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Displaying 12 of 12 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Can retail investors solve the SME funding gap? Sharemark launches primary fund-raising platform
LON:SHRE by Stockopedia Features 4th Jul '11 · 4 comments · 4883 reads · 7 votes
"Marketwatchers and investors in the SME space will be interested to see the latest venture announced by Sharemark to provide small and medium sized businesses access to a fundraising channel aimed at…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 17 Feb 2020) - ALY, VLX, HDD, WHR, SHRE,
LON:HDD by Paul Scott 17th Feb '20 · 54 comments · 7195 reads · 111 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul here with Monday's SCVR. Please see the header for the companies that have caught my eye from the 7am RNS. As there's not much company news today, I'll write some macro stuff l…"
Share Plc's Alternative Share Trading Platform, Sharemark, celebrates its 10 year anniversary this week
LON:SHRE by Stockopedia News 25th Jun '10 · 0 comments · 5958 reads · 6 votes
"As Sharemark celebrates 10 years this week as one of the UK’s leading alternative share-trading platforms, Stockopedia News speak to Gavin Oldham, the CEO of Share Plc (LON:SHRE). Gavin explains why h…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 8 August 2018) - SHRE, TTG, IDP, SCS, STCK
LON:SHRE by Graham Neary 8th Aug '18 · 44 comments · 12542 reads · 49 votes
"Morning folks! A couple of interesting RNS announcements to cover today. In the US last night, we had further entertainment from Elon Musk at Tesla ($TSLA), who tweeted: "Am considering taking Tesla p…"
Market making needs long term thinking
LON:SRT by LCF Research 29th Jun '11 · 3 comments · 6777 reads · 9 votes
"Last week's letter referred to the need for ongoing step change innovation to maintain the health of an economy and the fact that this activity frequently is best undertaken within small companies asp…"
Why are Private Investors still being locked out of Placings?
LON:SHRE by LCF Research 14th Jun '11 · 7 comments · 7632 reads · 7 votes
"As previous readers will know, I look for frictions in the capital markets which disadvantage the private investor and in so doing hinder the supply of capital to smallcaps. Here is an example of one…"
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  • Barratt Homes (BDEV)

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  • Tesco (TSCO)
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