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AXL Axel REE Income Statement

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Basic MaterialsHighly SpeculativeMicro CapValue Trap

Annual income statement for Axel REE, fiscal year end - December 31st, AUD millions except per share, conversion factor applied.

December 31st
Period Length:12 M
Total Revenue0
Selling / General / Administrative Expenses
Research And Development
Total Operating Expenses981,370
Operating Profit-981,370
Total Net Non Operating Interest Income / Expense
Net Income Before Taxes-975,204
Net Income After Taxes-975,204
Net Income Before Extraordinary Items
Net Income-975,204
Income Available to Common Shareholders Excluding Extraordinary Items
Income Available to Common Shareholders Including Extraordinary Items
Diluted Net Income-975,204
Diluted Weighted Average Shares
Basic EPS Including Extraordinary Items
Diluted EPS Including Extraordinary Items
Diluted EPS Excluding Extraordinary Items
Normalised Income Before Taxes
Normalised Income After Taxes
Normalised Income Available to Common Shareholders
Diluted Normalised EPS-5,590
Dividends per Share