations to the Board on the appointment
of auditors and the audit fee and for ensuring that the financial performance
of the Company is properly monitored and reported. In addition, the Audit and
Risk Committee will receive and review reports from management and the
auditors relating to the interim report, the annual report and accounts and
the internal control systems of the Company.


Statement of Directors' responsibilities


The Directors are responsible for preparing the Chairman's Statement,
Strategic Report, the Directors' Report, the Remuneration Report and the
financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.


Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each
financial year. Under that law the directors are required to prepare financial
statements in accordance with UK adopted International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS), in conformity with the requirements of the Companies Act


The financial statements are required by law and IFRS to present fairly the
financial position and performance of the Company; the Companies Act 2006
provides in relation to such financial statements that references in the
relevant part of the Act to financial statements give a true and fair view and
references to their achieving a fair presentation.


Under Company Law the Directors must not approve the financial statements
unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of
affairs of the Company and the profit or loss of the Company for that year.
 The Directors are also required to prepare the financial statements in
accordance with the Rules of the London Stock Exchange.


In preparing the Company's financial statements, the Directors are required


·          select suitable accounting policies and then apply them

·          make judgements and accounting estimates that are
reasonable and prudent;

·       state whether applicable accounting standards, UK adopted IFRS,
in conformity to the Companies Act, have been followed, subject to any
material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements;

·          prepare the financial statements on the going concern
basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in
business; and

·          prepare a Directors' Reports, Strategic Report and
Directors' Remuneration Report which comply with the requirements of the
Companies Act 2006.


Directors' Report….continued


The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are
sufficient to show and explain the Company's transactions and disclose with
reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Company and
enable them to ensure that the financial statements and the Directors
remuneration report comply with the Companies Act 2006. They are also
responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence for taking
reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other


Disclosure of information to the auditors


The Directors who held office at the date of the approval of these Financial
Statements as confirm that:


·       so far as each Director is aware, there is no relevant audit
information of which the Company's auditor is unaware; and

·        the Directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken
to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish
that the auditor is aware of that information.

The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report in accordance
with applicable law and regulations. The Directors consider the annual report
and the financial statements, taken as a whole, provides the information
necessary to assess the Company's performance, business model and strategy and
is fair, balanced and understandable.

Website publication


Financial statements are published on the Company's website in accordance with
legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination
of financial statements, which may vary from legislation in other
jurisdictions.  The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and
integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Company's
website extending to the ongoing integrity of the financial statements
contained within.


Information to shareholders - Website


The Company has its own website (www.becketinvest.co.uk) for the purposes of
improving information flow to shareholders as well as to potential investors.


Directors' Report….continued


Directors' Responsibilities Pursuant to DTR4


To the best of their knowledge, the Directors confirm:


·          the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the
applicable set of accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the
assets, liabilities, financial position of the Company and its profit or loss
as at 30 September 2023; and

·          the annual report, including the Strategic Report
includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and
the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal
risks and uncertainties faced.



By order of the board




Graeme Muir


Date: 31 January 2024



Remuneration Report and Plan


Dear Shareholder,


On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present our Remuneration Report. It
has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of The Large and
Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) (Amendment)
Regulations 2013 (the "Regulations") and, after this introductory letter, is
split into two areas: the Remuneration Policy and the Annual Report on


Becket was admitted to the Standard Listing and to trading on the Main Market
of the London Stock Exchange on 5 June 2023. Since the listing, Becket has
been an investment company with the premise of acquiring an established
business in the technology sector.


Following the resignation of Martin Lampshire on 6 October 2023, John Taylor's
resignation on 31 July 2023 and the appointment of Graeme Muir, (Chairman),
and Thomas Furlong, (Non-Executive Director), as Directors on 5 July and 1
September 2023. (Thomas Furlong resigned 1 December 2023.) Respectively, the
Company now has two Directors as James Crossely was appointed on 1 December
2023; one executive and one non-executive. The Company stated in its 31 May
2023 prospectus that the Directors will be paid annual amounts of:


·            Martin Lampshire - £36,000 per annum; and

·            John Taylor - £36,000 per annum.


Since Admission to trading it has been agreed that the new incoming Directors
will have a remuneration of:


·             Graeme Muir - £40,000 per annum;

·             Thomas Furlong - £30,000 per annum (1 September
2023 - 1 December 2023); and

·             James Crossley - £30,000 per annum (appointed 1
December 2023).


The Company is currently too small to have a Remuneration Committee and the
establishment of such a committee (and the appointments to it) will be
revisited upon the completion of the Company's first acquisition, along with
incorporating its terms of reference.


The Directors, and their respective connected persons, do not hold any options
or warrants or other rights over any unissued Ordinary Shares of the Company.


