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REG-Ashtead Group Plc: Results of AGM


Ashtead Group PLC

AGM Statement  


4 September 2024



("Ashtead" or the "Company")


AGM Statement & Results


AGM Statement & Results


At the Annual General Meeting ("AGM") of the Company held on 4 September 2024
at 11:30am, all resolutions put to shareholders were duly passed on a poll
with the required majorities. The full text of each resolution is contained in
the Notice of Annual General Meeting. [Resolutions 1 to 17 were passed as
ordinary resolutions. Resolutions 18 - 21 were passed as special resolutions.]


As at 18:30 (UK time) on 3 September 2024, the number of voting shares of the
Company was 437,298,807 ordinary shares, which was the total number of shares
entitling the holders to attend and vote 'for' or 'against' all the
resolutions at the AGM. In accordance with the Company's Articles of
Association, on a poll, every member present in person or by proxy has one
vote for every share held.


      ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Votes for (including discretionary votes)  % Votes for *      Votes against      % Votes against    Total no. of votes validly cast  % of Issued Share Capital voted  Votes withheld**   
 1.   That the accounts for the year ended 30 April 2024, the directors' report and the auditors' report be adopted.                                                                                                                                           319,960,902                                99.94              176,104            0.06               320,137,006                      73.21%                           1,729,414          
 2.   That the directors' remuneration report for the year ended 30 April 2024 be approved.                                                                                                                                                                    315,461,099                                98.02              6,365,837          1.98               321,826,936                      73.59%                           39,483             
 3.   That the directors' remuneration policy set out in the Annual Report be approved                                                                                                                                                                         199,333,758                                63.20              116,067,153        36.80              315,400,911                      72.12%                           6,465,508          
 4.   That the final dividend recommended by the directors of 89.25 US cents per ordinary share for the year ended 30 April 2024 be declared payable on 10 September 2024 to holders of ordinary shares registered at the close of business on 9 August 2024.  321,753,141                                99.97              94,135             0.03               321,847,276                      73.60%                           19,144             
 5.   That Paul Walker be re-elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                            305,384,443                                94.89              16,443,749         5.11               321,828,192                      73.59%                           38,228             
 6.   That Brendan Horgan be re-elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                         321,828,217                                99.99              16,145             0.01               321,844,362                      73.60%                           22,058             
 7.   That Michael Pratt be re-elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                          319,425,228                                99.25              2,402,970          0.75               321,828,198                      73.59%                           38,222             
 8.   That Angus Cockburn be re-elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                         312,819,928                                97.20              9,009,864          2.80               321,829,792                      73.59%                           36,628             
 9.   That Lucinda Riches be re-elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                         276,916,470                                86.04              44,913,099         13.96              321,829,569                      73.59%                           36,849             
 10.  That Tanya Fratto be re-elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                           313,512,063                                97.42              8,317,729          2.58               321,829,792                      73.59%                           36,628             
 11.  That Jill Easterbrook re-elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                          312,704,023                                97.16              9,125,769          2.84               321,829,792                      73.59%                           36,628             
 12.  That Renata Ribeiro be elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                            312,371,694                                97.41              8,295,613          2.59               320,667,307                      73.33%                           1,199,113          
 13.  That Roy Twite be elected as a director.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 320,325,295                                99.89              344,019            0.11               320,669,314                      73.33%                           1,197,106          
 14.  That PwC be appointed as auditor of the Company.                                                                                                                                                                                                         320,574,604                                99.61              1,246,511          0.39               321,821,115                      73.59%                           45,305             
 15.  That the audit committee be authorised to agree the remuneration of the auditor of the Company.                                                                                                                                                          321,760,060                                99.98              73,929             0.02               321,833,989                      73.60%                           32,431             
 16.  Approval of the amendment to the rules of the Ashtead Group Long-Term Incentive Plan 2021                                                                                                                                                                197,073,349                                62.49              118,317,407        37.51              315,390,756                      72.12%                           6,475,663          
 17.  That the directors are authorised to allot the shares under section 551 (1) (a) and (b) of the Companies Act 2006.                                                                                                                                       310,490,547                                96.47              11,345,471         3.53               321,836,018                      73.60%                           30,402             
      SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Votes for (including discretionary votes)  % Votes for *      Votes against      % Votes against    Total no. of votes validly cast  % of Issued Share Capital voted  Votes withheld**   
 18.  That the directors be empowered to disapply the provisions of section 561 (1) to (6) of the Companies Act 2006.                                                                                                                                          301,169,011                                93.59              20,630,839         6.41               321,799,850                      73.59%                           66,570             
 19.  That the directors be empowered to issue shares on a non pre-emptive basis.                                                                                                                                                                              294,463,977                                91.56              27,148,512         8.44               321,612,489                      73.55%                           253,931            
 20.  That the directors be authorised to make market purchases of the Company's shares under section 701 of the Companies Act.                                                                                                                                314,106,605                                97.61              7,707,185          2.39               321,813,790                      73.59%                           52,629             
 21.  That a general meeting other than an annual general meeting may be called on not less than 14 clear days' notice.                                                                                                                                        313,089,701                                97.28              8,745,621          2.72               321,835,322                      73.60%                           31,097             
 *    Includes discretionary votes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 **   A vote withheld is not a vote in law and is not counted in the calculation of the proportion of votes "for" and "against" a resolution.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


The Ashtead Board is pleased to note that all resolutions were passed with the
requisite majority of votes and welcomes the overwhelming support of the
Company's shareholders for the majority of the resolutions proposed.


The Company notes the level of shareholder support for resolution 3 (Approval
of the Directors' Remuneration Policy) and resolution 16 (the amendment to the
rules of the Long-Term Incentive Plan). Prior to the AGM, the Remuneration
Committee undertook an extensive consultation with its largest shareholders on
the proposed Directors' Remuneration Policy (the "Policy") and its


The Committee received indications of broad support during this process, but
also took into account the full range of feedback received. As described in
the 2024 Annual Report, the Committee was very mindful of the need to balance
sometimes divergent shareholder views with the particular context and
circumstances for Ashtead, to ensure that remuneration policy continues to
incentivise growth and long-term shareholder value creation. A number of
changes were made as a direct result of shareholder feedback at the time.
However, the Committee also concluded that the other aspects of the proposals
remained appropriately aligned to the Company's stated principles of providing
remuneration that is: market competitive; enables the Company to motivate and
retain its talented leadership team; and rewards fairly its colleagues'
contribution to Ashtead's future success.


The Company will now engage with its shareholders in respect of the
implementation of the Policy.  In accordance with the UK Corporate Governance
Code the Company will publish an update on this further engagement within six
months of the 2024 AGM.





Ashtead Group plc

Will Shaw (Investment Manager) - 020 7726 9700


H/Advisors Maitland                     

Sam Cartwright - 020 7379 5151







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