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Displaying 15 of 15 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Defensive portfolio changes
LON:ABM^J17 by Mark Carter 29th Apr '13 · 0 comments · 4224 reads · 3 votes
"Some changes have been made to my BLI Defensive portfolio on Stockopedia. The portfolio did well at inception, but has since shown a lack of inspiration. On a 2-year basis is has handily outperformed…"
Views on the Eurozone crisis & George Osborne's plans for the Construction Industry
LON:WINE by LCF Research 15th Nov '11 · 0 comments · 5767 reads · 2 votes
"Neil Mackay of Advantage Business Angels publishes a weekly email, and today's provided a particularly pithy view of the Eurozone crisis, which can be accessed by clicking here. This week George Osbor…"
LON:ALL^J17 by Paul Scott 8th Jan '13 · 1 comment · 15813 read · 6 votes
"The year-end trading statements are starting to flow now, with about 16 issued this morning. So I will review 4 or 5 that look the most interesting to me, with a small cap and retailing leaning. Alloc…"
Majestic Wine – raise your glass for some great results once again
LON:WINE by investorschampion 15th Nov '10 · 0 comments · 3597 reads · 1 vote
"Majestic Wine (LON:MJW) , the UK's largest wine warehouse chain, announced excellent set of results for the 26 weeks ended 27 September 2010.Some have questioned the ability of the group to keep grow…"
The Forward Look featuring Majestic Wine, Tesco, Sainsburys, Stobart Group and Carnival
LON:SBRY by The Share Centre 9th Jun '10 · 0 comments · 5455 reads · 0 votes
"Nick Raynor is an investment adviser at retail stockbroker, The Share Centre, having been there since 2002. Nick has over 11 years’ experience in personal finance. Nick is regularly asked to offer his…"
The 10 Most Successful Companies on AIM
LON:ABC by Blackthorn Focus 4th Jan '13 · 4 comments · 23757 reads · 8 votes
"There are a large number of high quality smallcap companies listed on London's AIM market. Using Stockopedia's screening technology I've tried to identify the ten most successful companies on AIM toda…"
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