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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
BIS: Steeling themselves for future success
Stock Picks by Anton Crabbe 24th Oct '23 · 0 comments · 493 reads · 4 votes
"Bisalloy Steel (ASX:BIS) is an Australian steel manufacturer that specialises in designing and producing high-strength steel products, and has done so for over 40-years. Publicly listed since 2003,…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap featuring Ark Therapeutics, Earthport and Gulfsands
LON:TRP by Hybridan 2nd Feb '10 · 0 comments · 7354 reads · 9 votes
" This week: Ark Therapeutics rebuilds, Earthport wobbles and Gulfsands Petroleum soars. Ark Therapeutics Group (AKT 14.75p / £30.27m) Last week, biotech company Ark, which had bad news in mid-December…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 25 Feb 2021) - G4M, RCDO, MACF
LON:VLX by Paul Scott 25th Feb '21 · 54 comments · 11916 reads · 165 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Jack here with the SCVR for Thursday. Agenda - Gear4music Holdings (LON:G4M) - yet another increase in guidance for FY 03/2021 - this share looks cheap at 725p, expect a…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 22 Sept 2022) - BEG, SNWS, AQX, MORE, JDG, PBEE, VLG
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 22nd Sep '22 · 45 comments · 8315 reads · 136 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Today's report is now finished. An energy support package for business was announced yesterday, which I've yet to go through in detail. The crux of it seems to be…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 30 Nov 2022) - IGR, MUL, LINV, KETL
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 30th Nov '22 · 84 comments · 7618 reads · 127 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham. Agenda Paul's Section: IG Design (LON:IGR) - H1 figures look good, but the outlook is only for about breakeven for FY 3/2023, so I'm publishing the first part of t…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 29 Feb 2024) - ADF, MACF, WIN, RENX, HWDN, DRX, AVCT, HEMO, POLX, CRN, HTG, ZOO
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 29th Feb · 85 comments · 9885 reads · 164 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Graham here, as usual!  I forgot it was a leap year, so happy 29th February, and good luck with any marriage proposals! Today's report is now finished. Explanatory notes…"
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