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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 11 Jan 2021) - JD., CALL, IDP
LON:JD. by Paul Scott 11th Jan '21 · 87 comments · 11867 reads · 211 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul here with the first of this week's SCVRs. Mello - tonight! It's Mello Monday time again - David Stredder's very popular investor evenings, now on Zoom. This evening Ed will be…"
Stock Pitch - Spectra Systems (LON:SPSY)
Stock Picks by Jack Brumby 13th Jan '21 · 20 comments · 6659 reads · 65 votes
"Spectra Systems (LON:SPSY) was pitched to the Stockopedia Investment Club on the 7th of January 2021, at a share price of 185p. This is a patent-backed authentication materials company that spends mil…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 18 Jan 2021) - BEG, W7L, AUG, CPP
LON:AUG by Paul Scott 18th Jan '21 · 86 comments · 11009 reads · 248 votes
"Good morning, it’s Paul here with the SCVR for Monday. Timing - I'm hoping to be finished by the official end time of 1pm today. There's not much in the way of small cap news. Today's report is now fi…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 20 Oct 2021) - SRC, SYS1, AOM
LON:SYS1 by Jack Brumby 20th Oct '21 · 32 comments · 8017 reads · 134 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Wednesday. Agenda - Jack's section: Sigmaroc (LON:SRC) - rising costs are being managed at the local level and SigmaRoc's assets have a degree…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 29 Oct 2021) - BEG Red Flags, MTW, GYG
LON:MTW by Paul Scott 29th Oct '21 · 97 comments · 9219 reads · 144 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here, with the SCVR for Friday. There's hardly any relevant news today, and I (Paul) have to pack up my airBnB and move to a hotel in Funchal now, so will sign off f…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 9 Nov 2021) - ANG, SOS, ALFA, CRPR
LON:SOS by Paul Scott 9th Nov '21 · 54 comments · 9116 reads · 135 votes
"Good morning! It's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Tuesday. Agenda - Paul's Section: Angling Direct (LON:ANG) - cyber-security attack from yesterday's RNS. Looks quite serious, we're now into d…"
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