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REG-Anemoi International Ltd Anemoi International Ltd: Annual Financial Report


Anemoi International Ltd (AMOI)
Anemoi International Ltd: Annual Financial Report

30-Apr-2024 / 15:12 GMT/BST


Anemoi International Ltd


                              Anemoi International Ltd

                         (“Anemoi”, “AMOI” or the “Company”)

                        (Reuters: AMOI.L, Bloomberg: AMOI:LN)


The Company today announces its audited results for the year ended 31 December 2023.

The information set out below is extracted from the Company's Report and Accounts for
the year ended  31 December  2023, which  will be  published today  on the  Company's
website  1 www.anemoi-international.com.  A  copy  has  also  been submitted  to  the
National    Storage     Mechanism    where     it    will     be    available     for
inspection.  Cross-references in the extracted information  below refer to pages  and
sections in the Company's Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2023.


Group Results 2023 versus 2022 GBP

  • Group Operating Loss for the year £(0.9)m vs £(0.8)m
  • Group Loss before taxation for the year     £(0.9)m vs £(0.8)m
  • Group Earnings Per Share (basic and diluted)*1        
    £(0.01) vs £(0.01)
  • Book value per share*2 £0.03 vs £0.03
  • Net Cash £1.6m vs £2.2m

*1 based on weighted average number of shares in issue of 157,041,665 (2022:

*2 based on actual number of shares in issue as at 31 December 2023 of 157,041,665
(2022: 157,041,665)




  • ID4 revenue is still insufficient to support a public company cost base.
    Management are working hard to convert a promising pipeline of opportunities
  • Includes £49K severance cost of former CEO
  • Includes £180K of non-recurring non-cash merger accounting adjustments
  • Reverse Take Over (RTO) target of suitable quality not yet identified
  • Board to expand acquisition search to include FinTech companies


                                CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT



The Board are  frustrated and  disappointed by management’s  inability to  accelerate
growth of the Company. 2023  did not produce the  revenue growth that management  had
targeted, and the Board is disappointed that  it has, to date, failed to identify  an
RTO of sufficient quality to justify a transaction.

The Company’s accounts  also include a  total of £228K  non-recurring costs, made  up
£49K of  one-off severance  costs, as  well as  £180K of  non-cash merger  accounting
adjustments to intangible assets.

The Board will  redouble its  efforts to  identify and  execute a  Reverse Take  Over
transaction, while commensurately cutting costs further. In parallel, the Board  will
expand its transaction search, to include other FinTech companies.


Duncan Soukup


29 April 2024


                                  DIRECTORS’ REPORT


The Directors present their report and the audited financial statements for the
period ended 31 December 2023.




Anemoi International  Ltd.  (the  “Company”)  is  a  British  Virgin  Island  (“BVI”)
International business company (“IBC”), incorporated and  registered in the BVI on  6
May 2020.




Id4 AG was formed as part  of the merger of the former  id4 AG (“id4”) with and  into
its parent,  Apeiron Holdings  AG on  14  September 2021.  Id4 was  incorporated  and
registered in  the Canton  of Lucerne  in Switzerland  in April  2019 whilst  Apeiron
Holdings AG was incorporated and registered  in December 2018. Following the  merger,
Apeiron Holdings AG was renamed id4 AG.


The Directors of the Company who held office during the year and to date, including
details of their interest in the share capital of the Company, are as follows:


                                         Date Appointed  Date Resigned    Shares held
Executive Director
C Duncan Soukup                         6 May 2020                          7,925,142

T Donell                                17 December 2021 21 October 2022            -
R Schimmel                              17 December 2021 28 February 2022           -
Non-Executive Directors                                                    
                                        14 August 2020
Gareth Edwards Luca Tomasi Kenneth      5 July 2021
Morgan T Donell                                          7 February 2022            -
                                        24 May 2022
                                        21 October 2022



Company Secretary Charles Duncan Soukup

Registered Agent Hatstone Trust  Company (BVI) Limited, Folio  Chambers, PO Box  800,
Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Registered Office  Folio Chambers,  PO  Box 800,  Road Town,Tortola,  British  Virgin

Auditor RPG Crouch Chapman LLP, 40 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0BT



Details of all related  party transactions are  set out in note  17 to the  financial



The directors recognise that commercial  activities invariably involve an element  of
risk. A number of the risks to which  the business is exposed, such as the  condition
of the UK and Swiss domestic economies in relation to asset management and investment
in systems,  are  beyond  the  Company’s influence.  However,  such  risk  areas  are
monitored and  appropriate mitigating  action, such  as reviewing  the substance  and
timing of the Company’s operational plans, is taken wherever practicable in  response
to significant changes. The directors consider the risk areas the Company is  exposed
to in the light of prevailing economic conditions and the risk areas set out in  this
section are subject to review.

In relation  to  asset  management,  the Company’s  approach  to  risk  reflects  the
Company’s granular  business  model and  position  in  the market  and  involves  the
expertise of its directors, management and third-party advisers. Operational progress
and key investment and disposal decisions  are considered in regular management  team
meetings as well as being subject to informal peer review.

Higher level risks and financial exposures are subject to constant monitoring.  Major
investment and  disposal  decisions  are  subject  to  review  by  the  directors  in
accordance with a protocol set by the Board.

The Company is dependent upon the Directors, and in particular, Mr C. Duncan  Soukup,
who serves as the  Chairman, to identify potential  acquisition opportunities and  to
execute any acquisition.  The unexpected loss  of the  services of Mr  Soukup or  the
other Directors could  have a  material adverse effect  on the  Company’s ability  to
identify potential acquisition opportunities and to execute an acquisition.

The Company may invest in or  acquire unquoted companies, joint ventures or  projects
which, amongst other things, may be leveraged, have limited operating histories, have
limited financial resources or may require additional capital.


Details of the financial instrument risks and strategy of the Company are set out in
note 19.



A summary of the key risks and mitigation strategies is below:


Rank Risk                                     Mitigation
     Insufficient cash resources to meet      Short term and annual business plans
1.   liabilities, continue as a going concern are prepared and are reviewed on an
     and finance key projects.                ongoing basis.
     Loss of  key management/staff  resulting Regular review of both the Board’s  and
     in  failure  to   identify  and   secure key management’s  abilities. Review  of
2.   potential investment  opportunities  and salaries and  benefits  including  long
     meet contractual requirements.           term     incentives     and     ongoing
                                              communication with key individuals.
     Failure to maintain strong and effective The Board and senior management seek to
3.   relations  with   key  stakeholders   in establish  and  maintain  an  open  and
     investments   resulting   in   loss   of transparent    dialogue    with     key
     contracts or value.                      stakeholders.
                                              Key   management   are   professionally
     Failure to comply with law and           qualified.  In  addition  the   Company
4.   regulations in the jurisdictions in      appoints relevant professional advisers
     which we operate.                        (legal, tax,  accounting  etc)  in  the
                                              jurisdictions in which we operate.
                                              The Group is  currently poised to  take
                                              advantage of disruption  to the  global
     Significant  changes  in  the  political economy  with  a  low  cost  base   and
     environment, including the impact of the flexibility to scale up as and when the
5.   conflict in Ukraine and Gaza, results in economy recovers.
     loss of resources/market and/or business
     failure.                                 Increased focus  on  compliance  within
                                              the  financial  investment  world  will
                                              benefit the company long term.


The Directors have  elected to prepare  the financial statements  for the Company  in
accordance with UK Adopted International Accounting Standards (“IFRS”).

The Directors are responsible  for keeping proper  accounting records which  disclose
with reasonable  accuracy at  any time  the financial  position of  the Company,  for
safeguarding the  assets and  for  taking reasonable  steps  for the  prevention  and
detection of fraud and other irregularities.

