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Displaying 50 of 8778 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 19 Aug 2022) - JOUL, HSW, VLX
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 19th Aug '22 · 33 comments · 7683 reads · 173 votes
"Good morning! It's just Paul here, with it being Friday. I have to finish by 11am today, due to being required to take Mum to Newbury for her 85th birthday lunch. My brother particularly likes this re…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 7 Oct 2022) - WIN, STEM, MSLH, CGS, SDRY, BWNG
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 7th Oct '22 · 30 comments · 7031 reads · 131 votes
"Good morning from Paul, and thank goodness it's Friday! Today's report is now finished.Podcast - the summary for this week is now up on podcast platforms, and here on my website. This week's "mystery…"
Paul's weekly SCVR summary - (w/e 25 Nov 2022) - episode 22
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 28th Nov '22 · 6 comments · 2159 reads · 57 votes
"Episode 22 - week-ending 25 November 2022 Audio is here, or on most good podcast platforms (and some bad ones!) Monday 21 Nov Accrol group (LON:ACRL) - H1 TU pretty good. Expecting FY results at least…"
Small Cap Value Report (Weds 14 Dec 2022) - TWD, FAN, STEM, BILN, CHRT, PROC, MIRI, LOOP, CYAN, GETB
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 14th Dec '22 · 52 comments · 8626 reads · 151 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Graham here. Here's the written summary of last weekend's podcast. Agenda  Paul’s Section: Trackwise Designs (LON:TWD) - Horrendous news for shareholders, with a 92% disc…"
Momentum Monday 19 December 2022
Technical Analysis by Elio D'Amato 18th Dec '22 · 0 comments · 501 reads · 2 votes
"Welcome to the last Momentum Monday newsletter before Christmas and global investors are minding their P’s and Q’s as we eagerly await the much expected Santa rally. Though if 2022 was the year of the…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 11 Jan 2023) - COG, W7L, NICL, HSW, RCH, SCE, ABDP, SBRY, BOO, FRAS, DLG, ADM, TEG, LOOK
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 11th Jan '23 · 74 comments · 10353 reads · 170 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Today's report is now finished. Lots more to cover, but I've run out of time & energy! Explanatory notes - A quick reminder that we don’t recommend any stocks…"
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