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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 12 May 2022) - BLV, JD., CNC, CCT, SDRY, EMR
LON:JD. by Paul Scott 12th May '22 · 55 comments · 8357 reads · 128 votes
"Good morning! It's Paul & Jack with you today. Agenda -  Paul's Section: Belvoir (LON:BLV) announces it will be attending Mello in Chiswick on 25 May. Do come along too! JD Sports Fashion (LON:JD.…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 20 May 2022) - EYE, SAA, WRKS, WIN
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 20th May '22 · 70 comments · 8130 reads · 133 votes
"Good morning! Friday, and it's Paul & Jack here to round off the week. Looking at the futures, it looks like today will be a bounce-back day, which is always nice for a Friday - less worrying over…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 24 May 2022) - RTN, RWI, MEAL, AVON, LORD, EPWN
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 24th May '22 · 37 comments · 8187 reads · 130 votes
"Good morning, Paul & Jack here today. Agenda -  Paul's Section: Restaurant (LON:RTN) - a surprisingly upbeat trading update, with no slowdown in demand evident. In line with expectations. Concessi…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 13 Dec 2022) - CRU, SRC, OTMP, SOS, REAT, BEG, ACC, FCAP, DNM, ZYT, SYNT, GPH, FRP, SNX
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 13th Dec '22 · 77 comments · 9566 reads · 152 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham!  Today's report is now finished. We've hit the ground running today, as Graham had a second wind yesterday afternoon & has prepared some extra sections for tod…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 31 Jan 2023) - CNIC, COG, BAG, MAB1, TPX, SOM
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 31st Jan '23 · 58 comments · 9618 reads · 147 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham. It's the last day of Dry January today, so I'm looking forward to celebrating a friend's birthday at the weekend. In the meantime, we've got lots of companies to r…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 23 Mar 2023) - SCS, OSI, FCAP, CNKS, SPE, PMP, EAH, SRT, WIX
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 23rd Mar '23 · 72 comments · 8371 reads · 171 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Graham here! Today's report is now finished. I reviewed SCS last night, and will shortly publish that below, once I've had a coffee (EDIT: that's now published, as always…"
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