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Displaying 9 of 9 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
IGAS Energy: Farm-out deal; CEO follows up with share purchase!
LON:IGAS by johnrosier 20th Dec '12 · 31 comments · 39280 reads · 10 votes
"Igas Energy (LON:IGAS) - I have just bought a holding in Igas Energy. Igas, which this morning announced its half year results for the 6 months to 30th September, produces oil from a number of onshor…"
Igas Energy; June 3rd update; Huge uplift to resource estimates!
LON:IGAS by johnrosier 15th Jan '13 · 1 comment · 9323 read · 1 vote
"Igas (115.25p and 1.6% of JIC) is placing 24.3m new shares at 95p to raise c.£23m. The money raised will bolster Igas's balance sheet and enable it to conduct a work programme aimed at demonstrating t…"
Malcy's Oil Report - IGAS, BLVN, FOG
LON:IGAS by Malcolm Graham Wood 25th Nov '15 · 1 comment · 13896 read · 0 votes
"WTI $42.87 +$1.12, Brent $46.12 +$1.29, Diff $3.25 +17c, NG $2.20 -1cOil priceVolatility remains the watchword even before the events that I have been talking about although the jockeying for position…"
Executive Q&A: Interview with Andrew Austin, CEO IGas Energy Plc
LON:IGAS by The Oil Council 4th Jul '10 · 0 comments · 4676 reads · 4 votes
"Ross Stewart Campbell (RSC) from The Oil Council: Andrew, many thanks for joining us to share your thoughts on today’s markets. To cover off introductions can you quickly introduce yourself and IGas E…"
Malcy's Oil Report - CNE, IGAS, PMO, PVR
LON:CNE by Malcolm Graham Wood 10th Mar '15 · 0 comments · 9202 reads · 3 votes
"WTI $50.00 +39c, Brent $58.53 -$1.20, Diff $8.53 -$1.20, NG $2.68 -16cOil priceA very quiet day according to my trading contacts, even the Chinese trade data which provided a huge surplus of $60.62bn…"
Malcy's Oil Report - IGAS, SOU, AMER, PANR, POS
LON:IGAS by Malcolm Graham Wood 8th May '15 · 2 comments · 18106 reads · 4 votes
"WTI $58.94 -$1.99, Brent $65.54 -$2.23, Diff $6.60 -24c, NG $2.73 -4cOil priceWhile I have been away this week the oil price has been quite volatile partly due to the fluctuations in the dollar, its s…"
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