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Displaying 19 of 19 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
BHP Billiton's bid for Potash Corp sheds new light on Sirius Exploration
LON:SXX by Shareworld 1st Sep '10 · 0 comments · 6350 reads · 3 votes
"The bid by BHP Billiton (LON:BLT) for Potash Corp, the Canadian mining company has made investors aware of what gardeners have known for ages, that Potash fertilizer makes food crops grow. Potash, ch…"
Sirius Exploration - have recent events changed the picture?
LON:SXX by The Prospector 1st Mar '10 · 4 comments · 5104 reads · 8 votes
"With the news out today that it has listed its American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) on OTCQX [ref]…"
Sirius Exploration - investing in potash mining, anyone?
LON:SXX by The Prospector 9th Dec '09 · 7 comments · 7985 reads · 8 votes
"Sirius Exploration is a company that's changed dramatically over the past year or so. In the report and accounts to March 2009, management refers to a “year of transformation” [ref] Annual Report,…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Animalcare purrs along, Lo-Q moves forward, magnesium hydroxide is a Sirius by-product and Encore soon to repeat
LON:PHC by Hybridan 23rd Feb '11 · 0 comments · 4172 reads · 3 votes
"3D Diagnostic Imaging (LON:3DD) (3DD 6.5p / £11.08m) This week 3D Diagnostic Imaging, a recent transfer from PLUS to AIM, announced that it had signed an exclusive European distribution deal for its…"
Weekly Market Round-up: Sirius Minerals leads a good AIM innings while the FTSE 100 drifts
LON:SYNT by Stockopedia Features 17th Dec '10 · 0 comments · 6079 reads · 8 votes
"While a collapse on the scale of England’s batsmen was never on the cards this week for London markets, the FTSE 100 continued its sideways drift approaching the end of the year, frustrating bulls tha…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Chariot races ahead, Lifelines preservation, Monitise starts monetising and Sirius gets serious on Potash
LON:PHC by Hybridan 18th Jan '11 · 0 comments · 4955 reads · 4 votes
"This week: Chariot races ahead, Lifelines preservation, Monitise starts monetising and Sirius gets serious on Potash African Eagle Resources (LON:AFE) (AFE 16P / £61.56M) African Eagle announced (11t…"
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