Shareholders should note that the Company's Remuneration Policy contains
provisions that the Remuneration Committee, once established, will be granted
powers to set new remuneration arrangements from time to time. An annual
review will be undertaken to ensure remuneration is competitive and in line
with market practice and good governance. Any changes to the Remuneration
Policy will be put to shareholders at the next available Annual General


Graeme Muir



Date: 31 January 2024

Remuneration Policy


The Company adopted a formal remuneration policy on admission, 5 June 2023.


As part of the current Remuneration Policy, the Remuneration Committee, once
established, will have extensive discretionary powers to set new remuneration
arrangements that are commensurate with the business, from time to time. The
Remuneration Committee will make changes to salary levels of the existing
Directors, set salaries and compensation and introduce benefits, pension,
annual bonus and long term incentive arrangements which are competitive and in
line with market practice and governance guidelines and which would be
designed to align the interests of shareholder growth and director
compensation. The salaries and fees of all Directors were agreed following the
admission of the Company to the Standard List and to trading on the Main
Market of the London Stock Exchange on 5 June 2023.


 Element       Detail
 Base salary   ·            Graeme Muir - £40,000 per annum;

               ·            Thomas Furlong - £30,000 per annum (now resigned);

               ·            Martin Lampshire - £36,000 per annum (now resigned);

               ·            John Taylor - £36,000 per annum (now resigned); and

               ·            James Crossley - £30,000 per annum (appointed 1
               December 2023)
 Benefits      No benefits are currently provided. A detailed review will be undertaken on
               the 12-month anniversary of publication of these accounts.
 Pension       All eligible Directors have been invited to participate in the Company's
               pension scheme with True Potential.  At the time of publication, all eligible
               Directors have opted out.
 Annual Bonus  No annual bonus scheme is intended to be implemented during 2023. A detailed
               review will be undertaken on the 12-month anniversary of publication of these
               accounts. The review will reflect the scale and complexity of the Company at
               the time. Given the strategy of the Company, the Committee will continue to
               monitor this throughout the year.
 Option Plan   Currently there is no option or other incentive plan in place.


Notice periods


The notice period for all Directors is 3 months and notice must be provided in


Other Employees


The Company currently has no other employees.


Other policy matters


Policy sections normally set out approaches in the areas of executive
recruitment, termination of employment, shareholder consultation,
consideration of employment conditions elsewhere in the Company and employee
consultation. Other than items explained above, the Company believes that
these issues are not applicable at present.


Remuneration Policy….continued


Report Approval


A resolution to approve this report will be proposed at the AGM of the
Company. The vote will have advisory status.


Directors' emoluments and compensation (audited)


Set out below are the emoluments of the Directors for the years ended 30
September 2023 and 30 September 2022:

                         2023    2022

                         £       £
 Graeme Muir             10,000  -
 Thomas Furlong          2,500   -
 Martin Lampshire        15,000  -
 John Taylor             18,000  -
 Closing balance         45,500  -


John Taylor received £9,000 in July in respect of three month's salary in
lieu of notice.


Long term incentive plan arrangements


There are no charges to comprehensive income in the year for any option or
warrant plan.


Other disclosures on remuneration during 2023


Other than the salaries and fees, detailed above in this Report, no other
remuneration was paid, payable or is at present expected to be paid or payable
for 2023. As such, there are no further disclosures to be made in respect of
salary or fee changes for 2023, pension, benefits, annual bonus in respect of
2022 or 2023, vesting, outstanding or forward long-term incentive plan awards.


UK 10-year performance graph against CEO remuneration


The Directors have considered the requirement for a UK 10-year performance
graph comparing the Company's Total Shareholder Return with that of a
comparable indicator. The Directors do not currently consider that including
the graph will be meaningful because the Company only listed on 5 June 2023
and is not paying dividends. The Directors intend to include such a comparison
table from 2024, if appropriate.


Remuneration Policy….continued


Relative importance of spend on pay


The Directors have considered the requirement to present information on the
relative importance of spend on pay compared to other financial metrics. Given
that the Company had no trading business in 2023, did not generate revenues or
pay dividends, the Directors do not believe it is necessary to include such
information or that it would serve any meaningful purpose at the current time.


UK Remuneration percentage changes


Listed companies are required to make disclosures in respect of percentage
year-on-year changes in the lead executive's and employee remuneration, the
ratio of the lead executive's remuneration to that of different employee
groups. These disclosures are not applicable.


Compliance with the Corporate Governance Code


The Committee has considered and will continue to monitor the regulatory
environment and in particular the revised UK Corporate Governance Code. As the
Company develops and introduces a formal remuneration policy, the Committee
will reflect on these issues. The Committee is satisfied that in respect of
2023 the remuneration policy operated as intended in terms of Company
performance and quantum.


