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Displaying 50 of 8811 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
What lies ahead for investors in 2010?
japanese equities by Clive Corcoran 28th Dec '09 · 1 comment · 1766 read · 6 votes
"Previously I have held back from providing any traceable documentation of crystal ball gazing for the coming year, but this year, partly as a challenge to myself, I have succumbed to the temptation an…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap featuring iDesign, Formjet and Milestone
LON:YOU by Hybridan 19th Oct '09 · 0 comments · 3302 reads · 0 votes
" This week: iDesign hits its targets, Formjet gets the Monk’s habit, and Milestone reaches a milestone Ark Therapeutics Group (AKT 46 p / £95.27m) Specialist healthcare group Ark last week announced t…"
Oil Stocks Look Deeply Oversold: 22% Decline on Wednesday in XOI
Oil by Adam Hamilton 11th Jun '10 · 0 comments · 2273 reads · 2 votes
"Oil stocks have been hammered especially hard in the recent stock-market correction.  With both the general stock markets and price of crude oil falling sharply, the oil stocks didn’t stand a chance. …"
Gold, Oil & Toxic Assets: 10 Bubbleomics Predictions for 2011
Bull Market by Andrew Butter 27th Jan '11 · 0 comments · 3177 reads · 11 votes
"On February 4 the Year of the Tiger transforms into the Year of the Rabbit, if you believe in Chinese horoscopes. According to the Chinese zodiac, the "Rabbit" is going to be a walk in the p…"
UTV Media - a defensive value case study
LON:WLG^J17 by UK Value Investor 11th Jul '12 · 0 comments · 4402 reads · 2 votes
"I bought UTV Media back in December 2011 as one of the few small-cap companies in my portfolio. This investment has turned out to be very successful, although most of that is due to luck, which I’ll e…"
Small Cap Value Report (5 Sep) - SID, CAP, EMR, FFY
LON:SID^J17 by Paul Scott 5th Sep '13 · 1 comment · 15450 read · 18 votes
"Good morning! The lack of communication over the suspension of Silverdell (LON:SID suspended) really has been shocking, and to a certain extent reinforces my belief that private shareholders are rega…"
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