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Displaying 17 of 17 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Share Prices / Energy / Oil & Gas
BG Group - Brazilian Bonanza
LON:BG.^J17 by Fat Prophets 16th Nov '10 · 0 comments · 2519 reads · 2 votes
"BG Group (LON:BG.) has long stood out from other Western energy majors due to its ability to significantly increase future production.  The company’s partnership with Brazil’s national oil giant Petr…"
Oil & Gas Exploration "Hot Spots": Deep Water, the Arctic, Unconventionals and mid-Continent Onshore
LON:BG.^J17 by David Bamford 5th Mar '11 · 0 comments · 6057 reads · 4 votes
"As the dust begins to settle after the spring and summer’s events in the Gulf of Mexico, what can we say about exploration around the globe in 2010 and when we look forward to 2011 and beyond?  Perhap…"
Are BG Group shares a good investment?
LON:BG.^J17 by UK Value Investor 27th Apr '13 · 0 comments · 3676 reads · 7 votes
" Whether or not a company’s shares are a good investment will depend on what you’re looking for.  In my case I want my investments (which match those in the UKVI Model Portfolio) to produce higher to…"
OilEdge: Crossing the 'line' from contingent resources to reserves. Why does it matter?
LON:BG.^J17 by David Bamford 20th Feb '11 · 7 comments · 8965 reads · 13 votes
"This article was first published on Oiledge. As exploration around the globe gets more difficult, more “unconventional oil” is being brought forward. Of these, the “least unconventional” are a) light…"
Latin America’s Emergence as an Oil & Gas Stronghold: A Brazilian Perspective
LON:BG.^J17 by The Oil Council 20th Feb '11 · 0 comments · 8064 reads · 6 votes
"Latin America has enjoyed robust economic growth in recent years, in part driven by rising global prices for commodities such as oil & gas. The discovery of new gas & oil reserves in Argentina…"
Malcy's Oil Report - RDSA, BG, PPC
LON:SHEL by Malcolm Graham Wood 14th Sep '15 · 0 comments · 3587 reads · 4 votes
"WTI $44.63 -$1.29, Brent $48.14 -75c, Diff $3.51 +55c, NG $2.69 +1cOil priceSo much data to analyse and for the first time for a while the agencies are beginning to differ in their reading of the oil…"
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