International Accounting Standard 1 requires that financial statements present fairly
for each financial period the Company’s financial position, financial performance and
cash flows. This requires the faithful representation of the effects of transactions,
other events  and  conditions in  accordance  with the  definitions  and  recognition
criteria for assets, liabilities,  income and expenses set  out in the  International
Accounting Standards  Board’s  ‘Framework for  the  preparation and  presentation  of
financial statements’. In virtually  all circumstances, a  fair presentation will  be


by compliance  with all  applicable International  Financial Reporting  Standards  as
adopted by the European Union. A fair presentation also requires the Directors to:

  • select and apply appropriate accounting policies;
  • present information, including  accounting policies,  in a  manner that  provides
    relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable information;
  • provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements  in
    UK adopted IFRSs  is insufficient  to enable users  to understand  the impact  of
    particular transactions, other  events and conditions  on the entity’s  financial
    position and financial performance; and
  • prepare the  financial  statements  on  the going  concern  basis  unless  it  is
    inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business.


All of the current Directors have taken all  the steps that they ought to have  taken
to make themselves aware of any information needed by the Company’s auditors for  the
purposes of  their  audit and  to  establish that  the  auditors are  aware  of  that
information.The Directors are not  aware of any relevant  audit information of  which
the auditors are unaware.

The financial statements are  published on the Group’s  website. The maintenance  and
integrity of  the  Group’s  website  is the  responsibility  of  the  Directors.  The
Directors’ responsibility  also extends  to the  ongoing integrity  of the  financial
statements contained therein.



We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

  • •he financial  statements, prepared  in accordance  with the  Relevant  Financial
    Reporting Framework,  give a  true  and fair  view  of the  assets,  liabilities,
    financial position  and  profit or  loss  of  the Company  and  the  undertakings
    included in the consolidation taken as a whole;
  • The strategic report/directors report includes  a fair review of the  development
    and performance  of  the  business and  the  position  of the  Company,  and  the
    undertakings included in  the consolidation  taken as  a whole,  together with  a
    description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face; and
  • The Annual Report and financial statements, taken as a whole, are fair,  balanced
    and understandable  and provide  the information  necessary for  shareholders  to
    assess the Group’s position and performance, business model and strategy.



The Annual General Meeting will be held at Anjuna, 28 Avenue de la Liberté, 06360 Éze
France on 12 June 2024.



A resolution  to confirm  the appointment  of  RPG Crouch  Chapman as  the  Company’s
auditors will be submitted to the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.

      Approved by the Board and signed on its behalf by


C.Duncan Soukup


      29 April 2024


                           CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT


Anemoi International Ltd. (“Anemoi” or the “Company”) is a company registered on  the
Main Market of the London Stock Exchange.

The Company  is  subject  to,  and complies  with,  the  relevant  Financial  Conduct
Authority’s (“FCA”) Listing Rules (“Listing Rules”), the Market Abuse Regulation  and
the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority.

On 17 December 2021 the Company confirmed  its shares were re-admitted to trading  on
the London Stock Exchange’s main market.The Board recognises the importance and value
for the  Company and  its  shareholders of  good  corporate governance.  The  Company
Statement on Corporate Governance is in full below.



In formulating the Company’s corporate  governance framework, the Board of  Directors
have reviewed  the  principles of  good  governance set  out  in the  QCA  code  (the
Corporate Governance Code for Small and Mid- Sized Quoted Companies 2018 published by
the Quoted  Companies Alliance)  so far  as is  practicable and  to the  extent  they
consider appropriate with  regards to the  Company’s size, stage  of development  and
resources. However, given the modest size  and simplicity of the Company, at  present
the Board of  Directors do not  consider it necessary  to adopt the  QCA code in  its
entirety but does apply the principles, as set out below.

The purpose of corporate governance is to  create value and long-term success of  the
Group through entrepreneurism,  innovation, development  and exploration  as well  as
provide accountability and control systems to mitigate risks involved.



As at the date of  this report, the Board of  Anemoi International Ltd. comprises  of
one Executive Director and three Non- Executive Directors.



activities. This will be monitored and adjusted to meet the Group’s requirements. The
Board is  supported by  the Audit  Committee, Remuneration  Committee and  Regulatory
Compliance Committee, all of which have the necessary character, skills and knowledge
to discharge their duties and responsibilities effectively.

Further information about  each Director  may be found  on the  Company’s website  at
https://anemoi-international.com/ investor-relations/board-of-directors/.  The  Board
seeks to ensure that its  membership has the skills  and experience that it  requires
for its present and future business needs.

The Board has a procedure allowing Directors to seek independent professional  advice
in furtherance of their duties, at the Company’s expense.



The Board meets  sufficiently regularly to  discharge its duties  effectively with  a
formal schedule of matters specifically reserved for its decision.

Due to the short period  of time following the completion  of the re-listing and  the
period end, the Board as  it stands did not need  to meet. However during the  period
prior to the relisting and the previous  Board composition the Board met on a  number
of occasions in order to  conduct the activity required  of the business. During  the
acquisition of id4 AG and subsequent relisting, the Board met on a weekly basis,  The
majority of  the  meetings  were  on  an informal  and  operational  basis  with  the
conclusions appropriately documented.



During the financial  period to 31  December 2023, the  Audit Committee consisted  of
Luca Tomasi (Chairman) and one other director from the Board.

The key functions of the audit committee  are for monitoring the quality of  internal
controls and  ensuring  that the  financial  performance  of the  Group  is  properly
measured and  reported on  and  for reviewing  reports  from the  Company’s  auditors
relating to the Company’s accounting and  internal controls, in all cases having  due
regard to the interests of Shareholders. The Committee has formal terms of reference.

The auditor,  RPG Crouch  Chapman,  was appointed  on 19  April  2023. The  firm  has
indicated its independence  to the  Board. At  present, the  Group does  not have  an
internal audit function.  However, the  committee believes that  management has  been
able to gain assurance as to the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls  and
risk management procedures.



During the financial period to 31 December 2023, the Remuneration Committee consisted
of Luca  Tomasi  and  one other  director  from  the Board.  It  is  responsible  for
determining the remuneration and  other benefits, including  bonuses and share  based
payments, of the Executive Directors, and for


reviewing  and  making  recommendations  on  the  Company’s  framework  of  executive
remuneration. The Committee has formal terms of reference.

The remuneration committee is a committee  of the Board. It is primarily  responsible
for making recommendations to the Board on the terms and conditions of service of the
executive Directors, including their remuneration and grant of options.



The  Group  has  not  complied  with   the  recommendations  of  the  Taskforce   for
Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”)  in the current  year, as required  by
LR14.3.27R issued  by  the Financial  Conduct  Authority. The  Board  recognises  the
importance of  climate-related  matters and,  as  our  main operating  segment  is  a
development  stage  business,  intends   to  develop  a  plan   to  adopt  the   TCFD
recommendations in full over the next few  years. With reference to the four  pillars
of the TCFD  recommendations, matters  of governance, risk  assessment, and  strategy
have already been covered  elsewhere in this report,  and the development of  metrics
and targets is under consideration.



The corporate  governance  framework  which  Anemoi  has  implemented,  including  in
relation to board leadership and effectiveness, remuneration and internal control, is
based upon practices which the board believes are proportionate to the risks inherent
to the size and complexity of Anemoi’s operations.

The Board considers it  appropriate to adopt the  principles of the Quoted  Companies
Alliance Corporate  Governance Code  (“the  QCA Code”)  published in  April  2018.The
extent of compliance  with the ten  principles that comprise  the QCA Code,  together
with an explanation of any areas of  non-compliance, and any steps taken or  intended
to move towards full compliance, are set out below:


    1.  Establish a strategy and business model which promote long-term value for

The Company is a Holding Company which has in the past and will in the future seek to
acquire assets which in the opinion of the Board should generate long term gains  for
its shareholders.The current strategy and business operations of the Company are  set
out in the Chairman’s Statement on page 4. Shareholders and potential investors  must
realise that the objectives  set out in that  document are simply that;  “objectives”
and that the  Company may without  prior notification change  these objectives  based
upon opportunities presented to the Board or market conditions.

The Group’s strategy and business model and amendments thereto, are developed by  the
Executive Chairman and  his senior management  team, and approved  by the Board.  The
management team, led by the Executive  Chairman, is responsible for implementing  the
strategy and overseeing management of the business at an operational level.