The Committee will ensure that policies and practices are consistent with the
six factors set out in Provision 40 of the Code including Clarity, Simplicity,
Risk, Predictability, Proportionality and Alignment of Culture. Given the
limited and simple nature of existing remuneration arrangements, the Committee
believes they are consistent with these principles.


UK Directors' shares (audited)


The interests of the Directors who served during the year in the share capital
of the Company as of 30 September 2023 and at the date of this report has been
set out in the Directors' Report on page 7.


Policy Approval


A resolution to approve this policy will be proposed at the AGM of the


Approved on behalf of the Board of Directors by:



Graeme Muir,



Date: 31 January 2024

Independent Auditors' Report

For the year ended 30 September 2023

Registered number 13628478



We have audited the financial statements of Becket Invest Plc (the 'company')
for the period ended 30 September 2023 which comprise Statement of Profit or
Loss, Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Changes in Equity,
Statement of Cash Flows( )and notes to the financial statements, including
significant accounting policies.  The financial reporting framework that has
been applied in their preparation is applicable law and UK adopted
international accounting standards.

In our opinion the financial statements:

•      give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs
as at 30 September 2023, and of its loss for the period then ended;

•      have been properly prepared in accordance with UK adopted
international accounting standards; and

•      have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
Companies Act 2006.


Basis for opinion


We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing
(UK) (ISAs (UK)) and applicable law. Our responsibilities under those
standards are further described in the Auditor responsibilities for the audit
of the financial statements section of our report. We are independent of the
company in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our
audit of the financial statements in the UK, including the FRC's Ethical
Standard, as applied to listed public interest entities, and we have fulfilled
our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.  We
believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate
to provide a basis for our opinion.


Overview of our audit approach




In planning and performing our audit we applied the concept of materiality. An
item is considered material if it could reasonably be expected to change the
economic decisions of a user of the financial statements. We used the concept
of materiality to both focus our testing and to evaluate the impact of
misstatements identified.


Based on our professional judgement, we determined overall materiality for the
Company's financial statements as a whole to be £7,160 based on total assets


We use a different level of materiality ('performance materiality') to
determine the extent of our testing for the audit of the financial statements.
Performance materiality is set based on the audit materiality as adjusted for
the judgements made as to the entity risk and our evaluation of the specific
risk of each audit area having regard to the internal control environment.


Where considered appropriate performance materiality may be reduced to a lower
level, such as, for related party transactions and directors' remuneration.


Independent Auditors' Report….continued


We agreed with the directors to report to it all identified errors in excess
of £358.  Errors below that threshold would also be reported to it if, in
our opinion as auditor, disclosure was required on qualitative grounds.


Overview of the scope of our audit


In designing our audit, we determined materiality, as above, and assessed the
risk of material misstatement in the financial statements.  In particular, we
looked at the capturing of administrative costs, for example ensuring all set
up costs and listing costs were captured.  We also addressed the risk of
management override of internal controls, including evaluating whether there
was evidence of bias by the directors that represented a risk of material
misstatement due to fraud.


Key Audit Matters


Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were
of most significance in our audit of the financial statements of the current
period and include the most significant assessed risks of material
misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) that we identified. These matters
included those which had the greatest effect on the overall audit strategy,
the allocation of resources in the audit; and directing the efforts of the
engagement team.


We set out below, together with going concern, those matters we identified as
key audit matters. This is not a complete list of all risks identified by our


 Key audit matter                                                                How the scope of our audit addressed the key audit matter
 Capturing of all administrative and set up costs

 The company was incorporated and listed on the London Stock Exchange within
 the period we are reporting on.  All set up and listing costs may not be

 included in the Statement of Profit or Loss therefore understating the loss     We undertook procedures on a sample basis to:
 for the period.

                                                                               (i)      - review engagement letters between the company and professional
                                                                                 service providers

                                                                                 (ii)     - review invoices from professional service providers

                                                                                 (iii)    - review the company's bank statement for the period and post
                                                                                 period end and

                                                                                 (iv)    - made enquiries of management
 Accounting treatment and disclosure of warrants issued in the year

 The company issued investor and broker warrant instruments at the time of
 listing on the London Stock Exchange.   The accounting treatment, valuation

 and disclosure of these warrants may not be appropriate in the financial

                                                                                 We reviewed the agreements for the warrant instruments between the Company and
                                                                                 the brokers/investors to ensure the appropriate accounting treatment was
                                                                                 applied, selected a sample of signed agreements to ensure appropriately
                                                                                 executed, reviewed basis of valuation verifying assumptions made by management
                                                                                 within their selected valuation model plus mathematically accurate as well as
                                                                                 reviewing appropriateness and completeness of  disclosure in the financial



Independent Auditors' Report….continued


 Key audit matter                                                                How the scope of our audit addressed the key audit matter
 Directors' use of Going Concern assumption

 The directors' have used the going concern basis of accounting in preparation
 of these financial statements. The directors therefore consider that the

 company has adequate resources to continue its operational existence for the    We reviewed and scrutinised the cash flow forecast prepared by directors for
 foreseeable future.  There is a risk this assumption may not be appropriate.    the twelve-month period from the date of signing the financial statements as
                                                                                 well as holding discussions with the directors relating to planned expenditure
                                                                                 over the next year.


