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e.g. (Royal Dutch Shell)

Displaying 6 of 6 results in all Sort by: Advanced search
Head-to-Head: TUI Travel vs Thomas Cook
LON:TCG by Roland Head 9th Oct '14 · 6 comments · 13474 reads · 9 votes
"TUI Travel (LON:TT.) and Thomas Cook (LON:TCG) have both been popular and profitable buys for investors since 2012, but the share prices of both firms have come off the boil this year: TUI is down b…"
Guru Strategies Summer Review: growth tactics pay off as value gets harder to find
Stock Screening by Ben Hobson 16th Aug '13 · 1 comment · 8321 read · 9 votes
"It’s been eight weeks since we completed the quarterly rebalancing of Stockopedia’s 65 GuruModel investing strategies – but it has been an uncertain period for the market and for investors. With growt…"
Revisiting the Screen of Screens - what to do with the winners?
LON:JET2 by Ben Hobson 25th Jul '13 · 0 comments · 8871 reads · 10 votes
"Dart (LON:DTG), the airline and logistics business that’s proved to be such a triumph for patient value hunters over the past year, has long been one of the best performing shares on Stockopedia’s Sc…"
Investing Checklist: Consider the Quality of Customer Service
LON:TUI by AnonymousUser3343 5th Aug '10 · 1 comment · 11042 read · 5 votes
"Most organisations have the sound bites when it comes to customer service and have good intentions as relayed in their mission statement, which often aspire to providing a market leading level of serv…"
How Charles Kirkpatrick's strict investment rules can deliver outsize rewards
OSL:KOA by Ben Hobson 23rd Jul '13 · 8 comments · 12420 reads · 7 votes
"At Stockopedia, it’s no secret that we are big fans of systematic investing strategies that give investors the confidence to trust in the ‘quant’ and leave their emotions out of stock picking. Natural…"
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