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Displaying 50 of 8778 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 17 Apr 2019) - ZOO, PDG, DTG, DIA, UNG, CAR
LON:GAW by Paul Scott 17th Apr '19 · 19 comments · 9940 reads · 119 votes
"Good morning! It's Paul here. I'm loving the positive energy we're generating this week - especially Robbie Burns' motivational message left in the comments section earlier this week! Nice one Robbie!…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 18 Apr 2019) - D4T4, TRI, MONY, FCH, RWS, AVST, Loungers
LON:D4T4 by Paul Scott 18th Apr '19 · 43 comments · 14038 reads · 104 votes
"Good evening/morning, it's Paul here! These 7am flying starts have been a bit of a shock to my system this week (being more of a night owl), so I'm jolly glad that it's the long Easter weekend coming…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thur 30 May 2019) - VLE, DISH, SONG, BUR, BRY, WOSG
LON:VLE by Graham Neary 30th May '19 · 35 comments · 9734 reads · 60 votes
"Morning all, The main news on my plate has been the announcement by Volvere (LON:VLE) of a large tender offer. Other things which have happened today: BigDish (LON:DISH) has made another rollout RNS.…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 21 June 2019) - IQE, RDL, PRP, FFX, GOAL, TSLA
LON:RDL by Graham Neary 22nd Aug '19 · 39 comments · 11550 reads · 49 votes
"Good morning! Today there are updates relating to: IQE (LON:IQE) - trading updatePrime People (LON:PRP) - final resultsFairFX (LON:FFX) - new licenceGoals Soccer Centres (LON:GOAL) - statement by…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 27 Jun 2019) - STAF, TND
LON:STAF by Paul Scott 27th Jun '19 · 76 comments · 12032 reads · 125 votes
"Hi, it's Paul here! I'm thinking of ditching the 7-8am quick view format, because; 1) Very few subscribers here seem to read the SCVRs early (usually only about 15 reads by 9 am), 2) It's very stressf…"
Billington Holdings: an undervalued high growth Super Stock?
LON:BILN by Jack Brumby 21st Jan '20 · 17 comments · 5404 reads · 59 votes
"Billington Holdings (LON:BILN) is a UK-based structural steel and engineering company with activities in the UK and, more recently, Europe. Cyclical it may be, but this small cap Super Stock’s growth…"
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