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Displaying 50 of 8778 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Malcy's Oil Report - SLE, GKP, WRL, TPL, AEX, TRIN
LON:SLE by Malcolm Graham Wood 24th Aug '15 · 0 comments · 3462 reads · 2 votes
"WTI $40.45 -87c, Brent $45.46 -$1.16, Diff $5.01 -47c, NG $2.68 -8cOil priceOil closed sharply down again on Friday, the prices above showed a drop of $2.66 or 6.2% for WTI and $3.73 or 7.6% for Brent…"
Small Cap Value Report (Tue 31 July 2018) - TWD, WATR, GOCO, NWF, GAW
LON:WATR by Graham Neary 31st Jul '18 · 49 comments · 14204 reads · 55 votes
"Good morning! Various things I have spotted today, with your help from the comments: Trackwise - admission to AIMWater Intelligence (LON:WATR) - trading updateGocompare.Com (LON:GOCO) - interim resu…"
Tullow Oil - discovery after discovery!
LON:TLW by monkeynuts 2nd Oct '09 · 4 comments · 7174 reads · 14 votes
"Tullow Oil is a FTSE 100 stock, with a market cap of £9bn. Not, then, a junior oil exploration company, or a fly-by-night with a couple of prospects. But what's interesting is that it offers a very di…"
Nautical Petroleum - the Kraken wakes?
Oil by monkeynuts 24th Nov '09 · 3 comments · 4728 reads · 14 votes
"Nautical is a very unsexy oil stock. It specialises in heavy crudes, which nobody likes. They're more viscous than other crudes, so they're seen as expensive to produce, with a  poor refining yield. A…"
Regal Petroleum - Has its potential been overlooked?
LON:ENW by djpreston 9th Apr '10 · 33 comments · 15888 reads · 17 votes
"For those that don't know it, Regal Petroleum (LON:RPT) is an AIM-listed E&P business focused on gas field development in Ukraine.  In addition the Group has oil and gas exploration assets in Ro…"
How rebalancing helps reduce risk and improve performance
LON:BP. by Rob Davies 9th Aug '10 · 2 comments · 2681 reads · 7 votes
" “Run your winners, cut your losers” “Buy when others are fearful, sell when others are greedy”. Two of the best known stock market aphorisms directly contradict each other. How can the rational inve…"
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