The  Directors  believe  that  this  approach  will  deliver  long-  term  value  for
shareholders.  In  executing   the  Group’s   strategy,  management   will  seek   to
mitigate/hedge risk whenever possible.

As a result of the  Board’s view of the market,  the Board has adopted a  two-pronged
approach to future investments:

 1. Opportunistic: where  an  acquisition  or  investment  exists  because  of  price
    dislocation (the price of a stock  collapses but fundamentals are unaffected)  or
    where the Board identifies a special “off market” opportunity;
 2. Finance: The Board seeks opportunities in the FinTech sector.

The above outlined strategy  is subject to change  depending on the Board’s  findings
and prevailing market conditions.


    2.  Seek to understand and meet shareholder needs and expectations

The Board  believes that  the Annual  Report  and Accounts,  and the  Interim  Report
published at the  half-year, play an  important part in  presenting all  shareholders
with an  assessment of  the Group’s  position and  prospects. All  reports and  press
releases are published in the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website.


    3.  Take into account wider stakeholder and social responsibilities and their
    implications for long-term success

The Group is aware of its corporate social responsibilities and the need to  maintain
effective working relationships across a  range of stakeholder groups. These  include
the Group’s consultants, employees,  partners, suppliers, regulatory authorities  and
entities  with  whom  it   has  contracted.  The   Group’s  operations  and   working
methodologies take  account  of  the need  to  balance  the needs  of  all  of  these
stakeholder groups while maintaining focus  on the Board’s primary responsibility  to
promote the success of the Group for the benefit of its members as a whole. The Group
endeavours to take account of feedback received from stakeholders, making  amendments
where appropriate and where  such amendments are consistent  with the Group’s  longer
term strategy.


The Group  takes due  account of  any  impact that  its activities  may have  on  the
environment and seeks to minimise this impact wherever possible. Through the  various
procedures and systems it operates, the Group ensures full compliance with health and
safety  and  environmental  legislation  relevant  to  its  activities.  The  Group’s
corporate social responsibility approach continues to meet these expectations.


    4.  Embed effective risk management, considering both opportunities and threats,
    throughout the organisation

The Board is responsible for the systems of risk management and internal control  and
for reviewing their effectiveness. The internal  controls are designed to manage  and
whenever possible minimise or eliminate risk and provide reasonable but not  absolute
assurance against material misstatement or loss. Through the activities of the  Audit
Committee, the effectiveness of these internal controls is reviewed annually.

A budgeting process  is completed once  a year and  is reviewed and  approved by  the
Board. The Group’s results, compared with the budget, are reported to the Board on  a
regular basis.

The Group maintains appropriate insurance cover  in respect of actions taken  against
the Directors because  of their roles,  as well  as against material  loss or  claims
against the Group. The insured values and type of cover are comprehensively  reviewed
on a periodic basis.

The senior management  team meet regularly  to consider new  risks and  opportunities
presented to the Group, making recommendations to the Board and/or Audit Committee as

The Board has an established Audit Committee.

The Company receives comments from its external auditors on the state of its internal

The more significant risks to the Group’s operations and the management of these have
been disclosed in the Director’s Report on page 5.


    5.  Maintain the Board as a well-functioning, balanced team led by the Chair

The Board  currently  comprises  three  non-executive  Directors,  and  an  Executive
Chairman. Directors’ biographies are set out in the Board of Directors section of the
Company’s website.

All of the  Directors are subject  to election  by shareholders at  the first  Annual
General Meeting  after their  appointment to  the  Board and  will continue  to  seek
re-election every year.

The Board is responsible to the shareholders  for the proper management of the  Group
and, in normal circumstances,

meets at least four  times a year to  set the overall direction  and strategy of  the
Group, to review operational  and financial performance and  to advise on  management

The Board considers itself to be sufficiently independent.The QCA Code suggests  that
a board should  have at least  two independent Non-executive  Directors. Both of  the
Non- executive Directors  who sat on  the Board of  the Company at  the year-end  are
regarded  as  independent  under  the  QCA  Code’s  guidance  for  determining   such

Non-executive Directors receive their fees in the  form of a basic cash fee based  on
attendance at board calls and board meetings. Directors are eligible for bonuses. The
current remuneration structure for the  Board’s Non-executive Directors is deemed  to
be proportionate.


    6.    Ensure that between them, the directors have the necessary up-to-date
    experience, skills and capabilities

The Board considers that the Non-executive Directors are of sufficient competence and
calibre to add  strength and objectivity  to its activities,  and bring  considerable
experience in technical, operational and financial matters.

The Company has put in place an Audit Committee as well as a Remuneration Committee.

The Board regularly reviews the  composition of the Board to  ensure that it has  the
necessary breadth and  depth of  skills to support  the on-going  development of  the

The Chairman requires that the Directors’ knowledge is kept up to date on key  issues
and developments pertaining  to the  Group, its  operational environment  and to  the
Directors’ responsibilities as members of the  Board. During the course of the  year,
Directors received updates from various external  advisers on a number of  regulatory
and corporate governance matters.

Directors’ service contracts or appointment letters make provision for a Director  to
seek personal advice in furtherance of his or her duties and responsibilities.


    7.  Evaluate Board performance based on clear and relevant objectives, seeking
    continuous improvement

The Board’s performance is measured by the success of the Company’s acquisitions  and
investments and the returns that they generate for shareholders and in comparison  to
peer group companies. This performance is presented in the Group’s monthly management
accounts and reported, discussed and reviewed with the Board regularly.


    8.  Promote a corporate culture that is based on ethical values and behaviours

The Board seeks to  maintain the highest  standards of integrity  and probity in  the
conduct of the Group’s operations. These values are enshrined in the written policies
and working practices  adopted by  all employees  in the  Group. An  open culture  is
encouraged within  the Group.  The  management team  regularly monitors  the  Group’s
cultural environment and  seeks to address  any concerns than  may arise,  escalating
these to Board level as necessary.

The Group is committed to  providing a safe environment for  its staff and all  other
parties for which the Group has a legal or moral responsibility in this area.

Anemoi has a strong ethical  culture, which is promoted by  the actions of the  Board
and management  team. The  Group has  an  anti-bribery policy  and would  report  any
instances of non-compliance to the  Board. The Group has  undertaken a review of  its
requirements under the General  Data Protection Regulation, implementing  appropriate
policies, procedures and training to ensure it is compliant.


    9.  Maintain governance structures and processes that are fit for purpose and
    support good decision-making by the Board

The Board has  overall responsibility  for promoting the  success of  the Group.  The
Chairman has day-to-day responsibility for the operational management of the  Group’s
activities. The non-executive Directors are responsible for bringing independent  and
objective judgment  to  Board  decisions.  Matters reserved  for  the  Board  include
strategy, investment decisions, corporate acquisitions and disposals.

There is a  clear separation  of the roles  of Executive  Chairman and  Non-executive
Directors. The  Chairman is  responsible for  overseeing the  running of  the  Board,
ensuring that  no  individual or  group  dominates the  Board’s  decision-making  and
ensuring the Non-executive  Directors are  properly briefed  on matters.  Due to  its
current size, the Group does not require nor bear the cost of a chief executive.

The Chairman has overall responsibility for corporate governance matters in the Group
but does not chair any of the Committees.The Chairman also has the responsibility for
implementing strategy and managing the  day-to-day business activities of the  Group.
The Chairman is also responsible for ensuring that Board procedures are followed  and
applicable rules and regulations are complied with.

The Audit Committee normally meets at least  once a year and has responsibility  for,
amongst other  things, planning  and reviewing  the annual  report and  accounts  and

statements involving,  where appropriate,  the external  auditors.The Committee  also
approves external auditors’ fees  and ensures the auditors’  independence as well  as
focusing on compliance with legal requirements  and accounting standards. It is  also
responsible for ensuring that an effective system of internal control is  maintained.
The  ultimate  responsibility  for  reviewing  and  approving  the  annual  financial
statements and interim statements  remains with the Board.  The Committee has  formal
terms of  reference, which  are set  out in  the Board  of Directors  section of  the
Company’s website.

