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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 22 Sept 2022) - BEG, SNWS, AQX, MORE, JDG, PBEE, VLG
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 22nd Sep '22 · 45 comments · 8312 reads · 136 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! Today's report is now finished. An energy support package for business was announced yesterday, which I've yet to go through in detail. The crux of it seems to be…"
Small Cap Value Report (Wed 30 Nov 2022) - IGR, MUL, LINV, KETL
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 30th Nov '22 · 84 comments · 7615 reads · 127 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham. Agenda Paul's Section: IG Design (LON:IGR) - H1 figures look good, but the outlook is only for about breakeven for FY 3/2023, so I'm publishing the first part of t…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 29 Feb 2024) - ADF, MACF, WIN, RENX, HWDN, DRX, AVCT, HEMO, POLX, CRN, HTG, ZOO
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 29th Feb · 85 comments · 9797 reads · 164 votes
"Good morning, it's Paul & Graham here, as usual!  I forgot it was a leap year, so happy 29th February, and good luck with any marriage proposals! Today's report is now finished. Explanatory notes…"
Australian and New Zealand NAPS 2024 1st quarter review Apr 4, 2024
Stock Picks by Elio D'Amato 3rd Apr · 0 comments · 484 reads · 5 votes
"Three months comes around quick and it is time for our first quarterly NAPS review for the 2024 Calendar year. If you wish to revisit the launch email of the Australian and New Zealand NAPS portfolio…"
China and its Spirit of Capitalism
China by FlightoftheKiwi 13th Jan '12 · 0 comments · 7994 reads · 4 votes
"Introduction It can feel like China has obtained ‘heaven’s entitlement’ to succeed as it relentlessly climbs up the League of Nations.  In just twenty years China, without firing a shot, has gone from…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 14 July 2023) - ZOO, LIO, JSG, MCB, GYM, SOS, LGRS
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 14th Jul '23 · 67 comments · 7678 reads · 127 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham! There are lots of backlog items we want to get stuck into, so we're both working here today. Today's report is now finished. Explanatory notes - A quick reminder…"
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