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Displaying 50 of 8811 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Malcy's Oil Report - EDR, EOG, HUR
LON:EOG by Malcolm Graham Wood 4th Sep '15 · 0 comments · 3305 reads · 3 votes
"WTI $46.75 +50c, Brent $50.68 +18c, Diff $3.93 -32c, NG $2.72 +8cOil priceAs the weekend approaches and we see some consolidation in oil prices the markets are as uncertain as ever and looking further…"
Range Resources PLC: Q&A follow up
LON:STA by Mining Maven 10th Apr '10 · 0 comments · 2953 reads · 4 votes
"Mining Maven notes the latest update from Range Resources (click here to view). Oil and Gas exploration is not, as they say, for widows and orphans; but as the story unfolds we continue to see a str…"
Encore Oil Presentation: Update and Analysis
LON:PHAR by marben100 21st May '10 · 39 comments · 15495 reads · 57 votes
"Introduction Encore Oil (LON:EO.) is a UK North Sea focussed E&P company. After a successful discovery and disposal of the Breagh field, it is cash rich and now seeks to appraise and monetise its…"
BP, the Deepwater Horizon spill and Executive Arrogance
Oil by Yves Smith 26th May '10 · 29 comments · 8516 reads · -17 votes
"The geyser of oil and less than cheery news on the Gulf oil spill continues unabated. The news updates of the day include: Reports from a Congressional briefing that suggest, as many have speculated,…"
Range Resources: Security and Blue Sky - no longer mutually exclusive
LON:STA by Mining Maven 10th Jul '10 · 1 comment · 3310 read · 1 vote
"Readers will remember our original Value Proposition for Range Resources (LON:RRL) was prepared in January, just six months ago.  It’s probably worth another scan (to view, click here) as you may be…"
Tullow Oil & Uganda: Post the Heritage Oil acquisition
LON:TLW by doverbeach 27th Jul '10 · 52 comments · 27578 reads · 22 votes
"The previous rolling Uganda discussion is here but today is the start of a new era for Tullow Oil Plc (LON:TLW) and, indeed, for Uganda, so it's time for a new one! Today Tullow announced the complet…"
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