Our audit procedures in relation to these matters were designed in the context
of our audit opinion as a whole. They were not designed to enable us to
express an opinion on these matters individually and we express no such


Conclusions relating to going concern


In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the directors'
use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the
financial statements is appropriate.  Our evaluation of the directors'
assessment of the entity's ability to continue to adopt the going concern
basis of accounting included review and scrutiny of the cash flow forecast
prepared by the directors for the twelve-month period from the date of signing
the financial statements and also discussions with the directors relating to
planned expenditure over the next year.  The cash flow forecast prepared by
the directors appears reasonable.


Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material
uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or
collectively, may cast significant doubt on the company's ability to continue
as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from when the
financial statements are authorised for issue.

Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect to
going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report.


Other information


The other information comprises the information included in the annual report
and financial statements, other than the financial statements and our
auditor's report thereon.  The directors are responsible for the other
information contained within the annual report and financial statements. Our
opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and,
except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in our report, we do not
express any form of assurance conclusion thereon. Our responsibility is to
read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other
information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements, or our
knowledge obtained in the course of the audit, or otherwise appears to be
materially misstated. If we identify such material inconsistencies or apparent
material misstatements, we are required to determine whether this gives rise
to a material misstatement in the financial statements themselves. If, based
on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material
misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact.


We have nothing to report in this regard.


Independent Auditors' Report….continued


Opinions on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006


In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit:

•      the information given in the Strategic Report and the Directors'
Report for the financial period for which the financial statements are
prepared is consistent with the financial statements; and

•      the Strategic Report and the Directors' Report have been
prepared in accordance with applicable legal requirements.


Matters on which we are required to report by exception


In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the company and its
environment obtained in the course of the audit, we have not identified
material misstatements in the strategic report and the directors' report.


We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in relation to
which the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:

•      adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns
adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us;

•      the financial statements are not in agreement with the
accounting records and returns; or

•      certain disclosures of directors' remuneration specified by law
are not made; or

•      we have not received all the information and explanations we
require for our audit.


Responsibilities of directors


As explained more fully in the directors' responsibilities statement set out
on page 12, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial
statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view, and
for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable
the preparation of financial statements that are free from material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.


In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible for
assessing the company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as
applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis
of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the company or
to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.


Auditor responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements


Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to
fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that
an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material
misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and
are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could
reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on
the basis of these financial statements.


Independent Auditors' Report….continued


Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non-compliance with laws and
regulations. We design procedures in line with our responsibilities, outlined
above, to detect material misstatements in respect of irregularities,
including fraud. The extent to which our procedures are capable of detecting
irregularities, including fraud is detailed below:

•        We obtained an understanding of the legal and regulatory
frameworks within which the company operates, focusing on those laws and
regulations that have a direct effect on the determination of material amounts
and disclosures in the financial statements. The laws and regulations we
considered in this context was the UK Companies Act and relevant taxation

•        We identified the greatest risk of material impact on the
financial statements from irregularities, including fraud, to be the override
of controls by management.  Our audit procedures to respond to these risks
included enquiries of management about their own identification and assessment
of the risks of irregularities, sample testing on the posting and basis of
journals and sample testing all expenditure in the period.


Because of the inherent limitations of an audit, there is a risk that we will
not detect all irregularities, including those leading to a material
misstatement in the financial statements or non-compliance with regulation.
This risk increases the more that compliance with a law or regulation is
removed from the events and transactions reflected in the financial
statements, as we will be less likely to become aware of instances of
non-compliance. The risk is also greater regarding irregularities occurring
due to fraud rather than error, as fraud involves intentional concealment,
forgery, collusion, omission or misrepresentation.


A further description of our responsibilities is available on the Financial
Reporting Council's website
. This description forms part of our auditor's report.


Other matters which we are required to address


We were appointed by the board of directors on 12 January 2024 to audit the
financial statements for the period ending 30 September 2023.  Our total
uninterrupted period of engagement is one year, covering the period ending 30
September 2023.


The non-audit services prohibited by the FRC's Ethical Standard were not
provided to the company and we remain independent of the company in conducting
our audit.


We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other
matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit
findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we
identify during our audit.  Our audit opinion is consistent with the
additional report to the audit committee.



