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Displaying 50 of 8679 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Whose default is it anyway?
default by Tim Price 7th Dec '09 · 0 comments · 1140 reads · 3 votes
" “Government bonds are now an extremely poor investment.” (Société Générale Global Strategy Outlook, 1 December 2009.)  As Detective Dirty Harry Callahan once said, a good man always knows his limita…"
Central banks have blown yet another bubble – here's how to protect yourself
quantitative easing by Moneyweek 5th May '10 · 0 comments · 961 reads · 0 votes
"By Dominic Frisby It's been more than a year now since the Bank of England began printing money, via Quantitative Easing (QE).  Governor Mervyn King told the BBC at the time: "Money in the econ…"
National Grid’s inflation linked bond – Good deal?
LON:NG. by Steven Dotsch 14th Sep '11 · 10 comments · 16377 reads · 5 votes
"National Grid (LON:NG.) is offering retail investors the opportunity to lend it money, by means of an inflation linked bond issue with a coupon linked to the UK retail price index (RPI). The 10-year b…"
Extreme Investing: How to play the macro downside in 2012?
Funds and ETFs by Justin Pugsley 21st Dec '11 · 0 comments · 3405 reads · 2 votes
"This year has been tough for stock market investors with plenty of volatility, but next year could prove even worse for shares with big sell-offs predicted by some analysts. Indeed, analysts and comme…"
How Kasparov's weaknesses can help you beat the market
Investing Process by Edward Croft 17th Apr '12 · 6 comments · 9451 reads · 11 votes
"While the upstart Magnus Carlsen looks a phenomenal talent, in the world of chess few would dispute that the achievements of Garry Kasparov are second to none. In spite of Kasparov’s many great achiev…"
The Rough Guide to Surviving Market Cycles
Income Investing by Edward Croft 7th Jun '12 · 2 comments · 17121 reads · 5 votes
"There are a few books that I turn to time and again which I find extremely useful, and a surprising number of them come from the 'Little Books, Big Profits' series published by Wiley. The reason I'm…"
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