The Remuneration Committee, which meets  as required, but at  least once a year,  has
responsibility for making recommendations to the Board on the compensation of  senior
executives  and  determining,  within  agreed   terms  of  reference,  the   specific
remuneration packages for  each of the  Directors. It also  supervises the  Company’s
share incentive schemes  and sets  performance conditions for  share options  granted
under the schemes.The Committee has formal terms of reference.

The Directors believe that the above disclosures constitute sufficient disclosure  to
meet the QCA Code’s requirement for a Remuneration Committee Report. Consequently,  a
separate Remuneration Committee Report is not presented in the Group’s Annual Report.


    10.  Communicate how the Group is governed and is performing by maintaining a
    dialogue with shareholders and other relevant stakeholders

The Board  believes that  the Annual  Report  and Accounts,  and the  Interim  Report
published at the  half-year, play an  important part in  presenting all  shareholders
with an assessment of the Group’s position and prospects. The Annual Report  includes
a Corporate Governance  Statement which refers  to the activities  of both the  Audit
Committee and Remuneration Committee. All reports and press releases are published in
the Investor Relations section of the Group’s website.

The Group’s financial reports and notices of  General Meetings of the Company can  be
found in the Reports and Documents section  of the Company’s website. The results  of
voting on all resolutions in future general meetings will be posted to this  website,
including any actions to be taken as a result of resolutions for which votes  against
have been received from at least 20 per cent of independent shareholders.


      C.Duncan Soukup


29 April 2024






We have  audited  the financial  statements  of  Anemoi International  Ltd.  and  its
subsidiaries (the ‘Group’)  for the year  ended 31 December  2023 which comprise  the
Consolidated Statement  of Income,  Consolidated Statement  of Comprehensive  Income,
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position,  Consolidated Statement of Cash  Flows,
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity,  and notes to the financial  statements,
including a  summary  of significant  accounting  policies. The  financial  reporting
framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and UK-adopted
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

In our opinion, the financial statements:

  • give a true and fair view of the  state of the Group’s affairs as at 31  December
    2023 and of the Group’s loss for the year then ended;
  • have been properly prepared in accordance with IFRS.



We conducted our audit  in accordance with International  Standards on Auditing  (UK)
(ISAs (UK))  and  applicable law.  Our  responsibilities under  those  standards  are
further described in the  Auditor’s responsibilities for the  audit of the  financial
statements section of our report.We are  independent of the group in accordance  with
the ethical requirements that are relevant  to our audit of the financial  statements
in the UK, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard as applied to listed entities, and we
have  fulfilled  our  other  ethical   responsibilities  in  accordance  with   these
requirements. We believe that the audit  evidence we have obtained is sufficient  and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.



In auditing the financial  statements, we have concluded  that the directors’ use  of
the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial  statements
is appropriate.

Our evaluation of the  Directors’ assessment of the  entity’s ability to continue  to
adopt the going concern basis of accounting included review of the expected cashflows
for a period  of 12  months from the  date of  this report compared  with the  liquid
assets held by the Group.

Based  on  the  work  we  have  performed,  we  have  not  identified  any   material
uncertainties relating to  events or conditions  that, individually or  collectively,
may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern  for
a period of at least twelve months from when the financial statements are  authorised
for issue.

Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect to  going
concern are described in the relevant sections of this report.



In planning our audit, we determined  materiality and assessed the risks of  material
misstatement in  the financial  statements. In  particular, we  looked at  where  the
directors  made  subjective  judgements,  for  example  in  respect  of   significant
accounting estimates.  As  in all  of  our audits,  we  also addressed  the  risk  of
management override  of internal  controls, including  evaluating whether  there  was
evidence of bias by  the directors that represented  a risk of material  misstatement
due to fraud.

We tailored the scope of our audit to ensure that we performed sufficient work to  be
able to issue an opinion on the financial statements as a whole, taking into  account
the structure of the Group, the  accounting processes and controls, and the  industry
in which they operate.



Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most
significance in  our audit  of the  financial statements  of the  current period  and
include the most significant  assessed risks of  material misstatement we  identified
(whether or not due to fraud), including those which had the greatest effect on:  the
overall audit strategy; the allocation of  resources in the audit; and directing  the
efforts of the engagement team.The matter identified was addressed in the context  of
our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon,
and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.



We consider  gross assets  to be  the  most significant  determinant of  the  Group’s
financial performance used by  the users of the  financial statements. We have  based
materiality on 1.5%  of gross assets  for each of  the operating components.  Overall
materiality for  the  Group  was therefore  set  at  £70k. For  each  component,  the
materiality set was lower than the overall group materiality.

We agreed with the Audit Committee that we would report on all differences more  than
5% of materiality relating to the Group  financial statements. We also report to  the
Audit Committee on financial statement  disclosure matters identified when  assessing
the overall consistency and presentation of the consolidated financial statements.





We apply the concept of materiality both in planning and performing our audit, and in
evaluating the effect of misstatements. We  consider materiality to be the  magnitude
by which misstatements, including omissions,  could influence the economic  decisions
of reasonable users that are taken on the basis of the financial statements.

In  order  to  reduce  to  an  appropriately  low  level  the  probability  that  any
misstatements exceed  materiality,  we use  a  lower materiality  level,  performance
materiality, to determine  the extent of  testing needed. Importantly,  misstatements
below these levels will not  necessarily be evaluated as  immaterial as we also  take
account of the nature of  identified misstatements, and the particular  circumstances
of their occurrence, when  evaluating their effect on  the financial statements as  a


The directors  are  responsible for  the  other information.  The  other  information
comprises the information  included in the  annual report, other  than the  financial
statements and our auditor’s report thereon. Our opinion on the financial  statements
does not cover the other information  and, except to the extent otherwise  explicitly
stated in our report, we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.  In
connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to  read
the other information  and, in doing  so, consider whether  the other information  is
materially inconsistent with the  financial statements or  our knowledge obtained  in
the audit  or otherwise  appears to  be  materially misstated.  If we  identify  such
material inconsistencies  or  apparent material  misstatements,  we are  required  to
determine whether there is a material  misstatement in the financial statements or  a
material misstatement  of  the other  information.  If, based  on  the work  we  have
performed,  we  conclude  that  there  is  a  material  misstatement  of  this  other
information, we are required to report that  fact. We have nothing to report in  this



As explained more fully in the directors’ responsibilities statement set out on  page
7 the directors are responsible for  the preparation of the financial statements  and
for being  satisfied that  they give  a true  and fair  view, and  for such  internal
control as  the  directors  determine  is necessary  to  enable  the  preparation  of
financial statements that are free from  material misstatement, whether due to  fraud
or error.

In preparing the financial  statements, the directors  are responsible for  assessing
the group’s  and  the  parent company’s  ability  to  continue as  a  going  concern,
disclosing, as  applicable, matters  related to  going concern  and using  the  going
concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the group
or the parent company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to
do so.

Those charged with governance  are responsible for  overseeing the Group’s  financial
reporting process.



Our objectives  are  to  obtain  reasonable assurance  about  whether  the  financial
statements as a whole are  free from material misstatement,  whether due to fraud  or
error, and to issue  our opinion in  an auditor’s report.  Reasonable assurance is  a
high level of assurance, but does not guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance
with  ISAs  (UK)  will  always  detect  a  material  misstatement  when  it   exists.
Misstatements can  arise  from  fraud  or  error  and  are  considered  material  if,
individually or in  aggregate, they  could reasonably  be expected  to influence  the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.

Irregularities, including  fraud,  are  instances of  non-compliance  with  laws  and
regulations. We design procedures in line with our responsibilities, outlined  above,
to detect material misstatements in  respect of irregularities, including fraud.  The
extent to which  our procedures  are capable of  detecting irregularities,  including
fraud, is detailed below:

  • We obtained an understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks within  which
    the Group operates  focusing on  those laws and  regulations that  have a  direct
    effect on the determination of material amounts and disclosures in the  financial
  • We identified the greatest  risk of material impact  on the financial  statements
    from  irregularities,  including  fraud,  to  be  the  override  of  controls  by
    management. Our audit procedures to respond to these risks included enquiries  of
    management about  their  own  identification  and  assessment  of  the  risks  of
    irregularities,  sample  testing  on  the  posting  of  journals  and   reviewing
    accounting estimates for biases.

