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Displaying 10 of 10 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
HMV – interims
LON:HMV^J17 by Mark Carter 13th Dec '12 · 0 comments · 1839 reads · 3 votes
"Interims for HMV released today. I’m surprised the company has managed to keep going this long. We’ve been in the end game for a long time, and it looks like we’re getting ever-closer to being checkma…"
Virtuous Vertu and the canine status of HMV
LON:HMV^J17 by 10 Value 10 1st Mar '11 · 3 comments · 7607 reads · 5 votes
"A flurry of activity this morning when I switched on my Blackberry to see trading updates from HMV and Vertu. Let's start with the bad...HMV (LON:HMV)The two pieces of news this morning were short an…"
Value-Investing & Distress: Is there a point of no return?
LON:TCG by ExpectingValue 1st Dec '11 · 1 comment · 5340 read · 8 votes
"One of the biggest questions lingering in my mind over the last few weeks has been one that I'm sure all value investors regularly struggle with. It relates to those companies that just keep going dow…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: More from Encore, no sweet music from HMV and William Sinclair’s good growth
LON:HMV^J17 by Hybridan 11th Jan '11 · 0 comments · 2542 reads · 2 votes
" Anglesey Mining (LON:AYM) (AYM 58p / £88.83m) Anglesey’s directors have exercised 2,500,000 share options at an average price of 7.2p per share and have immediately sold them on to Gartmore Investme…"
"Magic Formula" Investing - what resources are available for UK investors?
LON:HMV^J17 by Mark Carter 28th Mar '11 · 4 comments · 12091 reads · 10 votes
"In his book, "The Little Book That Beats The market", Joel Greenblatt laid out an investment formula for selecting a portfolio of shares that should beat the market over the long term. In th…"
Weekly Market Round-up: Sirius Minerals leads a good AIM innings while the FTSE 100 drifts
LON:SYNT by Stockopedia Features 17th Dec '10 · 0 comments · 6035 reads · 8 votes
"While a collapse on the scale of England’s batsmen was never on the cards this week for London markets, the FTSE 100 continued its sideways drift approaching the end of the year, frustrating bulls tha…"
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