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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Weds 28 Oct 2020) - SHOE, SLP, TRB, SAA
LON:SLP by Paul Scott 28th Oct '20 · 87 comments · 12243 reads · 188 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here, with the SCVR for Wednesday. Timings - should mostly be done by official finish time of 1pm. Let's revise that to 5pm, there's a lot going on in the markets th…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 3 August 2021) - BLV, COG, NWF, JOUL, RST
LON:NWF by Paul Scott 3rd Aug '21 · 95 comments · 10016 reads · 154 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Tuesday. Timing - today's report is now finished. Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks. We aim to cover tra…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 18 Oct 2021) - Supply chains/inflation, TSTL, CNIC, SUP, MIND, BVXP
LON:SUP by Paul Scott 18th Oct '21 · 63 comments · 10587 reads · 183 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Monday. Agenda - Paul's Section: Preamble on supply chains & inflation. Tristel (LON:TSTL) - a quick look at FY 6/2021 results & outlo…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 9 Dec 2021) - RNWH, RBN, PHTM
LON:PURP by Paul Scott 9th Dec '21 · 101 comments · 9695 reads · 332 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul here with the last SCVR for this week. Agenda - Paul's Section: Lengthy preamble about current market conditions, and how I see the outlook for small caps, and areas of concern…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 14 Jan 2022) - SNR, QUIZ, XAR, SMRT, CINE, EQLS, SENS
LON:XAR by Paul Scott 14th Jan '22 · 86 comments · 10696 reads · 135 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the last SCVR for this week. Today's report is now finished. Jack & I are going to trial an end of week podcast this afternoon. If it's any good, I'll…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 22 Mar 2022) - BKS, SCS, LUCE, KGH
LON:SCS by Paul Scott 22nd Mar '22 · 60 comments · 9709 reads · 143 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Tuesday. Agenda -  Paul's Section: Beeks Financial Cloud (LON:BKS) (I hold) - I review its interim results to 12/2021. Very strong organic gro…"
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