Independent Auditors' Report….continued


Use of our report


This report is made solely to the company's members, as a body, in accordance
with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been
undertaken so that we might state to the company's members those matters we
are required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other purpose.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume
responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company's members as a
body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.



Rakesh Chauhan FCCA (Senior Statutory Auditor)

For and on behalf of:

Pointon Young Chartered Accountants, Statutory Auditor

33 Ludgate Hill


31 January 2024





Statement of Comprehensive Income


                                                     30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022

                                                     £            £
 Continuing operations
 Administrative expenses                       4     (171,906)    -
 Warrant expense                               6     (2,093,571)
 Loss before taxation                                (2,265,477)  -

 Taxation                                      3     -            -

 Loss for the year from continuing operations        (2,265,477)  -

 Other comprehensive income                          -            -

 Total comprehensive loss for the year               (2,265,477)  -


 Earnings per share
 Basic earnings per share (pence)    12  (8.5p)  -
 Diluted earnings per share (pence)  12  (1.2p)  -



The notes to these financial statements on pages 27 to 37 form an integral
part of these financial statements.


Statement of Financial Position

Company number: 13628478


                                    30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022

                                    £            £
 ASSETS                       Note
 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables  7     38,390       1
 Cash and cash equivalents          677,622      -
 Total Current Assets               716,012      -
                                    716,012      1

 Total Assets

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables     8     67,917       -
 Total Liabilities                  67,917       -

 Net Assets                         648,095      1

 Share capital                9     820,001      1
 Warrant Reserves                   2,093,571    -
 Retained earnings                  (2,265,477)  -
 Total Equity                       648,095      1


The notes to these financial statements on pages 27 to 37 form an integral
part of these financial statements.


These financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the Board
of Directors on 31 January 2024 and signed on its behalf by:




Graeme Muir


Statement of Changes in Equity


 COMPANY                     Share     Share     Warrant Reserves  Retained     Total

                             Capital   premium                     earnings     shareholders'

                             £         £         £                 £            £
 Balance at                  1         -         -                 -            1

 1 October 2021

 Total comprehensive income  -         -         -                 -            -
 Balance at                  1         -         -                 -            1

 30 September 2022
 Total comprehensive income  -         -         -                 (2,265,477)  (2,265,477)
 Net equity issued           820,000   -         -                 -            820,000
 Share warrant expense                 -         2,093,571         -            2,093,571
 Balance at                  820,001   -         2,093,571         (2,265,477)  648,095

 30 September 2023


The notes to these financial statements on pages 27 to 37 form an integral
part of these financial statements.


Statement of Cash Flows


                                                     Note  30 Sep 2023  30 Sep 2022

                                                           £            £
 Cash flows from operating activities
 Loss for the year                                         (2,265,477)  -

 (Increase)/decrease in receivables                        (38,389)     1
 Increase/(decrease) in payables                           67,917       -
 Net cash used in operating activities                     (2,235,949)  1

 Investing activities
 Purchase of investment                                    -            -
 Net cash used in investing activities                     -            -

 Financing activities
 Share warrant expense    2,093,571                        2,093,571
 Issue of shares for cash, net of costs                    820,000      -
 Net cash from financing activities                        2,913,571    -

 Increase / (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents        677,622      -
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year        -            -
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year          677,622      -


Issue of shares for cash, net of costs



Net cash from financing activities




Increase / (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents



Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year



Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year




The notes to these financial statements on pages 27 to 37 form an integral
part of these financial statements.

Notes to the Financial Statements


1.         General information


Becket Invest Plc ('the Company' or 'Becket') is domiciled in England having
been incorporated on 17 September 2021 under the Companies Act with registered
number 13628478 as a public company limited by shares. The Company's shares
were admitted to a Standard Listing and to trading on the Main Market of the
London Stock Exchange on 5 June 2023.


The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these
financial statements are set out below. These policies have been applied to
all years presented, unless otherwise stated below.


In the opinion of the Directors the financial statements present fairly the
financial position, and results from operations and cash flows for the year in
conformity with the generally accepted accounting principles consistently


2.         Accounting policies


The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with UK
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).


Basis of preparation and going concern

The financial statements are prepared on the going concern basis, under the
historical cost convention as modified for fair value accounting, if
applicable. The financial statements are presented in Pounds Sterling and have
been rounded to the nearest pound (£).


At 30 September 2023 the Company had cash resources of approximately £677,622
which, given the activities of the Company at the date of these financial
statements provided it with sufficient available resources to meet all of its
commitments for the next 12 months and, accordingly these financial statements
are prepared on a going concern basis.


Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents are carried in the statement of financial position
at cost and comprise cash in hand, cash at bank, deposits held at call with
banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of
three months or less. Bank overdrafts are included within borrowings in
current liabilities on the statement of financial position. For the purposes
of the statement of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents also includes any
bank overdrafts.


