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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 26 June 2023) - BMS, DWHT, LOOK, CINE, POLR, AML, CBOX, DEMG
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 26th Jun '23 · 49 comments · 7706 reads · 141 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Roland, raring to go! Today's report is now finished. Gorgeous weather continued over the weekend here in Bournemouth, so it feels like I'm on holiday! I've got into a goo…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 20 July 2023) - CBOX, LOOK, PMP, FAN, PDG, FSTA, FNX
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 20th Jul '23 · 95 comments · 9006 reads · 133 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham. Today's report is now finished. Quick comments - SKY News said last night that Cake Box Holdings (LON:CBOX) has received a low-premium 160p bid approach from an Au…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 12 Oct 2023) - YOU, RTN, MCG, SPSY, SHI, HOTC
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 12th Oct '23 · 98 comments · 8426 reads · 126 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Today's report is now finished. Graham's 11:30 video (also recorded) - featuring Mobico, Restaurant Group, and SIG starts at 11:30 - these are great I think, so I'…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 30 April 2024) - MCB, MTRO, IGR, CRPR, CARD, RBGP, NAR, S247, TRT, SYS
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 30th Apr · 76 comments · 9802 reads · 156 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Today's report is now finished. Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to review trading updates & results of the day…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 16 July 2024) - JNEO, SPSY, TRU, BMY, VANQ, MCB, BRCK, TRST
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 16th Jul · 62 comments · 8574 reads · 166 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! We've run out of time, so have to leave it there for today. Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any shares. We aim to review trading upda…"
An interview with Paul Scott and Graham Neary - your questions answered
Interviews by Ben Hobson 8th Nov '17 · 43 comments · 20774 reads · 167 votes
"It’s been five years since Paul Scott kicked off the Small Cap Value Report on Stockopedia. Recently he’s been joined by Graham Neary, and together they offer up a daily assessment of company news wit…"
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