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Displaying 50 of 8778 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Stock Brief - Rio Tinto (LON:RIO)
LON:RIO by Keelan Cooper 6th Dec '21 · 22 comments · 5399 reads · 92 votes
"Since reaching highs of over £65 a share in May 2021, mining giant Rio Tinto has seen its share price drop by nearly 30% after a rapid slump in iron ore prices, project delays and environmental concer…"
The Singularity and our Future
ai by John Mauldin 6th Mar '10 · 0 comments · 1455 reads · 4 votes
"I, Robot The Mauldin Test Who Stole My Nanotech? Water, Water Everywhere, Nor Any Drop to Drink The Promise of Biotech DIY-Bio Random Takeaways Home Again, Cambrid…"
Vatukoula Gold Mines - is it cheap enough?
LON:CEY by The Prospector 11th Nov '09 · 1 comment · 5269 read · 5 votes
"Vatukoula Gold Mines is one of those companies which has changed its spots considerably over the years. It was formerly known as River Diamonds, but transformed itself into a gold miner when it acquir…"
Investment banking and the tyranny of conventional thinking
bailouts by Tim Price 16th Jan '10 · 0 comments · 1278 reads · 5 votes
" "What you as the City of London have done for financial services, we as a government intend to do for the economy as a whole." -       Gordon Brown, Mansion House speech, June 2002.   Bloo…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap featuring Ark Therapeutics, Earthport and Gulfsands
LON:UVEN by Hybridan 13th Aug '09 · 0 comments · 2254 reads · 0 votes
" This week: a care group that’s taken care of, an oil company oiling up for action and a plant nutrient business that’s taken root. Claimar Care Group (CCGP 32p / £16m) This week one of the UK's leadi…"
Medical and Scientific Progress: An Age of Miracles and Wonders
progress by timarr 10th Jul '10 · 0 comments · 1148 reads · 3 votes
"Stretch your arms out to either side and imagine you're looking at the economic growth of the human race over its entire four thousand year documented history. From the fingertip on your right hand t…"
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