Because of the inherent  limitations of an audit,  there is a risk  that we will  not
detect all irregularities, including those leading to a material misstatement in  the
financial statements or non-compliance with regulation. This risk increases the  more
that compliance with a law or regulation is removed from the events and  transactions
reflected in the financial statements, as we  will be less likely to become aware  of
instances  of  non-compliance.The  risk  is  also  greater  regarding  irregularities
occurring due to fraud rather than error, as fraud involves intentional  concealment,
forgery, collusion, omission or misrepresentation.

A further  description  of  our  responsibilities for  the  audit  of  the  financial
statements  is   located   on  the   Financial   Reporting  Council’s   website   at:
 2 www.frc.org.uk/auditorsresponsibilities.  This  description  forms  part  of   our
Auditor’s Report.



We were appointed on 19 April 2023 and  this is the second year of our engagement  as
auditors for the Group.

We confirm that we are independent of the Group and have not provided any  prohibited
non-audit services,  as defined  by  the Ethical  Standard  issued by  the  Financial
Reporting Council.

Our audit report  is consistent  with our additional  report to  the Audit  Committee
explaining the results of our audit.



This report is made solely to the Group’s members, as a body. Our audit work has been
undertaken so  that we  might  state to  the Group’s  members  those matters  we  are
required to state to  them in an auditor’s  report and for no  other purpose. To  the
fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to  anyone
other than the Group and the Group’s members, as a body, for our audit work, for this
report, or for the opinions we have formed.


      Mark Wilson MA, FCA

(Senior Statutory Auditor)

      For and on behalf of RPG Crouch Chapman LLP

Chartered Accountants Registered Auditor

40 Gracechurch Street London




29 April 2024


                          CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME

for the year ended 31 December 2023



                                                                  2023      2022
                                                                  GBP       GBP
Continuing Operations                                                        

Revenue 3                                                         136,119     137,288
Cost of sales                                                      (12,983)  (60,765)
Gross profit                                                      123,136      76,523
Administrative expenses excluding exceptional costs               (625,297) (750,192)
Exceptional administration costs 5                                (228,378)  (58,166)
Total administrative expenses                                     (853,675) (808,358)
Operating loss before depreciation                                (730,539) (731,835)
Depreciation and Amortisation 9                                   (137,609)  (95,994)
Operating loss                                                    (868,148) (827,829)
Net financial income/(expense) 6                                   (18,207)     (504)
Share of profits of associated entities 16                        12,349        4,541
Profit/(loss) before taxation                                     (874,006) (823,792)
Taxation                                                           (23,139)     (685)
Profit/(loss) for the period                                      (897,145) (824,477)
Earnings per share - GBP (using weighted average number of                   
Basic and Diluted 8                                                  (0.01)    (0.01)
The notes on pages 20 to 30 form an integral part of this
financial information.



for the year ended 31 December 2023                                          
                                                                       2023      2022
                                                                        GBP       GBP
Profit for the financial year                                     (897,145) (824,477)
Other comprehensive income:                                                  

Exchange differences on re-translating foreign operations            93,814   171,836
Total comprehensive income                                        (803,331) (652,641)
Attributable to:
Equity shareholders of the parent
                                                                  (803,331) (652,641)
Total Comprehensive income                                        (803,331) (652,641)


The notes on pages 20 to 30 form an integral part of this
financial information.



as at 31 December 2023




                                        2023        2022
                                        GBP         GBP
Non-current assets                                   

Goodwill                              9 1,462,774     1,462,774
Intangible assets                     9 1,439,025     1,482,645
Property, plant and equipment         9      11,237      10,406
Investments in associated entities   16      16,890       4,541
Total non-current assets                2,929,926   2,960,366
Current assets
Trade and other receivables
                                     10 376,106         386,005
Cash and cash equivalents            11 1,591,047     2,189,610
Total current assets                    1,967,153   2,575,615
Current liabilities                                  

Trade and other payables             12 816,486         652,057
Total current liabilities               816,486         652,057
Net current assets                      1,150,667   1,923,558
Net assets                              4,080,593   4,883,924
Shareholders’ Equity
Share capital
                                     14 117,750         117,750
Share premium                           5,773,031     5,773,031
Preference shares                    14 246,096         246,096
Other Reserves                       13      70,070      70,070
Foreign exchange reserve                394,095         300,281
Retained earnings                       (2,520,449) (1,623,304)
Total shareholders’ equity              4,080,593   4,883,924
Total equity                            4,080,593   4,883,924

The notes on pages 20 to 30 form an integral part of this financial information.

These financial statements were approved and authorised by the board on 29 April


      Signed on behalf of the board by:


C. Duncan Soukup




as at 31 December 2023







                                                                  2023      2022
                                                                  GBP       GBP
Cash flows from operating activities                                         
Profit/(Loss) for the period before taxation                      (874,006) (823,792)
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other receivables                    9,900   242,631
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables                   164,426    (77,606)
Net financial income/(expense)                                    18,207          504
Share of profits of associated entities                            (12,349)   (4,541)
Net exchange differences                                           (19,690) (130,724)
Interest received                                                 11,351            -
Depreciation                                                    9 137,609      95,994
Cash generated by operations                                      (564,552) (697,534)
Taxation                                                           (23,139)     (685)
Net cash flow from operating activities                           (587,691) (698,219)
Sale/(purchase) of intangible assets                              (104,574) (149,371)
Net cash flow in investing activities                             (104,574) (149,371)
Cash flows from financing activities                         
Interest Paid
                                                                      (114)      (42)
Repayment of loans and borrowings                                         -      (60)
Net cash flow from financing activities                               (114)     (102)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         (692,379) (847,692)
Cash and cash equivalents at the start of the period              2,189,610 2,734,633
Effects of foreign exchange rate changes                          93,816      302,669
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                1,591,047 2,189,610
The notes on pages 20 to 30 form an integral part of this
financial information.



for the year ended 31 December 2023




                                                     Foreign                    Total
                Share     Share               Other Exchange    Retained Shareholders
              Capital   Premium     Shares Reserves Reserves    Earnings
                    £         £          £        £        £           £
Balance as at
31 December   117,750 5,768,771    246,096   74,330  (2,389)   (798,827) 5,405,731
Reserves –          -     4,260          -  (4,260)        -           -            -
Exchange on         -         -          -        - 302,670            -      302,670
comprehensive       -         -          -        -        -   (824,477)    (824,477)
income for
the period
Balance as at
31 December   117,750 5,773,031    246,096   70,070 300,281  (1,623,304) 4,883,924
Exchange on         -         -          -        - 93,814             -       93,814
comprehensive       -         -          -        -        -   (897,145)    (897,145)
income for
the period
Balance as at
31 December   117,750 5,773,031    246,096   70,070 394,095  (2,520,449) 4,080,593



The notes on pages 20 to 30 form an integral part of this financial information.


                          NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

for the year ended 31 December 2023




Anemoi International  Ltd.  (the  “Company”)  is  a  British  Virgin  Island  (“BVI”)
International business company (“IBC”), incorporated and  registered in the BVI on  6
May 2020. Company number 2035767.

Id4 AG is a wholly owned subsidiary of Anemoi and was formed as part of the merger of
the former  id4 AG  (“id4”) with  and  into its  parent, Apeiron  Holdings AG  on  14
September 2021.  Id4 was  incorporated and  registered in  the Canton  of Lucerne  in
Switzerland in April 2019 whilst Apeiron Holdings AG was incorporated and  registered
in December 2018. Following the merger, Apeiron Holdings AG was renamed id4 AG.

On the 17th December 2021, the entire share capital of id4 AG was purchased by Anemoi
International Ltd.

Id4 CLM (UK) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Anemoi, incorporated on 26  November
2021 in England and Wales. Id4 CLM (UK) Ltd is a private limited company, limited  by



The Group financial statements consolidate those of the Company and its subsidiaries
(together referred to as the “Group”). The Group prepares its accounts in accordance
with applicable UK Adopted International Accounting Standards “IFRS”.

