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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Week Ahead: Housing focus | Asset managers | US consumers | Quality industrials
by Roland Head 26th Feb · 16 comments · 2751 reads · 110 votes
"Good morning and welcome to the Week Ahead, your weekly destination for discussion and analysis of the largest stocks in the UK and overseas. This week is another busy period for FTSE 100 earnings. An…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: Arian’s silver lining, Wizard deal for Bloomsbury, Fitbug gets fitter, Imperial motors ahead
LON:GKN by Hybridan 29th Jun '11 · 0 comments · 9175 reads · 2 votes
"This week: Arian’s silver lining, Wizard deal for Bloomsbury, Fitbug gets fitter, Imperial motors ahead With a 20 point drop in the AIM all share and the FTSE 100 exhibiting volatilities, the markets…"
Food for thought from Brainjuicer, Service Powers ahead and Stellar update from STEL
LON:TRT by Hybridan 27th Mar '12 · 0 comments · 11923 reads · 2 votes
" 3d Diagnostic Imaging (LON:3DD) (LON: 3DD 0.6p/£1.45m) 3D Diagnostics, which owns the protected rights to a technology platform with a number of significant potential commercial products, announced…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 25 Mar 2022) - Webinars, WIX, EMAN, STAF, PEBB
LON:PEBB by Paul Scott 25th Mar '22 · 69 comments · 8990 reads · 136 votes
"Good morning! It's just Paul here today, I think, not certain, can't remember, it's too early. Correction: Roland is joining me today, so we've decided to do some catch up reviews from earlier in the…"
Small Cap Value Report (Thu 19 May 2022) - HEAD, TYMN, BEG, PMP, KGH, SHOE
LON:TYMN by Paul Scott 19th May '22 · 62 comments · 9520 reads · 124 votes
"Good morning, we have Paul & Jack here today. More problems across the pond yesterday, with the recent bounce in US markets unravelling in one day. The trigger seems to have been disappointing res…"
Small Cap Value Report (Mon 12 Sept 2022) - BKS, SRC, SPSY, MTEC, AXS, ARC
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 12th Sep '22 · 44 comments · 8439 reads · 141 votes
"Good morning from Paul & Graham - suitably refreshed from his holidays! Today's report is now finished. Normal service resumes here today, I'm pleased to say. Weekend podcast went up as usual, or…"
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