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Displaying 50 of 8811 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
The Insider's Guide to Director's Dealings
Smart Money by Edward Croft 12th Sep '13 · 11 comments · 9537 reads · 21 votes
"Whenever you approach the stock market it's worth considering that the guy on the other side of the trade is probably better informed than you are. When you are buying, he's selling, when you are sell…"
Is BP Really A Takeover Target For Exxon?
LON:BP. by Dlacalle 5th Jul '11 · 7 comments · 10869 reads · 15 votes
"I find it interesting that in the past weeks we have seen a few reports stating that BP (LON:BP) could be taken over by Exxon (NYSE:XOM). Given that the idea seems to be taking hold at a couple of ban…"
Is the bull market driven by fundamentals or QE?
investment trusts by WhichInvestmentTrust 4th Jun '13 · 0 comments · 1665 reads · 4 votes
"New research from ‘The Share Centre’ monitoring both sales and profits of the 350 largest listed UK companies adds vigour to some who have warned the current bull market is more about on-going QE than…"
Malcy's Oil Report - RDSA, BG, PPC
LON:SHEL by Malcolm Graham Wood 14th Sep '15 · 0 comments · 3597 reads · 4 votes
"WTI $44.63 -$1.29, Brent $48.14 -75c, Diff $3.51 +55c, NG $2.69 +1cOil priceSo much data to analyse and for the first time for a while the agencies are beginning to differ in their reading of the oil…"
Where are the Oil & Gas technology successes of the future?
Oil by Oilvoice 9th Apr '10 · 5 comments · 4193 reads · 18 votes
" If a man……………make a better mousetrap than his neighbour, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door. Ralph Waldo Emerson; 1803-1882 In this article, I wa…"
Malcy's Oil Report - AMER, SOU, MOIL
LON:AMER by Malcolm Graham Wood 7th Sep '15 · 0 comments · 3559 reads · 3 votes
"WTI $46.05 -70c, Brent $49.61 -$1.07, Diff $3.56 -37c, NG $2.66 -7cOil priceAfter fierce swings last week crude oil ended up pretty flat, WTI was up 83 cents in a range of $6.12 and Brent was down 44…"
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