Income taxation

Income taxes include all taxes based upon the taxable profit of the company.
Other taxes not based on income such as property and capital taxes, are
included within operating expenses or financial expenses according to their


Deferred taxation

Deferred income taxes are provided in full, using the liability method, for
all temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and
liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred
income taxes are determined using tax rates that have been enacted or
substantially enacted and are expected to apply when the related deferred
income tax asset is realised, or the related deferred income tax liability is

Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


The principal temporary differences arise from depreciation or amortisation
charged on assets and tax losses carried forward. Deferred tax assets relating
to the carry forward of unused tax losses are recognised to the extent that it
is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the
unused tax losses can be utilised.


Foreign currencies

(i)      Functional and presentational currency

The Directors consider GBP Pound Sterling to be the Company's functional
currency, therefore the financial statements are presented in GBP Pound


(ii)     Transactions and balances

Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency
using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign
exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions
and from the translation at year end exchange rates of monetary assets and
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the statement
of comprehensive income.


Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are
translated at the rates ruling at the statement of financial position date.
All differences are taken to the statement of comprehensive income.


Financial instruments

Financial assets

Basic financial assets, including trade and other receivables and cash and
bank balances, are initially recognised at transaction price, unless the
arrangement constitutes a financing transaction, where the transaction is
measured at the present value of the future receipts discounted at a market
rate of interest. The Company currently has no financial assets that are
considered to be of a financing transaction nature.


Financial assets are derecognised when (a) the contractual rights to the cash
flows from the asset expire or are settled, or (b) substantially all the risks
and rewards of the ownership of the asset are transferred to another party or
(c) despite having retained some significant risks and rewards of ownership,
control of the asset has been transferred to another party who has the
practical ability to unilaterally sell the asset to an unrelated third party
without imposing additional restrictions.



Investments are recognised at the lower of cost or market value.



Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


Financial liabilities

Basic financial liabilities, including trade and other payables, are initially
recognised at transaction price, unless the arrangement constitutes a
financing transaction, where the debt instrument is measured at the present
value of the future receipts discounted at a market rate of interest. Debt
instruments are subsequently carried at amortised cost, using the effective
interest rate method. Trade payables are obligations to pay for goods or
services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of business from
suppliers. Accounts payable are classified as current liabilities if payment
is due within one year or less. If not, they are presented as non-current
liabilities. Trade payables are recognised initially at transaction price and
subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.


Share capital

Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs directly
attributable to the increase of new shares or options are shown in equity as a
deduction from the proceeds.


Going concern


As at the year end the Company's cash resources amounted to £677,622 and were
deemed by the Directors to be sufficient for the Company to continue as a
going concern.


Therefore, the Directors have continued to adopt the going concern basis and
have prepared a cashflow forecast for the 12-month period supporting this


Judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty


Classification of Share warrant instruments

The classification of the broker and investor warrant instruments issued by
the Company at the time of admission to the London Stock Exchange was assessed
in accordance with IFRS 2, IFRS 9 and IAS 31.  These warrants were assessed
as meeting the criteria to be classed as equity instruments and are therefore
accounted for as such in the financial statements being an expense through the
Statement of Comprehensive Income and an equity reserve in the Statement of
Financial Position.


The Company estimates the fair value of the equity instruments at the grant
date using the Black Scholes Model in which the terms and conditions upon
which those equity instruments were granted are considered.



Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


Adoption of new and revised standards and changes in accounting policies

The following new and amended Standards and Interpretations have been issued
but are effective for the current financial year of the Company.


 Standard or Interpretation                                                    Effective for annual periods commencing on or after

 Reference to the Conceptual Framework                                         1 January 2022

 Updates certain references without changing the accounting requirements for
 business combinations
 Amendments to IFRS 3


 Standard or Interpretation                                                   Effective for annual periods commencing on or after

 Onerous Contracts: Cost of fulfilling a contract                             1 January 2022

 Specifies which costs to include when assessing whether a contract will be
 Amendments to IAS 37


In the current year, the Company has applied a number of amendments to
Standards and Interpretations issued by the IASB that are effective for an
annual period that begins on or after 1 October 2022. These have not had any
material impact on the amounts reported for the period under review or prior


Standards which are in issue but not yet effective

At the date of authorisation of these financial statements, the Company has
not early adopted the following amendments to Standards and Interpretations
that have been issued but are not yet effective:


 Standard or Interpretation                                                                     Effective for annual periods commencing on or after

 Insurance contracts                                                            1 January 2023

 Replaces IFRS 4, which permits a wide variety of practices in accounting for
 insurance contracts

