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Displaying 3 of 3 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Telecity: Results in line. 2013 about improving returns after 2012's investment.
LON:TCY^J17 by johnrosier 13th Feb '13 · 0 comments · 1215 reads · 1 vote
"Telecity (LON:TCY) (825p and3.1% of JIC portfolio). Full year results for the year ended 31st December 2012 announced this morning seem to be pretty much in line with expectations. Adjusted earnings…"
Small Cap Value Report (17 Nov 2014) - OPAY, LTC, CAMK, MJW
LON:PAYS by Paul Scott 17th Nov '14 · 20 comments · 19378 reads · 33 votes
"Good morning!The Equities First Holdings scandal continues - I note that Optimal Payments (LON:OPAY) has come out with guns blazing this morning, issuing a reassuring trading update, and making furth…"
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