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Displaying 4 of 4 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Hybridan Smallcap Wrap featuring Summit, Cashbox and Sarantel
smallcap by Hybridan 9th Mar '10 · 0 comments · 1455 reads · 2 votes
" This week: Summit far from its peak, Cashbox in a hole in the wall and Sarantel picks up the right signal Ant (LON:ANTP 29.5p/ £7.16m) Ant, the software company that allows TV operators to manage the…"
Sunkar Resource’s new resource, ANT on the march and finding growth with William Sinclair
LON:POL by Hybridan 7th Sep '10 · 1 comment · 5334 read · 4 votes
"Amur Minerals Corp (LON:AMC) (5.5p/ £11.59m)* On 1 September the Company announced it had received a 2 year extension to its Kun-Manie exploration licence to explore for nickel and copper. This has be…"
Bglobal goes national, Medicsight looks to US and Japan, Titan’s strong order book and Angel spreads its wings
LON:TRT by Hybridan 15th Feb '11 · 0 comments · 6649 reads · 1 vote
"Angel Biotech (LON:ABH) (ABH 0.5p / £13.40m)* AIM listed biopharmaceutical contract manufacturer last week announced the signing of a 5 year pricing agreement with Materia Medica Holding, a leading p…"
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