 The Company have no insurance contracts
 Amendments to IFRS 17



Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


 Standard or Interpretation                                                   Effective for annual periods commencing on or after

 Practice statement 2 and IAS 8                                               1 January 2023

 Aims to improve distinguishing between changes in accounting estimates and
 changes in accounting policies
 Narrow scope amendments to IAS 1


 Standard or Interpretation                                               Effective for annual periods commencing on or after

 Deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single     1 January 2023

 Recognise deferred tax that gives rise to equal amounts of taxable and
 deductible temporary differences
 Amendment to IAS 12


 Standard or Interpretation                                                     Effective for annual periods commencing on or after

 Non-current liabilities with covenants                                         1 January 2023

 Replaces IFRS 4, which permits a wide variety of practices in accounting for
 insurance contracts
 Amendments to IAS 1


Adoption of new and revised standards and changes in accounting policies

As yet, none of these have been endorsed for use in the UK and will not be
adopted until such time as endorsement in confirmed. The Directors do not
expect any material impact as a result of adopting the standards and
amendments listed above in the financial year they become effective.


From 1 October 2022 the Company has applied UK-adopted IAS. At the date of
application, both UK-adopted IAS and EU-adopted IFRS are the same.



Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


3.         Taxation

                                                                            2023         2022

                                                                            £            £
 UK Corporation tax                                                         -            -
 Deferred tax                                                               -            -
 Total tax charge                                                           -            -
 The tax charge can be reconciled to the profit for the year as follows:    (2,265,477)  -

 Loss for the year
 Tax at the standard rate of UK corporation tax of 25%* (2022: 19%)         (513,749)    -
 Tax reconciliation:                                                        (2,265,477)

 Loss for the year                                                          21,330

 Disallowed expenses:                                                       2,244,147    -

 Losses carried forward                                                                  -


 Total tax charge                                                           -            -


As at 30 September 2023 the Company had unused tax losses of £2,244,147
(2022: £Nil) available for offset against future profits. The deferred tax
asset relating to these losses is not provided for due to the uncertainty over
the timing of any future profits. On 10 June 2021, the UK Government's
proposal to increase the rate of UK corporation tax from 19% to 25% with
effect from 1 April 2023 was enacted into UK law.  *Including marginal relief
of £15,157.



4.         Loss for year

                                                                2023     2022

                                                                £        £
 The Company's loss from continuing operations is stated after
 Auditor remuneration - audit of these financial statements     18,900   -
 Accounting                                                     15,000   -
 Directors' remuneration                                        45,500   -
 General expenses                                               40,656   -
 Legal fees                                                     8,423    -
 Professional fees including co-sec & bookkeeping               10,320   -
 Stock Exchange & FCA fees including share registrar fees       33,107   -

 Loss                                                           171,906  -



Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


5.         Staff Costs (including Directors)


Key management of the Company are considered to be the Directors of the
Company and their accrued remuneration was as follows:

                                                                        2023    2022

                                                                        £       £
 Graeme Muir (Appointed 5 July 2023)                                    10,000  -
 Thomas Furlong (Appointed 1 September 2023, resigned 1 December 2023)  2,500   -
 Martin Lampshire (Resigned 6 October 2023)                             15,000  -
 John Taylor (Resigned 31 July 2023)                                    18,000  -
 Closing balance                                                        45,500  -


The key management personnel are considered to be the Directors.


The average monthly number of employees, including the directors, during the
year was as follows:

            2023  2022
 Directors  2     2


The Company had no other employees.



6.         Share Warrant Reserve


The Company issued warrants to investors and their broker on admission to the
Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on 5 June 2023.  Each warrant gives
the warrant holder the right to subscribe to one ordinary share at a price of
£0.15 per share and will expire on 4 June 2028. Details of the number of
warrants and the weighted average exercise price (WAEP) outstanding during the
year are set out below.


During the year, the Company recognised a total warrant expense of £2,093,571
(2022: £Nil). The fair value of warrants granted is calculated using a
Black-Scholes pricing model. The model is internationally recognised as being
appropriate to value warrants. The total number of warrants outstanding at 30
September 2023 were 168,100,000 (2022: Nil).



Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


The fair value is estimated as at the issue date using a Black-Scholes model,
considering the terms and conditions upon which the options were granted.
The following table lists the inputs to the model.


 Grant date                                                            5 June 2023
 Exercise price (pence)                                                0.015p
 Number of warrants                                                    168,100,000
 Volatility                                                            59.9%
 Risk free interest (%)                                                4.573%
 Dividend yield                                                        0.0%
 Time to expiration at date of grant (i.e. life of warrants) in years  5



7.         Trade and other receivables

                          2023    2022

                          £       £
 Prepayments              13,721  -
 Sundry debtors           24,669  -
 Closing balance          38,390  -


The Directors consider that the carrying amount of other receivables is
approximately equal to their fair value.



