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Alstom - on right track and cheap compared to likes of ABB, Schneider, GE and Siemens?
by Fundamental Research 1st Jul '10 · 0 comments · 2583 reads · 1 vote
"This major capital equipment manufacturer looks good value relative to peers and ticks a lot of the right environmental boxes. With a robust balance sheet they offer excellent visibility with a backlo…"
SME investing: the importance of government intervention to smaller companies
LON:III by Christopher Allner 23rd Jul '10 · 0 comments · 6130 reads · 0 votes
"The recent emergency Budget served to emphasise the importance of Government intervention in supporting the provision of ‘risk finance' to the UK's small to medium enterprises (SMEs). This is a key is…"
Hyperdynamics (HDY) - an early stage oil exploration opportunity?
Oil by Cuthbert C 24th Sep '10 · 14 comments · 6843 reads · 10 votes
"Hyperdynamics (AMEX:HDY) is a US listed oil exploration company with a market capitalisation about $200 million. Its only asset is an exploration licence offshore Guinea in West Africa. This looks ver…"
Examples of companies we are looking at Dividend Income
LON:BHP by Steven Dotsch 12th Oct '11 · 3 comments · 13559 reads · 4 votes
"We are looking for solid companies that are able to increase their dividends, preferably above inflation rate, each year, which we can buy when they are historically undervalued. Inherently these are…"
Four stocks in defensive sectors beating the brokers
LON:PFD by Ben Hobson 1st Aug '13 · 0 comments · 8140 reads · 5 votes
"Bullish investors have driven up the FTSE 250 by around 19% so far this year but increasingly expensive stocks and fears that a pullback could be on the horizon are still nagging issues. With that in…"
Portfolio management tips from Lord Lee
Stock Picks by Alex Naamani 6th Oct '14 · 0 comments · 7753 reads · 6 votes
" John Lee, or Baron Lee of Trafford, believes that ‘few investors apply much consistency or logic to the creation of their personal investment portfolios’. Indeed, John Lee (Britain’s first ISA milli…"
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