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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Thurs 20 May 2021) - BEG, NEXS, MMH, BWNG
LON:BWNG by Paul Scott 20th May '21 · 79 comments · 11616 reads · 136 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul and Roland here, with the SCVR for Thursday. Timing - I've got 2 company zooms coming up from 12-1, and 1-2, so am going to be quite busy today. Am struggling to get my head ar…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 11 June 2021) - SGM, NWF, RWA, VANL, W7L, MIND
LON:SGM by Paul Scott 11th Jun '21 · 72 comments · 9849 reads · 119 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Friday. This week seems to have whizzed by in a flash! Timing - I'm having lunch with a SCVR reader today, so need to be finished here by noon…"
Small Cap Value Report (Weds 10 Nov 2021) - TRCS, GYG, RNO, ZOO
LON:NXR by Paul Scott 10th Nov '21 · 45 comments · 9435 reads · 133 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Weds. Agenda - Paul's Section: Gyg (LON:GYG) - profit warning yesterday, but not enough information is provided to properly assess the situat…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 21 Feb 2022) - MNZS, SLP, CLG, WIL, SNG
LON:SLP by Paul Scott 21st Feb '22 · 71 comments · 12022 reads · 155 votes
"Good morning, I'm back (Paul) after a few days break. Many thanks to Roland for covering.  It's certainly a very tough time in the markets at the moment, especially small caps. I always remind myself…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 3 March 2022) - PCIP, ESYS, KITW, DLAR, UBG, DOTD, BWNG
LON:BWNG by Paul Scott 3rd Mar '22 · 66 comments · 11146 reads · 144 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Thursday. Agenda -  Paul's Section: Pci- Pal (LON:PCIP) - strong progress in H1, but patent infringement allegations hang over the company, so…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 22 June 2022) - VTU, CHH, SYS1, UPGS, IQE, MCRO
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 22nd Jun '22 · 45 comments · 8269 reads · 124 votes
"Good morning! It's Paul & Graham again today - the new normal, now Jack has moved on to a job in the city. Hopefully he'll let us know how he's getting on! Grim market conditions continue for now,…"
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