8.         Trade and other payables

                          2023    2022

                          £       £
 Trade payables           19,854  -
 Accruals                 48,063  -
 Closing balance          67,917  -


The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade payables approximates
to their fair value.


Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


9.         Share capital

                                                          2023     2022

                                                          £        £
 Allotted, called up and fully paid share capital         820,001  1


Movements in Equity

                                                                 Number of shares in issue
 Opening balance of Ordinary Shares in issue of £0.01 each       1
 Shares issued in year                                           820,000
 Closing balance of Ordinary Shares in issue of £0.01 each       820,001


The Company has one class of ordinary shares which carry no right to fixed


 Share Capital                      2023     2022

                                    £        £
 Cost b/f                           1        1
 Shares issued in year              820,000  -
                                    820,001  1


Ordinary shares

All shares rank equally with regard to the Company's residual assets.  The
holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from
time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at meetings of the


Share Premium

Represents excess paid above nominal value on historical shares issued.


Share Warrant Reserve

This represents the amounts charged on share warrants that have been granted
to investors and brokers.  See Note 6.



Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


10.         Financial instruments


Interest rate risk

The Company's exposure to interest rate risk, which is the risk that a
financial instrument's value will fluctuate as a result of changes in market
interest rates on classes of financial assets and financial liabilities, was
as follows:

                              Floating interest rate  Floating interest rate

                              2023                    2022

                              £                       £
 Financial assets             38,390                  -
 Financial liabilities        (67,917)                -
 Cash                         677,622                 1
                              648,095                 1


The net fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities approximates
to their carrying amount as disclosed in the statement of financial position
and in the related notes.


Financial risk management

The Directors recognise that this is an area in which they may need to develop
specific policies should the Company become exposed to further financial risks
as the business develops.


Capital risk management

The Company considers capital to be its equity reserves. At the current stage
of the Company's life cycle, the Company's objective in managing its capital
is to ensure funds raised meet the Company's working capital commitments.


Credit risk management

With respect to credit risk arising from financial assets of the Company,
which comprise cash and cash equivalents held in financial institutions, the
Company are deemed to be at low credit risk.


Liquidity risk

The Company manages liquidity risk by maintaining adequate banking facilities
and no current borrowing facilities.  The Company continuously monitor
forecasts and actual cash flows, matching the maturity profiles of financial
assets and liabilities and future capital and operating comments.  The
Directors' consider the Company to have adequate current assets and forecast
cash from operations to manage liquidity risks arising from current and
non-current liabilities.



Notes to the Financial Statements…continued


11.       Related party transactions


There were no related party transactions during the year under review apart
from the following:


Martin Lampshire, received directors emoluments of £15,000 during the
financial year, is a consultant of Peterhouse Capital Limited.  Peterhouse
Capital hold 4,155,200 ordinary shares in the Company, approximately 5.07% of
the shareholdings at year end and was issued 4,100,000 share warrants for an
exercise price of £0.015 from the Company as part of the listing on the
London Stock Exchange, see details in Note 6.  Flare Capital Limited, a
company under common directorship as Peterhouse Capital Limited, purchased
9,414,290 (11.48%) shares in the Company during the year and held them at year


Graeme Muir and James Crossley are directors of BPM Trading Limited, who is a
significant shareholder of the Company holding 62,844,800 shares (76.64%),
received directors emoluments of £10,000 and £Nil respectively.  James
Crossley was appointed as director of the Company on 1 December 2023 after the
balance sheet date.



12.       Earnings per share


Earnings per share is calculated by dividing the loss for the year
attributable to ordinary equity shareholders of the parent by the number of
ordinary shares outstanding during the year.


During the year the calculation was based on the loss before tax for the year
of £0.085 (2022: £Nil) divided by the weighted number of ordinary shares
£0.012 (2022: £Nil).



13.       Events after the year end date


There are no significant events to report after the year end date apart from
Martin Lampshire resigned as director of the Company on 6 October 2023 and
received £9,000 in lieu of notice.  Thomas Furlong resigned on 1 December
2023 and on the same date James Crossley was appointed.



14.       Contingent liability


The Company intends to pay its corporate broker, Peterhouse Capital Limited, a
success fee as part of its remuneration for its role in the Company listing on
the standard listing segment of the official list and admission to trading on
the main market of the London Stock Exchange.  The success fee is subject to
the Company completing a Reverse Takeover following admission.  The aggregate
amount of the success fee will be the lower of (a) £100,000 or (b) 1% of the
aggregate consideration payable in connection with the Acquisition and the
gross proceeds of any fundraising associated with such Acquisition.  As the
success fee is contingent upon a Reverse Takeover taking place, the
arrangement is deemed to be a contingent liability and disclosed as such.

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