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Displaying 50 of 8778 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Why are we waiting? Dividend delays amongst the UK blue chips
LON:VOD by Rob Davies 31st Oct '12 · 2 comments · 16360 reads · 8 votes
"There is general agreement that the lion’s share of investment returns from the stock market are derived from the compounding effect of the reinvestment of dividends. The evidence from the Barclays E…"
JIC: November 2014 Portfolio Review; +5.1% the best month of the year!
Stock Picks by johnrosier 3rd Feb '13 · 24 comments · 35933 reads · 8 votes
"This is the review for January 2013. Subsequent months appear under "comments" below;A great start to the year from equity markets all around the world. The JIC portfolio rose by 4.7% to £191,715 comp…"
Semi Year SNAPS - more top stocks for 2015
LON:BKG by Edward Croft 16th Jul '15 · 21 comments · 37217 reads · 69 votes
"Most stock market watchers could be forgiven for thinking that 2015 has been a bit of a damp squib. Some promising early gains for the FTSE 100 have been all but given up, Greece worries have weighed…"
Hybridan Small Cap Wrap: A round of applause for EnCore, Angel spreads its wings and Solid State exhibits strength
LON:SOLI by Hybridan 23rd Mar '11 · 0 comments · 7415 reads · 2 votes
"Amur Minerals (LON:AMC) Corporation (AMC 12.62p / £31.61m)*   AIM listed exploration and development company focused on Far East Russia announced on Tuesday that it has it has entered into a subscrip…"
New Year 'Naps' - Top 10 Stocks for 2015
LON:CWK by Edward Croft 6th Jan '15 · 46 comments · 61703 reads · 53 votes
"When I first started subscribing to stock market tip sheets in the 1990's, the concept of “New Year Naps" popped onto my radar. Many tip sheets would choose a handful of favoured stocks (naps) for the…"
A world first for Bglobal, a Quarto-ly update and Ark increases capacity
LON:CSLT^J17 by Hybridan 1st May '12 · 0 comments · 12701 reads · 0 votes
" The FTSE closed last week broadly where it started at around 5,770 points, it had to recover from a significant early week drop (closing last Monday at 5,645 points). The AIM All share had a less t…"
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