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Displaying 50 of 8778 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 31 Mar 2020) - KAPE, DLAR, QXT
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 31st Mar '20 · 94 comments · 9762 reads · 131 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul here. This is the usual placeholder article, for reader comments from 7am. The full report will be ready by 1pm. Update at 12:48 - I need a bit more time to complete today's re…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 2 Oct 2020) - SAGA, CNKS, WIN
LON:CNKS by Paul Scott 2nd Oct '20 · 61 comments · 10171 reads · 233 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul here with Friday's SCVR. Portmeirion interview - here is the link to my audio interview today with Mike Raybould, CEO of Portmeirion (LON:PMP) (I hold), which I hope you find i…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 11 Oct 2021) - IGP, TET, SPSY, SAG
LON:SAG by Paul Scott 11th Oct '21 · 40 comments · 9573 reads · 152 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Monday. Agenda - Paul's Section: Intercede (LON:IGP) (I hold) - a steady trading update, H1 performance in line with expectations. Currency he…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 4 May 2022) - WYN, JOUL, MPAC
LON:WYN by Paul Scott 4th May '22 · 97 comments · 11766 reads · 124 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack with you today. Agenda -  Paul's section: Joules (LON:JOUL) (I hold) - yet another profit warning, from this very disappointing share. The CEO is leaving, probably a…"
Small Cap Value Report (Weds 26 Oct 2022) - MADE, MEAL, BMY, OTB, VNET
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 25th Oct '22 · 43 comments · 6708 reads · 144 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham. A couple of long-running problems (MADE and MEAL) look to be reaching the end game, so I typed up some thoughts last night (Paul). Happy to discuss, so please do a…"
Momentum Wednesday (in lieu of Monday) 28 December 2022
Technical Analysis by Elio D'Amato 27th Dec '22 · 8 comments · 507 reads · 3 votes
"Welcome to this shortened trading week and to Momentum Wednesday (in lieu on Monday). Markets will also be closed next Monday as well so we too will alter the timing of this report to suit. And just t…"
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