The financial statements are expressed in GBP.

The principal accounting policies are summarised below. They have been applied
consistently throughout the period covered by these financial statements.



The  presentational  currency  of  the  financial  statements  is  GBP,  whereas  the
functional currency of the  Group is US Dollars.  Transactions in foreign  currencies
are initially recorded in the functional currency by applying the spot exchange  rate
on the  date of  the  transaction. Monetary  assets  and liabilities  denominated  in
foreign currencies  are retranslated  into the  presentational currency  at the  spot
exchange rate  on the  balance sheet  date. Any  resulting exchange  differences  are
included  in  the  statement  of   comprehensive  income.  Non-monetary  assets   and
liabilities, other than those measured at fair value, are not retranslated subsequent
to initial recognition.

Transactions in  currencies  other than  the  entity’s functional  currency  (foreign
currencies) are recorded  at the  rate of  exchange prevailing  on the  dates of  the
transactions. At  each  reporting date,  monetary  assets and  liabilities  that  are
denominated in foreign  currencies are retranslated  at the rates  prevailing on  the
financial reporting date. Exchange differences arising are included in the  statement
of income for the period.

Year-end GBPUSD exchange rate as at 31 Dec 2023: 1.2731 (2022: 1.2103)

Average GBPUSD exchange rate as at 31 Dec 2023: 1.2417 (2022: 1.2800)

Year-end GBPEUR exchange rate as at 31 Dec 2023: 1.1527 (2022: 1.1273)

Average GBPEUR exchange rate as at 31 Dec 2023: 1.1400 (2022: 1.1599)

Year-end GBPCHF exchange rate as at 31 Dec 2023: 1.0713 (2022: 1.1187)

Average GBPCHF exchange rate as at 31 Dec 2023: 1.0950 (2022: 1.1762)



The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis as  management
consider that the  Group will continue  in operation for  the foreseeable future  and
will be able to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course
of business.  The Group  has fully  assessed  its financial  commitments and  at  the
year-end had net cash reserves of £1.6m.

In  arriving  at  this  conclusion  management  have  prepared  cash  flow  forecasts
considering operating cash flows and capital expenditure requirements for the  Group,
as well as available working capital.



The Group has changed to UK  adopted International Accounting Standards for the  year
ended 31 December 2021 from  EU- adopted International Financial Reporting  Standards
(IFRSs), at which time there were no  differences between UK and EU adoption of  IFRS
as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.







Standards issued  but  not  yet effective:  There  were  a number  of  standards  and
interpretations which were in issue during the current period but were not  effective
at that date and have not been adopted for these Financial Statements. The  Directors
have assessed  the full  impact of  these accounting  changes on  the Company.To  the
extent that they may be applicable, the  Directors have concluded that none of  these
pronouncements  will   cause   material   adjustments  to   the   Group’s   Financial
Statements.They may result in  consequential changes to  the accounting policies  and
other note disclosures.The new standards will not  be early adopted by the Group  and
have / will be incorporated in the preparation of the Group Financial Statements from
the effective dates noted below.

The new and amended standards include:

IFRS 17 Insurance contracts 1

IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements and IFRS Practice Statement 2 1 IAS
8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors 1 IAS 12 Income
Taxes 1

IFRS 16 Leases 2

IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements (Amendment – Classification of Liabilities
as Current or Non-Current) 2

IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements (Amendment – Non-current Liabilities with
Covenants) 2

IAS 21  Lack of Exchangeability 3

 1. Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023
 2. Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024
 3. Effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025



The preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  IFRS  requires  the
Directors to make judgements, estimates  and assumptions that affect the  application
of policies and  reported amounts of  assets, liabilities, income  and expenses.  The
estimates and associated assumptions are  based on historical experience and  various
other factors that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results
of which form the basis of making the judgements about carrying values of assets  and
liabilities that are  not readily  apparent from  other sources.  Actual results  may
differ from these estimates.

The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis.  Revisions
to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised
if the revision affects only that period, or in the period of the revision and future
periods if the revision affects both current and future periods.

The key judgement areas relate to the  carrying value of intangible assets which  are
reviewed annually for indication of impairment. Deferred consideration as per note 16
is  not  currently  recognised  on  the   acquisition  of  .id4.  AG.  The   deferred
consideration is contingent on the meeting of financial targets by December  2026.The
Board is still confident of meeting targets however the length of time and nature  of
recurring revenue, which  form much  of the  financial targets,  have suggested  that
withholding recognition of deferred  consideration until such  time as greater  steps
toward the targets have been made is the prudent judgement.



Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less depreciation and any  provision
for  impairment.  Cost  includes  the   purchase  price,  including  import   duties,
non-refundable purchase taxes  and directly attributable  costs incurred in  bringing
the asset to the location and condition  necessary for it to be capable of  operating
in the  manner  intended. Cost  also  includes capitalised  interest  on  borrowings,
applied only during the period of construction.

Fixed assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis between 3 and 15 years from the
point at which the asset is put into use.





For impairment testing purposes, management considers the operations of the Group  to
represent a  single  cash  generating  unit (CGU),  providing  software  and  digital
solutions to  the  financial  services  industry. The  directors  have  assessed  the
recoverable amount of goodwill which is indefinite  and in accordance with IAS 36  is
the higher of its value in use and its fair value less costs to sell (fair value), in
determining whether there is evidence of impairment.







The fair value of the CGU as at 31 December 2023 is considered by the directors to be
fairly represented when a discounted cash flow valuation of detailed forecasts over 5
years in addition to a subsequent transition period of 3 years before terminal  value
assumptions to establish a fair value. Forecasts  assumed a discount rate of 20%  and
terminal growth rate of 2% respectively.

As such, the directors do not consider  there to be any indication that the  goodwill
is impaired.



An intangible asset,  which is  an identifiable non-monetary  asset without  physical
substance, is recognised to the extent that  it is probable that the expected  future
economic benefits attributable to the asset will flow to the Group and that its  cost
can be measured reliably. Such intangible assets  are finite and are carried at  cost
less amortisation.  Amortisation  is  charged to  ‘Administrative  expenses’  in  the
Statement of  Comprehensive  Income on  a  straight-line basis  over  the  intangible
assets’ useful economic  life. The amortisation  is based on  a straight-line  method
typically over a period of 1-5 years depending on the life of the related asset.

Expenditure on research activities is recognised as an expense in the period in which
it is incurred. Development costs are capitalised as an intangible asset only if  the
following conditions are met:

  • an asset is created that can be identified;
  • it is probable that the asset created will generate future economic benefit;
  • the development cost of the asset can be measured reliably;
  • it meets the Group’s criteria for technical and commercial feasibility; and
  •           sufficient resources are available to meet the development costs to
    either sell or use as an asset. Amortisation is included in Depreciation and
    Amortisation in the Consolidated Statement of Income.

  2.7.    TAXATION

The Company is incorporated in the BVI as an IBC and as such is not subject to tax in
the BVI. Id4AG  is incorporated in  Switzerland is subject  to tax in  the Canton  of
Lucerne. Id4 CLM (UK) Ltd is incorporated in England and Wales and therefore  subject
to tax in the UK.



Borrowing costs directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or  production
of qualifying assets are added to the cost  of those assets until such a time as  the
assets are substantially ready  for their intended use  or sale. All other  borrowing
costs are recognised in profit and loss in the period incurred.



Financial assets and liabilities are recognised on the Group’s statement of financial
position  when  the  Group  becomes  party  to  the  contractual  provisions  of  the

Cash and  cash  equivalents comprise  cash  in hand  and  demand deposits  and  other
short-term highly  liquid investments  with maturities  of three  months or  less  at
inception that are readily convertible to a  known amount of cash and are subject  to
an insignificant risk of changes in value.

Trade payables are not interest-bearing and are initially valued at their fair  value
and are subsequently measured at amortised cost.

Equity instruments are recorded  at fair value, being  the proceeds received, net  of
direct issue costs.

Share Capital – Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Incremental costs  directly
attributable to  the  issue of  new  shares  or options  are  shown in  equity  as  a
deduction, net of taxation, from the proceeds.

