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Displaying 50 of 8778 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Could Dragon Oil be an ideal stock for dividend growth investors?
LON:DGO^J17 by Ben Hobson 10th May '12 · 0 comments · 4133 reads · 8 votes
"It is difficult to pinpoint precisely when it all started but for a while now there has been growing chatter among market-watchers, commentators and bloggers in the United States about a neat ‘new’ co…"
A grip on the market: Stockopedia speaks to Graham Stevens of Plexus Holdings
LON:POS by Ben Hobson 12th Nov '10 · 0 comments · 6161 reads · 3 votes
"When Plexus Hldgs (LON:POS) floated on AIM five years ago it set out to introduce new thinking on the safety and reliability of the designs used in making wellheads for the oil and gas industry throu…"
Executive Q&A: The Oil Council talks to Attila Holoda of Hungary's MOL Plc (BDP:MOL)
Oil by The Oil Council 19th Apr '10 · 0 comments · 2012 reads · 5 votes
"Attila graduated from Gubkin University of Moscow, Russia in petroleum engineering in 1989. He has an MBA from Budapest University of Economic Sciences as well. He joined MOL (BDP:MOL) as a produ…"
Malcy's Oil Report - IAE, AEX, TPL
LON:IAE by Malcolm Graham Wood 5th Oct '15 · 1 comment · 5258 read · 1 vote
"WTI $45.54 +80c, Brent $48.13 +44c, Diff $2.59 -36c, NG $2.45 +2cOil priceBoth WTI and Brent fell marginally on the week, on the month they were both off about a dollar but on the quarter it was much…"
Malcy's Oil Report - SOU, IOG, TRIN
LON:SOU by Malcolm Graham Wood 21st Oct '15 · 0 comments · 4569 reads · 1 vote
"WTI $45.55 -34c, Brent $48.71 -10c, Diff $3.16 -44c, NG $2.48 +3cOil priceA mixed day in the oil market which ended with WTI and Brent going in different directions. This was mainly as the November WT…"
Malcy's Oil Price - BP., SOU, FOG
LON:BP. by Malcolm Graham Wood 22nd Oct '15 · 0 comments · 5456 reads · 0 votes
"WTI $45.20 -$1.09, Brent $47.85 -86c, Diff $2.65 -51c, NG $2.40 -7cOil priceOil traded back to the bottom of its recent range yesterday as the EIA inventory stats disappointed the market. Expecting 3.…"
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