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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (31 Aug 2017) - RTN, TRAK, PRES, ESL, WEY, CHH
LON:LDG by Graham Neary 31st Aug '17 · 28 comments · 15808 reads · 57 votes
"Edit: This report has taken shape now, so I've removed the initial introduction and am replacing it with a list of what we've covered today: Restaurant (LON:RTN)Trakm8 Holdings (LON:TRAK)Pressure Te…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 20 Dec 2019) - FLK, UCG, TRD, BKS, GDWN
LON:FLK by Graham Neary 20th Dec '19 · 35 comments · 6741 reads · 46 votes
"Good morning, There's quite a few things to catch up on today. I will probably write through the afternoon. There are updates from Fletcher King (LON:FLK), United Carpets (LON:UCG) and Triad (LON:T…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 27 Jan 2020) - Coronavirus, BEG, SFE, HAT, TPG, AMGO
LON:SFE by Paul Scott 27th Jan '20 · 68 comments · 12103 reads · 109 votes
"It's Paul here with Monday's SCVR. Estimated timings: should mostly be finished by 1pm, but I'll carry on writing into the afternoon because I got bogged down in thinking about the possible implicatio…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 9 Feb 2021) - FCCN, JOUL, TND, D4T4, BRCK
LON:FCCN by Paul Scott 9th Feb '21 · 89 comments · 12502 reads · 206 votes
"Good morning, it’s Paul here with the SCVR for Tuesday.Hooray, down votes have been abolished! That gets rid of the negative energy, and bickering hopefully (I'm an optimist!) Timing - TBC Agenda - F…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 17 Nov 2022) - BEG, FIF, WATR, IKA, CRST
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 17th Nov '22 · 27 comments · 6956 reads · 109 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Graham here!Today's report is now finished. Sorry we had to cut a few corners today, due to Mello, but hopefully we still covered enough to keep you happy! Autumn Stateme…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 5 Jun 2023) - HERC, GTC, ITX
Stock Picks by Roland Head 5th Jun '23 · 20 comments · 4727 reads · 118 votes
"Good morning, it's Roland here with today's small-cap report. The RNS feed is pretty quiet today, so I've taken a look at a few smaller and lesser-covered stocks. Today's report is now finished (10.20…"
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