Borrowings are initially  measured at  fair value  and are  subsequently measured  at
amortised cost, plus accrued interest.







Following the acquisition of id4 AG on 17 December 2021 the Group operated a software
services segment as outlined below. In identifying the entity’s reportable  segments,
management has segregated the operating business  (ID4 AG), which develops and  sells
software, from the rest of the Group.

Sale of

                                                   Services*          Other     Total
                                                         GBP            GBP       GBP
Revenue                                              136,119              -   136,119
                                              Software Sales       segments     Total
                                                         GBP            GBP       GBP
Segment income statement
                                                     136,119                - 136,119
Expenses                                           (433,782)      (438,734) (872,516)
Depreciation                                       (137,559)           (50) (137,609)
Profit/loss before tax                             (435,222)      (438,784) (874,006)
Attributable income tax expense                     (23,139)              -  (23,139)
Profit/loss for the period                         (458,361)      (438,784) (897,145)
                                              Software Sales       segments     Total
                                                         GBP            GBP       GBP
Segment statement of financial position
                                                   1,449,415      1,480,511 2,929,926
Non-current assets
Current assets                                       381,332      1,585,821 1,967,153
Assets                                             1,830,747      3,066,332 4,897,079
Current liabilities                                1,402,474      (585,988)   816,486
Liabilities                                        1,402,474      (585,988)   816,486
Net assets                                           428,273      3,652,320 4,080,593
Shareholders’ equity                                 428,273      3,652,320 4,080,593
Total equity                                         428,273      3,652,320 4,080,593
* Sale of Services refers to SaaS based                                      
software sales at id4.






                            2023    2022
                            GBP     GBP
Wages and salaries          277,697 353,859
Social security costs         5,587  14,222
Pension costs                 4,457  12,961
Audit fees                   26,830  46,790
Legal and professional fees 234,676 233,491





                                                 2023    2022
                                                 GBP     GBP
Exceptional costs                                         

Professional fees relating to id4 merger and SPA       - 58,166
Intangible assets write-off*                     179,648      -
Severance pay                                     48,730      -
Total Exceptional costs                          228,378 58,166

* The intangible assets write-off relates to a non-cash charge to write-off
intangible assets recognised as part of the 2021 merger between ID4 AG and Apeiron
Holdings AG, during a reconciliation exercise with ID4 AG’s Swiss accountants.


2023 2022


Bank interest payable 114 (3)

Loan interest payable - 45

Interest income (11,351) -

Foreign currency gains/(losses) 29,444 462

                                                                           18,207 504


  7.          INCOME TAX EXPENSE

2023 2022



Loss before tax (874,006) (823,792)


Tax at applicable rates (23,139) (685)

Losses carried forward (874,006) (823,792)


Total tax (23,139) (685)


The applicable tax rates in relation to the Group’s profits are BVI 0% and Swiss
13.925% (2022: 0% and 12.2%).







8. EARNINGS PER SHARE                    
                                                                     2023        2022
                                                                      GBP         GBP
The calculation of earnings per share is based on                          

the following loss attributable to ordinary                                
shareholders and number of shares:
                                                     (897,145)              (824,477)
Profit for the period
Weighted average number of shares of the Company     157,041,665          157,041,665
Earnings per share: Basic and Diluted (GBP)
                                                                   (0.01)      (0.01)
Number of shares outstanding at the period end:      157,041,665          157,041,665
Number of shares in issue                                                  

Opening Balance                                      157,041,665          157,041,665
Basic number of shares in issue                      157,041,665          157,041,665
                                                               Intangible         and
                                           Total      Goodwill     Assets Equipment
                                            2023          2023       2023        2023
Cost                                        GBP            GBP        GBP         GBP
Cost at 1 January 2023                  3,077,345    1,462,774  1,601,492      13,079
FX movement                             71,437               -     70,858         579
                                        3,148,782    1,462,774  1,672,350      13,658
Additions                               215,270              -    214,372         898
Write-offs                              (180,655)            -  (180,655)           -
Cost at 31 December 2023                3,183,397    1,462,774 1,706,067       14,556

Depreciation at 1 January               121,521              -    118,847       2,674
FX movement                                5,376             -      5,258         118
                                        126,897              -    124,105       2,792
Charge for the year on continuing            143,464         -    142,937         527
                                                   -         -          -           -
Depreciation at 31 December 2023        270,361              -    267,042       3,319
Closing net book value at 31 December   2,913,036    1,462,774 1,439,025       11,237







                                                 Total  Goodwill     Assets
                                                  2022      2022       2022      2022
Cost                                               GBP       GBP        GBP       GBP
Cost at 1 January 2022                       2,791,454 1,462,774  1,316,819    11,861
FX movement                                    136,520         -    135,302     1,218
                                             2,927,974 1,462,774  1,452,121    13,079
Additions                                      149,371         -    149,371         -
Acquisition of subsidiary                            -         -          -         -
Cost at 31 December 2022                     3,077,346 1,462,774  1,601,492    13,079
Depreciation/Amortisation at 1 January
                                                19,268         -     17,553     1,715
FX movement                                      1,980         -      1,804       176
                                                21,248         -     19,357     1,891
Charge for the year on continuing operations   100,272         -     99,490       783
Acquisition of subsidiary                            -         -          -         -
Depreciation at 31 December 2022               121,521         -    118,847     2,674
Closing net book value at 31 December 2022   2,955,825 1,462,774  1,482,645    10,406

*The variance to the income statement is due to the difference in exchange between
average and closing rates. Plant Property and Equipment is depreciated over 4 years.

Intangible Assets are amortised over 5 years.


                                     2023    2022
                                      GBP     GBP
Receivables                         3,644  18,032
Prepayments                        71,184  73,636
Other debtors*                    301,278 294,337
Total trade and other receivables 376,106 386,005

*Other debtors includes a loan due from Alfalfa AG of CHF 310,000 in relation to an
assets purchase from id4 AG prior to the acquisition by the Company.


                                    2023      2022
                                    GBP       GBP
Cash in the Statement of Cash Flows 1,591,047 2,189,610







                                  2023    2022
                                   GBP     GBP
Trade creditors                164,795 216,172
Other creditors*               374,575 350,822
Accruals                       277,116  85,063
Total trade and other payables 816,486 652,057

*Other creditors includes  a balance owed  to Thalassa Holdings  Ltd from the  former
Apeiron AG. The  balance is non-interest  bearing and  due to be  settled within  the
following period.


13. SHARE BASED PAYMENTS                
Warrants Outstanding                         2023       2022
Number of Options Granted              29,950,000 29,950,000
Vesting Period                            5 Years    5 Years
Option strike price                         3.00p      3.00p
Current share price (at granting date)      3.00p      3.00p
Volatility                                 10.85%     10.85%
Risk-free interest rate                     0.04%      0.04%
Life of Option                            5 Years    5 Years
Fair Value USD                             95,638     95,638
Fair Value GBP                             70,070     70,070

In recognition  of Thalassa’s  upfront  capital commitment  by  way of  the  Thalassa
Subscription, the Company has executed a  warrant instrument and on Admission  issued
to Thalassa 29,950,000 warrants.The exercise period for the warrants is 5 years  from
the date of Admission  and the exercise  price for the  warrants is the  Subscription

The warrants have been valued at fair value using the Black-Scholes model.







