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Displaying 50 of 8778 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Distorted IEA Oil Reserve Figures Create Biofuel Opportunities In Central Asia
Biofuels by oilguy 28th Nov '09 · 0 comments · 1229 reads · 6 votes
"The recent revelations of a International Energy Administration whistleblower that the IEA may have distorted key oil projections under intense U.S. pressure is, if true (and whistleblowers rarely com…"
Some Economic Implications of Peak Oil
Oil by Roger Baker 27th Apr '09 · 0 comments · 1058 reads · 3 votes
"World oil production probably peaked in 2008. Liquid fuel production, including oil, is indicated by the OPEC data [ref] [/ref] to have reached a peak in July 2…"
Contrarian stocks - how going against the crowd can put you ahead
StockRanks by Ben Hobson 6th Nov '15 · 7 comments · 43805 reads · 34 votes
"When market valuations fell sharply this summer, Neil Woodford, the highly respected fund manager, described how sliding share prices can be overwhelming and distort rational perspectives. He said tha…"
Screening for Value using P/B: Filtering out the junk
Stock Screening by Mark Simpson 10th Aug '22 · 2 comments · 1910 reads · 60 votes
"In my last article, I introduced another classic value metric: Price-to-Tangible-Book, and explained why buying stocks at a discount to this may indicate undervaluation. As usual, I used the Stockoped…"
Short Brent/Long WTI: an "obvious" trade?
Oil by marben100 15th Feb '11 · 172 comments · 65096 reads · 17 votes
"Emptyend recently mentioned an FT article which I had previously read, commenting on the disparity in the oil price for WTI crude and Brent. The price difference between the world’s top oil benchmark…"
Oil & Gas watch - DGOC and Enwell
LON:JKX by Jack Brumby 18th Feb '21 · 11 comments · 5995 reads · 35 votes
"Part two of two in this initial look at potential oil & gas plays. There’s more of a scene-setting introduction over in part one, but to summarise: Oil and gas is a risky section of the market, wi…"
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