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Market Musings 010423: Q1’s Frequently Asked Questions
Learning to Invest by Edmund Shing 1st Apr '23 · 24 comments · 1922 reads · 83 votes
"Market Musings 010423:Q1’s Frequently Asked Questions Six of the questions I have been asked the most of late…Summary:Is the banking crisis over yet?Is a US recession nailed on to this year?Can inflat…"
The Movers and Shakers Report - Christmas 2009 Edition
What`s New by Edward Croft 18th Dec '09 · 0 comments · 2184 reads · 5 votes
"A summary of the latest stock ideas and global insights from the Stockopedia Community. Markets & Macro If you have been astonished by the market rally in 2009, there's plenty of food for thought…"
Fox Davies Capital Daily Monitor featuring Beowulf Mining and Stratex
LON:RRR by Fox Davies Capital 3rd Feb '10 · 0 comments · 2220 reads · 2 votes
"Oil & Gas Corporate News Global Energy Development (GED, 91.5p, ? (0.0%)) announced details of its new reserve report dated 31 December 2009, which has been produced by the independent petroleum e…"
British Petroleum (BP): In need of more refining
LON:BP. by Fat Prophets 11th Feb '10 · 0 comments · 1840 reads · 2 votes
" Having surpassed analyst expectations for the three successive quarters, oil giant BP could not make it four and last week provided fourth quarter results which fell short of market expectations.  De…"
The Oil Outlook, April 2010: Crude's Irrational Exuberance
Oil by The Oil Council 30th Apr '10 · 0 comments · 638 reads · 1 vote
"By Gianna Bern, President, Brookshire Advisory and Research While the oil industry value chain is generally quite happy with $86 per barrel crude prices, one must ask whether this recent rally is sust…"
Small Cap Value Report (Fri 5 Aug 2022) - Base rates & inflation. RNO, BEG, CARR
Stock Picks by Paul Scott 5th Aug '22 · 72 comments · 7757 reads · 178 votes
"Good morning, it's Friday, so just Paul here today, and a more leisurely pace. This week's podcast is here  (just put the URL into your podcast service, and it will update automatically). Lots of topi…"
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