14. SHARE CAPITAL                                              
                                                                    As at       As at
                                                              31 Dec 2023 31 Dec 2022
                                                                      GBP         GBP
Authorised share capital:                                                  

Unlimited ordinary shares of $0.001 each                                -           -
Fully subscribed shares                                                    

29,950,000 ordinary shares of $0.04 each                        1,200,000   1,200,000
Exchange rate adjustment                                           1.3649      1.3649
29,950,000 ordinary shares in GBP                                 879,185     879,185
Placing 5,999,999 ordinary shares of £0.04                        240,000     240,000
Conversion of shares to par value of $.0001 at rate of 1.3649 (1,092,810) (1,092,810)
Issuance of 66,666,666 shares for acquisition of id4 AG            50,387      50,387
Placing of 54,375,000 shares of $0.001 Less fair value of          40,988      40,988
options and warrants
Total                                                             117,750     117,750
                                                                   Number      Number
                                                                of shares   of shares
Fully subscribed shares                                       157,041,665 157,041,665
Issued shares of no par value                                           -           -
Total                                                         157,041,665 157,041,665

Under the Company’s articles of association, the Board is authorised to offer, allot,
grant options over  or otherwise  dispose of  any unissued  shares. Furthermore,  the
Directors are  authorised  to  purchase,  redeem or  otherwise  acquire  any  of  the
Company’s own shares for such consideration  as they consider fit, and either  cancel
or hold such shares as treasury shares.The  directors may dispose of any shares  held
as treasury  shares on  such terms  and  conditions as  they may  from time  to  time
determine. Further, the Company may  redeem its own shares  for such amount, at  such
times and on  such notice  as the  directors may  determine, provided  that any  such
redemption is pro rata to each shareholder’s then percentage holding in the Company.

On the 14th  of April 2021,  a total of  5,999,999 new DIs  (the “Placing DIs”)  were
placed by at a price of £0.04 per  Placing DIs (the “Placing”) with existing and  new
investors (“Placees”) raising  gross proceeds of  approximately £240,000.The  Placing
DIs represent Ordinary Shares representing 20 per cent. of the Ordinary Share capital
of the Company prior to the Placing.

On the 16th of August 2021 the Board  announced that the par value of its issued  and
outstanding ordinary shares  of no  par value had  changed to  US$0.001 per  Ordinary
Share. The total  number of issued  shares with voting  rights remained unchanged  at
35,999,999 Ordinary  Shares. Aside  from  the change  in  nominal value,  the  rights
attaching to the Ordinary Shares (including all voting and dividend rights and rights
on a return of capital) remained unchanged.

On the 17th of  December 2021, following  the acquisition of  id4 AG, 66,666,666  New
Ordinary Shares of $0.001  were issued to  the shareholders of  id4 in settlement  of
consideration for the acquisition  and the Company was  readmitted to trading on  the
London Stock Exchange.

On the 17th of  December 2021, alongside  the acquisition of  id4 AG, 54,375,000  New
Ordinary Shares of  $0.001 were issued  in a  further placing with  existing and  new
investors, raising a total of £2,175,000.

The following describes the nature and purpose of each reserve within equity:

Retained Earnings: All other net gains and losses and transactions with owners (e.g.
dividends) not recognised elsewhere FX Reserves: Gains/losses arising on
retranslating the net assets of overseas operations into CU.

Share Premium: Amount subscribed for share capital in excess of nominal value. Other
Reserves: Other reserves include the warrants outstanding, listed in Note 13.

Preference Shares: Shares for which receive preference of dividends over ordinary



Details of the Company’s subsidiaries at the year end are as follows:




Effective Share holding


Name of subsidiary Place of incorporation 2023 2022
Id4 AG             Switzerland            100% 100%
Id4 CLM (UK) Ltd   England & Wales        100% 100%



Athenium Consultancy Ltd,  a corporate services  entity in which  the Group owns  30%
shares, was incorporated on 12 October 2021.

Movement on interests in associates can be summarised as follows:


                     2023   2022
                     GBP    GBP
Cost as at 1 January  4,541     -
Additions            12,349 4,541
                     16,890 4,541



Thalassa Holdings  Ltd, which  holds shares  in the  Company through  its  subsidiary
Apeiron Holdings  BVI is  related  by common  control  through the  Chairman,  Duncan
Soukup.  Services  incurred  are  recharged  from  Thalassa  Holdings  Ltd  and   its
subsidiaries, at the year-end £15,146 (2022:  £2,894) was owed to Thalassa Group  for
these services. During the year services amounting to

£39,819 (2022: £22,013) were charged. At the year-end, the group owed Thalassa  Group
£358,708 (2022: £343,510) for other creditor balances as noted in note 12.

The company accrued £119,017 for consultancy and administrative services provided  to
the Group, by Fleur De Lys Ltd, a company owned and controlled by the Chairman Duncan
Soukup (2022: £134,953).  Of this, Mr  Soukup received £Nil,  leaving an  outstanding
balance of £119,017 for  the 2023 period. At  the year-end, £171,792 (2022:  £88,080)
was owed to Fleur De Lys Ltd.

Athenium Consultancy Ltd,  a company  in which the  Group owns  shares, invoiced  the
group for financial and corporate administration services totalling £165,000 for  the
period (2022: £150,000). As at the year end the Group owed £45,086 (2022: £44,131).

During the period Tim Donell, non-executive director, invoiced the Group 2023 fees of
£10,000 of which £2,500 was owed as at 31 December 2023 (2022: £Nil).

During the period  Kenneth Morgan,  non-executive director, invoiced  the Group  2023
fees £Nil of  which £Nil  was owed as  at 31  December 2023 (2022:  £Nil) and  £8,333

During the period Luca Tomasi, non-executive  director, invoiced the Group 2023  fees
of £15,000 of which £Nil  was owed as at 31  December 2023 (2022: £5,000) and  £5,000

During the period Nicholas  Dale, director of  id4, invoiced the  Group 2023 fees  of
£9,282 of which  £Nil was owed  as at 31  December 2023 (2022:  £Nil) (Nicholas  Dale
resigned as director in 2024).



The Company’s capital comprises ordinary share capital and share premium alongside  a
reverse takeover  reserve, currency  adjustment reserve  and retained  earnings.  The
Group’s objectives  when  managing  capital  are to  provide  an  optimum  return  to
shareholders over the short to medium  term through capital growth and income  whilst
ensuring the protection of its assets by minimising risk. The Group seeks to  achieve
its objectives  by  having  available  sufficient  cash  resources  to  meet  capital
expenditure and ongoing commitments.

At 31 December 2023, the Group had capital of £2,627,155.The Group does not have  any
externally imposed capital requirements.



The Group’s financial instruments  comprise cash and  cash equivalents together  with
various items such as trade and other receivables and trade payables etc, that  arise
directly from its operations. The fair value of the financial assets and  liabilities
approximates the carrying values disclosed in the financial statements.

The main risks arising  from the Group’s financial  instruments are foreign  exchange
risk, credit risk and liquidity risk.



The Group undertakes FOREX and asset risk management activities from time to time to
mitigate foreign exchange risk.

An increase in foreign exchange rates of 5% at 31 December 2023 would have decreased
the profit and net assets by £83,739 (2022: £115,243). A decrease of 5% would have
increased profit and net assets by £83,739 (2022:£115,243).

At 31 December 2023 30% of the Group’s balances were held in CHF (2022: 30%), 67% in
USD (2022: 4%), 3% in GBP (2022:

66%) with 0% in EUR (2022: 0%).



Group credit risk is limited at this early stage and not felt to be an issue with the
absence of receivables of loan provisions. The Group continues to monitor credit risk
when assessing opportunities given the  potential for exposure to geopolitical  risks
and the possibility of sanctions which could adversely affect the ability to  perform



The Group’s strategy for managing cash is to maximise interest income whilst ensuring
its availability  to match  the profile  of the  Group’s expenditure.  All  financial
liabilities are  generally  payable within  30  days and  do  not attract  any  other
contractual cash flows. Based on current  forecasts the Group has sufficient cash  to
meet future obligations.


                                 30 days 30-60 days 60-90 days 90+ days Total
31 December 2023
                                 GBP     GBP        GBP        GBP      GBP
Finance lease liabilities                                                     -
Trade payables                   164,794          -          -        - 164,794
Other payables                    15,866          -          -  358,709 374,575
Accruals                          48,488    171,792          -   47,501 267,781
                                 229,148    171,792          -  406,210 807,150
There were no subsequent events.                                         



The consolidated financial statements are available on the Group’s website:



There is no one controlling party.







Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside information in
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The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


   ISIN:          VGG0419A1057
   Category Code: ACS
   TIDM:          AMOI
   LEI Code:      213800MIKNEVN81JIR76
   Sequence No.:  318910
   EQS News ID:   1893291

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