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Displaying 50 of 8675 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
SIF Folio Q1 2024 review: after 8 years, does the system still work?
Stock Picks by Roland Head 10th Apr · 6 comments · 2744 reads · 98 votes
"I created the SIF model portfolio in April 2016, almost eight years ago. Since then, managing this rules-based virtual portfolio has become a regular part of my weekly investing and writing process.…"
Bill Bonner's Investment Tips for the Decade
decade by Bill Bonner 25th Jan '10 · 0 comments · 2085 reads · 0 votes
"The yen is falling. It’s down 5% against the dollar since November. Investors are finally noticing. With a deficit of 50% of GDP, the Japanese government walks where angels fear to tread. Americans ar…"
BHP Billiton - Mega-Cap Value
LON:BHP by UK Value Investor 22nd Oct '11 · 3 comments · 6218 reads · 6 votes
"A lot of value investors talk about how you have to look for the unloved, the obscure, the boring and the small. That’s fine if you want to invest in those sorts of companies but personally, I sleep b…"
Pittards (PTD): Turnaround questions
LON:PTD by ExpectingValue 7th Feb '13 · 0 comments · 2729 reads · 2 votes
"Pittards (LON:PTD) is a 'premium leather and leather products' brand, based partially in the UK and partially in Ethiopia. They seem to make a pretty broad range of products, with 'technically advanc…"
One year in Europe: Guru Screens pick winning stocks across the Continent
LJE:LKPG by Ben Hobson 30th Jun '14 · 0 comments · 8577 reads · 8 votes
"It has been just over a year since we launched Stockopedia’s Europe Edition in which time share prices at home and across the Continent have enjoyed some impressive gains. With around 8,000 stocks ava…"
When facing the beast... keep calm and carry on
Bear Market by Edward Croft 16th Oct '14 · 29 comments · 22687 reads · 31 votes
"The recent share price volatility has rocked investors all around the world. The FTSE is now officially in correction mode, 11.5% down on just a couple of months ago with another terrifying plunge to…"
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  • Barratt Homes (BDEV)

  • Microsoft (MSFT)

  • Tesco (TSCO)
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