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Displaying 50 of 8811 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Royal Dutch Shell and BP: A tale of two petroleum majors
LON:SHEL by Fat Prophets 7th Apr '10 · 0 comments · 3773 reads · 3 votes
"Whilst oil heavyweights BP (LON:BP.) and Royal Dutch Shell B (LON:RDSB) may be producing similar amounts of gas, BP’s higher levels of liquids production has recently put Royal Dutch Shell in the shad…"
Analysis of Ophir's assets
LON:OPHR by marben100 13th Mar '13 · 26 comments · 21588 reads · 12 votes
"I have recently made a small investment in Ophir Energy (LON:OPHR) , thanks to @WShak1 alerting me to the price drop following the placing by early investors Och-Ziff and Mittal. As it turned out, th…"
Oil & Gas Exploration "Hot Spots": Deep Water, the Arctic, Unconventionals and mid-Continent Onshore
LON:BG.^J17 by David Bamford 5th Mar '11 · 0 comments · 6071 reads · 4 votes
"As the dust begins to settle after the spring and summer’s events in the Gulf of Mexico, what can we say about exploration around the globe in 2010 and when we look forward to 2011 and beyond?  Perhap…"
Malcy's Oil Report - PPC
LON:PPC by Malcolm Graham Wood 18th Sep '15 · 6 comments · 5859 reads · 1 vote
"WTI $46.90 -25c, Brent $49.08 -67c, Diff $2.18 -42c, NG $2.65 -1c Oil priceSo, the market got it right and the Fed decided that rates would stay unchanged, having said what they did it looks like next…"
The Oil Council interviews EnCore Oil CEO, Alan Booth
Oil by The Oil Council 15th Mar '11 · 0 comments · 5923 reads · 19 votes
"Prior to co-founding Encore Oil (LON:EO.), Alan Booth was Chairman and Managing Director of EnCana (U.K.) Limited (now Nexen Petroleum U.K. Limited), and a member of EnCana Corporation's executive man…"
Shale gas: saviour of the US economy?
Market Outlook by marben100 3rd Mar '13 · 15 comments · 17160 reads · 4 votes
"Earlier this week, a very important article/study was reported on by Reuters, following on from the original press release from the University of Texas here.  I have been sceptical that shale gas is t…"
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