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Displaying 4 of 4 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap featuring Adventis, Imaginatik and Milestone
LON:ABAL by Hybridan 12th Oct '09 · 0 comments · 3059 reads · 0 votes
" This week: Adventis takes tough action, Imaginatik collaborates to accumulate, and Milestone achieves an, erm, milestone Adventis (ATG 19.5p / 8.34m) Marketing services group Adventis has taken some…"
The Stock Market Surges on the arrival of QE2
LON:QQ. by Stockopedia Features 5th Nov '10 · 0 comments · 5274 reads · 1 vote
" The stock markets closed the week close to their highest levels in more than two years encouraging both the Daily Telegraph and the Mail to publish front page headlines on Friday declaring 'Share Pri…"
Palm oil player: Stockopedia speaks to Michael Frayne, the executive chairman of Equatorial Palm Oil plc
LON:CMET by Ben Hobson 28th Jul '10 · 2 comments · 4829 reads · 15 votes
"In February this year, Michael Frayne launched an initial public offering of Equatorial Palm Oil (LON:PAL) on the Alternative Investment Market – one of the few IPOs that got any traction in what wer…"
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