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Displaying 50 of 8674 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap featuring Ark Therapeutics, Earthport and Gulfsands
LON:UVEN by Hybridan 13th Aug '09 · 0 comments · 2241 reads · 0 votes
" This week: a care group that’s taken care of, an oil company oiling up for action and a plant nutrient business that’s taken root. Claimar Care Group (CCGP 32p / £16m) This week one of the UK's leadi…"
Medical and Scientific Progress: An Age of Miracles and Wonders
progress by timarr 10th Jul '10 · 0 comments · 1144 reads · 3 votes
"Stretch your arms out to either side and imagine you're looking at the economic growth of the human race over its entire four thousand year documented history. From the fingertip on your right hand t…"
Small Cap Value Report (2 Jun 2014) - ARL, TRB, DQE
LON:SAE by Paul Scott 2nd Jun '14 · 17 comments · 15285 reads · 22 votes
"Good morning!       Atlantis Resources (LON:ARL) This company is on my watchlist, after an interesting presentation by the CEO at a Mello investor evening a few months ago. It's a tidal power (from s…"
Small Cap Value Report (1 Dec 2014) - PRV, ACSO, BON
LON:PRV by Paul Scott 1st Dec '14 · 6 comments · 18943 reads · 24 votes
"Good evening. I'm back from Vegas now, but the overnight flight meant that I was too jet-lagged to be able to write a coherent report earlier today. We don't want any gaps in the series, so I'm catchi…"
SIF September review: Centamin triggers stop loss (AGK, WIL)
LON:CEY by Roland Head 6th Oct '20 · 14 comments · 4751 reads · 35 votes
"Gold miners are currently popular with investors who want to generate real returns from the yellow metal. But when investing in miners it’s always worth considering what can go wrong. That’s especiall…"
SIF Folio: Morgan Advanced Materials goes on my watchlist
LON:MGAM by Roland Head 8th Dec '21 · 4 comments · 3201 reads · 39 votes
"Are markets fully priced at the moment? I think there are pockets of value available to stock pickers. However, one crude measure of valuation suggests to me that in broad terms, share prices may be u…"
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