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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 5 Sept 2023) - AT., SDRY, SIXH, RNO, LUCE, ECEL, CRW, BRCK
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 5th Sep '23 · 65 comments · 8589 reads · 144 votes
"Good morning from Paul! Graham messaged me in the night to say he's unwell, so let's hope he gets well soon. As luck would have it, I prepared some backlog sections yesterday evening, so I'll still ge…"
Small Cap Value Report (5 Sep 2016) - CAMB, VTU, SDY, KOOV, BLV, CARR, REDS
LON:CAMB by Paul Scott 5th Sep '16 · 66 comments · 29712 reads · 83 votes
"Good morning!This morning's report comes to you from an alley on a side street in Corfu old town!I'm flying back to the UK on Weds. So there will be a normal report today & tomorrow, but Weds will…"
Small Cap Value Report (31 Jul 2017) - SPRP, XPP, FDM, RBG, SRT, UTW
LON:FA. by Graham Neary 31st Jul '17 · 67 comments · 26519 reads · 75 votes
"Hi again - it's Graham covering Monday updates. Not too many names reporting today but I'll start with Sprue Aegis (LON:SPRP), FDM (Holdings) (LON:FDM) and Fidessa (LON:FDSA). Edit: prioritised XP…"
Small Cap Value Report (Friday 8 April 2022) - JET2, VP., BOWL, SENS, RFX
LON:HAT by Paul Scott 8th Apr '22 · 45 comments · 8167 reads · 129 votes
"Good morning! It's just Paul here today, as Jack's snowed under with other work. Today's report is now finished, have a lovely weekend! Agenda -  Paul’s Section: Jet2 (LON:JET2) - outside of our scop…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 30 May 2022) - SDY, DLAR, CSP, OMG, COM
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 30th May '22 · 29 comments · 9210 reads · 142 votes
"Good morning! It's Paul & Jack here with you - we really are going back to the 1970s - an energy crisis, rampant inflation, a jubilee, and now a 3-day week! ;-) Agenda - Paul's section: De La Rue…"
What if the last 40 years was all just a big bubble?
Bull Market by Tim Iacono 24th Mar '10 · 4 comments · 3211 reads · 10 votes
"One of the things that many people go through their entire lives without ever realizing is that conditions haven't always been the way they remember them to be. Due to the length of a typical lifetime…"
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