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Displaying 50 of 8811 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Change to my Stockopedia portfolio
Folio Management by Mark Carter 20th Dec '13 · 0 comments · 2791 reads · 3 votes
"My public portfolio on Stockopedia ( has been running since February 2011. The aim was “To achieve above average capital and income retur…"
The Final Countdown
Growth Investing by Brilliant Leader 8th Nov '13 · 0 comments · 967 reads · 1 vote
"With just six trading weeks to go until the year end (remember, my trading year will close on 20thDecember so that I can enjoy the holiday season), the 2013 virtual growth portfolio has not quite perf…"
Shares for 2014
Growth Investing by Mark Carter 31st Dec '13 · 1 comment · 9539 read · 7 votes
"Time for a review of my “5 shares for 2013?, that I chose slightly over a year ago. The ASXX (All-Share exc. Inv Companies) is up 17% over 1 year. A very happy performance. The per…"
2013 - Year in review
Value Investing by CantEatValue 31st Dec '13 · 2 comments · 4415 reads · 4 votes
"So as the markets close for the last time in 2013 I've totaled up my figures for this year in terms of investment performance as well as over my investment lifetime. All stocks are valued to bid price…"
New Year's Resolutions for Behavioral Investors
Behavioural Finance by timarr 1st Jan '14 · 9 comments · 12214 reads · 18 votes
"Death or (um ... ) Death Apparently the ancient Babylonians would, at the start of each year, promise to pay off their debts and return stuff that they’d borrowed, like the lawnmower (or, as we would…"
How can you profit from stocks at risk of a 'short squeeze'?
Short Selling by Ben Hobson 10th Jan '14 · 8 comments · 24532 reads · 7 votes
"Identifying stocks that are overvalued and betting that they’ll fall in price is one of the most extreme brands of value investing out there, and for short sellers that were active ahead of the the 20…"
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  • Apple (AAPL)

  • Shell (RDSA)

  • Twitter (TWTR)

  • Volkswagon AG (VOK)

  • McDonalds (MCD)

  • Vodafone (VOD)

  • Barratt Homes (BDEV)

  • Microsoft (MSFT)

  • Tesco (TSCO)
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